The Umayyads and the Degradation of Islam

  • last year
Yazid’s public indulgence in sinful behavior made it a custom for the upcoming caliphs, including Banu Marwan, to also openly indulge in those behaviors. This legitimized their sinful behaviors for the public. Furthermore, years of civil unrest, battles, cruel governors, and elimination of the Islamic scholars had taken away any motivation for religious practices. Religion was no longer a priority for the people. It became publicly common, even in the holy cities of Mecca and Medina, to have open concerts by female singers, where many onlookers sought to womanize. According to historical records, in one incident, there was a famous female singer in Medina who decided to perform Hajj, and her fans also accompanied her in large numbers. Upon entering Mecca and returning to Medina, the people gathered in crowds to welcome her, and she sang in public to please them.
In such a society, people were not interested in any religious guidance and would also ridicule any advice or teaching provided to them. The Imam had described his situation by saying that, “If we give them the teachings of the Prophet, they ridicule us. However, we can not remain silent, either.” The Imam used every opportunity to guide the people. He held weekly Friday lectures in the Mosque of the Prophet in Medina. The Imam’s advice focused on the short duration of this life, and the significance of the hereafter. The Imam’s words would impact the people who would listen to him, cause tears to flow from their eyes, and touch their hearts.