• last year
00:04 I've never gotten a haircut, and my hair
00:06 is almost six feet long.
00:09 I'm 5' 6", and my hair drags on the floor
00:12 by about five or six inches.
00:14 My mother started it.
00:15 She had two boys, and then I came along.
00:18 And so I think she finally had the little girl
00:20 with the long hair, and she put big bows on my hair
00:22 all the time.
00:24 And then as I got older, I just liked it, and I kept it.
00:27 I was the girl with the long hair.
00:30 You haven't worn your hair down in so long.
00:33 I've known Helene for 25 years now and counting.
00:36 I have to just keep on wearing higher and higher heels.
00:38 I know.
00:38 I'll step on it.
00:39 I'm like 12 inch heels.
00:40 Helene's hair is gorgeous, and she's had it long forever.
00:44 But in the last couple of years, she's
00:46 had to wear it up because it's gotten in the way of everything.
00:48 It's stuck.
00:49 OK, here we go.
00:50 Do you want to get-- oh.
00:51 Thank you.
00:51 Do you.
00:53 It is very difficult to have long hair,
00:56 especially now that's at the point where I can step on it.
00:58 I pick it up.
00:59 I carry it.
01:00 I hold the ends.
01:01 And so I'm not really getting to enjoy it being long anymore.
01:09 It takes me about 20 minutes to wash my hair, another 30
01:13 minutes to brush it.
01:14 And I always let it air dry, which takes a few hours.
01:17 Then I braid it, and that's another 20 minutes.
01:21 Got to wrap it around this arm and around the back
01:24 so I can get to the very bottom.
01:28 I'm finishing graduate school and going into a new career.
01:31 So I think I'm at a point where I'm ready to have
01:35 a totally different look.
01:36 I think it's time for my first haircut.
01:39 [APPLAUSE]
01:41 So this is Helene.
01:42 Here to help us through her first haircut
01:45 is our good friend, Kyan Douglas.
01:46 And Selena, her girlfriend's in the front row,
01:49 your buddy for 25 years.
01:52 So we were just saying, you're finishing graduate school in?
01:54 Industrial psychology.
01:56 What is industrial psychology?
01:58 Do you go in and talk to machines
02:01 and try and make them feel better?
02:04 It's like if an MBA and a master's in psychology
02:07 had a baby.
02:07 It's like business psychology.
02:09 Business psychology.
02:10 Wow.
02:12 So clearly the weight of the hair
02:14 did not impede the brain function for you.
02:18 Maybe it brought me strength.
02:19 Can you show people how you walked to set?
02:22 It was like she had a little pet.
02:24 It is.
02:25 She literally has to wrap it around her hand
02:28 and carry it like it's a little buddy.
02:31 Yeah.
02:31 And we actually measured your hair.
02:33 It is longer than six feet.
02:35 It's six foot five.
02:37 Her hair could play for the NBA.
02:39 So Kyan, what are your first thoughts?
02:41 First of all, you're very beautiful as well as very smart.
02:45 But she's entering a new phase in her life.
02:47 She wants to have serious hair.
02:48 Yeah.
02:49 Well, I thought we'd just take a little off the ends
02:52 and call it a day.
02:52 What do you guys think?
02:54 You know, she always has to wear it back.
02:56 Of course.
02:57 And so she's had it up so much.
02:58 I'd like to see something that she can wear down
03:00 that's sophisticated, that's adult, that's age appropriate,
03:03 and it makes her feel really great
03:05 about the next phase of her life.
03:07 But the--
03:08 Yeah, no, go ahead.
03:09 But I wanted to ask you, one of my concerns--
03:12 I mean, it's kind of a lot of pressure.
03:13 You've never had a haircut.
03:15 I'm really concerned about it.
03:16 Does this feel like a security blanket for you, kind of?
03:19 It's not a security blanket, but like a limb.
03:22 It's like-- it's a part of me.
03:24 You know, it's-- I joke, it's my tail.
03:26 You know, it's just an extra piece of me.
03:28 So having part of this gone, how is that feeling?
03:32 He doesn't want to make you cry.
03:33 Yeah, yeah.
03:34 No man wants to see a woman cry.
03:36 Are you ready for this emotionally, he said.
03:39 I knew many years ago that I wanted to donate it.
03:41 So since I know it's going to help somebody, I'm--
03:46 Well, I think it's going to help more than one
03:47 somebody, I know.
03:49 It'll help a village of people.
03:50 [APPLAUSE]
03:53 Are you ready for your first cut?
03:55 We're going to have it--
03:56 I am.
03:56 We're going to have Kai and Gofford, OK?
03:57 OK, go ahead and pull it back.
03:59 And--
04:01 I mean, yeah, leave a lot to it.
04:03 Leave a little room for work.
04:04 Yes.
04:04 OK.
04:08 Oh my god.
04:12 You're like my little pony, but you're real.
04:14 [LAUGHTER]
04:17 So it's my tail.
04:18 When I first met her, I totally stepped on her hair.
04:20 I was like, I'm so sorry.
04:22 It must happen a lot.
04:24 OK.
04:24 All right.
04:25 You ready?
04:25 Go for it.
04:26 I want to see.
04:27 Oh boy, this is going to happen.
04:28 He's leaving a good length.
04:30 It's like down here.
04:31 Not too short.
04:32 There's something to play with.
04:33 I'm just going to take little strands off.
04:36 Just breathe, baby.
04:37 Just breathe through it.
04:38 You're doing great.
04:39 You're doing great.
04:39 It's exciting.
04:40 It's exciting.
04:41 It's exciting.
04:41 It's exciting.
04:42 You're going to look so sexy, so sexy, so sexy.
04:44 New phase, baby.
04:45 You're going to look so good.
04:46 You're going to look good.
04:49 She gave her a lollipop.
04:51 We'll give her a lollipop.
04:54 All right.
04:55 Take a look.
04:57 Take a look.
04:57 There you go.
04:59 Now I've got to know, how are you feeling before you leave?
05:02 Well, I'm still used to holding it,
05:03 so this is kind of normal to me.
05:06 I think she's doing well.
05:07 She's not crying a bit.
05:09 It feels like a relief.
05:11 It feels--
05:12 [APPLAUSE]
05:13 You guys go on.
05:15 Get out of here.
05:16 We'll see you in a bit.
05:17 [APPLAUSE]
05:21 Earlier in the show, we all met Deline.
05:27 She has never in her life ever had a haircut.
05:30 She's almost 30.
05:32 She's getting out of graduate school,
05:33 moving into a new phase in her life.
05:35 So she put it all on the line for us today,
05:37 literally, and let us cut off all of her hair.
05:40 She had over 6 and 1/2 feet of hair.
05:42 Literally dragging it.
05:43 And she literally wrapped it around her arm
05:45 like a little purse, a little buddy, a little friend.
05:48 This is what she looked like.
05:50 Very beautiful girl.
05:51 So beautiful.
05:51 So beautiful.
05:52 I mean, stunning woman.
05:53 But look, it's puddled up around her feet,
05:55 as tall as she was.
05:57 OK, how did it go?
05:59 It was nerve wracking.
06:01 Yeah, because she's never had a haircut.
06:02 Most people, when you give them a makeover,
06:04 they have a frame of reference for what
06:05 they like and don't like.
06:06 She has no idea.
06:07 She had no idea.
06:08 So I had to be her frame of reference.
06:09 And it's a little intimidating when somebody's
06:11 never had a haircut before.
06:13 You know, but at least she didn't
06:14 cry like little kids do the first time, right?
06:16 She was actually really amazing.
06:17 I'm over the moon.
06:19 Over the moon.
06:20 Over the moon.
06:20 OK, Helene has not seen herself yet.
06:23 We're going to give her a camera shot of herself.
06:25 She'll be able to look over here and see herself.
06:28 We have to get her out here first.
06:29 Reminding everybody, her best friend's also with us.
06:31 Her friend of 25 years who got her into this.
06:36 Helene, hold tight.
06:37 Cross your fingers.
06:38 Here she comes.
06:39 Come on, Helene.
06:43 You look absolutely gorgeous, professional, dashing.
07:04 You look like you could be a movie star or an investment
07:07 banker or an industrial psychologist.
07:09 Psychologist?
07:10 Psychologist, yeah.
07:11 So are you ready to see yourself?
07:13 I am so ready.
07:14 You look stunning.
07:16 If you don't like the looks of you, you're blind.
07:19 All right, take a look at yourself.
07:21 [APPLAUSE]
07:27 Whoa.
07:28 That's amazing.
07:29 She looks amazing.
07:30 [APPLAUSE]
07:33 Can I look at her?
07:38 Yes.
07:39 She's like, OK, turn back around.
07:40 We have to finish the television show.
07:41 I know.
07:42 How do you feel?
07:43 I feel amazing.
07:44 Are you happy with the look?
07:46 I am.
07:46 I am.
07:47 Excellent.
07:48 Your girlfriend of 25 years, your best buddy here,
07:51 you're the one, Selena, who got her into this.
07:54 Are you happy?
07:55 Oh my gosh.
07:55 I love it.
07:56 She looks stunning.
07:57 Sexy as heck.
07:58 Yes, she does.
07:59 And I love the outfit.
08:00 Can industrial psychologists be that hot?
08:03 Yes.
08:05 Baby model on the side.
08:06 Tell us what you did.
08:07 OK, so a big shout out.
08:08 Big shout out to my dream team at Cutler.
08:11 Oh, Cutler's so cheerful.
08:12 Gabby and Dean helped me out backstage.
08:14 There's a lot going on.
08:15 Cutler's fine here in New York if you come to town.
08:17 If you're coming to town, go there.
08:19 So basically, I wanted something that
08:21 was stunning and beautiful.
08:23 But I also didn't want to shock her on the first go.
08:26 So in my mind, I just wanted something
08:28 loose and sexy and flowing.
08:30 And so I think we found the perfect length for her.
08:33 Tons of movement, tons of flow.
08:35 And then we threw in some beautiful honey highlighting
08:38 to really bring out the cut.
08:39 Stunning.
08:40 And I've talked to her a little bit about--
08:42 The color is just beautiful.
08:44 It's amazing, right?
08:46 It's so sexy.
08:47 You look ridiculous.
08:48 You two should go out.
08:49 (audience cheering)
08:52 Del just said, she said, "We could go out,
08:56 "but I gotta go change."
08:58 (laughing)
08:59 You guys are gonna go home with a laundry list of numbers.
09:03 Oh yeah.
09:04 Oh, you're married.
09:05 You're gonna go home with so many numbers.
09:07 (laughing)
09:09 It's just unbelievable.
09:12 She's just stunning.
09:13 And Kyne, before we run out of time,
09:15 I also want to hear, I heard that you have a big new project.
09:17 I do, KyneDouglasBeauty.com.
09:19 It's a website that I have.
09:21 So if you want to actually have a makeover yourself
09:23 with me in person, it's a way to get in touch with me.
09:26 And it can be something as simple as a video conference
09:28 where we go through your wardrobe and I give you,
09:30 and work with you.
09:31 Amazing.
09:32 Or it could be a makeover in person,
09:33 just depending on what your needs are.
09:35 Amazing.
09:36 (audience cheering)
09:37 We love having you here, keeping up time for us.
09:39 Absolutely.
09:40 (upbeat music)
