Dr. Jamal H. Bryant, - PUMP YOUR BREAKS - Sunday 11th, June 2023

  • l’année dernière
00:00 I
00:02 Don't know why I'm saying it like you flipping through your Bible you just opened your head
00:14 No numbers 22
00:18 Verse 24 and 25 numbers 22 verses 24 and 25
00:28 Numbers 22 verse 24 and 25
00:30 Once you found it, won't you say I have it
00:32 If you can't find it say Lord help me
00:35 Amen a lot of y'all need his help. Amen
00:39 numbers 22 verse 24 and 25
00:43 Then the angel of the Lord stood in a narrow path through the vineyard with the walls on both sides
00:51 When the donkey saw the angel of the Lord it pressed close to the wall
00:58 Crushing Balaam's foot against it
01:01 So he beat the donkey again
01:04 You may be seated
01:07 And the angel of the Lord stood in a narrow path through the vineyard with walls on both sides
01:12 When the donkey saw the angel of the Lord it pressed close to the wall
01:17 Crushing Balaam's foot against it. So he beat the donkey again
01:24 I'm gonna preach for a little while today using as a subject pump your brakes
01:28 Pump your brakes, would you look at the person besides and tell them I'm telling you now
01:35 You need to pump your brakes
01:39 Pump your brakes
01:43 Friends ten years ago the University of Chicago
01:50 Published a paper entitled conspicuous consumption and race
01:55 conspicuous consumption and race
01:59 It discloses the frightening fact here this that if you are a middle-class black person
02:08 It seems like in order to be perceived by whites and other blacks as
02:14 relatively well off
02:17 You have to show off
02:19 What you have?
02:21 by acquiring
02:23 observable things
02:26 According to the Federal Bureau of Labor Statistics
02:29 black people spend
02:32 30% more than whites of
02:35 comparable income on
02:37 clothing
02:39 cars and
02:41 jewelry
02:42 Look at the person beside you and say I see you
02:45 (crowd laughs)
02:47 We spend the most
02:53 we spend the most and
02:55 save the least
02:58 When I read this it messed me up here this is gonna blow your mind cuz you're gonna know that it's true
03:05 We are only frugal in one area the area in which we are most frugal
03:11 Here this is on furniture
03:15 Because it's hardly seen
03:17 So we would rather honk for strangers
03:22 Than contribute to the comfort of those who are in our nucleus
03:27 It doesn't make sense to go at top speed
03:32 Knowing you are running out of gas
03:35 When Jesus was going into Jerusalem for his ticker tape Palm Sunday parade
03:43 He didn't gallop in on a white stallion as victors of war were prone to do
03:49 Instead he treaded on a lowly donkey
03:53 Because he had the astute awareness
03:57 That the essence of his identity was not wrapped up in what he was riding
04:04 But rather what was driving him to his destiny
04:11 For those who are Caucasian with a annual income of over
04:17 $250,000 those who are Caucasian who have an income over
04:22 $250,000 the cars that they drive the most often are Fords and Toyotas and Hondas
04:30 For Negroes who make over $250,000
04:35 We are driving Mercedes and BMWs and Lexus
04:41 If you don't believe me on your way home look at the parking lot of new birth
04:45 Mark Zuckerberg drives a Honda
04:52 Jeff Bezos drives a Honda y'all not saying anything to me Warren Buffett drives a Toyota
05:01 Transparent moment transparent moment when I was living in Baltimore before I came here to be your pastor when I was living in Baltimore
05:10 I was driving a Bentley driving a Bentley. I was digging the scene with a gangster lane. Whoo. Whoo. I mean
05:17 It was all together clean. I was driving a Bentley
05:21 I got called to be your pastor and our former chairman brother Thomas W Dorch and
05:28 Bishop Neil Ellis said that your chief priority is to eradicate
05:33 $32 million worth of debt
05:38 $32 million worth of debt was the responsibility that they pinned on me in becoming your pastor four years ago
05:45 God
05:46 Convicted me God convicted me and told me do not drive that Bentley to Atlanta
05:53 I
05:55 Got rid of that Bentley before I became your pastor because I had to make the critical decision
06:02 How in the world was I gonna drive a Bentley when the staff at new birth hadn't had a raise in eight years?
06:09 How was I gonna drive a Bentley when we had to feed 1 million people in the pandemic?
06:17 How was I gonna drive a Bentley and roll down the window and tell Negroes to vote for Raphael Warnock and Stacey?
06:25 Abrams because of the oligarchs in DC
06:29 I am probably the only if not in a very small minority of
06:34 Mega pastors who drive a used car
06:38 For my first three months of being your pastor. I didn't even have a car. I was catching ubers
06:44 I was having members of the church come get me and the Leavitt funeral home loaned me a car
06:49 I had to go get a used car that was four years old because I had to make a critical decision
06:57 What message would I be giving to the congregation? What message would I be giving to the community?
07:03 What message would I be giving to our creditors?
07:06 Sometimes you got to go beyond
07:09 You got to go beyond what other people think and live in a place of what is best for where it is
07:17 That you are. I am praying for black people who are in this room that you would be delivered from
07:24 Oppressing other people and get to the place of what is best for you
07:29 What is best for your family and best for your community? I'm not telling you to do it
07:35 I'm telling you the decision that I made how you got to get past the point of what other people think you ought to have
07:42 When I became the pastor preachers from all over the country were calling me saying I know you get ready get a Bentley
07:49 I know you get ready get a Rolls-Royce, but they didn't have the level of
07:54 Responsibility that I had when you are making decisions for your family and decision for your finances
08:01 Do not slow down for what other people are gonna think about you. You got to make up in your mind
08:08 I got to cut some things back because I got to get these babies in college
08:12 I got to cut some things back because I don't want to work this hard for the rest of my life
08:18 I got to pull some stuff back because I know how I want to retire and how it is that I want to live
08:25 I know this ain't for all of y'all
08:27 But for those of you who have lived long enough to know that folk will applaud you one day
08:34 And then hate on you the next day. You gotta live at a different level of your
08:40 Affordability if you know, I'm right somebody shall preach black man
08:47 That that's the place that we got to be in in this area of our economy of how it is that we live
08:54 And the kind of decisions that we make I need you to hear this. It messed me up. I need you to know it
09:01 I recently read I want you to write it down
09:03 It's gonna mess you up one of the greatest obstacles for blacks moving from middle class to upper class one of the greatest
09:11 Obstacles for black people moving from middle class to upper class y'all ain't gonna believe it is your car note
09:18 You are spending
09:22 $1,200 a thousand dollars
09:24 $900 on one car
09:27 Y'all ain't gonna say nothing, but I'm in Atlanta
09:29 $900 on a car note while you paying rent in an apartment
09:38 Y'all ain't saying that $900 a month on a car and you ain't even got a garage
09:44 It's outside on the curb
09:48 Just blink at me twice because you know, I'm talking about you here this very carefully according to experience
09:55 the average used car note is
09:57 $516 a month the average new car note is
10:04 $25 a month that is a gap difference of average of
10:09 $200 a month. Come on y'all keep it a stack
10:12 How many of you all it would help you if you had an extra $200 in your pocket?
10:17 Another $200 in your account to accelerate the trajectory of your family's economy
10:24 I am getting ready to pronounce to you what you have never heard in church before I am
10:30 encouraging us to be
10:32 Cultural that our community would invest in used cars and not new ones
10:39 I know y'all ain't gonna shout. I know y'all mad. I know you upset, but let me explain
10:45 Let me explain my point. I'm gonna give you four reasons. I want you to write these down
10:49 Please four reasons why I want your next car to be a used car for reasons. It's a wife mad at me right now
10:57 I'm telling you four reasons
10:59 Why it is your next car should be a used car look at your name and say write this down
11:05 Please write this down those of you who are online write this down for me
11:09 Please number one the reason why your next car needs to be a used car number one is less
11:15 depreciation
11:18 less
11:19 Depreciation are you writing that down? Please new cars typically depreciate about 20% on the ride home from the dealership
11:28 Did y'all hear what I just said the value of that car goes down by 20%
11:33 from the dealership to your driveway and
11:37 Then the value drops another 10%
11:40 Hear this the first year
11:43 That is totally
11:46 30% in
11:48 depreciation a
11:50 Use of vehicle depreciates at a slower rate here this because by the time you get it
11:56 It has already lost the value is gonna lose I
12:00 Need you to write lift up that right hand. I'm gonna say something to you. It had got nothing to do with the car
12:05 I'm talking about you lift up that hand God told me to tell you you've already suffered your greatest loss
12:11 Whatever loss you are gonna deal with already happened
12:17 But I speak over every lifted hand the value of everything connected to you is about to go up
12:25 The value y'all ain't saying nothing the value of your dream
12:29 the value of your idea the value of your
12:34 assignment the value of your gift is now getting ready to have an
12:39 exponential
12:42 Explosion I need somebody in this room to just shout with authority
12:46 Not another loss
12:49 Come on, say it out loud not another loss
12:54 If you believe that gift God glory right now
12:58 number one
13:01 Your next car is a used car number one less
13:06 Depreciation number two. I want you to write this down. Please number two is gonna help somebody lower insurance
13:14 Lower
13:17 insurance
13:19 The cost varies by age mileage location and credit if it's older
13:25 It is recommended for a used car that for you to just have liability
13:29 Insurance. I need somebody to just lay hands on yourself and just shout uncovered. I
13:35 Want you to know this by faith keep that hand laid on you I
13:41 Am believing by faith that God is healing you hear this from previous
13:48 incidents
13:50 Hallelujah that there were some places you should have never been
13:53 How there are some people that wounded you in a deep in a profound way?
13:58 There are those of you who had head-on collisions with people in your family
14:04 How about God says I am remodeling every place where you have a dent
14:09 Every place where you were broken every place that has rushed it out
14:13 God says I am restoring you to complete wholeness
14:18 So that people will have no idea the tragedies you've had to live through in your life
14:24 The favor on you is better than every trauma you have endured
14:29 God says I am going to make you look like new so that Shadrach Meshach and Abednego's
14:37 Testimony is yours you are coming out and you are not smelling like smoke
14:43 Folk don't even know the hell that you've been through cut you look so good and because you're still
14:50 Smiling still laughs and you're still at peace. It's cuz you survived your accidents
14:57 Stephen King
15:01 Stephen King a famed a horror writer
15:03 Was in an incredible accident in 1988
15:08 1988 Stephen King is walking as he did every morning
15:13 five miles a day Stephen King was walking 1988 five miles a day and
15:19 While he was walking down the California Highway. He was
15:23 brutally crushed by a van
15:26 That van has Stephen King still in a wheelchair to this day
15:31 Stephen King has been unable to stand from that moment to this and
15:37 The police had to launch an investigation
15:39 As to why it is that that van ran Stephen off the road and crushed his legs
15:46 I need you all to hear this they did a breathalyzer on of the driver
15:51 To see whether he was drunk and it came back that he was dry
15:55 The man that hit Stephen King crushed his legs had Stephen King in a wheelchair had no alcohol in his body
16:03 And so they launched an investigation trying to figure out how did he lose control of the car and crush Stephen King?
16:11 they found out that the driver of that white van had a dog and
16:16 The driver of that white van that had a dog watch this made the mistake of letting the dog ride up front with him
16:23 The dog that was riding up front with him distracted the drivers attention because he was trying to take the wheel
16:31 Trying to navigate the wheel from the dog watch this he ended up crushing Stephen King
16:37 Pastor what are you telling me today? I'm telling you some of you are having accidents because you letting dogs up front
16:43 You you letting people who have no business
16:47 Having close proximity to where you are have access to your steering wheel
16:54 Get all the dogs in the back
16:57 Because for where you are getting ready to go you can't let nobody slow you down
17:03 You can't let nobody mess up your focus. You can't let nobody distract your attention
17:09 Look at your neighbor tell them from this moment forward. I
17:14 Ain't carryin no more dogs
17:17 No dogs are riding with me. No dogs are getting a free ride
17:23 With me I got too much. I got
17:27 accomplished
17:29 It's gonna lower your insurance
17:32 But you can't let a dog ride up front
17:35 Number three write this down, please
17:38 Number three are y'all still here number three watch this is less of a gamble
17:44 It is less of a gamble
17:48 Less of a gamble number one here it is for remedial learning number one is what?
17:53 Come on class. Where are you? What's number one?
17:56 The number one is what?
17:59 What is number two?
18:01 Number three watch this is a lower gamble
18:06 It is less of a gamble
18:10 Most new models are prone to a recall because all the kinks haven't been worked out
18:18 How but now watch this the used car whoever had it before you found out what the problems were
18:24 So you ain't got to deal with the issues they had to deal with
18:29 They thought it was better because they got it first
18:32 But they don't understand that in the kingdom of God
18:36 God always saves the best for last
18:39 So I don't know what your experience was
18:43 But what you had to deal with ain't what I'm gonna have to deal with because God makes all things new
18:50 Now I'm not telling you in being prudent for you to be stupid
18:55 I'm not telling you in being prudent for you to be stupid and getting a used car. You still got to get the car fax
19:02 Y'all ain't saying nothing. It's still got to go for through a full diagnostic
19:07 How you still need some level of guarantee to make sure that it doesn't break down after it comes under your authority
19:14 And under your office one of the worst things that you can have happen
19:18 Is for you to get a brand new used car get it off the lot and only to discover that the battery don't work
19:26 Y'all ain't saying nothing to me
19:29 We living in a generation now that you can barely find anybody who's riding around with jumper cables
19:37 Y'all ain't saying nothing. You can't even find you got to wait on AAA or the police
19:42 Because people don't even carry jumper cables no more. They don't even anticipate helping other people or
19:49 Helping themselves
19:52 How about one thing you'll know if you had an uncle that fixed cars
19:55 That if you got jumper cables the thing that it will make it work is you got to connect your negative to their positive
20:02 And when you connect your negative to their positive
20:05 What's in them will transfer over to you? I need you real quick
20:11 Would you take that neighbor by the hand come on stretch out take that neighbor by the hand tell them everything negative
20:18 That happened in your life
20:21 It's about to be overwhelmed
20:24 by everything positive
20:27 That's about to come into my life
20:31 When I give God glory
20:33 Everything dead in you
20:36 It's about to get its power back. I can't hear nobody
20:42 I need you to take that neighbors hand hold on listen take that neighbors hand God says I'm getting ready to jumpstart
20:50 your
20:53 Enthusiasm your zeal and your excitement
20:57 That is stuff in you that you thought was gonna die
21:01 But God said when you shout again
21:04 Your power is coming back. I need you to pull on that neighbor
21:10 Tell him you gonna run again. You gonna fight again. You gonna succeed again
21:17 Somebody's hand is in your hand
21:21 There's getting ready to be a power transfer. He gives power to the faint
21:27 And to those who have no might he increases their strength
21:32 I need you to shake that neighbors hand and say neighbor
21:35 You ain't gonna be depressed next to me
21:39 You ain't gonna be stressed next to me. You ain't gonna be suicidal next to me
21:45 When I shout this next time
21:48 All of the glory of my life
21:51 Is transferred into y'all
21:55 I dare you to shout
21:57 Come on, come on
21:59 Open up your mouth
22:01 Hey, hey, I dare you to open up your mouth
22:05 You may be seated
22:10 Hey, hey
22:19 I dare you to just shake somebody's hand and tell them get your power back
22:23 Get your mind back
22:26 Get your life back
22:28 Get your children back
22:31 God
22:33 Hallelujah, you may be seated
22:38 You may be seated
22:44 Hallelujah
22:49 Hallelujah, I needed that jump right there. You don't know what this year did to me
22:56 Life tried to knock me down
22:58 But I'm still standing
23:01 by the grace of God
23:04 Hallelujah, you may be seated
23:09 Hallelujah, you may be seated in the presence of our conquering King
23:18 Hallelujah, he may not come when you want him to come
23:21 But he's an on time God. I feel my grandmother. They then wait upon the Lord
23:29 Shall renew their strength
23:32 They'll mount up on wings as eagle. They'll run and not get weary
23:38 They'll walk and they won't faint you may be seated I got to show you something
23:47 The reason why it is that black people have a stigma
23:50 Around used cars as we assume that a used car is lesser
23:56 Is it's not as great as
24:00 and
24:02 those of you who have a
24:04 predisposition
24:07 Anti-used cars. I'm trying to figure out how it is that you are against used cars, but you are not
24:13 anti-used grace
24:17 Oh my god
24:19 Second Timothy 1 and 5 says I am reminded of the sincere faith
24:26 Watch this which lived in your grandmother Lois and
24:31 in her mother Eunice and
24:34 I am persuaded it now lives in you
24:38 God you don't even understand you've been rolling on three generations of grace
24:45 God I can't hear nobody that has now been transferred on to you
24:50 I I don't know how you feel about but I don't want new grace
24:53 I I want grace that's been tried and tested and
24:57 Grace that's been through the fire and grace that has had to prevail
25:02 How how many of you know somebody prayed for me some somebody had me on their mind
25:09 Somebody took the time and I'm so glad
25:13 Your
25:15 Sustainability your secret sauce has been used grace
25:23 I've recently ran into a man of God who was overwhelmingly anointed his name was Balaam and
25:32 He had heavy political ties to the White House
25:38 He was an influencer the president knew him by name Secretary of State
25:43 I'd know him by name Speaker of the House all knew Balaam by name. He was the most
25:49 influential prophet of that hour
25:52 But you would never be able to tell it
25:55 Because Balaam drove a donkey
25:58 You would not begin to believe his portfolio his pedigree or his passport
26:07 Dedicated on what he drove
26:09 He was called in to the White House for a
26:14 private meeting a
26:16 Private meeting you got to understand that this was at the White House so all of the appropriate documents were at the White House
26:23 They were not hidden in a shower. They were not
26:26 in
26:28 In a ballroom they were y'all ain't saying nothing to me. They they were not under the bed
26:33 They were where they were supposed to be these were not
26:37 misappropriated documents these documents were in the place where they were supposed to be because
26:43 Had they not been in the place they were supposed to be
26:47 Then that leader should have gone to jail y'all ain't saying nothing
26:51 But well I'll say that for another day
26:53 But you you got to understand that the president had a strained
26:59 Compensate towards the oppressed and said to the man of God. I want you to speak a curse on
27:06 Oppressed people I need you to do whatever is necessary to stop their student loans from being canceled
27:13 I want you to do whatever is necessary to take books about their history out of the library and out of the classroom
27:21 I want it to be palatable and for it to be normal for one of their mothers to be shot dead by a neighbor and
27:28 Still be offered bail
27:30 I want you to put in a position that they will still be judged based off of the color of their skin
27:35 Rather than the content of their character
27:38 I want them to be in a place where they have no access to capital so that they cannot start businesses
27:44 They cannot finance homes that they will not be able to provide a legacy for their children and Balaam said I
27:51 Cannot speak a curse over these people because these are God's people y'all are getting ready to miss it
27:59 I am speaking over every worshiper that is in this room that for over 400 years
28:05 They tried to speak a curse over you
28:08 But in the words of Maya Angelou they can write me down in history with bitter twisted lies
28:15 But still like dust I rise I rise
28:19 I speak over every worshiper who is not ashamed of who you are
28:24 And not ashamed of what you've been through and not ashamed of where your family is God said when you give me glory
28:32 Every curse that was spoken over your family is about to be broken
28:39 I dare to lift up your voice
28:41 that every curse
28:44 Now what's this?
28:48 I want to be specific in
28:50 Intention I need you to be seated. I'm gonna have you stand in a moment. I need you to be seated
28:56 I just don't want you to miss what I'm getting ready to speak over your life
29:00 The curse that I am speaking to with specificity today here
29:04 This is the curse of poverty
29:06 That we as a people have adjusted to bare minimal
29:11 How to just getting by but God said the tables are getting ready to turn
29:16 What your children are getting ready to walk into your mother never knew was a possibility
29:23 I break the spirit of welfare and
29:26 Codependency and government need offer your life when you open up your mouth
29:33 Whatever is the system the structure or the government thought they were gonna do to your family
29:41 It is broken off for you today. I need you at the count of three
29:46 Don't shout for you, but I want you to shout for your bloodline
29:51 That every person in your family is walking into a level
29:57 What's this?
30:00 We break the spirit of
30:03 generational poverty that runs in your family
30:09 Every person in your family is gonna wake up to the consciousness
30:14 That they were created to be the head and not the tail
30:18 Every member your family is gonna know that they were born to be a lender and not a borrower
30:27 Every member your family is gonna be above and not beneath
30:33 I need a shout in this room that God will break every chain
30:39 one two three
30:41 Open up your mouth
30:48 Give God glory
30:51 He'll break every chain
30:53 He'll break every chain
30:56 Just watch this
31:04 Balaam said I
31:07 Cannot curse them
31:09 Because they are blessed people
31:11 He then mounted the beast and was trying to go away
31:17 When the Lord was calling him to go into an uncomfortable condition
31:24 I need you to hear me you are anointed to go into spaces where people don't want you
31:31 Don't make their problem your problem
31:33 Don't make their problem your problem
31:41 I am NOT gonna explain why I'm in this room because I'm supposed to be here
31:48 I will not be intimidated
31:51 I am smarter than you think I am and I can think circles around all of y'all
31:57 This is the place God has me
32:00 I'll be here
32:02 He didn't want to go in that atmosphere
32:04 Because he felt uncomfortable about where it is that he was outgoing and where it is that God assigned him
32:11 He mounted up on that old donkey
32:14 And was trying to go in the opposite direction of his assignment
32:19 And the Lord sent an angel to redirect his path
32:23 But Balaam couldn't see the presence of God, but the mule did
32:29 Y'all ain't saying nothing the mule kept trying to stop
32:32 How about Balaam was keep trying to go when it is that he couldn't see the presence of God
32:38 I'm telling you God will shut down everything connected to you
32:43 Until you witness his presence God will cut holes in your pocket
32:49 He'll make folk walk away from you. He'll leave you all by yourself
32:54 Until you say it's me. Oh Lord
32:58 What do you want from me? Give me my direction
33:03 He's trying to ride in the opposite direction
33:10 And the Bible says that the donkey kept hitting up against the wall
33:16 Until it crushed Balaam's legs
33:19 I'm gonna say to you what you have never heard before sometimes
33:23 God will strategically
33:26 Make things go wrong in your car. Oh
33:29 my god
33:32 Sometimes lights will start popping up on your dashboard. I don't know where things will start breaking down
33:38 Because that's not the direction God wants you in how about God says if you would give your attention to me
33:46 Wherever it is you trying to go. I'm gonna get you there faster. I don't know where you are
33:53 I need you to lift up your hand. I want to say something that is so radical is so out of the box
33:58 That is so unconventional
34:00 But 50 y'all need this word so bad that you don't even know how bad you need it
34:05 We serve a God who has authority over everything in the earth
34:10 I speak over every lifted hand that God will not allow
34:15 mechanical issues to stop your car
34:19 That whatever is going wrong in your vehicle
34:23 God is getting ready to fix it by the power of the Holy Ghost. You got too many places
34:30 Where you are supposed to be lift that hand, please
34:34 You don't even recognize the hand of God
34:38 Listen to me. It was only the hand of God
34:42 That when you ran over that pothole, he didn't let the tire blow
34:47 (crowd cheering)
34:49 God I can't hear nobody it was
34:53 only the hand of God
34:55 That God had the engine kick over when you haven't even checked your oil
35:00 It's only the hand of God that has allowed your car to sustain when you've run out of warranty
35:07 There's only the hand of God that blocked drunk drivers from swerving into your life
35:14 It is only, y'all live in Atlanta. I said do y'all live in Atlanta? Do y'all live in Atlanta?
35:20 It's only the hand of God that stopped robbers from stealing your car and breaking into your vehicle
35:28 Only the hand of God
35:30 The Bible says, watch this, that he crushed his leg
35:36 Because he was trying to go in the wrong direction
35:39 Can you imagine that God can be so petty
35:44 (crowd cheering)
35:46 That he'll make you have technical difficulties with your automobile
35:51 Just to make you shift gears
35:54 Y'all don't like this
35:57 God will get you at a place
36:01 Where you don't even understand he's getting ready to do something
36:05 That you had not even anticipated
36:09 I'm thankful under God for what God is getting ready to go do for 50 of you who are in this room
36:14 He's getting ready to kick you into overdrive
36:17 Why? He's got to kick you into overdrive because you got to make up for lost time
36:23 He's got to put you where it is that you were supposed to be ten months ago
36:30 And Balaam like Jonah
36:34 Was going in the opposite direction
36:38 If you don't remember anything else that I told you my message and my lesson are coming to a screeching halt
36:43 Is that God wanted me to tell you that he brought you into worship today with the threat of the overcast of rain
36:52 To tell you to pump your brakes
36:55 That this ain't the road I got for you
36:59 This ain't the path I got for you
37:03 This ain't the position I got for you for three of you. This ain't the person I got for you. I
37:09 Need you to slow down till I get you on the road. You are supposed to be in
37:16 So finally ladies and gentlemen Balaam had to do something
37:21 What hundreds of you are getting ready to do is that Balaam had to drive watch this?
37:29 Until the rear axle lined up with the wheel
37:33 The rear axle had to line up with the wheel because that is the only way you can turn the car around
37:41 Y'all are getting ready to miss it. God says this is your season for turnarounds
37:47 That every person that was gone in the wrong direction
37:51 God said before Monday at 12 noon
37:56 I'm getting ready to turn your whole life around
38:00 I know this word ain't for everybody, but I want to declare it into the earth
38:06 This is the season for turnaround and those of you that believe
38:12 Your turnaround is getting ready to happen
38:15 Would you just turn right where you are like your finances are turning around?
38:20 Your business is turning around your marriage is turning around
38:27 Your faith is turning around
38:30 Wish
38:40 I wish
38:44 I wish I had a better sermon
38:46 I wish I had something more profound and deep and in-depth to say
38:54 Um
38:56 But Balaam was thrown off because the donkey he was riding started talking to him
39:03 The donkey was riding started talking to him and said you've been riding me all this time
39:12 Come on, those of y'all from the hood if your car got a name just wave at me you go you call
39:21 Come on Lucy don't die on me now come
39:23 Come on Betty, you know, I got three more payments on this
39:28 The donkey started talking to Balaam and says I've been riding with you all this time have I ever wounded you
39:39 Have I ever broke down on you
39:42 Have I ever left you?
39:46 The donkey said something absolutely amazing. It says I am trying to save you
39:52 Because I see the Spirit of God. I
39:56 See the power of God
40:00 Ladies and gentlemen, my time is coming to an end, but I wanted you to know that your car talks to you
40:06 It talks to you and you all this time as an experienced driver
40:12 You've been driving since you were 16 those y'all from the country since you were 13. You've been driving
40:17 You've been driving a long time and you never paid attention that your car talks to you
40:24 In an amazing your car only talks to you hear this when you are getting ready to make a turn
40:31 God help me when you turn on the signal that you are getting ready to turn
40:41 There is a sound
40:43 Now I want you to know why that's strange
40:45 Why that's peculiar and why it's off is because it would make logical sense to me
40:50 That if I am turning my turn signal on and it is making a sound watch this the people who need to hear it are
40:57 outside of my car
40:59 People outside of my car need to hear I'm turning
41:08 But they can't hear it
41:10 The only people who can hear your turn signal are those who are riding with you
41:16 Or y'all ain't saying nothing
41:19 That there is getting ready to be a sound in this room and God said it's your turn signal
41:27 That when you make this next sound
41:31 Whoever is connected to you
41:34 Take this as your last warning
41:37 That nothing in my life is remaining the same
41:41 But I'm getting ready to turn into the direction
41:45 That God would have me to go would you look down your row and say you getting ready to hear it
41:52 Look look down your row say you getting ready to hear it. I
41:56 Want a sound in the earth
41:58 To let everything know that thought it was gonna stop you. That is my turn now
42:06 I can't hear nobody
42:08 It's my turn now
42:11 It's my turn now
42:14 Make your praise unto God
42:17 Like it's yours
42:20 I'm gonna pray for you. I'm gonna pray for you
42:30 Lift up that hand I'm gonna pray for you
42:34 Thank you Lord, thank you Jesus
42:36 My mentor
42:38 My mentor Reverend Sharpton I picked him up one day when I was driving to Bentley
42:44 I picked him up from the train station came in from New York
42:46 And
42:50 He he morphed into the voice of the principal of Abbott Elementary School and said, ooh, this is nice
42:56 I said Rev am I gonna get in trouble driving this car?
43:03 This is gonna be a problem. He said Jamal. I don't care. What kind of car you drive I
43:08 Want to know where you're driving it to
43:11 You get in that car and turn a blind eye to what's taking place in your community
43:21 You get in that car and think that you better than other people
43:25 Y'all ain't saying nothing to me if you get in that car and your identity becomes wrapped in that car
43:32 That's when it becomes an issue
43:34 I'm gonna lift up that hand. I'm gonna pray watch this. I don't know what kind of faith you have
43:40 I'm gonna pray for the car you gonna ride next
43:42 God I can't hear nobody y'all. I really thought y'all were gonna shout better than that
43:50 Lift that hand I'm gonna pray for you
43:59 We have multi-generational church those of y'all's old enough to remember mahogany
44:04 Do you know where you're going to do
44:09 Do you like the things that life is showing you come on?
44:14 Do you know come on the Millennials don't even know what I'm talking about it. You can't watch mahogany on Netflix you
44:21 You got a VHS in your closet somewhere. Come on. I
44:25 Pray over every lifted hand
44:28 That God won't let you lose your drive I
44:32 Want to pray over every lifted hand that you won't surrender until you succeed I
44:40 Pray over every lifted hand that those who went before you already paid your toll fare I
44:47 Pray over every lifted hand that whatever you are riding now will not break down on you
44:55 I
44:57 Pray over every lifted hand that your children will always have reliable transportation I
45:03 Pray over every lifted hand you'll never be dependent on somebody else
45:08 To get to where you need to go in life. I
45:12 Pray over every lifted hand for those of you who are without your own transportation
45:18 That the summer will not end
45:22 Without God opening up an uncanny window
45:25 Y'all ain't saying that you are too anointed to be on that bus stop
45:29 it's too much grace on your life to be waiting for somebody to pick you up and
45:34 Those of you who have that level of belief and confidence
45:38 That God is gonna get you where you need to be would you give God glory for where God is about to take you?
45:46 Come on I said open up your mouth
45:50 (crowd cheering)
45:52 Come on open up your mouth
45:55 (crowd cheering)
45:57 You may be seated in the presence of the Lord
46:06 (crowd cheering)
46:09 You
46:11 You
46:13 You
46:15 You
46:17 You
46:19 You
46:21 You
46:23 You
46:25 You
