• 2 years ago
00:00 Hello guys, I thought that I should do another makeup tutorial.
00:06 Because one of my bestest friends at school, her name is Hazel, decided for me to do another
00:13 makeup tutorial so I thought that I should and maybe I could improve on some of the other
00:19 things from my other video.
00:22 So, yeah.
00:24 What you're going to need is some lip balm, one of these brushes, lip gloss, any colour
00:39 anyway, makeup wipes, this little brush, Wonder Action perfume and some eye shadow.
00:57 What you're going to do is you're going to take your little brush with your eye shadow
01:03 and in this palette I think I should use, I'm going to go for a bright colour so I'm
01:10 going to use this one here.
01:19 And I'm going to take a couple of brushes and I'm going to just carefully put that on.
01:43 This is just a makeup tutorial for when I wake up in the mornings.
01:49 So after you've put your eye shadow on, you're just going to get them away.
01:56 And you're next going to sort out your eyes with this.
02:00 So take off your glasses again.
02:03 You're going to use this side for your eyelashes.
02:09 Alright.
02:13 So you look like this.
02:20 And then you're going to put your hair out the way and use this side for your eyebrows.
02:28 Let me have a bit.
02:32 So, eyes done.
02:36 Next I'm going to get my lip balm and I'm going to open up.
02:54 And then get a bit on my finger and gently rub it on my lips.
03:11 Like that.
03:12 And put that on your lips.
03:26 And here is the last of it.
03:30 The Wonder Action Powerproof.
03:41 Thank you guys for watching my morning makeup routine and see you soon on my next tutorial.