• last year
00:00 is it on? ok
00:07 no it's still gonna see my face
00:14 ok
00:21 ok now i can't
00:24 so i'm gonna be doing a tutorial
00:31 i'm gonna do little e
00:34 hold up
00:46 so i'm gonna be doing little e
00:50 what i mean by little e is e from descendants but a little one
00:57 so you might not want to try this at home
01:03 because there's one part you won't like
01:07 so what you need is tape
01:12 lotion, any lotion you have
01:16 hand sanitizer, nail polish, and sparkles
01:23 and that's it
01:25 first what you need to use your lotion
01:28 because lotion kinda helps set
01:30 if your face like, your face is always ashy so
01:34 guys, don't think about it, your face is always ashy
01:40 if you already do it you don't have to
01:43 put lotion on
01:47 ok you can put your lotion on
01:51 so what you wanna do is put some lotion, don't put it on your lips
01:59 and stuff
02:02 you can put it on your eyebrows but
02:05 wait, don't put it on your eyebrows
02:07 because your eyebrows are supposed to be dry
02:10 ok
02:12 so if you have extra you can put that on your neck
02:18 so
02:21 i'm not actually making out how to make it yet
02:27 so
02:30 next you need is
02:33 oh my
02:34 to put hand sanitizer
02:37 on your hand
02:41 ok
02:42 so let's put some hand sanitizer on your hand
02:46 so
02:49 your hands won't be dirty when you put stuff on
02:55 oh what the heck
03:05 ok wait
03:06 so
03:08 whenever you get your hand sanitizer just put some on your hand
03:15 ok
03:16 so
03:18 when you're done
03:21 do not get your
03:23 ok then you can get your nail polish
03:29 oh gosh
03:32 so next get your nail polish
03:36 ok guys I need to pause for a second because
03:40 ok
03:42 next you get to do your nails yay nail time
03:46 ok
03:48 so you have to have purple nail polish
03:51 and yeah ok guys let's get to work
04:01 so you don't have to get the darkest color you want
04:06 you can just get the color that you think you can have
04:11 ok
04:13 oh yeah
04:18 so don't bother just coloring it in all the way
04:21 it doesn't have to be perfect even if this is a makeup tutorial
04:25 it just has to be on there
04:29 if you don't have purple nail polish just get the nail polish that you have
04:34 if you do just use it
04:37 so what is important to be little Eve because
04:42 if you're a little girl and you use makeup which that could be me
04:46 but I want to do a little one
04:49 and then next video I want to
04:52 because I love Eve
04:56 so guys don't judge me Eve she doesn't speak that much
05:00 Mel does she like speaks more than me
05:06 I think I forgot what the movie is like
05:11 in this song Eve sings a little bit
05:15 Mel sings a lot
05:20 even this Eve song so Eve should be singing more
05:30 wait it's probably not Eve though
05:35 so yeah I'll be starting doing makeup tutorials
05:40 easy ones sometimes hard
05:43 because some people don't have makeup or they can't use it
05:50 ok
05:54 so the nails
05:58 it doesn't have to be on all hands I'm just showing some
06:05 ok so the nails don't have to be perfect it just has to look purple
06:09 so we're all done
06:14 just wait for a little while but I'm not going to wait
06:18 I'm just going to continue
06:20 ok so
06:24 I have pink glitter don't forget that
06:27 so you got your glitter
06:31 and you know the lotion that you put on
06:37 let me pause this because you don't have to actually see this
06:42 ok
06:47 back to my makeup tutorial
06:49 so when you have this
06:52 bring it in there
06:57 some up here
06:59 doesn't have to be too good see
07:04 ok just make sure you have glitter
07:14 ok
07:17 so
07:25 ready or what
07:28 so this is a makeup tutorial thank you for watching everyone
07:32 so you can do this at home but do not do it at people's houses
07:36 or if you want to
07:38 or if you have makeup
07:40 so the reason why I want to do the Eve
07:43 because she looks so good
07:45 yeah
07:47 next I'm going to make the costume so
07:49 I'm going to say
07:51 mhm