Yunhi - Ep 19 [CC] - 18th June 2023 - Presented By Lux, Master Paints, Secret Beauty Cream - HUM TV

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WRITER : Sarwat Nazir | Director :Muhammad Ehteshamuddin
Cast :MayaAli .BilalAshraf.Ehteshamuddin-BehrozSabzwari
00:44Where are you going?
00:48You …
00:49None of your business.
00:51You go from here.
00:54Didn’t you tell Owais …
00:58That it’s my number …
01:02On which he is texting
01:05that he is waiting for you outside.
01:16What’s going on?
01:30What are you doing?
01:34Are you running away from the house?
01:40I am not running away.
01:56Oh God have mercy!
01:57What happened?
02:01Tell me truth, what were you doing?
02:03I wasn’t running away.
02:04What is this then?
02:06What’s happening?
02:07What has happened?
02:08She is running away from the house.
02:16What is he saying?
02:19What is he saying?
02:22Tell me …
02:23What is he saying?
02:25Why aren’t you speaking, speak up?
02:27Razia, what are you doing? Leave her.
02:30You keep quiet!
02:33Get out of my sight.
02:35This is all because of you.
02:37Surayya has lost her mind because of your liberal attitude and boldness.
02:58I feel like beating her to the core.
03:02Mother, stop it, beating would do nothing good.
03:04You don’t intervene.
03:06I will kill her today.
03:08Dawood brother, I wasn’t running away.
03:10She is lying.
03:15If she wasn’t running away, then …
03:18These documents,
03:20ID card …
03:21Why did she take all these to the gate?
03:25You stay quiet.
03:28You stay quiet.
03:31All this is because you kept urging her.
03:34You keep instigating her …
03:35Keep telling her about women’s rights.
03:37Daniyal, how are you talking to your sister-in-law?
03:39Stop talking rubbish.
03:41Where were you going?
03:43Tell me.
03:46On whose instructions were you taking such a big step?
03:49You neither cared about the prestige of your brothers nor the prestige of your Father and Grandfather.
03:53I will kill you.
03:55I haven’t done anything.
03:57Was there anything left?
03:59Is this how I brought you up Surayya?
04:12Kim asked me to do so.
04:32Sit, sit, sit, sit, sit, sit … sit.
04:39The journey from Pindi to Karachi is long …
04:41You must be tired.
04:43Yes Father.
04:48What happened?
04:50Why are you so low?
04:53Your Mother was also getting worried so I calmed her down saying that it’s because of the tiring journey.
04:57Calm your mother down after waking up in the morning.
05:00You are getting married to Surayya tomorrow as well.
05:02Father, what is all this?
05:05You said something else on the phone and something else is happening here.
05:08In fact,
05:08you changed the girl this time.
05:11What does this mean?
05:13What does it mean that I changed the girl?
05:14And how does it matter if I changed the girl?
05:16The actual thing is that whether the girl you are getting married to, changes your destiny or not?
05:21Nobody’s destiny will change after getting married to Surayya.
05:25The same old…Uncle’s daughter….relations….
05:26the family disputes…conspiracies.
05:30The American Uncle’s daughter had come …
05:33There would have been something new if I would have gotten married to her.
05:36And if nothing else then I would have got the American nationality at least.
05:41You don’t worry …Everything will be fine.
05:43I don’t want to get married to Surayya.
05:46You have put me into great trouble.
05:48You, Mother and Grandfather have pressurized me.
05:51Dear …
05:53Why are you getting worried?
05:56The family you are getting married into …
05:59Your fate will also take a turn there …
06:01You will go to America too …
06:03You will get dowry worth millions and your sister’s future will also become secure.
06:08But how?
06:11Let me tell you, listen.
06:17When did I say this to you?
06:24This Madam is the root cause of the entire fuss.
06:28Did you hear it Dawood?
06:30Your wife ….
06:32has been teaching weird things to my daughter.
06:36I was sure earlier….
06:38that all this has happened because of her …
06:40Otherwise, my Surayya is not like that …
06:43My daughter can’t be so shameless and immodest.
06:48Kaneez Fatima, did you advice Surayya to run away from the house?
06:54David, she is lying.
06:56Why would I say such a thing?
06:58And you know that I don’t lie.
07:06I know that you ….
07:16Tell me honestly, what were you up to?
07:18What was your plan?
07:21Wow! Wow!
07:23This broad-minded girl …
07:26Who knows nothing about the religion or the world …
07:31Neither does she have any sense of shame nor regard …
07:33She doesn’t have the etiquettes of dealing with youngers and elders.
07:35You think she is honest?
07:37And your own younger Sister is a liar?
07:46Are you listening Father?
07:47Are you listening Mr. Basharat?
07:50I told you not to fix the marriage here …
07:52But no one paid heed to what I said.
07:55This clever girl has even my religious son under her control.
08:00Razia you are blaming me.
08:04I did not ask Surayya to run away from the house and get married to Owais.
08:09She liked him even before I came to Pakistan then how could have I advise her to run away?
08:18In fact, I have got a message on my phone from Owais that he is waiting for her outside.
08:25I will kill him.
08:29Daniyal! Wait!
08:34Kim asked me to call Owais and ask him to come here.
08:38I don’t have a phone, Dani caught it.
08:42I did it because of her only.
08:45Surayya, why are you lying?
08:47You said that you would have run away if you were in my place and that I should do the same?
08:52Yes, I did say it but …
08:55Grandfather, I got mislead by Kim, I never wanted to do that Aunty.
09:13Take the girls to your room.
09:19Basharat and Dawood …
09:21You guys come to my room.
09:54Wait or I will kill you.
10:11Kim told me …
10:13That …
10:15no one will listen to you in this house…
10:18and you should run away from the house…
10:53Kim’s call at this time?
10:58Hello Zulfi!
11:00How are you?
11:02I am fine.
11:04How about you?
11:06Is everything ok, you have called at this time?
11:11You were right about Surayya.
11:13You were right that I should not interfere in Surayya’s matter.
11:18In this house…
11:20Speaking the truth and helping someone here
11:23Both are very dangerous.
11:26What happened?
11:47You could not handle your wife …
11:50And you could not handle your daughter.
11:54If I was in your place …then
11:59Oh God! Have mercy!
12:00Oh God! Have mercy!
12:03What to do?
12:06Men ….
12:07are losing self-respect.
12:12What should we do, Father?
12:14What can you do?
12:16What could you do till date?
12:22Go and ….
12:24offer the prayers for gratefulness …
12:26That the prestige of this house is safe.
12:29I handled everything at the moment …
12:34Surayya will get married
12:37And tomorrow only,
12:39I will ask Mudassir and Firdaus to give me date for Surayya’s wedding departure ceremony…
12:50Grandfather, I think we should….
12:53not go against Surayya’s will …
12:55And …
12:57what she wants …
12:59It’s not Surayya’s will …
13:02It’s your wife’s will
13:05Surayya is innocent …
13:08Who has got influenced by Kaneez Fatima.
13:10And I did not get you married to Kaneez Fatima …
13:15So that you also become like her.
13:19You had to transform her like you …
13:22You should have taught her your way of living.
13:26Many of her…
13:28mistakes and shortcomings…
13:31are being forgiven and ignored…and we are moving forward.
13:34But… this
13:36Won’t last forever.
13:42I have obeyed your command …
13:47I also did not want to do this marriage.
13:51I agree…
13:53that you obeyed my command …
13:56But now,
13:57now …you are obeying your wife’s orders.
14:05To explain Kaneez Fatima …
14:08the customs and traditions of this house….
14:11was your duty to explain ….
14:14Which you failed to do so.
14:16Her Father Naveed also wanted the same …
14:20That’s why ….
14:22he got Kaneez Fatima married here.
14:28Now whether she likes it or not …
14:31You are her husband.
14:33To bring her to the correct path and convince her …
14:36Is your duty.
14:41Now …..
14:43it’s up to you that how do you explain it to her …
14:49Leniently or strictly …
14:54It’s in your control.
14:59Leave both of you.
15:31I had already told you …
15:34Not to get into this matter.
15:39I can’t believe this.
15:41Surayya would turn out to be so manipulative, I had never imagined.
15:45She would lie so much.
15:47Zulfi, I was only helping her, I did not know that she would put the entire blame on me.
15:52Should I come if you are upset?
15:55I will talk to Mr. Haji.
15:58I will tell him the truth.
15:59No, no, I was a bit stressed, so I thought to call you.
16:05It’s my problem and I will solve it on my own.
16:08And yes …
16:09if you get to talk to Dad, don’t tell him about all this.
16:14Ok, are you …
16:17are you ok?
16:20Yes, I am fine.
16:23Are you telling the truth?
16:25I am not Surayya who would lie …
16:28And trap others by lying.
16:32Honestly, her behavior has badly disappointed me.
16:39Girls have immense pressure on them …
16:44Of the house,
16:46of the customs and traditions.
16:49All the burdens…
16:51The girl has to bear them
16:54What should the poor souls do?
16:57Sometimes …
16:58they break up …
17:00And sometimes they are broken up.
17:06while saving herself….
17:09broke your trust ….
17:14If possible.
17:17Forgive her
17:21I understand Zulfi but …
17:28I am sorry, I called you this hour at night.
17:32Oh no, no,
17:33don’t embarrass me by saying sorry.
17:35I wasn’t sleeping anyways.
17:38I got a new batch of some old books …
17:42I was making a list of those.
17:45Whenever you feel like….
17:47You can call me anytime
17:50Thank you!
18:05That scoundrel ran away …
18:08I would have killed him if I would have gotten hold of him.
18:10Control yourself Daniyal.
18:13My blood is boiling.
18:16I thought your blood will also boil …
18:18And you would be angrier than me but you …
18:20Not with rage …
18:22This matter needs to be resolved wisely.
18:24Did you get it?
18:26I am getting it …
18:28I am getting it really well.
18:31Your wife is involved in this matter …
18:34That is why you are preaching us to act sensibly.
18:39But I cannot tolerate this …
18:41I am losing my temper …
18:42thinking that if Surayya would have run away …
18:45What respect would we have left with …
18:47In the society, in the family …
18:50And she was instigated ….
18:51By your wife….
18:53What do you want me to do?
18:55You have to decide, what you have to do.
18:59Fine, then
19:01I will take a decision in this regard.
19:03He will not do anything.
19:05His ego and self-esteem have been suppressed before his American Wife.
19:09I wasn’t expecting this from you Dawood …That you will change to this extent.
19:15Instead of being strict with your Wife …
19:18You are defending her!
19:19Mother we don’t have to be strict with her.
19:23We should believe what Kaneez Fatima is saying.
19:26And Surayya ….
19:28Is she lying?
19:30Go ….
19:30Go away from here Dawood.
19:32No Mother …
19:34Brother Dawood won’t do anything.
19:37He needs a blue passport after all.
19:40Why would he mess up his relation with that American?
19:42Shut up Dani, else …
19:44Go and show this aggression to your Wife …
19:46And not to Dani.
19:48You couldn’t even change her clothing since she has come here.
19:56It’s a limit.
20:48Go to sleep Kaneez Fatima.
20:52It’s late night.
20:57Will you be able to sleep?
21:00I will, if I will try.
21:11Won’t you ask anything?
21:15Question, answer …
21:18any explanation?
21:21Do you think,
21:23That I should ask you anything?
21:31Your family thinks that I should not only be questioned …
21:35But I should be treated strictly too.
21:45And I think that …
21:49You will do the same.
22:03We have gotten married ….
22:07With mutual consent.
22:11You are not giving this relation the due importance that you should …
22:16But I am giving the due importance to this relationship …
22:19The right it deserves….
22:25the importance that it deserves.
22:29Relying on each other,
22:33and faith.
22:40I ….
22:44I have faith in you …
22:48That you don’t lie.
22:55I trust you
22:58that whatever you did…
23:01was right.
23:09And I have faith in you….
23:13that you were not manipulating the truth.
23:38Thank you!
23:40I …
23:42really felt good that you trust me so much.
23:57I did …
23:59tell Surayya…
24:03that if I was in her place,
24:09then I would have … left the house …
24:19But I know …..
24:21that girls here can’t do such things.
24:24And trust me…..
24:26I didn’t try to provoke her …
24:31It’s just….
24:32That I said it randomly that if I was in her place, I would have done this.
24:49I didn’t like …..
24:51what she did.
25:05Surayya shouldn’t have done this.
25:15I apologize.
25:21I am ….
25:23going to talk to Surayya now.
25:26You go off to sleep.
25:34Don’t be too harsh on Surayya.
25:38Because all you guys are strict with her…
25:42That is why she is doing all this.
25:48I will not.
25:53You go to sleep now …
26:55Everybody hates me …
26:58You too.
27:03I am not hating you Surayya …
27:06I cannot.
27:10I don’t consider you my niece, I consider you my Daughter.
27:17I feel sad for you.
27:23You shouldn’t have had done this.
27:27Were you really going to …?
27:32Will you trust me?
27:40I was actually going to run away from the house…
27:46But when I reached the door, my courage, strength, love, everything was oozed out…
27:54When I turned back,
27:56Daniyal and Sister-in-law Kim were standing there.
27:59They also thought what everybody else thought.
28:01Did Kim actually asked you to do all this?
28:10But at that moment, to avoid embarrassment and to get rid of the aggressions of elders …
28:14This was the only way out, I found.
28:16You shouldn’t have done this.
28:20Even I didn’t like what I did …
28:24But what else could I have done?
28:27I had to do something to escape from the aggression and hatred of the men of this house.
28:32Fine, I made a mistake …
28:35But everyone was ready to punish me for a sin.
28:39I thought of running away from the house but I did not.
28:43That thought is also a sin.
28:44Even God does not punish for having such thoughts.
28:48And what about the love affair that you fell for?
28:52That is not just a thought.
28:54It is not just a thought Aunty …
28:56But it is my right for sure.
28:59The right that religion has given me …
29:02The right of taking a decision for my life.
29:06It is my marriage,
29:08so it should be my decision.
29:11I wish I could convince Father …
29:15I wish I could do something for you Surayya.
29:31You should thank God that our honor is safe.
29:39What has happened to you?
29:49I know you are really worried …
29:52But let me tell you …
29:54Our Surayya is not the type …Nor has she ever been like that.
29:58All this has happened because of your daughter in law.
30:02My Surayya is such a simple and innocent ….
30:05Naïve girl.
30:08But since this Kim has come,
30:10looking at her life style …
30:12It had to leave an impact on the girl.
30:14She has even influenced Dawood.
30:18My child was so religious and had a self-respect.
30:21But now neither he cares about his wife’s attire ….
30:25nor about her open mindedness.
30:29Instead of being strict with his wife, he convinces me and Dani.
30:34But I will not tolerate all this.
30:37I should tell everything to Naveed.
30:42Things will mess up if I will not tell him.
30:59Hello Zulfi!
31:02Yes Naveed.
31:03How are you, is everything ok?
31:06I am fine.
31:08You tell me,
31:09how are you feeling now?
31:11I am absolutely fine.
31:13It must be really late at night in Pakistan.
31:17You are awake at this time ….What is the matter?
31:19Yes…Actually, I just spoke to Kim.
31:23What was she saying?
31:25Is everything ok?
31:26Yes, yes, yes, yes, everything is ok.
31:32Why are you quiet, why aren’t you talking?
31:34Talk to me.
31:37What should I say?
31:39Just tell me whatever is in your heart.
31:43Whatever is in my heart!
31:47Whatever was in my heart, stayed in my heart my entire life.
31:51Father never gave me a chance to speak my heart out.
31:57My children’s decisions, my personal life’s decisions …
32:00Everything was done according to Father’s will.
32:06You are right about that!
32:09Father ….
32:10took an entirely wrong decision for Dawood.
32:14But he is absolutely right in Surayya’s matter.
32:16I am verbally saying it …
32:19When Surayya doesn’t want to get married there then …
32:23Why are we forcing her to get married?
32:26But no!
32:27Father has become stubborn.
32:29What is wrong with you?
32:31You are also under Kim’s influence.
32:33I am not talking about Kim, I am talking my heart out.
32:37Do you want to make fun of yourself?
32:40All the relatives will gossip when they will get to know that Surayya got her marriage fixed, as per her wish.
32:45Even if our daughter stays unhappy for the rest of her life?
32:51She will not be unhappy.
32:55All marriages….
32:58turn out to be the same after a year or two.
33:07What is it?
33:09You have changed since Kim has come.
33:12Dani is right …
33:14It is all about the American passport.
33:17Is the American passport such a big deal?
33:21I don’t know what this American passport is …
33:27But this ….
33:28American girl has really influenced my mindset.
33:35She is not a hypocrite …
33:37She does not lie.
33:41Forget it,
33:43she doesn’t lie, she doesn’t lie.
33:46Is my Surayya a liar?
33:48I don’t trust this girl at all.
33:51What did his father do to our Khursheed?
33:55You will see …
33:56this girl will do the same.
34:11I asked Kim ….
34:13to stay away from this matter.
34:16Uncle did not forgive me for my mistake …
34:19She is a girl after all …
34:21A girl’s mistake is unforgivable in Pakistan.
34:26you talk to Dawood.
34:29He will explain it to Mr. Haji….
34:31that Kim is totally innocent in this matter.
34:34No Zulfi,
34:35Kim did not make a mistake.
34:38My Daughter is a trust worthy girl ….
34:41I don’t have to tell or explain it to anyone.
34:44She can solve her problems on her own.
34:47I will do something ….
34:50A friend of mine is coming to Pakistan ….
35:06I am giving him your address and your number …
35:09He will come and meet you.
35:11And he will give you the passport.
35:13Ok fine.
35:14That’s good, I …
35:15I will do this.
36:21Incase If I forget reciting while offering prayers…
36:25Will I commit a sin?
36:26This is matter between God and his servant
36:29If the intention is good and clear…
36:32Then He accepts everything…
36:34Your sister was running away from the house?
36:37Because of your brother….
36:39If Suraya’s dower amount is going to be very high….
36:42Then the same should be considered in Husna’s case too..
36:47I should get another chance…
36:49I will make my mother and sister come around….
36:52I had come over with the intention to give you another chance…
