• 2 years ago
"Best value for money" usually means a limited budget. We know times are tough, so we've put together a list for you discussing ASG replicas that are known for their low prices and good performance. The best replicas up to 125€ are featured in the video! For all those who are starting out with airsoft but don't want to spend a lot to get started, and for those who have already been in the industry for a long time but need a cheap backup - you already know which replica to choose. Presented, of course, by the irreplaceable Blacha. Links can be found here:

CYMA CM028 - http://tiny.cc/n9x7vz
JG069MG - http://tiny.cc/o9x7vz
JG068MG - http://tiny.cc/p9x7vz
Specna Arms SA-C03 - http://tiny.cc/q9x7vz
CYMA CM0609 - http://tiny.cc/r9x7vz
JG PDW 808 - http://tiny.cc/s9x7vz
Specna Arms Flex SA-F03 - http://tiny.cc/t9x7vz
Well WE01A - http://tiny.cc/u9x7vz

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