Top 5 Incredible Battle of Cobra, Top 1 Hunter - Wild Animals ATP Earth

  • last year


00:03 In the vast universe, there is countless hidden secrets,
00:20 making people always more and more curious
00:23 and urging them to discover more,
00:25 not to mention traveling far distances across the universe
00:29 all over Earth, where people can live and feel
00:32 its changes every day.
00:34 And they still can't discover all the secrets
00:37 of the seemingly familiar place.
00:40 Especially about the wild natural world,
00:43 there are species of humans that have
00:45 spent centuries studying it.
00:47 But there are things that always makes us
00:49 go from surprise to surprise.
00:52 And yes, the animals we want to talk about here
00:56 is the king cobra.
00:58 This snake possesses for themselves
01:00 a powerful weapon that is bestowed upon them with venom.
01:04 And don't rely on yourself and only that invincible weapon
01:09 the cobra still carries in its legendary hunting skills.
01:13 Top five incredible battle of cobras
01:18 and the major of the silent hunter.
01:21 Cobra is a species of snake in the cobra family.
01:25 With the venom and most of the genus cobra,
01:28 some types of cobras can be mentioned,
01:30 such as the king cobra, Chinese cobra, Indian cobra,
01:35 South African cobra, and red-spitting cobra,
01:38 and et cetera.
01:40 In which king cobra does not belong to the genus cobras,
01:43 but still called cobras.
01:45 Weird, isn't it?
01:47 Cobras are carnivores, and their venom
01:49 can kill a prey in a short time and become
01:52 a great meal for them.
01:54 Cobra's ability includes deadly venom and top notch
01:58 hunting skills that are ranked first and second
02:02 in the hunting species.
02:04 Therefore, the classic wars of these animals
02:07 are always fierce battle with the supremacy
02:10 of the ruler in the world.
02:11 First, the king cobra versus the python.
02:18 A battle, really without watching it,
02:21 it will be difficult to guess who will be the winner,
02:23 isn't it?
02:25 Originally, pythons are large reptiles
02:28 with the advantage of an extremely large frame.
02:31 It will attack and squeeze its prey
02:32 until it realizes that the prey can no longer struggle.
02:36 Then it begins to open its mouth.
02:40 Heaven is a terror out to being devouring.
02:43 Yes, exactly swallowing it, not biting it
02:47 like other carnivores.
02:49 What about king cobras?
02:51 They will also swallow their prey when their prey is no longer
02:54 resistant.
02:55 But the way it kills their prey is completely
02:58 different from pythons.
03:00 They will try to bite the prey, just one bite,
03:04 and the venom from its fangs will pump directly
03:06 into the prey's body, and of course,
03:09 will not escape the predetermined death.
03:15 And this fight between two monsters in the forest
03:19 happened extremely fierce and dramatically.
03:22 Each side has its own killer moves.
03:25 But from the start, with their advantage
03:27 of sudden and proactive attacks, the king cobra
03:31 is still having the advantage.
03:33 It quickly attacked and immediately
03:36 bit into the python's body.
03:38 As the venom from the fangs was slowly
03:40 injected into the python's body, the king cobra
03:43 was able to kill the python.
03:45 The python is also not the right type
03:48 to immediately respond by clamping down on the king cobra.
03:52 But after only 10 minutes, before he
03:55 could kill his opponent, the python
03:57 died painfully because of the venom of the cobra.
04:02 The result was clear, and the king cobra won the prize
04:06 and was a meal that could take several days to digest.
04:10 Second, the cobra versus cobra.
04:14 Cobra as a predator are the oldest.
04:17 They attack even their own kind, both to rob a mate
04:20 and to turn an opponent into their meal.
04:24 They can eat everything, fall to nothing.
04:27 They are indeed daredevils in the natural world.
04:30 The following war is one such fight, the life and death
04:33 battle of two king cobras in the wet mountains
04:36 of the Western India.
04:39 In this area, the king cobras are
04:41 considered to be the rulers, possessing amazing features that
04:45 have become a fearsome weapon for all others.
04:48 A large body, which can be up to 7 meters long and weigh up
04:53 to 30 kilograms, but are completely agile and flexible.
04:58 A flexible neck, eyes with a gaze that hypnotizes
05:01 the opponent, and the venom that can kill an adult elephant
05:05 in just 20 to 30 minutes.
05:07 It is estimated.
05:09 However, with the battle of this species,
05:12 the advantage of venom cannot be exerted.
05:15 They only use fighting skills to be
05:17 able to crush their opponents.
05:19 And in this video, a large male snake
05:21 intentionally invaded the territory
05:23 of another pair of cobras.
05:26 For a pair of snakes, this is a fight
05:28 to protect their territory and their children.
05:31 And for a strange snake, this is a war for a mate.
05:35 The fight ended when the strange snake stretched its neck high
05:39 and pinned the opponent to the ground.
05:42 It is worth mentioning here, when the victor snake came
05:44 and started flirting to carry out the mating
05:47 plan with the female, the female snake
05:50 was found to be pregnant.
05:52 This made the strange male snake mad
05:55 and bit the female snake to death with its venom.
05:58 The female snake, unable to resist,
06:01 died with the egg in her stomach.
06:04 And it is also about to become a meal for the strange snake that
06:07 has successfully invaded its territory.
06:10 However, because the female snake had a large body,
06:13 the strange snake spat out without continuing
06:15 to swallow its victim.
06:17 It left the body of the female snake alone
06:20 and did not take the male snake, the owner of this territory.
06:25 3.
06:26 The cobra versus the weasel.
06:28 The cobra continues to be the main character.
06:31 And this time, its opponent is a weasel, an animal that
06:35 is considered its natural enemy.
06:38 Weasel is an animal much smaller in size than the cobra.
06:41 They have agile limbs and very high resistance to poison.
06:45 So they are not afraid of any snake that
06:48 intends to attack it.
06:49 However, it also needs to be nimble to dodge
06:53 the cobra's blows to avoid becoming a meal for them.
06:56 In this battle, in fact, the strongest strength
07:00 of the cobra cannot be promoted.
07:02 So it can only use its agility, ingenuity,
07:05 and a little bit of intelligence to defeat the spirit.
07:09 However, it is not always able to gain an advantage.
07:14 This time, too, with a fatal blow to the head,
07:17 the snake was knocked out instantly
07:20 after delivering a deadly blow and seeing
07:23 the enemy fall instantly.
07:26 4.
07:27 The Cobra versus the Giant Lizard.
07:31 Despite having a reputation as nature's most terrifying
07:34 and cold-blooded hunter, cobras still
07:37 have to stoop to flee or try too hard to perish
07:40 before their natural enemies, like lizards, giant honey
07:44 badgers, or weasels.
07:47 In this part, we will witness the fierce battle
07:49 of a cobra with its strongest natural enemy, a giant lizard.
07:55 Once again, the cobra is not a good guy
07:58 when facing the enemy this time.
08:01 Giant lizards are reptiles with a large body,
08:04 and the weight of which is compatible to that
08:06 of an adult king cobra.
08:08 It has extremely sharp teeth, although it does not
08:11 contain venom, but it can rip apart any opponent,
08:15 including king cobras.
08:17 They were all brave warriors with rather tough armor,
08:20 an unexpected intelligence, and an amazing mobility skill.
08:25 Well, with all of this, perhaps it's
08:28 not surprising that a giant lizard can eat a cobra.
08:32 As shown in this video, the lizard
08:34 doesn't seem to mind the cobra at all.
08:36 It approaches cautiously, little by little,
08:39 distracting the opponent and finding a quick weakness
08:43 and knocking it down in the blink of an eye.
08:48 Wow, what a nice shot.
08:50 Number five, the cobra versus the hen.
09:00 And finally, the final boss has appeared, friends.
09:04 A battle between a cobra and an incubating hen.
09:08 How did you predict the outcome of this match?
09:10 You can comment down below to let us know.
09:13 And right now, we will witness a one of a kind battle.
09:17 In this clip from the camera, a cobra
09:20 is prowling the pothole with the intention of attacking the hen
09:24 or stealing some eggs.
09:26 However, when it was trying to attack,
09:29 it was discovered by the hen, and it quickly took a stance
09:32 and had a miraculous combo of a peck right
09:35 in the middle of the snake's head.
09:37 Immediately afterwards, the hen was back
09:39 on the defense in the nest.
09:41 Protecting the nest, by the way, her feathers
09:44 spiky without showing any fear in front
09:46 of this famous killer cobra.
09:49 Finally, the snake had to bow its head
09:51 and leave because it knew it wouldn't
09:53 win against this brave hen.
09:56 Unexpectedly, perhaps because of the instinct
10:00 to protect her offspring, the courage and the fighting
10:03 ability of a mother hen has increased to the superior level
10:07 to be able to defeat such a cold-blooded predator.
10:13 OK, so we've gone through the top five
10:20 of a classic cobra battles.
10:22 The animal world is truly amazing, isn't it?
10:25 To continue watching our other videos on YouTube,
10:28 please click a like, subscribe, and follow us.
10:31 Have a great day.
10:32 Goodbye, and see you again.
