Pocket Dial Murder -American movie

  • last year
00:00:00 [MUSIC]
00:00:10 [PHONE RINGING]
00:00:24 Hey love, don't tell me you're running late.
00:00:27 You can't do this. I have enough dirt on you that I could ruin your life.
00:00:33 You will never get away with this. I swear I will tell her everything.
00:00:40 [GUNSHOT]
00:00:41 [MUSIC]
00:00:45 Jeff?
00:00:46 [MUSIC]
00:00:50 Jeff?
00:00:51 [MUSIC]
00:00:57 Hey, you've reached Jeff Crawford. Please leave a message and I'll get back to you soon.
00:01:01 Jeff, what is going on? I just got a call from you and all I heard was screaming and a gunshot.
00:01:09 Call me back. I'm freaking out right now.
00:01:12 [MUSIC]
00:01:14 Just make sure when you get home you get lots of rest.
00:01:17 [PHONE RINGING]
00:01:22 Hey sis, I just finished with my last patient. I was just about to call you.
00:01:26 Joelle, listen carefully. I need to be quick.
00:01:29 Stacey, you're scaring me. What's happening?
00:01:32 I just got a call from Jeff. It sounded like a bot could dial.
00:01:36 I'm 99% sure I heard a gunshot. I think a woman was killed.
00:01:42 What do you mean?
00:01:45 I don't know. I can't think straight right now. I haven't heard from Jeff since lunch.
00:01:50 Maybe he didn't have his phone.
00:01:54 I just left him a voicemail. If he didn't have his phone, whoever did knows I heard everything and could come after me.
00:01:59 Stacey, call 911 right now.
00:02:03 I can't. I share my location with Jeff. They could find me in a second.
00:02:09 Okay, I'm coming over. I'm calling the police on my way.
00:02:12 I need to turn my phone off.
00:02:17 911. What's your emergency?
00:02:19 Yes, hi. My name is Joelle Davreau. I'm calling on behalf of my sister, Stacey Crawford.
00:02:25 She thinks she heard a murder over the phone. I'm afraid she could be in danger.
00:02:30 Stacey!
00:02:40 The cops are on their way.
00:02:43 Have you tried to reach Jeff?
00:02:44 Yes, I called the office. No answer.
00:02:47 He should have been home by now.
00:02:52 It can't be Jeff.
00:03:03 Okay. So the last time you spoke to your husband was at noon today and no word since?
00:03:09 No. I worked all afternoon and then I came home to prepare dinner.
00:03:14 Then you got a call from your husband's phone at 7.35 tonight.
00:03:19 And you're positive you heard a gunshot.
00:03:24 And you heard no other voices.
00:03:27 Just the woman.
00:03:34 I have to ask, why do you seem so, so sure that it wasn't your husband holding the phone?
00:03:44 Stacey?
00:03:46 Hey.
00:03:47 What's going on?
00:03:50 Mr. Crawford? Hi, I'm Detective Munger.
00:03:54 Hi.
00:03:55 Um, listen, before we get into the events of tonight, I'd like to ask you a few questions.
00:04:01 You okay?
00:04:04 Mr. Crawford, can I see your phone?
00:04:07 Um, I'm sorry, I actually, I don't know where it is.
00:04:21 Hey, you've reached Joelle. Sorry I missed your call.
00:04:36 Thanks for everything, Joelle.
00:04:39 You can go, I'm okay now.
00:04:41 Are you sure?
00:04:42 I'll call you as soon as we're done.
00:04:50 So, Mr. Crawford, you said you started your night with a meeting with a new client, Harry Kobelt, at Star's Cups.
00:04:58 And that's the coffee shop by your office, and that was from five to six.
00:05:03 Yeah.
00:05:04 Then you went back to the office for a meeting with your manager, Ellen Green.
00:05:10 Work on the weekends?
00:05:12 Yeah.
00:05:13 Ellen just got promoted to regional manager.
00:05:16 So we've been doing a whole lot of reorganization and overtime for the past couple weeks, that's all.
00:05:29 I don't know that I should have left her.
00:05:32 Jeff is with her now?
00:05:37 Joelle, you don't think that Jeff--
00:05:39 I don't know anything.
00:05:42 I'm just worried about my sister.
00:05:49 Now, after Ellen left the meeting, was there anyone at the office who can confirm how long you stayed?
00:05:57 Um, no. I was the only one left.
00:06:01 At what point did you realize that you didn't have your phone on you?
00:06:05 Um, maybe five, ten minutes after Ellen left.
00:06:10 Seems odd, doesn't it? To take you that long to realize it was missing?
00:06:15 No. Um, Ellen was waiting for me at the office when I got there. I was late.
00:06:20 So I, uh, I just dropped all my stuff with her assistant and we ran to our meeting.
00:06:25 Now you arrived here at eight.
00:06:28 What were you doing between seven and eight?
00:06:32 Um, I was finishing up some work and that's when I realized I didn't have my phone.
00:06:38 So I thought maybe I left it at the coffee place. So I went there and it was closed.
00:06:44 So I went back to the office and I looked everywhere for it, but obviously it was nowhere to be found.
00:06:49 And, uh, I packed up my stuff and I drove home.
00:06:52 Now how long does it take to get from the office to home?
00:06:56 Um, like, like 20 minutes.
00:07:01 Okay, well I think we're done here for the night.
00:07:05 So what are the next steps here?
00:07:08 Well, we're gonna track the call and see if we can find the area.
00:07:12 And once we do, we'll send a team out to search.
00:07:16 There's not much you can do but wait.
00:07:18 Oh, but, um, if you think of anything, here's my card, you'll give me a call.
00:07:24 And Mr. Crawford, I suggest you don't go too far.
00:07:27 If we do find something, we're gonna have some questions for you.
00:07:31 And in the meantime, if your phone should resurface, you'll let us know.
00:07:37 Yeah, obviously, yeah.
00:07:41 Alright, goodnight.
00:07:44 Stacy, what did the police say?
00:07:53 They're gonna track the call to see what they can find.
00:07:56 There's nothing more we can do for now.
00:07:58 Okay. Well, I have the morning off tomorrow.
00:08:01 Wanna meet at our spot in the park at 10am?
00:08:04 Sure, I have a few house showings but not until the afternoon.
00:08:07 So, I'll see you there.
00:08:09 Okay, night sis. I love you.
00:08:12 I can't believe this is happening.
00:08:25 When I answered the call, my, um, first thought was that it could have been Ellen.
00:08:31 What made you think it could have been Ellen?
00:08:35 I knew you were in a meeting with her.
00:08:38 You two have been working a lot of overtime together.
00:08:41 Stacy, come on.
00:08:44 I know where you're going with this. There's nothing between Ellen and I.
00:08:50 The last time you were working extra hours and ignoring my phone calls, you said it was nothing and you were cheating on me with Catherine.
00:08:56 This time is different. I swear.
00:08:59 Yeah, this is different than last time.
00:09:01 It goes way beyond infidelity or anything we've ever been through.
00:09:05 I heard a gunshot.
00:09:09 Someone could be dead.
00:09:12 Alright. I don't know what to say, okay? This is crazy.
00:09:19 Look, first thing tomorrow morning, I'll go back to the coffee place and I'll ask to watch the security cam footage, see if I can see who took my phone.
00:09:27 Okay?
00:09:29 Okay.
00:09:33 [phone ringing]
00:09:36 [phone ringing]
00:09:38 [phone ringing]
00:09:41 [phone ringing]
00:09:44 [phone ringing]
00:09:47 [phone ringing]
00:10:15 What are you doing?
00:10:17 Sorry. I didn't mean to wake you. I just need to borrow your phone to call the office.
00:10:22 Oh. Yeah, okay.
00:10:25 Yeah, I made a fresh pot of coffee downstairs.
00:10:27 Oh, thanks.
00:10:29 [footsteps]
00:10:32 [sighs]
00:10:34 Hey, Jeff.
00:10:47 Hey. Good morning, Alex.
00:10:49 Joelle told me what happened last night. That's insane. I didn't think you'd be here today.
00:10:53 No, I mean, I don't exactly have the mindset to work, but I gotta figure out who took my phone and made that phone call.
00:10:58 Yeah? Where do you think he lost it?
00:11:00 I don't know. It's driving me crazy. I mean, I came back here because I had that meeting with Harry Cobell yesterday.
00:11:05 But no one saw anything, and they don't have any camera surveillance inside.
00:11:08 Let me guess, you hadn't set up your Find My Phone app?
00:11:10 No. No, but now the phone's not turned on, so I can't track it anyway.
00:11:15 Oh, I was supposed to help Sean learn the new filing system today.
00:11:19 You got enough on your shoulders. I'll take care of it.
00:11:21 Yeah? You just gotta teach him how to have the data.
00:11:23 Hey, relax, buddy. I'll handle it.
00:11:25 Okay.
00:11:28 Stacy! I got you your favorite, soy matcha latte.
00:11:34 What is it?
00:11:42 Someone's following me. You see that girl? I noticed her when I first got here, and she's been keeping close ever since.
00:11:51 Let's go.
00:11:56 Did you call Mom this morning? She told me she's been waiting to hear from you.
00:12:01 Not yet. I don't think I'm ready to tell her about what happened last night. You know how she is.
00:12:08 Yeah, and she always reads us so well.
00:12:11 We never know how she's gonna react.
00:12:14 Anyway, it's good not to put more stress on her.
00:12:18 What did Jeff have to say about everything?
00:12:22 He's on a mission to find out who could have his phone.
00:12:26 I'm freaking out. Whoever has his phone knows I was on the line and heard the gunshot.
00:12:32 Hey.
00:12:37 Hey. I'm done entering these files into the system. You have some more?
00:12:40 I sure do. Okay. Here you go.
00:12:45 Good job.
00:12:48 Thanks. I'm sorry.
00:12:54 I'm not sure about him.
00:12:56 Ellen, stop it. Mom, Sean's a good kid. He's just having a rough time getting back on his feet after his parents died.
00:13:04 Plus, he's Alec's nephew. And he's great with technology, which is exactly what we need.
00:13:09 Ugh. Alright, well, if you say he's good, then I trust your judgment.
00:13:13 Hey, you know what? I have no more meetings scheduled today. Why don't we skip out a few hours early and grab a drink?
00:13:20 Oh. Um.
00:13:24 I gotta, I gotta take this.
00:13:26 Um.
00:13:28 Jeff Crawford speaking.
00:13:31 Yeah, Mr. Crawford. Detective Munger.
00:13:34 Wanted to let you know we were able to trace that call to an area called Jenkintown.
00:13:41 You familiar with the place? Or maybe you know someone who lives there?
00:13:45 No. I mean, I know where it is, but I haven't been out that way in a long time.
00:13:50 Did you get a new cell phone?
00:13:51 No. I am, I am heading out soon to do that. Should be by the end of the afternoon. Same number.
00:13:57 Got it.
00:13:58 Well, we'll stay in touch.
00:14:02 Okay.
00:14:03 What was that all about? Is there anything you need to tell me?
00:14:10 We're just, um, dealing with something that happened last night. I don't, I don't really want to get into it.
00:14:15 Jeff, I know you were expecting to be promoted to regional manager.
00:14:19 And the last thing I want is for things to be awkward between us because I got the job.
00:14:24 But you can always come to me about anything. Business or personal.
00:14:29 Okay. Um, thanks. I appreciate it.
00:14:32 Of course.
00:14:34 [footsteps]
00:14:36 [music]
00:14:48 Hello?
00:14:49 Hey.
00:14:53 Oh, it's you. You scared me for a second.
00:14:57 Oh, sorry. I should have called to let you know I was coming home early.
00:15:00 Hey, uh, I got a new phone.
00:15:03 Hmm.
00:15:04 You okay?
00:15:08 Hey, I, uh, I've been the same way all day too.
00:15:13 I can't shake the feeling that someone is watching me.
00:15:17 Why, why, why would you say that?
00:15:22 I think someone was following me when I was at the park with Joelle this morning.
00:15:27 I don't know for sure though. Maybe I'm just being paranoid.
00:15:31 No. No, no, no. Hey, you're probably just tired. I know I am.
00:15:38 Oh, I, uh, I talked to the detective. They said they tracked the call.
00:15:46 Okay, that's good news, right?
00:15:48 Yeah, we'll know soon enough.
00:15:51 [music]
00:15:57 [radio chatter]
00:16:04 One side.
00:16:05 [radio chatter]
00:16:08 Yeah.
00:16:09 [radio chatter]
00:16:17 [music]
00:16:21 [radio chatter]
00:16:25 [radio chatter]
00:16:39 Parker, it's me.
00:16:40 Pull Crawford in for questioning right away.
00:16:43 Looks like we got ourselves a homicide.
00:16:46 [music]
00:16:54 [radio chatter]
00:16:57 Man, they were tough on you in there.
00:16:59 Hey, but you held it together well.
00:17:02 Thanks for everything, Mike.
00:17:05 What are friends for?
00:17:06 Yeah.
00:17:07 Stacy.
00:17:11 Thank you.
00:17:13 [music]
00:17:18 Stacy, they found a body.
00:17:21 And you were right. Somebody was murdered.
00:17:25 I know.
00:17:27 Joelle just called me. It's all over the news.
00:17:31 I can't believe someone stole my phone.
00:17:35 I have no alibi. Stacy and a woman is dead.
00:17:40 And they just kept asking me the same question over and over again.
00:17:43 It's obvious that they think I did it.
00:17:44 We both know you didn't do this.
00:17:46 Mike is a good lawyer.
00:17:49 We're gonna get through this.
00:17:51 Let's go.
00:17:55 [music]
00:17:58 [music]
00:18:08 [music]
00:18:25 Hey.
00:18:26 I'm heading out early. I'm gonna go see Mike before I go to the office.
00:18:37 How are you feeling?
00:18:38 Anxious.
00:18:39 I have a few showings today, so I hope that'll get my mind off of things.
00:18:44 ...this important news update.
00:18:46 Police are investigating the death of 28-year-old Juliet Lane.
00:18:50 Miss Lane's body was found in a cottage in Jenkin Town by a cleaning service employee.
00:18:55 The cause of death was a gunshot wound to the chest.
00:18:58 I swear I will tell her everything to do to...
00:19:04 Seeing her face makes it all seem real.
00:19:07 It's terrible.
00:19:10 [music]
00:19:19 [music]
00:19:29 [music]
00:19:37 Mom, I don't know what to tell you. You should just wait to talk to her.
00:19:41 The last time your sister stopped taking my calls was when Jeff was cheating on her.
00:19:47 Was she cheating again?
00:19:49 Please, Mom.
00:19:50 I knew it. I told her if a man cheats once, he'll do it again.
00:19:54 She thinks her husband is different from her dad.
00:19:57 I have news for her. He isn't.
00:20:00 Enough! Mom, Jeff is nothing like Dad. Not all men are liars.
00:20:06 Listen to yourself. You are so naive. It's a wonder how you ever became a doctor.
00:20:11 Okay, Mom. You've crossed the line. Again.
00:20:14 I have to go. I'll call you back later.
00:20:17 Jeff.
00:20:21 Do you mind?
00:20:23 What? Yeah. No, no. Come sit down.
00:20:27 I'm, uh... I'm not sure exactly what's happening.
00:20:32 But a lot of people are saying some crazy things. I don't care about the gossip.
00:20:37 I just wanted to make sure you were okay.
00:20:40 Oh, Sean.
00:20:42 It's bad.
00:20:45 Yeah?
00:20:46 Sean, it's real. Real bad.
00:20:51 Okay, so I'll get your paperwork in and I'll be in touch.
00:20:54 Perfect.
00:20:55 Thank you.
00:20:56 Looks like I found your new neighbors.
00:21:04 I saw them. They look perfect.
00:21:06 Hey, I was going to make my famous spaghetti tonight for Alec and Sean.
00:21:12 Maybe you and Jeff could join us?
00:21:14 I can come. But I convinced Jeff to go to his racquetball game.
00:21:17 I figured it could help get his mind off of things.
00:21:20 I get it.
00:21:21 Well, hopefully being out of the house will do you some good, too.
00:21:25 Dinner was amazing. Thanks, Jo.
00:21:35 Yes, thank you. It was just what I needed.
00:21:39 Good.
00:21:43 So, how are you liking working at Airex B Financial?
00:21:47 Oh, it's awesome. I like working with Jeff.
00:21:50 It helps a lot of people to build their dream businesses.
00:21:53 It's a career I can see myself in for sure.
00:21:56 You know, you can't get a job like Jeff's without going back to school first.
00:22:00 Yeah, I get that.
00:22:03 I'm not a kid anymore, so you can stop treating me like one.
00:22:06 You'll always be a kid to Alec.
00:22:08 I mean, he raised you more than you can count.
00:22:11 I mean, he raised you most of your life. It's only natural.
00:22:15 Joel's right. It's tough, but you're a man now.
00:22:19 I'll cut you some slack.
00:22:21 I, uh, I should go. Yeah, I have a lot of work to do tomorrow.
00:22:27 Yeah, you gotta impress your boss.
00:22:30 Hey, it was good to see you, buddy.
00:22:36 Yeah, see you soon.
00:22:38 Hmm.
00:22:39 So how are you and Jeff holding up?
00:22:45 We're doing the best we can.
00:22:47 It's such a nightmare I just want it to all be over.
00:22:51 Nightmare's an understatement.
00:22:55 You're smack in the middle of a murder case.
00:22:57 Honey, why don't you grab your iPad and we can show Stacy some pictures from our trip?
00:23:02 Oh, yeah.
00:23:05 [music]
00:23:08 I'm sorry. I should have told him not to bother you about the case tonight.
00:23:13 You would love Montreal.
00:23:23 Oh.
00:23:24 It's almost like you could be in Europe.
00:23:26 You guys look so good here.
00:23:28 Thanks.
00:23:30 We could all go together sometime.
00:23:32 Hmm.
00:23:34 [sniff]
00:23:35 [music]
00:23:44 No.
00:23:45 [sniff]
00:23:49 Oh my God.
00:23:51 It's the woman who was killed.
00:23:54 Why do you have a picture of her? Did you know her?
00:23:58 I can't believe this.
00:23:59 I saw her on the news and I couldn't place where I'd seen her before.
00:24:03 Where was this photo taken?
00:24:05 How does Jeff know her?
00:24:07 Juliet was one of Jeff's clients.
00:24:09 This was a photo taken at a conference last year in New York.
00:24:13 I need to talk to Jeff.
00:24:15 Stacy, don't go. Just take a minute.
00:24:17 We can talk about this.
00:24:19 Sorry, Joelle. I need to discuss it with Jeff.
00:24:22 Stacy!
00:24:27 [music]
00:24:38 Hey, honey.
00:24:39 Hey, thanks for pushing to go to Racquetball.
00:24:42 I really think it's just what I needed.
00:24:44 How was Joelle's dinner?
00:24:46 What's wrong?
00:24:51 You tell me.
00:24:52 I heard this girl get murdered.
00:24:56 You were right next to me on the couch when we saw her on the news and you didn't say anything?
00:25:00 I froze.
00:25:03 I mean, I was in complete shock when I saw her face on TV.
00:25:07 And believe me, I've been stressing out all day about how I was going to tell you.
00:25:11 I mean, how the police are going to react when they find out that I knew her.
00:25:15 You haven't told the detectives yet.
00:25:18 You need to tell them before they find out on their own, Jeff.
00:25:22 They're going to think you're hiding something from them.
00:25:25 Do you want me to come down to the station tomorrow? I'll tell them then.
00:25:28 Were you sleeping with her?
00:25:32 What? No, Stacy. Absolutely not.
00:25:37 She was just an old client of mine.
00:25:39 This photo is clearly showing more than a professional relationship.
00:25:42 No. No. But we were close.
00:25:45 I mean, she was just really thankful that I helped save her company.
00:25:49 I've mentioned her before. She's the one with the spot sheen, remember?
00:25:52 I haven't spoken a word to her since we stopped working together. That was like four months ago.
00:25:55 So why didn't you just say that in the first place?
00:25:58 I was overwhelmed.
00:26:02 I mean, come on. My cell phone was at a crime scene.
00:26:06 And now I knew the victim too.
00:26:08 I was worried that you might not believe me.
00:26:12 If I told you that I knew Juliette.
00:26:15 I mean, Stacy.
00:26:17 Come on.
00:26:20 I need you. I need my wife by my side through this.
00:26:22 How do you think I felt when I saw that photo?
00:26:24 I wasn't just thinking, did my husband have another affair?
00:26:29 I also thought, could my husband have killed this girl?
00:26:36 This is exactly why I didn't say anything.
00:26:44 I mean, the police already look at me like I'm guilty.
00:26:49 But now my wife too.
00:26:50 I mean, I can't handle that.
00:26:53 I swear to you, Stacy. I didn't do it.
00:26:57 I never thought you could cheat on me and you did.
00:27:00 That is not fair.
00:27:02 Okay, we were young and we were in a bad place.
00:27:05 You know me. I'm not capable of this.
00:27:09 The idea that you could have an affair is one thing.
00:27:14 But I know you could never kill someone.
00:27:16 So you have to stop hiding things from me.
00:27:22 I need the whole truth if we're going to get through this together.
00:27:25 I know. I know.
00:27:29 I'm sorry.
00:27:33 God, I love you so much.
00:27:36 I love you too.
00:27:38 I'm sorry.
00:27:40 I'm sorry.
00:27:43 I love you too.
00:27:44 It's just a lot to process.
00:27:47 I need some time.
00:27:51 Hey.
00:28:12 Where are you off to in such a hurry?
00:28:13 The police called me in for questioning about Juliet's murder.
00:28:17 I was just with them for a couple hours. It was brutal.
00:28:21 What did you tell them?
00:28:23 What do you mean?
00:28:24 We were together the night Juliet died.
00:28:26 What exactly did you say?
00:28:28 I just want my story to line up with yours.
00:28:31 I just told them the truth.
00:28:34 Yes. But if we say the meeting ran long, then we both have an alibi.
00:28:40 You're kidding, right?
00:28:42 Yes. Oh my gosh. Yes, of course. I'm just nervous.
00:28:48 I already told them yesterday that I left around 7pm.
00:28:52 Good.
00:28:54 I should get going.
00:28:56 Yeah.
00:28:57 I just don't want to end up in the same situation that Mom was in.
00:29:08 She was devastated when Dad cheated on her.
00:29:10 Do you think I'm crazy for trusting Jeff right now?
00:29:13 What if he was sleeping with Juliet?
00:29:15 You and Jeff are nothing like our parents.
00:29:18 You have such a solid relationship and...
00:29:20 Yeah. He messed up. Once.
00:29:25 You should answer that.
00:29:31 Hello?
00:29:33 Hello, is this Stacy Crawford?
00:29:34 Yes. Who am I speaking to?
00:29:36 My name is Meredith Yeo. Juliet Lane was my best friend.
00:29:41 Oh, I'm so sorry for what happened.
00:29:45 Me too. There's something I'd like to talk to you about.
00:29:49 Okay. Can you meet me tonight?
00:29:52 I'll text you my address.
00:29:54 Tonight, sure. Yes, of course.
00:29:56 Great.
00:30:03 That was Meredith, one of Juliet's friends.
00:30:06 She wants me to meet her at her place tonight.
00:30:09 I'll go with you.
00:30:11 No, I think she'll open up more if I go alone.
00:30:14 Okay.
00:30:16 [car approaching]
00:30:19 [car approaching]
00:30:21 [door opening]
00:30:27 [sniffing]
00:30:35 [sniffing]
00:30:38 [siren]
00:30:40 Hey.
00:30:50 Hey. You're home early.
00:30:52 Yeah.
00:30:54 How did it go with the detectives?
00:30:55 Yeah, well, I told them about working with Juliet.
00:30:59 And of course they knew.
00:31:02 Man, I mean, again, they just kept asking the same questions over and over again like they expected me to change my answer.
00:31:07 I'm glad Mike was with you. I'm sure it helped having a friend there.
00:31:12 Yeah. He invited me to racquetball tonight to get my mind off of it.
00:31:17 Yeah. That could help.
00:31:19 Yeah. I'm just gonna go grab my bag.
00:31:22 That was Meredith, one of Juliet's friends.
00:31:32 [sighing]
00:31:33 Meredith.
00:31:39 [siren]
00:32:08 Meredith? Are you okay?
00:32:10 Oh my God.
00:32:16 Meredith?
00:32:20 Meredith!
00:32:23 Hey. You're alright. I'm gonna get you some help, okay?
00:32:37 911. What's your emergency?
00:32:38 Yes. Someone has been attacked. Please send help to 23 Lakeside Street. Hurry.
00:32:43 Help's on the way.
00:32:45 You're okay. You're okay.
00:32:47 Roberto.
00:32:50 Romana.
00:32:52 Roberto. Romana. Who is that?
00:32:59 Meredith.
00:33:03 [crying]
00:33:04 I called Alec and let him know what happened. He's with Sean and neither of them have heard from Jeff.
00:33:23 I can't reach him either.
00:33:29 But I just looked up Roberto Romana online and it's not a person.
00:33:33 It's a pizza place in the same area they found Juliet.
00:33:38 I wonder what Meredith was trying to tell you.
00:33:41 I just wish I could have got there earlier. There was nothing I could do to save her.
00:33:46 I'm so sorry. That's awful.
00:33:49 I should go.
00:33:57 Stacy, I'm so sorry. I came as fast as I could.
00:33:59 Are you sure you don't want to stay with us tonight?
00:34:02 I just want to be home.
00:34:04 Text me when you get there.
00:34:13 I will. I love you.
00:34:16 I love you too.
00:34:19 I love you too.
00:34:21 [car engine]
00:34:23 [car engine]
00:34:25 [car engine]
00:34:53 Alec's meeting with Juliet's friend.
00:34:55 That's where you were, right?
00:35:06 How did you know where I was going?
00:35:08 I saw the text that Meredith sent earlier when I was at home.
00:35:11 Why didn't you just tell me?
00:35:15 Meredith's dead.
00:35:20 [sigh]
00:35:21 What did you just say?
00:35:26 I said she's dead.
00:35:32 Someone attacked her before I got there. She died in my arms.
00:35:37 That's terrible.
00:35:41 Where were you tonight?
00:35:43 What?
00:35:47 I was at a racquetball game with Mike, but since you've been unreachable, I called him. He said you cancelled.
00:35:51 I, uh, I decided not to go. I wasn't in the mood to see anyone.
00:35:59 So I just, I drove around. I debated following you to Meredith's. Or just coming home.
00:36:12 Meredith was supposed to tell me something that I needed to know about the call, about Juliet, or maybe even about you.
00:36:17 And now she's dead, and once again you can't prove where you were?
00:36:20 Are you seriously suggesting that I had something to do with it?
00:36:24 I don't know what to think anymore.
00:36:26 Don't.
00:36:28 Stacy, come on.
00:36:30 Are you scared of me?
00:36:39 I can't trust anything right now, including you, Jeff.
00:36:42 Stacy, don't say that.
00:36:49 I'm gonna sleep in the guest bedroom.
00:36:58 I'm gonna sleep in the guest bedroom.
00:37:01 Shit.
00:37:02 Shit.
00:37:04 Shit.
00:37:06 Shit.
00:37:08 [Music]
00:37:10 [Music]
00:37:38 [Music]
00:37:40 Hi. I was wondering if I could ask you a couple of questions. My name is Stacy Crawford.
00:38:05 I'm Selena.
00:38:07 I think you may have known Meredith Yell. She told me to come here. I'm trying to find out why.
00:38:12 I'm sorry, I don't know Meredith Yell.
00:38:14 Can you please just tell me if you recognize anyone in these photos?
00:38:17 Um.
00:38:18 Oh. I know this girl. She was killed not too long ago.
00:38:27 You knew her?
00:38:28 I mean, she was a customer here. She would come pretty often. Usually alone. Sometimes with her boyfriend.
00:38:35 Although, once she came in with another woman. And they caused a scene with a big argument.
00:38:41 You said she came in with a boyfriend. It's not this man?
00:38:47 Um. It's hard to tell. It could be. I didn't really get a good look at him. He usually wore a hat so it hid most of his face.
00:38:56 I'm sorry, I should get back to work.
00:38:59 One last question. Do you know the woman Juliet was arguing with?
00:39:03 No. I'm sorry, I couldn't help.
00:39:06 Darn it. I'm out of storage. I keep forgetting to take that hard drive Jeff offered me.
00:39:23 You heard from Stacy this morning?
00:39:27 No. She needs her rest. So I'm going to wait a bit to call. I'm seeing her later with mom anyways.
00:39:34 Yeah. She definitely needs her rest. This whole situation with her and Jeff is getting pretty crazy.
00:39:40 You should hear some of the gossip going around the office right now.
00:39:43 Do people actually believe he killed Juliet?
00:39:46 Some of them are saying that she might have been his mistress and he might have killed her so Stacy wouldn't find out.
00:39:51 Why would people think Jeff and Juliet were having an affair?
00:39:55 It's an accumulation of things. Juliet was bringing him gifts, lunches, following him to conferences.
00:40:01 The rumors probably wouldn't be this bad if she hadn't asked for her file to be transferred to Jeff.
00:40:07 So she was working with someone else before Jeff?
00:40:11 Hm.
00:40:13 Who?
00:40:14 Ellen.
00:40:15 Gossip's only going to get worse once they find out that Juliet's friend was murdered and that Jeff doesn't have an alibi again.
00:40:25 It's brutal for Jeff.
00:40:27 You seem very preoccupied honey. Are you finally going to tell me what's going on? I know something is wrong.
00:40:44 You're right. We've been keeping something from you.
00:40:50 I knew it. Why am I always the last to know?
00:40:53 This is serious mom. Before I tell you I need to be sure you're going to listen to me without interrupting or judging.
00:41:00 On Sunday night I got a phone call.
00:41:19 I didn't expect anybody to be in here. What are you doing in Alex's office?
00:41:24 Alex's out for lunch and he told me I could use his computer so...
00:41:30 Okay well, I just came to grab the file.
00:41:33 You're getting pretty comfortable here. Jeff says you've been doing some really good work.
00:41:41 Ah, thanks. Thanks.
00:41:44 You know, I mentioned to Jeff it might be a good idea to take some time off.
00:41:47 So you may work directly under your uncle.
00:41:50 Um, I'd rather not. Alex bosses me around enough in my normal life. I don't need it at work too.
00:42:00 Yes, I can understand that.
00:42:06 I told you years ago you should have left him. He's just like your father. Nothing but a liar and a cheater.
00:42:12 Mom, stop.
00:42:14 You don't get to tell me when I can and can't talk.
00:42:18 I did my best to raise you girls well. To protect you.
00:42:25 I'm sorry.
00:42:27 I'm sorry.
00:42:30 I did my best to raise you girls well. To protect you so that you'd never get hurt the way I did.
00:42:37 And look what I get in return.
00:42:40 You always think you know better. You just see me as a bitter old woman.
00:42:46 You never even bother to consider my advice.
00:42:49 Look at you now. You're still married to a man who is about to destroy your life with his lies.
00:42:54 That's enough, Mom. This is exactly why I didn't want to tell you.
00:42:59 I always expect you to be supportive and you disappoint me every time.
00:43:02 You need to be smart, Stacey. Instead of pining for a man who is keeping another woman's bed warm.
00:43:07 Stop it!
00:43:09 Jeff is nothing like Dad.
00:43:12 You need to swallow your pride and realize that my relationship is different than yours was.
00:43:18 I think it would be best if you left and we can continue this conversation when you're ready to be supportive.
00:43:28 [Music]
00:43:33 Mom!
00:43:35 Mom? Mom?
00:43:38 I got you. I got you. What's happening?
00:43:41 I got you. It's okay. Just breathe. Just breathe. I got you.
00:43:45 Thank you for taking such good care of her.
00:43:50 She's gonna be okay. She just needs some rest.
00:43:57 This is all my fault. I shouldn't have reacted like that. I just couldn't handle hearing Mom talk about how Jeff has lied to me before and—
00:44:03 Stop blaming yourself.
00:44:05 She's okay.
00:44:08 I know.
00:44:11 I just feel so tired.
00:44:14 Deep down, I don't think Jeff is capable of murder.
00:44:18 But with everything stacked against him, I don't want to be one of those stupid girls blinded by love.
00:44:24 You are not stupid. And you know your husband.
00:44:28 Just listen to your heart and leave all of those details to Mike and the police.
00:44:36 Thanks, Joe.
00:44:39 You're right.
00:44:41 I can't believe Stacy didn't call to tell me about Madeline.
00:44:51 I told you all I was with you, so Stacy knew I'd let you know.
00:44:54 I don't know. I'm still—
00:44:56 I know. This is a lot for Stacy. And adding to what happened last night, she's a wreck.
00:45:02 This whole thing is a mess.
00:45:05 She's barely talking to me. I don't know what to do anymore to make her believe me.
00:45:12 I like, I'm losing her.
00:45:19 Maybe, maybe being at home more will help.
00:45:22 Jeff, can I see you in my office yet?
00:45:32 Uh, yeah. Yeah, sure.
00:45:34 So I hear you're finally taking my advice?
00:45:45 Yeah. I'm gonna take the afternoon final, I still got work, and I'm heading out.
00:45:49 It's gonna be weird not having you around.
00:45:53 But, uh, there's something I need to tell you about Juliet and I.
00:45:58 When I was handling her file, something went wrong.
00:46:03 What do you mean?
00:46:09 I made a calculation mistake. I was fixing it, when she found out, she accused me of trying to sabotage her company.
00:46:16 Were you? Trying to sabotage her?
00:46:20 No! Of course not. But this happened right after they announced the opening of Regional Manager, and I was blinded by getting the title.
00:46:29 I didn't think twice. I offered Juliet money to buy her silence because I didn't want the situation to leave a black mark on my career and spoil my chances for promotion.
00:46:39 Wow. So did, did she take the money?
00:46:45 No. She just dropped me and asked you to handle her business plans.
00:46:49 Well, I don't, so why are you, why are you telling me all of this?
00:46:53 The police have her cell phone and her laptop. I'm not sure if she still has her email exchanges, but if she does, I could be in trouble.
00:47:04 Hold on. You haven't told the police?
00:47:08 Ellen, are you kidding me? I'm being accused of murder and you're sitting on information that could help me?
00:47:15 Jeff, it's not that simple.
00:47:17 Oh no, but it is. You lied to the police and now you want me to help you.
00:47:21 I'm sorry, but I'm going to tell them everything.
00:47:32 You'll regret not accepting my offer for an alibi. You can leave now.
00:47:58 Mom's not that young anymore. Seeing her so fragile in her hospital bed made me realize she won't be with us forever.
00:48:05 But I want to finish the conversation we started with her.
00:48:11 We didn't even get to tell her about the murder.
00:48:16 She deserves to know that Jeff is a suspect.
00:48:22 Always tiptoeing around her because of her anxiety. But you're right, she needs to know what you're going through.
00:48:30 I'm sure when she understands the whole situation, she'll be supportive.
00:48:37 Mom is strong. She still has many years ahead of her.
00:48:43 Yeah. She's far too stubborn to go before she's ready.
00:48:50 She was so worried what the police might find out. I mean, she must be hiding something.
00:48:54 Like what?
00:48:56 I'm not sure, but I gotta find out. I mean, this could be a way to get the police off my back.
00:49:01 Hey, do you think maybe Sean would hack into Ellen's emails if I-
00:49:07 Absolutely not. There's no way I'm going to let my nephew take the risk.
00:49:11 He could get shot if he gets caught. He could end up with a criminal record.
00:49:14 No. I'm sorry, you're right.
00:49:18 There's gotta be another way to find out without you getting in more trouble, right? You got enough of that as it is?
00:49:24 Yeah. Yeah.
00:49:28 We should be getting back to the hospital.
00:49:32 Yeah. Oh, before we go, can I grab that extra hard drive?
00:49:37 Sure. You can check Jeff's office.
00:49:39 Thanks.
00:49:42 Okay.
00:49:43 Did you find it?
00:50:03 Yeah.
00:50:04 Oh my God.
00:50:15 No.
00:50:29 Alright, ladies. We've done a complete search of the house, so that's gonna be all for today.
00:50:34 Is Jeff gonna be arrested?
00:50:37 Nothing's gonna happen before we run some tests on the bullet that killed Juliet Lane to make sure it came from that gun.
00:50:45 Is it safe for Stacey to stay here?
00:50:48 I think Miss Crawford is the only one that can make that decision.
00:50:52 Ladies.
00:50:55 I'm gonna stay here.
00:50:58 Stacey.
00:50:59 Go pick up Mom. We'll call you later.
00:51:01 You should come and stay at Mom's too.
00:51:05 I'm fine.
00:51:07 Hey, you wanna see me?
00:51:15 Yeah, yeah. Come on in. Grab a seat.
00:51:18 Oh, do you mind closing the door?
00:51:24 Yeah, yeah.
00:51:27 What's up?
00:51:28 Alec doesn't want me talking to you about this.
00:51:32 Okay.
00:51:34 So, can we keep it between us?
00:51:36 Yeah, yeah.
00:51:38 Um, I need your help with something.
00:51:43 Well, I'm not great with computers.
00:51:46 Oh, and I know you are.
00:51:48 Yeah, I need to talk to Mr. Crawford. In private.
00:51:54 Um, it's okay.
00:51:57 Thanks, Sean.
00:52:01 Yeah, yeah.
00:52:03 Mr. Crawford.
00:52:06 Detective Munger.
00:52:08 I got a call this afternoon from your wife.
00:52:12 She found your old cell phone in your home office.
00:52:17 Next to a gun.
00:52:21 What? You're serious? That's impossible.
00:52:26 Detective, I don't even own a gun. I mean, Stacy knows that. I'm sure she told you by now.
00:52:30 We'll let the experts determine that.
00:52:33 You know, they're gonna need a little time to see if the gun they found matches the bullet that killed Juliet Lane.
00:52:39 But if it does, you'll hear from us soon enough.
00:52:44 What does that mean?
00:52:47 What does that mean?
00:52:49 Just means, um, stick around. Don't leave town.
00:52:57 [music]
00:53:11 [phone rings]
00:53:13 So, you gonna join us for a sleepover?
00:53:21 I don't think so. I need to face Jeff.
00:53:26 Stacy, you cannot stay there alone.
00:53:35 He just got home. I'll call you back.
00:53:40 I'm calling Alec right now so he can be there with you.
00:53:43 Hey, listen, you gotta believe me when I tell you-
00:53:50 I defended you.
00:53:51 Hey.
00:53:53 Don't touch me. Since when do you keep a gun in our house?
00:53:55 That wasn't my gun. Stacy, I don't even own a gun. You know that.
00:53:59 Come on, I swear I'm being framed here.
00:54:01 Do you know how insane that sounds?
00:54:03 Yeah, well, I'm telling the truth, okay? Somebody must have planted that gun and my cell phone in my office.
00:54:07 The same way someone brought your phone to a crime scene?
00:54:10 Or how you were unreachable the night that Meredith died?
00:54:13 Stacy, please. Just listen.
00:54:16 The day I decided to fight for you, like an idiot, I decided to ignore everything pointed against you.
00:54:21 I told myself over and over again that you couldn't have possibly done this, and now-
00:54:26 I can't live under the same roof as you.
00:54:32 I think you should leave.
00:54:36 You can pack a suitcase and come get the rest of your stuff another day.
00:54:40 And just so you know, I called Joelle and Alec is on the way.
00:54:46 Stacy, you know I would never hurt you.
00:54:49 You already have.
00:54:52 Hey.
00:54:53 Hey.
00:54:55 Hey.
00:54:57 Hey.
00:54:59 Hey.
00:55:01 Hey.
00:55:03 Hey.
00:55:05 Hey.
00:55:07 Hey.
00:55:09 Hey.
00:55:11 Hey.
00:55:13 Hey.
00:55:15 Hey.
00:55:17 Hey.
00:55:20 Hey.
00:55:21 I just got a call from Joelle.
00:55:23 I know why you're here.
00:55:24 Just, um, take good care of Stacy for me, please.
00:55:30 And listen, I'm- I'm gonna make sure she knows she was right to trust me.
00:55:36 [door opens]
00:55:37 Stacy?
00:55:54 It's Alec.
00:55:56 Hey, I'm so sorry about everything.
00:56:00 Joelle just called for me to check on you.
00:56:02 I know. She told me.
00:56:05 [phone rings]
00:56:06 Stacy?
00:56:09 I was just about to call you.
00:56:10 Good. Are you okay?
00:56:12 Jeff just left and Alec is here.
00:56:15 I think we should wait to tell Mom until I can be there. I want to do it myself.
00:56:20 I'm just gonna relax for a bit and I'll come over later.
00:56:24 Call if you need anything.
00:56:26 Okay.
00:56:27 Love you.
00:56:28 Bye.
00:56:29 Thanks for coming over.
00:56:31 Yeah, of course. Did you want me to stay or-
00:56:33 No, I think so. I'll be okay.
00:56:35 Alright, if you're sure.
00:56:37 You know I'm just a phone call away if you need anything, right?
00:56:41 Thank you.
00:56:51 [dark music]
00:56:58 [dark music]
00:56:59 I have no alibi. Stacy, a woman is dead.
00:57:24 [dark music]
00:57:25 I was worried that you might not believe me if I told you that I knew Juliet.
00:57:31 I decided not to go.
00:57:34 So I just-
00:57:36 I drove around.
00:57:38 [dark music]
00:57:40 [helicopter]
00:57:51 [helicopter]
00:57:52 [dark music]
00:58:00 [door opens]
00:58:17 [dark music]
00:58:46 [dark music]
00:58:47 Jeff!
00:59:00 Jeff, what are you doing?
00:59:04 I know you found out my secret.
00:59:08 You killed Juliet.
00:59:15 I had to.
00:59:16 She was gonna tell everyone about our affair.
00:59:19 I couldn't let her do that.
00:59:22 And Meredith?
00:59:25 She knew about Juliet and I.
00:59:28 She was gonna tell you.
00:59:30 I did what I had to do.
00:59:34 God, I love you so much, Stacy.
00:59:43 I wish there was another way.
00:59:45 Jeff, I'll keep your secret.
00:59:47 I won't tell anyone.
00:59:52 I won't.
00:59:54 You would do that?
00:59:58 I would do anything for us.
01:00:00 How could you change your mind so fast?
01:00:05 I just needed time to think.
01:00:08 [dark music]
01:00:09 I love you.
01:00:14 I love you too.
01:00:16 I can't breathe.
01:00:18 Okay.
01:00:19 Yeah.
01:00:21 [screams]
01:00:25 Stacy!
01:00:28 Why are you making this harder than it has to be?
01:00:37 Get off me!
01:00:38 I love you, Stacy.
01:00:39 But it's time to say goodbye.
01:00:41 I can't.
01:00:42 Jeff, what are you doing?
01:00:47 You were having a nightmare.
01:00:48 I was trying to wake you up.
01:00:49 What? Hey.
01:00:52 Stacy, hey.
01:00:53 Hey.
01:00:55 I'm sorry I scared you.
01:00:56 I just came back to get my briefcase.
01:00:58 Hey, I texted you before coming here.
01:01:00 Just slow down so we can talk for a minute.
01:01:01 [knocking]
01:01:02 Police, open up!
01:01:07 Stacy, I swear I'm innocent.
01:01:08 Just, can you call Mike, please,
01:01:10 and tell him what's happening?
01:01:11 I love you.
01:01:13 [dark music]
01:01:16 [door slams]
01:01:35 [dark music]
01:01:36 Stacy.
01:01:47 Joelle.
01:01:48 What's happening?
01:01:49 They arrested Jeff.
01:01:50 They arrested him for Juliet's murder.
01:01:53 What?
01:01:55 Thanks, Mom.
01:02:00 I never thought it would have been so easy
01:02:02 to tell you all of this.
01:02:05 Am I allowed to talk now?
01:02:06 Of course.
01:02:09 I want to hear what you have to say.
01:02:10 I appreciate you telling me all of this.
01:02:14 As your mother, I should be protecting you from harm,
01:02:18 not adding to it.
01:02:20 I am so sorry for how I handled our conversation last time.
01:02:24 Thank you.
01:02:28 Okay.
01:02:29 Now we need to take care of you.
01:02:31 I know you're going through a lot.
01:02:33 I know I haven't been Jeff's biggest cheerleader in the past,
01:02:36 but Stacy, there is a big difference
01:02:38 between being a liar or a cheater
01:02:40 and being a murder--
01:02:42 Do you really believe Jeff killed that girl?
01:02:50 The murder weapon was at our house.
01:02:57 Jeff has no alibi.
01:02:59 His cell phone was at a crime scene.
01:03:01 You're not answering my question.
01:03:03 Can you tell me out loud
01:03:04 that your husband is a killer?
01:03:07 That's what I thought.
01:03:17 Hello?
01:03:22 Hey, Stacy.
01:03:23 Jeff's already had his arraignment.
01:03:25 As I thought, there's no possibility of bail
01:03:27 without a bond hearing,
01:03:28 which is set for later today.
01:03:29 Okay.
01:03:31 I also got disclosure of evidence,
01:03:32 which I'll take a look at,
01:03:33 and then we should meet.
01:03:34 Are you available later today?
01:03:35 I don't know.
01:03:37 Is this going to make a difference?
01:03:39 Stacy, you're still his wife.
01:03:41 Nobody knows him like you do.
01:03:43 Having you testify in his favor
01:03:45 at the bond hearing also couldn't hurt.
01:03:46 I'll see you later,
01:03:48 and I'll let you know about the hearing.
01:03:51 This file contains everything they have on Jeff so far.
01:03:59 Why a glove?
01:04:00 It was found on the lawn of the cottage
01:04:02 where Juliet was killed.
01:04:03 It's covered in gun residue.
01:04:05 The police think that the killer dropped it
01:04:07 when they were fleeing the scene.
01:04:08 Gun residue?
01:04:10 That means the killer was wearing this
01:04:12 when he shot Juliet?
01:04:13 Can we find out what fabric this glove is made of?
01:04:17 Yeah, no problem.
01:04:18 I can call the detective.
01:04:19 But why?
01:04:20 Jeff has severe allergies.
01:04:21 He's allergic to blood.
01:04:23 He's allergic to blood.
01:04:25 He's allergic to blood.
01:04:26 I can call the detective.
01:04:27 But why?
01:04:28 Jeff has severe allergies.
01:04:29 Right.
01:04:31 To what materials again?
01:04:33 Polyester and latex are the worst ones.
01:04:35 He breaks out in a bad rash.
01:04:37 It usually lasts a week or so.
01:04:40 He could have never hid this from me.
01:04:44 Hey, how'd it go?
01:04:55 A little overwhelming looking at all the evidence.
01:04:58 Where's Mom?
01:05:00 She's upstairs.
01:05:01 Probably still picking out an outfit.
01:05:03 Mike told me that Jeff thinks Ellen
01:05:07 could have something to do with Juliet's murder.
01:05:10 What? Ellen?
01:05:12 Apparently she did something wrong
01:05:14 when she was managing Juliet's business plan
01:05:16 and then offered her a big amount of cash
01:05:18 not to talk about it.
01:05:19 Is there any proof?
01:05:21 Ellen told Jeff there are emails between her and Juliet.
01:05:25 Mike's on it.
01:05:26 Hey, Mike?
01:05:31 The detective on the case was very quick getting back to me.
01:05:34 Your hunch was right.
01:05:36 The glove is 100% polyester.
01:05:37 This could be great for us.
01:05:40 But I suggest we wait before telling the police.
01:05:42 At least until we get the results of the DNA analysis.
01:05:45 Jeff can't wear those gloves. It's impossible.
01:05:47 I hear you.
01:05:49 But they're going to do everything they can to find a loophole.
01:05:51 Like saying Jeff could have worn glove liners.
01:05:53 I'll get you the number for his doctor.
01:05:55 But it's a very severe allergy.
01:05:57 I had to buy a new couch and change half my wardrobe when I met him.
01:06:00 Oh, I know.
01:06:02 Send me the number of his dermatologist.
01:06:04 And if we need to, I'll have him in court as an expert witness.
01:06:07 I'm confident, Mike.
01:06:09 This is good news, honey.
01:06:11 You're allowed to have hope for Jeff
01:06:14 just the same way you're allowed to lose your trust in him.
01:06:16 Those feelings are natural and real.
01:06:19 You can't fight them.
01:06:20 Thanks, Mom.
01:06:22 No.
01:06:23 But if Jeff isn't guilty, then someone is framing him.
01:06:35 I want to know more about Ellen.
01:06:37 Maybe Jeff is right and she had something to do with it.
01:06:39 Ellen?
01:06:41 I'll explain later.
01:06:42 I may not understand everything that's going on,
01:06:44 but it's clear you have more urgent things to do than to go to Jeff's hearing.
01:06:48 If you're okay with it, I can go.
01:06:51 I've known Jeff long enough to testify for him.
01:06:53 You would do that?
01:06:56 Of course I would.
01:06:57 And just so things are clear between us,
01:07:00 I'll never believe Jeff could kill someone.
01:07:03 Well, where are you going to start?
01:07:08 I'll go back to Roberto's Pizza Place.
01:07:11 And then maybe I'll stop at Jeff's office.
01:07:13 I'll keep you updated as I go.
01:07:16 And thank you.
01:07:20 Let me know how it goes at the hearing.
01:07:22 Hello?
01:07:29 Hey. I just got home.
01:07:31 Jeff has been bailed out.
01:07:34 Mom paid the bail, but he has a long list of restrictions.
01:07:38 Mom paid?
01:07:40 What kind of restrictions does he have?
01:07:43 Well, he's not allowed to be around you or have any interaction with you.
01:07:48 He can't go to work either.
01:07:50 He has to report to a corrections officer every day, morning and night.
01:07:55 He has to wear an ankle monitor.
01:07:57 And he's going to stay at Mom's.
01:08:01 Is Mom okay with that?
01:08:04 She's happy to help.
01:08:06 She'll never stop surprising me.
01:08:09 I'm just waiting for Selena at Roberto's Pizza Place.
01:08:14 If she confirms Ellen is the woman Juliet was arguing with, I'll try to pay her a visit after.
01:08:19 Okay, let me know how it goes, please.
01:08:22 I'll call you later.
01:08:23 Sounds like Stacy's on a mission to clear Jeff's name.
01:08:26 And what happened since yesterday to change her mind?
01:08:30 She found out Juliet's killer was wearing polyester gloves.
01:08:33 We all know Jeff could never wear those.
01:08:36 Wow. That's amazing.
01:08:38 Yeah.
01:08:39 Stacy is so strong.
01:08:43 I know she's going to find out the truth about what happened.
01:08:45 Like you said, she is on a mission.
01:08:48 Hi, what can I do for you?
01:08:52 Hi. I came in not too long ago to ask you some questions.
01:08:56 Do you remember me?
01:08:57 Of course, I do.
01:08:58 You mentioned that Juliet Lane, the girl who was murdered, came in one day with a woman and they argued?
01:09:04 Mm-hmm.
01:09:05 Is this her?
01:09:09 Yes, it looks like her.
01:09:13 Thank you.
01:09:14 No worries.
01:09:15 She confirmed. Ellen is the woman she saw fighting with Juliet. We're definitely onto something.
01:09:24 Wow. She really could be framing Jeff.
01:09:27 Yes. I'm going to go to the office to see what I can find.
01:09:30 It's not safe. Let me at least go with you.
01:09:33 I'm not sure I can go tonight.
01:09:34 If I can't reach Peter, I have to go check on the Marshall house.
01:09:37 It hits the market tomorrow.
01:09:39 Okay. Well, call me on your way back. I'll be waiting at your place.
01:09:42 Okay.
01:09:44 Poor Stacy.
01:09:50 I know.
01:09:52 So you're going to stay with her for a while then?
01:09:55 Yeah. I don't want to leave her alone.
01:09:58 What are you going to do without me?
01:10:01 Probably check in on Sean. He's having a bit of a tough time lately.
01:10:07 Well, he's lucky to have such a great uncle.
01:10:10 That is. I'll see you tomorrow?
01:10:13 Okay.
01:10:15 [Dramatic music]
01:10:18 [Dramatic music]
01:10:20 [Dramatic music]
01:10:22 [Dramatic music]
01:10:25 [Dramatic music]
01:10:27 [Dramatic music]
01:10:29 [Dramatic music]
01:10:32 [Dramatic music]
01:10:37 [Dramatic music]
01:10:40 [Dramatic music]
01:10:43 [Dramatic music]
01:10:46 [Dramatic music]
01:10:49 [Dramatic music]
01:10:52 [Dramatic music]
01:10:56 (suspenseful music)
01:10:59 (suspenseful music)
01:11:02 (suspenseful music)
01:11:05 (suspenseful music)
01:11:08 (suspenseful music)
01:11:11 (suspenseful music)
01:11:14 (suspenseful music)
01:11:17 (suspenseful music)
01:11:20 (suspenseful music)
01:11:23 (suspenseful music)
01:11:26 (suspenseful music)
01:11:29 (suspenseful music)
01:11:32 (suspenseful music)
01:11:35 (suspenseful music)
01:11:36 - Hello?
01:11:37 (suspenseful music)
01:11:40 (suspenseful music)
01:11:43 (suspenseful music)
01:11:45 - Stacy?
01:11:46 - Peter?
01:11:47 I'm in here.
01:11:48 (suspenseful music)
01:11:51 (suspenseful music)
01:11:53 - Oh my God, Stacy.
01:11:54 - Someone was in the house, we need to call the police.
01:11:57 (suspenseful music)
01:12:00 It's too bad you didn't see anyone.
01:12:03 - I'm sorry.
01:12:04 Are you gonna be all right to drive?
01:12:06 - Yes, thank you, Peter.
01:12:08 - Okay, come on.
01:12:10 (suspenseful music)
01:12:13 (suspenseful music)
01:12:16 (suspenseful music)
01:12:19 (suspenseful music)
01:12:22 (suspenseful music)
01:12:25 (suspenseful music)
01:12:26 - They were right there.
01:12:27 We could have had them.
01:12:29 - I'm just so happy you're all right.
01:12:32 - Thanks for coming.
01:12:34 - Of course.
01:12:35 - It's so scary.
01:12:36 - I'm staying over tonight, okay?
01:12:39 - Why don't I make us some tea?
01:12:41 - Thanks, Jo.
01:12:42 (suspenseful music)
01:12:46 (suspenseful music)
01:12:49 (suspenseful music)
01:12:52 (suspenseful music)
01:12:55 - I didn't hear you get in.
01:12:58 - I had to go to the police station.
01:13:00 They're not sure the incident from last night
01:13:03 is related to Juliet or Meredith's murder.
01:13:06 - Come on, really?
01:13:08 - Detective Munger said it could just be
01:13:09 a home invasion gone wrong.
01:13:11 If only I could have given them a good description.
01:13:14 - I still wanna go to the office
01:13:17 and look into Ellen regarding her confession to Jeff
01:13:20 about her background with Juliet,
01:13:22 then the argument at the pizza place,
01:13:24 but first I need to talk to Jeff.
01:13:26 (suspenseful music)
01:13:30 (suspenseful music)
01:13:32 (suspenseful music)
01:13:35 (suspenseful music)
01:13:38 (suspenseful music)
01:13:41 (suspenseful music)
01:13:44 (phone ringing)
01:13:46 (suspenseful music)
01:13:48 - Hey, sweetie.
01:13:49 - Hey, Mom.
01:13:50 Is Jeff close to you right now?
01:13:54 - Yes, why?
01:13:56 - Can you put your phone on speaker, please?
01:13:58 (phone ringing)
01:14:01 (phone ringing)
01:14:03 - Jeff, I know you're not supposed to call
01:14:06 or talk to Stacy right now,
01:14:08 but this is just me calling my mom
01:14:11 but this is just me calling my mom
01:14:12 and Stacy is sitting next to me.
01:14:15 and Stacy is sitting next to me.
01:14:16 - Ah, hey.
01:14:21 Um, I hope you and Stacy are doing okay.
01:14:26 Um, I hope you and Stacy are doing okay.
01:14:28 Um, Madeline told me about what happened
01:14:31 at the Marshall house.
01:14:33 And I wish I could have been there for Stacy.
01:14:37 - Don't worry, I'm taking good care of her.
01:14:41 I'm sure Mike told you about the gloves.
01:14:45 - Yeah, he did.
01:14:47 My wife's a frigging genius.
01:14:50 - Well, she wanted me to tell you
01:14:52 that she knows you didn't do anything
01:14:56 and she's sorry for how she acted.
01:14:59 - I, um,
01:15:03 it means the world to know that she's behind me.
01:15:07 Thank you.
01:15:08 It's, it's so hard to be away from her
01:15:15 with all this going on, I didn't--
01:15:17 - Jeff, I miss you so much.
01:15:19 I promise I'm gonna find a way to get you out of this.
01:15:23 - Please, just, just be careful.
01:15:26 (dramatic music)
01:15:29 (phone ringing)
01:15:52 (dramatic music)
01:15:56 (dramatic music)
01:15:59 - Stacy.
01:16:23 Stacy.
01:16:24 What are you doing here?
01:16:28 - I know you're hiding something
01:16:30 about your history with Juliet.
01:16:32 - I suppose we should get this over with then.
01:16:40 - Excuse me?
01:16:41 - I knew somebody would find out eventually.
01:16:44 - I'm happy you agreed to go out tonight.
01:16:48 We haven't had much time together lately.
01:16:51 - I'm sorry.
01:16:52 I've just been so worried about Stacy and my mom,
01:16:56 but I'm glad we're finally getting some time together.
01:16:59 (phone ringing)
01:17:02 You're not gonna take that?
01:17:05 - No, it's just Sean.
01:17:07 I just need a break, I don't know what to tell him anymore.
01:17:10 - I'll wait for you downstairs?
01:17:12 - Yeah.
01:17:13 - Jeff told me about the money.
01:17:21 I know there's something else you wouldn't be this scared
01:17:23 if it was only a bribe to cover a small mistake.
01:17:26 Are you really gonna let Jeff go to jail
01:17:28 for something you know he didn't do?
01:17:30 - You're right, Stacy.
01:17:31 There is something more.
01:17:33 Recently, Juliet sent me an email
01:17:38 saying that she now wanted money I offered her months ago.
01:17:42 I talked to her over the phone,
01:17:44 and I convinced her to meet me in person.
01:17:46 We were supposed to meet last Monday,
01:17:49 but as you can imagine,
01:17:51 it never happened because she was killed the night before.
01:17:55 I was scared that the police would find out about it
01:17:58 and mark me as a suspect.
01:18:00 I even offered Jeff a fake alibi
01:18:03 that would help the both of us.
01:18:05 - But Jeff didn't take you up on it?
01:18:07 - No.
01:18:08 No, he didn't.
01:18:11 (phone ringing)
01:18:14 (phone ringing)
01:18:16 - Alec, hurry up, please.
01:18:22 - Give me five minutes.
01:18:24 - Okay, I'm gonna go warm up the car.
01:18:27 (phone ringing)
01:18:29 (phone ringing)
01:18:38 - Hey, how did it go?
01:18:41 - Hey, I just got a weird text from Sean,
01:18:43 and now he won't answer his phone.
01:18:44 Has he tried to get in touch with you guys?
01:18:46 - Uh, yeah, actually--
01:18:48 - He tried calling Alec maybe 10 minutes ago.
01:18:50 - I've got a bad feeling about this.
01:18:52 Stay put, I'm on my way over.
01:18:54 - Sean, I'm serious.
01:18:56 You need to stop calling me when I'm with Joelle.
01:18:58 Keep it together.
01:18:59 - Alec, listen.
01:19:00 I've been doing a lot of thinking.
01:19:02 - I'm gonna try calling Sean again.
01:19:04 - Yeah, let me know what he says.
01:19:06 - Switching to Bluetooth.
01:19:09 - I agreed to hide the gun in the cell at Jeff's house
01:19:12 'cause you said it was your only option.
01:19:14 I had no idea it was Jeff's door
01:19:16 or that you shot your mistress.
01:19:18 - Sean?
01:19:27 Sean, are you there?
01:19:29 - Joelle, we need to go now.
01:19:38 - Alec, are you there?
01:19:40 I'm gonna be there in a minute.
01:19:42 - I don't know what you heard exactly,
01:19:51 but Sean is losing it.
01:19:53 He's done a lot of terrible things,
01:19:54 and he's trying to pin it all on me.
01:19:57 - Yeah, he did seem really upset.
01:20:01 But why didn't you tell me earlier?
01:20:04 - Just stay calm.
01:20:05 Walk to the house.
01:20:07 I can explain everything.
01:20:09 I said get in the house now.
01:20:12 - Alec, what's--
01:20:20 - Shut up. I'm trying to think.
01:20:22 - Alec, it's all right.
01:20:26 - I said now!
01:20:27 - Sean!
01:20:31 [both grunting]
01:20:35 - Sean! Sean! Sean!
01:20:38 - What are you doing? What are you doing, Alec?
01:20:40 - Stay out of this, Sean!
01:20:41 - Alec, you're hurting me!
01:20:43 - You're a force to be joined.
01:20:44 Just get inside!
01:20:46 - Alec! Stop!
01:20:50 Stop it!
01:20:52 - Hey, whoa, whoa, whoa.
01:20:54 - I called the police.
01:20:56 They know everything.
01:20:57 We know you killed Juliet and Meredith.
01:20:59 It's over.
01:21:00 - Shut up, Stacey!
01:21:01 You don't know what you're talking about.
01:21:04 [panting]
01:21:06 - She's so damn right.
01:21:08 You played me right from the start.
01:21:12 - I need you to hide this in Jeff's home office.
01:21:17 All right, I'm gonna be in a meeting with him.
01:21:19 Stacey's gonna be with Joelle at the park.
01:21:21 There's nobody home.
01:21:22 Now's the perfect time for you to go.
01:21:24 - Alec, what happened?
01:21:27 - No, you don't get to know.
01:21:29 Look, remember when I saved your ass
01:21:32 in that drunk driving charge when you hit somebody?
01:21:34 Well, now you get to return the favor and help me.
01:21:36 I mean, nobody's gonna think to look in Jeff's house, right?
01:21:39 Hey, hey, hey, hey.
01:21:41 Sean, you owe me this.
01:21:44 - And I'm done keeping my mouth shut!
01:21:48 I'm not afraid of you anymore.
01:21:50 I know you killed Juliet,
01:21:51 and you told Joelle you were with me the night Meredith died.
01:21:53 He wasn't!
01:21:54 - Keep your voice down.
01:21:55 - I won't!
01:21:57 - You even planned to kill Stacey in the house for sale.
01:22:00 You're a monster.
01:22:01 - You're the one who planted the gun and the salad, Jeff.
01:22:04 All right?
01:22:05 It's your word against mine.
01:22:07 - [screams]
01:22:08 [dramatic music]
01:22:11 - Stop it!
01:22:12 - Let him go!
01:22:13 [both grunting]
01:22:15 - Stop it! Stop it!
01:22:17 - [grunting]
01:22:18 - Stop it! Stop it!
01:22:20 - [screaming]
01:22:22 [gunshot]
01:22:23 - [screaming]
01:22:26 - I'm with you. I got you.
01:22:28 - [screams]
01:22:29 [dramatic music]
01:22:32 ♪ ♪
01:22:38 - N-n-nothing would have happened
01:22:40 if Juliet hadn't threatened me.
01:22:41 She said she was gonna tell everybody about our affair, right?
01:22:44 Joelle, I love you so much.
01:22:46 You gotta believe me.
01:22:47 I never loved Juliet.
01:22:48 - I hacked into your email, Alec.
01:22:51 I have proof of your affair with Juliet.
01:22:53 You're done.
01:22:54 - But why did you frame Jeff?
01:22:57 - Alec was unhappy with his demotion
01:23:00 when he got transferred at ARXB.
01:23:03 He-he wanted Jeff's position.
01:23:05 - Please, Joelle, don't listen to him.
01:23:07 It was never supposed to happen this way.
01:23:09 I never wanted you or your sister or Jeff to be involved.
01:23:13 It was a mistake, I swear.
01:23:15 I-I-I grabbed Jeff's phone by accident,
01:23:18 and then I-- - And then...
01:23:20 you pocket dialed me with my husband's phone
01:23:23 while you killed your mistress.
01:23:25 Framing Jeff for Juliet's murder
01:23:28 was the perfect plan to get him out of the way
01:23:31 so you could take his job.
01:23:32 I can't even look at you!
01:23:35 Stay away from my sister!
01:23:37 Alec, you're not going anywhere.
01:23:41 I don't want to shoot you,
01:23:44 but I will if you make me.
01:23:46 - No!
01:23:49 [siren wailing]
01:23:52 ♪
01:23:59 - Okay, here we go.
01:24:11 What's this?
01:24:13 - Oh, it's another letter from Alec.
01:24:16 You should read it when you get the chance.
01:24:18 I still can't believe how delusional he is
01:24:20 thinking I'll go visit him in jail.
01:24:23 - Hey. - Oh, there you are.
01:24:25 - Sorry we're late.
01:24:26 Your mother couldn't decide what outfit to wear,
01:24:29 as per usual.
01:24:30 - You look great. - Thanks, honey.
01:24:32 - And, um, the other letter
01:24:35 is a confirmation that I've been accepted
01:24:38 to Doctors Without Borders!
01:24:40 I leave next week!
01:24:41 - I am beyond happy for you, sir.
01:24:44 - Thank you.
01:24:45 - I am so proud of my girls.
01:24:47 - To Joelle, my brilliant little sister.
01:24:50 - Cheers. - Cheers, cheers, cheers.
01:24:53 - Mm. - Mm.
01:24:56 - Mm-mm. - Mm-mm.
01:24:58 - Stacey. - Mm?
01:25:03 - To you.
01:25:05 Who knows where I'd be without you.
01:25:08 - Happy anniversary, Jeff.
01:25:10 - Happy anniversary.
01:25:12 ♪♪♪
01:25:18 - Okay.
01:25:20 - Let's celebrate.
01:25:22 - Come here, you two.
01:25:24 ♪♪♪
01:25:30 ♪♪♪
01:25:35 ♪♪♪
01:25:40 ♪♪♪
01:25:45 ♪♪♪
01:25:50 ♪♪♪
01:25:55 ♪♪♪
01:26:00 ♪♪♪
01:26:05 ♪♪♪
01:26:10 ♪♪♪
01:26:15 ♪♪♪
01:26:20 ♪♪♪
01:26:25 ♪♪♪