Roadrunner Fight Rattlesnake ATP Earth

  • last year
00:00 [Music]
00:16 Assassin in the world of reptiles, rattlesnakes.
00:19 The animal possesses a powerful venom that could paralyze the nervous system and kill
00:24 its prey in just a few minutes.
00:26 They have a reputation for being extremely dangerous and cruel.
00:31 But these rattlesnakes are not always able to win in predatory phases and battles with
00:35 enemies.
00:36 In this video, let's admire the top confrontation between the rattlesnake and the roadrunner.
00:45 [Music]
01:03 Among the top 10 most venomous snakes in the world, rattlesnakes are known to be extremely
01:08 venomous snakes known for their venom that can finish off an opponent in a short time.
01:13 They become different when possessing an unusual tail that can make a sound that many people
01:18 are curious about and few know why.
01:21 However, the tail helps a lot in the process of survival and warning of danger.
01:27 And the enemy of this snake that we want to talk about today is the roadrunner.
01:32 Let's see how rattlesnakes will confront and fight.
01:42 It is known that roadrunners are strong creatures.
01:45 They possess formidable legs and know how to use them.
01:48 Native Americans worship the roadrunner for their speed, strength and especially their
01:53 grit.
01:54 And this is clearly shown through the hunting phase this time.
01:58 An ill-fated rattlesnake was targeted by the roadrunner.
02:02 Although the bell is a warning for the weak to quickly flee if they do not want to lose
02:07 a painful death.
02:08 For the roadrunner, the bell is no different than a call, an attractive invitation and
02:13 the battle has started.
02:20 Sensing danger approaching, rattlesnakes immediately attack to intimidate the enemy.
02:25 Without showing any pain from the opponent's dangerous bite, the roadrunner grabbed the
02:29 opponent's head and smashed it to the ground to death.
02:33 The rattlesnake seemed to no longer have the ability to resist.
02:37 It was quickly swallowed by the roadrunner.
02:48 Known as the largest cuckoo bird in North America with a weight of 221 to 528 grams,
02:56 roadrunners spend most of their time on the ground due to their limited flying ability.
03:01 But their footsteps have a speed of up to 32 kilometers an hour.
03:05 Usually they can run at 42 kilometers an hour, which is an incredible speed for a bird that
03:10 can fly and has helped them a lot in the process of hunting.
03:15 Their food is mainly small animals such as birds, mice, poisonous snakes, lizards and
03:20 even insects.
03:22 They have a very brutal way to kill their prey, which is to keep the prey in the beak
03:26 and then hit the ground several times hard.
03:32 When things become arid and harsh, food sources are no longer as abundant as before.
03:37 It is difficult for these venomous snakes to escape the sight of this reckless predator.
03:43 In fact, rattlesnakes are roadrunners' favorite food.
03:47 Although possessing deadly venom, they have no fear when approaching because they have
03:52 relatively good attacks and defenses to make the opponent accept a tragic end.
04:04 Roadrunners often peck at the snake's head and then slams it hard on the ground to kill
04:09 its prey.
04:10 However, this intention did not always go smoothly.
04:13 Normally, when approaching prey, the roadrunner will peck a few probes into the opponent's
04:18 body.
04:19 However, this time is different.
04:22 Rattlesnakes are not only fearless, but also more aggressive.
04:26 The snake decided to duel him with the enemy.
04:33 It jumps to attack and takes a fatal blow to the opponent's thigh.
04:37 This powerful bite caused the ground to bleed.
04:40 And most importantly, it was poisoned.
04:43 The roadrunner ran away in a hurry and it will most likely die soon after.
05:00 Despising opponents won't bode well for all predators.
05:05 And neither does it for the roadrunner.
05:07 With poisonous snakes, especially rattlesnakes, they must be very careful.
05:12 Sometimes carelessness and neglect will cost it very dearly.
05:16 These venomous snakes always take advantage of the opportunity to inject deadly poison
05:21 into the victim's body.
05:32 Their venom could quickly paralyze the nervous system of prey such as mice, birds and other
05:37 small animals.
05:38 And then cause the victim's heart to stop beating just a few minutes after being bitten.
05:45 And certainly when the roadrunner is injured, it will be difficult to keep its life.
05:50 What is more special is that if the prey bitten by a snake moves before it dies, the rattlesnake
05:55 will follow its scent.
05:58 We see birds and rodents, so the roadrunner is also on this snake's menu.
06:10 It could be seen that to survive in the wild is not an easy thing.
06:15 The most dangerous predators can also fall prey to others because the laws of nature
06:20 are always cruel.
06:21 The strong always win and the weaker are forced to accept their fate.
06:27 That's why we always see animals often have to fight hard and rush into life and death
06:31 battles to survive here.
06:33 Today's video comes to an end.
06:35 Thank you all for watching this video.
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06:41 Goodbye and see you in the next video.
06:43 Bye.
