Lion Attack and Eat Giraffe with Baby - Animal Fighting ATP Earth

  • last year
00:00 In the animal world, when faced with the king of the jungle, the lion, any animal will be
00:06 afraid.
00:07 It is understandable because they have a huge strength, even big and strong animals such
00:14 as wildebeest, wild buffalo and adult hippopotamus have prey that has been defeated by lions.
00:23 Without explanation of any prey, giraffes are also targeted and targeted by the green
00:29 forest predator.
00:30 So how will the lion attack and defeat the giraffes?
00:34 Let's watch this video to the end.
00:42 Lions attack giraffes
00:50 Known as the tallest land animal, the giraffe is an African ungulate mammal.
00:55 Giraffes are scatteredly distributed from Chad in the north to South Africa in the south
01:00 and from Niger in the west to Somalia in eastern Africa.
01:05 Giraffes usually live in savannas, grasslands and open forests.
01:10 The main food source is acacia leaves, which they graze at heights that most other herbivores
01:15 cannot reach.
01:19 More recent studies have found that giraffes have long-lasting social relationships and
01:23 can form groups or pairs based on kinship gender or other factors.
01:29 These groups may often associate with each other in larger communities or sub-communities
01:34 in a vision fusion society.
01:36 The number of giraffes in a group can be up to 66 individuals.
01:44 Mother giraffes often take care and protect their young.
01:48 They can lead their child to feed, warn them to danger and scare away predators.
01:54 It is common to see the young always standing in front of the mother's giraffe's chest,
02:00 which represents the bond between individuals and the close friendship.
02:05 This scene was recorded by explorers who observed a mother giraffe walking with her baby in
02:10 search of food.
02:12 In this savanna, there are always dangers and predators lurking.
02:16 In addition to the ferocious lions that are targeting the two giraffes, the cold-blooded
02:21 hyenas are also lurking and intending to attack them.
02:26 However, these hyenas often follow lions to steal food.
02:32 At this time, the other bloodthirsty lion approached the two giraffes, but apparently
02:37 its target was just the baby giraffe, although it was a little bit scared or creepy predator
02:43 because it was covered and hiding under the mother's long neck.
02:47 The baby giraffe felt somewhat more confident.
02:50 In the face of the lion's threat, although it is tired, it's best to protect its baby.
02:56 The old giraffe let her baby fall into the hole and immediately it had to pay for its
03:01 carelessness.
03:02 The lion noticed this and quickly rushed forward and attacked the little giraffe.
03:09 How dangerous the lion's attacks are, you probably already know.
03:13 In hunting alone, they kill their prey by biting on the neck to break the neck or damage
03:18 the circulatory system.
03:20 The lion's fatal bite was for the baby giraffe.
03:24 There was no chance for them to fight back, and the mother giraffe could not save her
03:28 baby anymore because the opponent at this time was the brutal and bloodthirsty lion.
03:34 The baby giraffe was defeated with just a few bites and was taken away by the lion.
03:40 With her last fragile hopes, the mother giraffe rushed to protect her baby.
03:45 But now the baby giraffe is dead.
03:48 Seeing her child lying motionless, unable to do anything, the mother giraffe would surely
03:54 regret and pity this little baby that she could not protect.
03:59 Hunting alone sometimes does not bring the lion as much as they would like.
04:17 Therefore, to hunt larger prey such as African bush elephants or large giraffes, they often
04:22 gather in herds.
04:26 Lions are the most social of the wild cats, as they often focus on living and hunting
04:30 in groups with a number of 15 to 40 animals.
04:35 This time it was a pack of lionesses that appeared to be very hungry.
04:40 As usual, the giraffe is attentively gnawing on leaves.
04:44 Realizing the danger of the lions, the giraffe started to be alert.
04:49 After observing and ambushing, the lion begins to attack, rushing towards its prey.
04:55 Taking advantage of its long stride, the giraffe begins to gallop, the hind legs moving around
05:00 the front legs before the hind legs move forward.
05:03 The animal relies on forward and backward movements of the head and neck to maintain
05:07 balance and counteract momentum when galloping.
05:12 The giraffe can reach sprint speeds of up to 60 km/h and can sustain 50 km for several
05:18 kilometers.
05:20 Despite having a fairly fast running speed, the giraffe's opponent is the lord of the
05:25 jungle with a speed of up to 80 km/h over short distances.
05:31 That is why the lions specialize in hunting in groups to surround their prey in every
05:36 corner as well as approach in the closest distance before the prey detects and runs
05:41 away.
05:42 And very quickly, the lions caught up with the prey.
05:47 Giraffes have been captured and became a delicious meal for those bloodthirsty people.
05:54 This time, there are two giraffes surrounded and attacked by lions.
05:58 Just like the previous attack, the lions have a hunting strategy ready.
06:03 Although gentle, but when the sees a baby in danger, the mother giraffe is ready to
06:08 protect and use kicks to scare away the lions.
06:11 This time, the lions are determined to defeat both mother and child giraffes.
06:17 A lion quickly jumped up and bit the mother giraffe.
06:22 Instinctively, giraffes will run fast to escape from these predators.
06:27 But it forgot that these sly lions always have their tricks.
06:31 Because of her survival, the mother giraffe cannot protect her baby from predators.
06:37 After not letting their prey escape, another ferocious lion immediately attacked and killed
06:42 the baby giraffe.
06:43 The ferocious lion had deliciously eaten the baby giraffe.
06:47 The mother giraffe is deplorable, but also pitiful.
06:57 Another scene was recorded in a forest, where these lions saw a lucrative prey, a giraffe.
07:03 In this hunt, the work was clearly divided for each lion.
07:07 But for giraffes, they need more professionalism.
07:10 Because usually, prey such as giraffes or zebras often have quite dangerous self-defense
07:15 attacks.
07:17 Attack when hunting in groups, or usually a lion leader will lure the prey, and then
07:22 attack by biting the opponent.
07:25 Other lions will grip the prey's legs and silently approach and finish.
07:30 The almost absolute success of these predators is due to a combination of skills and good
07:35 coordination among the individuals in the pack.
07:40 This time, the giraffe was surrounded and subjected to the fierce attacks of the lion.
07:46 Just think, the fate of this giraffe is already predetermined.
07:50 Because before the attacks of this king of the forest, few species can escape.
07:55 Fortunately, the giraffe arrested and escaped the dangerous encirclement of those vicious
08:01 predators.
08:02 With the advantage of strong legs, giraffes have threatened and chased away their enemies.
08:07 A happy ending has come for the giraffe.
08:14 True to the name, king of buying species, lions always make other animals afraid of
08:19 their brutality, bloodthirsty, and top-hunting techniques.
08:23 However, not all animals are easily eaten by lions.
08:27 Sometimes encountering opponents many times more powerful and ferocious like a wild buffalo,
08:34 lions must also be very careful.
08:37 Today's video comes to an end here.
08:39 If you want to know more which animals can defeat a lion, then don't forget to comment
08:43 below and let us know.
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08:58 Now good day, and see you in the next video.
