Hair and makeup tutorial (2)

  • last year
00:00 Hi YouTube, it's me, Carolyn, and um...
00:03 As you can see, I am emo, and um...
00:09 I'm gonna take off my makeup and I'm gonna redo my hair for you guys so that...
00:14 I can show you how I do my hair and makeup...
00:18 For you guys, so...
00:21 Yeah, I just wanted to let you guys know that I'm emo.
00:25 So...
00:28 Yeah.
00:29 Yeah.
00:31 I'm 11 years old.
00:33 So...
00:35 Yeah.
00:37 Okay, so first I like to do my hair, and to do my hair...
00:46 I use...
00:48 This hairspray, it's called Roostick Style, and it holds my hair in place.
00:57 So...
00:58 There.
01:01 And...
01:04 Ugh.
01:06 Um...
01:09 Spray kind.
01:12 Um...
01:16 Then, I need my hairbrush.
01:20 Here.
01:22 See?
01:24 I like to use a hairbrush, but if you guys wanna use a comb, you can use a comb, so...
01:29 This is how I would usually do my hair.
01:33 I would brush it out with the hairbrush, and then I would take a section of hair and spray it gently.
01:42 And rub it in like this, and then put it on the other side.
01:47 So you guys can see, and pat it down.
01:50 Down.
01:53 Spray it again.
01:54 Spray each section of hair as I go, so it's much easier.
02:01 And then I would flip back over, and then, like, take my fingers and, like, go like this.
02:09 And then take my hand, like...
02:13 And take my hand like this and go like that, and hold it up for a few seconds.
02:18 And then...
02:19 Pat it...
02:22 Down.
02:23 Then I would do the same exact thing to the other side.
02:27 Okay.
02:34 Now that's my hairstyle, and I would take an accessory, which is right here.
02:40 My little headbambo, which I was wearing earlier.
02:43 And if you guys wanna do the same thing to your hair, but before I would, um...
02:51 Before you wanted to do it, I would straighten your hair.
02:54 Oh, my hair will go straight sometimes, just I just didn't feel like it.
02:58 So you guys can straighten your hair the way to straighten your hair.
03:02 Will be to, like, take, like, the bottom, and then work your way up.
03:06 And go through each layer of hair, because your hair needs to be layered.
03:09 And time for makeup!
03:11 Okay.
03:13 Okay, time for makeup.
03:16 Um, the favorite makeup I like to use would be...
03:20 That.
03:24 Um...
03:25 Mad-do-so, I think that's what it's called.
03:28 And then my eyeliner...
03:30 Would be...
03:33 Wet and mild.
03:44 As you guys can see...
03:46 It's from Kohl's, and...
03:50 Kohl Baby's Got Black.
03:53 The first I would do is put on the, um...
03:58 The most blackish eyeshadow you can get, which is, like, right here.
04:05 Um, I do have more makeup, but I just decided to use this one, because it's a lot easier.
04:10 So I would, like, brush it, and like I always do.
04:14 And just gently rub it on my eye, as gently as possible.
04:20 Okay, I'm gonna do this in the mirror and come back when I'm done.
04:25 Okay, so I just put on the eyeshadow.
04:28 And for you guys to see it.
04:30 Okay. So I got that on.
04:35 So...
04:37 Yeah, that was the video, but I'm also gonna do the eyeliner.
04:41 Which is right here. Baby's Got Black.
04:45 And it's the darkest one you can get.
04:47 So yeah.
04:49 That's good.
04:50 So yeah, I just put on the eyeliner.
04:53 As you guys can see.
04:56 So...
04:57 When you're in, you wanna keep your fingers in your face.
05:00 All that stuff.
05:02 So I'm eleven.
05:04 My name is Carolyn.
05:05 And I'm emo.
05:07 And I have depression, so.
05:11 And anxiety, so.
05:12 Yeah.
05:14 So...
05:16 Please subscribe.
05:19 I'll do more videos, and more videos.
05:21 So yeah.
05:24 I love you guys.
05:26 Please subscribe and like.
05:28 So yeah.
05:34 Follow my Instagram page.
05:35 My Instagram page will be...
05:37 I am...
05:39 I dot love dot black dot veil dot brides.
05:43 I love Black Veil Brides, but the periods in between them.
05:46 So yeah.
05:48 My name's Carrie.
05:49 Carrie, or Carolyn.
05:51 And skulls and bones.
05:54 So...
05:55 Bye guys.