My going out makeup tutorial!!!

  • last year
00:00 okay
00:05 hi guys welcome back to my channel and if you have not subscribed already
00:16 subscribe now I'm sorry I just had to put that in. I did kind of say... wait
00:26 I've forgotten if I mentioned this in my past videos but this Sunday like right
00:34 this Sunday coming I'm going on holiday to Turkey for 11 nights I'm so excited
00:41 so I'll probably be doing a video of when I'm in Turkey but not posting it
00:48 until I get back from Turkey because of Wi-Fi kind of issues and the resort that I'm
00:57 staying in probably does not have any Wi-Fi and if it did I really can't be
01:01 bothered to ask the reception so you know
01:05 but then again I might change my mind and I might not post a video of me on holiday but if I do be
01:17 sure to check it out. Today I'm going to be doing a kind of makeup look like this is the
01:28 makeup look that I always always do when I'm going for a night out could it might
01:35 be at the theater might be a restaurant it might be at anything I don't care
01:40 what it is this is just kind of what I do when I go out and obviously the look
01:46 that I do it's basically the same it's just the eyes that kind of bring in the
01:52 look I mean in every look it's normally the eyes that change the look. So yeah.
02:00 So let's get started.
02:05 So the first thing I'm gonna be doing is applying my Metemaker powder with my
02:20 Primark brush or should I say brush from Primark. I'm going to do my bandana again it
02:27 helps keep my hair out of my face. It does that though so I kind of hold it up like that but
02:33 because I'm only inside and it's a makeup tutorial I really want to keep
02:38 my hair out my face for my makeup tutorial.
02:42 You know what I mean. So with my brush from Primark, I'm applying powder all over my face and a bit down the neck as well
03:03 to just blend things out. With a smaller end I'm just going to take a bit under
03:10 the eyes.
03:13 It doesn't work as well as concealer at all but I don't have concealer and I
03:22 think it does kind of give a quite a good look. Just cover my dark circles a
03:31 bit. I'm not saying massively that it does because it doesn't but you just
03:36 like you know kind of like oh my god I'm in a rush and yeah I don't even have
03:43 concealer so it wouldn't really matter if I put powder there or not.
03:50 That's my powder and now my face looks as pale as anything.
03:58 That'll do though. I'm not going to use too much bronzing powder because obviously I need to take this on holiday and I'm already near the bottom.
04:16 Well I am at the bottom but you know what I mean I've never got to the bottom of everything until now.
04:20 I'm just going to be applying this on my cheeks, my nose and my forehead.
04:30 *Sings*
04:53 That song is really annoying me. I don't even like it. Sorry Taylor Swift if you're
04:59 watching this I really doubt that you will be. I'm really sorry I just really don't like this song.
05:06 That's enough bronzing powder. Where the hell's... oh yeah.
05:12 The lid is here. I was like where the hell has the lid gone and then I dropped it on the floor.
05:18 Oh and now my lips are...
05:24 Now for blush. In my other videos, my past makeup videos, you'll understand what blush this is but I cannot be bothered to explain it because as I said I've explained it in loads of others of my videos.
05:44 It comes with a little mirror.
05:48 I don't want to look like a clown but obviously I'm not going to be applying too much.
06:00 There we go. Fish face smile. Fish face smile. Because I think well that's just the way I apply my blush.
06:18 Now moving on to eyes. I'm not going to be applying my mascara just yet at all. I'm just going to curl my lashes now, do my eyeshadow, curl my lashes again and then apply mascara.
06:39 So yeah. That's the way I always like to do it.
06:55 So obviously now I'm going to be taking my amazing palette that I'm obsessed with. If you've got this then I'm sure you really like this too. It's amazing.
07:10 It comes with an eyeliner and an eyeliner highlighter. I don't use the eyeliner because it's a pencil one and I'm terrible at doing that.
07:18 So with the eyeliner highlighter I just go all around my eye. So under your eye.
07:26 Yeah. Yeah.
07:33 So that's my uncle. He always talks to me and sometimes it gets really annoying.
07:42 Believe me it looks like I've got a bit of a line underneath my eye right now. Once you've done the eyeshadow and everything it really brings out the size of your eyes and your eye colour.
07:56 So if you've got the blue eyes like me. Oh my god you're so lucky. If I didn't have blue eyes I would seriously really want them.
08:07 You can't really imagine me without blue eyes to be honest.
08:13 I don't think I'm going to be doing any more eyeliner highlighter from now on until my holiday because it's kind of running out a bit.
08:22 I know that you can just sharpen it but believe me when it comes to me sharpening you do not want to know.
08:28 So I use this big end of the fluffy brush for my bronzing powder and powder and the tiny end I've always been using this for eyeshadow.
08:39 For eyeshadow but I am, as you just saw I did use this for a tiny bit of powder underneath my eyes.
08:47 But that is all the powder I use. Oh that doesn't make any sense. Oh who cares. So I use that.
08:55 So you're first of all just going to be taking the shade air and applying that all over your lid.
09:19 Now your eyelids will look really white but we're going to fix that.
09:25 But before we do that I'm just going to apply a tiny bit of air on your brow bone as well.
09:32 And you will have to really blend that in. I think I've used a bit too much on my brow bone.
09:39 Because it's kind of really going quite white. Or at least in the mirror it looks like it is.
09:46 So as I said a bit of air on the brow bone.
09:53 So now I'm just going to take Cherub, the shade Cherub.
09:58 And I'm just going to apply that all over my lid.
10:03 So now I'm just going to take Cherub, the shade Cherub.
10:10 Which is this one here that I'm using. It's kind of like a nice pinky shimmery colour.
10:18 And applying that all over your lid.
10:23 You need quite a bit of it because you've used quite a lot of air.
10:29 Ta da da!
10:32 And the same thing obviously on the other side.
10:45 Now this is the perfect go to school makeup eye look.
10:51 But we're going to take it a step further from the go to school level.
10:56 Because obviously this is the going out makeup tutorial.
11:01 You're going out to somewhere. I don't know where you would go but you go out to somewhere.
11:09 This is the look that I do.
11:20 So that's Cherub. And then with the shade Grace. Grace! My name's Grace in the shade Grace.
11:27 We're just going to take a bit of that and pop it from the middle of the crease line outwards.
11:33 But you don't want to go too heavy because sometimes I go really heavy and it looks horrible.
11:40 So be... Ah there's an ad on the screen. Ad on the screen. That's what that noise was.
11:47 Sometimes as I was saying when I went too heavy I like to start the eyes all over again.
11:55 I really don't want to have to do this in the middle of a video and start the whole video again.
12:02 And the same thing on the other side.
12:11 *singing*
12:29 Sorry I really need to hurry this video. It can't not go over 15 minutes.
12:34 And it's already 12 minutes 37 seconds.
12:37 So then you're going to go over it, over that with the shade Charm.
12:43 Which is right next to Cherub and just like kind of that in the crease line as well.
12:48 And then you're going to go over that with a bit of Seraphic.
13:00 I think it's Seraphic, however you pronounce that. All over the lid.
13:07 And then after that you're just going to go over it with a bit of Air again.
13:14 A wee bit of Air just to lighten it up a little bit.
13:20 So that is what I do for that.
13:24 Then obviously I'm not going to curl my lashes again because I'm kind of in a rush right now.
13:29 But I'm going to be applying quite a thick coat of my mascara.
13:34 That'll just do for this video. I promise you I will fix this up after the video.
13:55 Okay. Now after the eyes, the finished eye look, I hope you liked it.
14:02 I'm just going to go over all of that with the shade 930 on my lipstick.
14:08 New Day's shade 930.
14:24 That'll do for now as I said.
14:26 So I really hope you guys liked this video.
14:29 And I guess this is goodbye.
14:32 So yeah, I hope you guys liked this video.
14:39 Give it a thumbs up if you did.
14:41 And I will see you later. Wait, before you go.
14:44 Take your bandana off of your head and let your hair loose.
14:48 Peace out guys.