Hair and makeup tutorial (4)

  • last year
00:00 Hi guys, what's up? So today I'm doing a hair and makeup tutorial so let's get right into it.
00:05 First I'm just going to put my hair up so my hair doesn't get in the way of when I am doing my makeup.
00:11 Um, yeah, so I'm just going to start off with a bit of face powder and then I'm going to go step by step
00:26 and show you what that product case looks like. So for start this is like a face powder, face powder.
00:36 So I'm just going to put this on my face. So yeah, I'm just going to put it all over my head too.
00:44 I'm just going to put it there too and I'm just basically just putting it all over my face.
00:50 So next I'm going to be using a little bit of blusher, looks like this, because I like the
00:59 brighter the better so like I like bright things. Basically just going to add this onto me.
01:12 Okay next I am going to put on some eyeshadow. So yeah, let's just find a brush
01:21 and I'm just going to add on the tiniest, tiniest little bit of eyeshadow.
01:29 Then I'm going to put on this brush.
01:38 Okay, so next after that I am going to put on some, what's it called again, I'm going to put some
01:53 mascara on. It's not put on yet so let's just do this. Guys, I hope you enjoy this video.
02:03 It's just I might not do the most of makeup videos just because like I do, I do enjoy doing makeup
02:12 but it's just that I don't normally put on that much so I will do quite a few of makeup tutorials.
02:19 So next guys I'm going to put on a tiny, well not really a tiny bit but a little bit of this.
02:27 It's like the body shop like pump thing and you pump that and then like loads of this glitter
02:33 comes out on your thing. So yeah I really like this because it's like one of my favourite products
02:37 I've got. So basically then once I've done that I add this brush in just to put it all over my face
02:46 because you don't want it just being at one place like how you looked. Basically when you're in the
02:51 sunlight all you see is a sparkle all over your face. It looks really really pretty. So next I am
02:57 going to put on some lipstick. This lipstick is the one that I'm using today and it basically just
03:04 looks like that and I'm just going to put this on my lips. It's not actually that bright so I'm just
03:12 going to do that. So I'm just going to put this all over my lips and once you've done that see
03:26 if you use a tiny bit of this and a plain brush that hasn't been used or you have this
03:33 and basically just put some onto a brush like that.
03:39 You add that on top of that. It basically makes your lips more dry looking and then
03:47 makes it stay on for longer. So basically if you dab that on your lips it makes it stay on for a
03:53 bit longer than what a runny one does. So after that I'm going to take my hair out and I'm just
04:01 going to put some, I'm just going to do my hair for you. So I'm just going to put some on my hair
04:07 and do my hair for you. So basically I'm just going to brush it and then I am going to basically
04:16 put it up. It's quite a simple one because it's just a hairstyle that I haven't really worn.
04:26 So yeah, let's just put this down like that and down like that and I'm just going to put you up
04:35 a bit guys so you can see my whole face. So let's split that in half and then I'm going to add a
04:44 tiny bit of this. And after you've done that just basically brush it through your hair
04:53 and it makes it really nice and sparkly. So that is my video today guys. Please subscribe
05:02 to my channel and like and comment down below what your favourite makeup brands are.
05:07 Hope you enjoyed this video. See you later guys. Bye!