00:00 I'm glad to have one of my brothers here from Alabama, Dr. Good, thank you so much for worshipping,
00:16 hanging out with your boy today.
00:17 I'm grateful for you.
00:19 For those of you who are worshipping with us from out of town, thank you so much for
00:25 coming.
00:26 There are so many options of worship here in Atlanta, but you have just given evidence
00:31 of how smart you are.
00:33 Thank you so very much.
00:36 Daniel chapter 6, it's an unlikely Mother's Day text, but I want you to meet me there.
00:44 Daniel chapter 6, verse 16 and 17.
00:48 Daniel chapter 6, verse 16 and 17.
00:52 Let's read together with uplifted voices.
00:54 So the king gave the order and they brought Daniel and they threw him into the lion's
01:00 den.
01:01 The king said to Daniel, "May your God, whom you serve continually, rescue you."
01:09 Verse number 17, please.
01:11 A stone was brought, placed over the mouth of the den, and the king sealed it with his
01:17 own signet ring and with the rings of his nobles so that Daniel's situation might not
01:25 be changed.
01:26 You may be seated in the presence of the Lord.
01:30 So the king gave the order and they brought Daniel and threw him into the lion's den.
01:36 The king said to Daniel, "May your God, whom you serve continuously, rescue you."
01:44 A stone was brought and placed over the mouth of the den and the king sealed it with his
01:50 own signet ring and with the rings of the nobles because they believed that Daniel's
01:56 situation was not going to change.
02:00 I want to preach for a little while today using as a subject, "Just don't yell at me."
02:07 Just don't yell at me.
02:09 Look at the person beside you, tell them, "There's a whole lot of stuff I can deal with."
02:14 Look at me now and say, "But I'm telling you right now, just don't yell at me."
02:20 Just don't yell at me.
02:31 The global wildcat preservation organization called Panthera has committed themselves to
02:39 preserving the wildlife in Senegal.
02:44 About a year ago, a few of their conservationists found a young malnourished lioness who had
02:53 been separated from her tribe.
02:57 She looked dazed, disoriented, and malnourished.
03:03 Upon further investigation, they discovered that the lioness had a full face of porcupine
03:12 quills in her face.
03:17 Because she had a full face of porcupine quills, it prevented her from eating for almost a
03:25 month.
03:27 Not only did it prevent her from eating, but she couldn't hunt.
03:33 Not only could she not hunt, but she could not roar.
03:38 The team decided to administer antibiotics.
03:43 The lioness, hear this, was so debilitated that she lost her fight.
03:52 Today by faith, I believe the Lord is pulling out the aspersions that have been lodged in
04:02 the face of our mothers, our daughters, and our sisters.
04:08 The spear that suggested that they didn't have the right shape.
04:14 The javelin that tried to make them second guess their genius.
04:19 The dagger that damaged their dreams.
04:24 And the swords that tried to shave off their self-worth.
04:30 The blow that you have endured has been so crippling that so many of our mothers in this
04:37 room, so many mothers who are watching online, have lost their drive, have lost their penchant
04:46 to hunt.
04:48 It may be surprising to you that it is the lioness who is tasked with hunting, not the
04:58 lion.
04:59 It is the women in the pride who have to go out and make sure that the children eat.
05:08 And I want to suggest to you all, be it humbly, that you have to go after what it is that
05:13 you are supposed to possess.
05:17 And more so, the enemy has allowed so much stuff to blow up in your face that he is hoping
05:25 that as women of God, you will lose your roar.
05:31 There's a Hebrew term for praise which is shabak.
05:35 It translates to mean to address in a loud tone, to shout, to cry out, to scream.
05:46 But a theologian put a twist on it that I had never seen before, that shabak really
05:51 translates to mean to roar.
05:57 What happened in Joshua chapter 6 verse number 5 is when the whole army was going, here it
06:04 is, to tear the walls down, they did not bring a construction crew.
06:09 They just screamed until the walls fell down.
06:14 I want to say to somebody who's sitting around you that when you scream, whatever wall has
06:19 been erected by your opposition is getting ready to start tumbling down.
06:26 Psalms, Psalm 63 verse 3, it says that because your love is better than life, my lips will,
06:39 here it is, shabak you, or I will roar to you because of how it is that you love me.
06:48 When we give God a shout in church, it is evidence for us that we know how much it is
06:55 that we are loved.
06:57 If you know God loves you undeniably, irrefutably, would you just open up your mouth?
07:02 Come on, if you know God loves you.
07:06 When other people didn't love you, when you didn't even love yourself, it is, shabak is
07:16 to scream, it is to yell, it is to holler, it is to roar.
07:22 When you hear that word roar in the Google of your own memory, you immediately think
07:28 of a lion and not of a lioness.
07:33 I want to suggest to you that maybe it is a lioness that ought to come to your mind.
07:40 Whenever here it is a lion roars, it is never haphazard.
07:46 It is a roar that comes with intention.
07:50 When I was in elementary school, my family moved from Boston to Baltimore, Maryland,
07:56 and soon after we got to Baltimore, one of our neighbors took me to my first world wrestling
08:03 federation match.
08:04 I had never been a day in my life.
08:07 Can I tell you transparently, I didn't even know what wrestling was until my neighbors
08:12 in Baltimore took me to the Baltimore Civic Center so that I could see Superfly Snooker
08:18 and Rowdy Rowdy Piper.
08:20 Y'all too young, let me see if I can help you here.
08:25 We walked into the arena, we walked into the arena, and we walked into the arena, everybody
08:30 was screaming.
08:32 I didn't watch wrestling, I didn't know who I was screaming for, I just started screaming
08:37 because everybody else was screaming.
08:40 My neighbors who took me to the match said, "You do know you're screaming for the villain,
08:44 don't you?"
08:45 I said, "No," in full embarrassment.
08:49 Here it is, I didn't know who I was screaming for.
08:53 I was just screaming because everybody else around me was screaming.
08:58 I will enter into his gates with shabbat.
09:04 Y'all ain't saying nothing to me.
09:05 I will enter into his courts, here it is, with praise.
09:10 When I come into God's house, I'm not screaming because the rest of y'all are screaming.
09:15 I'm screaming because I know him for myself.
09:19 I know what he's able to do.
09:22 I know that he's been better to me than I've been to myself.
09:27 If you know who you're screaming for, would you open up your mouth and shout like that?
09:37 You gotta know who you are screaming for.
09:46 When lions roar, hear this, when lions roar, when lionesses roar, y'all ain't gonna believe
09:53 it, you're gonna be the smartest person at work tomorrow.
09:55 When lions roar, it can be heard for five miles.
10:01 It can be heard for five miles.
10:03 Here it is, when they are roaring, they are setting up their territory.
10:08 They're setting up their jurisdiction.
10:11 And so when a lion roars, they are setting up boundaries.
10:17 Here it is, for five miles, it is pushing off evil that is coming from the east.
10:24 When a woman lion roars, it is warding off witchcraft that's coming from the west.
10:32 When a lion roars, here it is, it is knocking out the spirit of the antichrist that comes
10:40 from the south.
10:41 When a lion roars, y'all ain't saying nothing, it will hold back every demonic principality
10:49 from the north.
10:51 And so when a woman lion roars, it is setting up a five-mile demarcation that every evil
11:00 spirit five miles of my child better back up.
11:07 I need women in this room, would you open up your mouth so that the enemy knows you
11:15 better not come within five miles.
11:20 Hallelujah.
11:21 You may be seated.
11:26 Hallelujah.
11:28 Would you speak your zip code right now?
11:31 I said shout your zip code right now.
11:34 When I speak my zip code, there will be no school shootings at my kids' school.
11:44 Y'all ain't saying nothing.
11:46 When I shout right now, there will be no gang initiation for my son within five miles.
11:59 Y'all don't know when to scream, I don't care where they are shooting in Atlanta, it will
12:06 not hit my house for five miles.
12:12 Hallelujah.
12:13 When a lion screams, watch this, I am setting the territory for five miles.
12:26 It is important for you to know is that when a lioness roars, when a lioness roars, it
12:35 is to cover her children, watch this, while they may not physically be with her.
12:47 So whatever is out there that think they gonna put their slimy hands on my child, I dare
12:58 mothers to scream so that you will block every pedophile, every sex trafficker, every abuser.
13:08 You better open up your mouth till your children are covered from the top of their head.
13:19 You're letting every predatory species know that my child will not be susceptible to drug
13:27 addiction.
13:28 Y'all ain't saying nothing to me.
13:32 My child will not be abused, will not be battered, will not be taken advantage of, will never
13:40 spend a night in jail, will never have handcuffs on him.
13:45 I need you to open up your mouth so that your sons and your daughter will rise up and prophesy.
13:53 There is a gift on your child.
13:58 Let the lion roar.
14:01 Open up your mouth.
14:05 Hey, hallelujah.
14:07 Hear this, the lion, when the lioness roars, it goes out for five miles, but it sends a
14:21 signal, some of y'all ain't gonna be able to roar on this, it sends a signal to missing
14:27 family members that you can still come home.
14:33 I don't care what you did, I don't care how we fell out, you are always gonna be loved
14:39 here.
14:40 Y'all ain't saying nothing.
14:42 God said when you open up your mouth, whatever member of your family has lost their way or
14:50 lost their mind, they are getting ready to come back to the fullness of the grace of
14:57 God.
14:58 I need you to open up your mouth like they're coming back to what they were called to be.
15:06 Hallelujah.
15:07 You may be seated.
15:10 You may be seated.
15:12 Hallelujah.
15:14 They're coming back.
15:16 God just put a locating device on them right now.
15:20 They're coming back.
15:21 I need you to elbow your neighbor, tell them they're getting out of that relationship.
15:25 Hallelujah.
15:27 They're coming out of jail.
15:29 They're coming out of that lifestyle.
15:32 They're coming out of that cycle of behavior.
15:35 They're coming out of that addiction.
15:37 The enemy was hoping you were going to be quiet, but I got some women who are lions
15:44 in here.
15:45 Would you open up your mouth like you're going to save your child's life?
15:53 Hallelujah.
15:54 Hallelujah.
15:55 Thank you, holy God.
15:59 We bless your wonderful name.
16:01 Hallelujah.
16:02 You've been better to us than we've been to ourselves.
16:06 Nobody said the road was going to be easy, but I don't believe you brought me this far
16:12 to leave me now.
16:14 I dare a sister to shake another sister's hand and say when we scream, our niece and
16:21 nephew are coming back.
16:22 Our godchildren are coming back.
16:25 Our grandchildren are coming back.
16:29 There's an assignment.
16:37 Contrary to popular belief, lions, hear this, roar the most.
16:45 Y'all ain't going to believe it.
16:48 Lions roar the most in the dark.
16:56 It is not in the daytime.
16:59 It's in the dark.
17:01 Because lions, what many people don't understand, are also nocturnal, and they can see just
17:07 as well in the night as they can in the day.
17:11 Y'all ain't saying nothing to me.
17:13 And there's something about a few women in this room who found your greatest roar when
17:17 you were in your dark season.
17:19 God, I can't hear nobody that when you began to give God glory, it wasn't because everything
17:26 was good.
17:28 But in your spirit, you said there's a bright side somewhere.
17:32 And I want to hear from some women who lived through some dark nights, but you found out
17:39 weeping may endure for a night, but joy.
17:48 They roar in the night because they can still see in the dark.
17:56 Older lions, older lions, hear this, they don't show you those on Animal Planet.
18:09 Older lions, you'll never see them in the zoo.
18:14 But older lions, watch this, will lose their teeth.
18:19 And even as an older lion loses her teeth, she still with no teeth won't lose her roar.
18:29 God help me.
18:33 Y'all better stop playing with these seasoned sisters.
18:38 Just because they got gray hair, y'all ain't saying nothing.
18:41 Just because they're not walking as fast, it don't mean that she still ain't got a roar.
18:47 Some mama can be on dialysis, she can be in chemotherapy, she can have arthritis, her
18:55 hearing is not the best, but if you play with her child, a roar is going to come out of
19:02 her.
19:03 I want women over 50 who still got fight in you.
19:09 Would you open up your mouth like you still got something to offer?
19:15 Would you still got something to contribute?
19:25 I was perplexed when I was reading Daniel chapter 6 because the government made praying
19:34 in public against the law.
19:38 And anybody who didn't comply would be sentenced to death.
19:45 And you got to ask yourself why is it that they don't want you to pray?
19:53 There's got to be something to it.
19:55 Hallelujah.
19:56 Because they understand what is the power of prayer.
20:00 It's not until they took prayer out of schools that God showed up in schools.
20:05 God, I can't hear nobody in here.
20:10 There's something, this for those of y'all not with new school mothers, I'm talking to
20:13 old school mothers.
20:14 Those of y'all raised by old school mothers, you'd wake up and hear your mama pray.
20:19 Y'all ain't saying nothing.
20:21 James Cleveland was in the living room.
20:24 She was covering your bed and covering your family and covering your house.
20:29 I just want 500 of y'all that know you got your mother's praying gift on you.
20:35 Would you just open up your hair and just start praying over this house?
20:40 Come on, I need to hear you pray.
20:43 I can't hear you.
20:45 Come on, pray.
20:46 Open up your mouth, pray.
20:49 Hallelujah.
20:50 And they said that anybody who prayed in public would have to face the death penalty.
21:04 And there was a young man by the name of Daniel who didn't care what the law said.
21:11 And I'll pray anywhere, at any time.
21:16 The Bible records for us that he went home and pulled back the curtain so that everybody
21:21 who drove past him would have to see him giving God glory.
21:25 Some of y'all can't worship because you're too concerned about what other people think,
21:30 what other people gonna say, what other people's opinion are.
21:34 But I need those of y'all that have been delivered from other people's opinion.
21:39 I don't care what you think about me.
21:42 It's prayer that got me this far.
21:48 He pulls back the curtain and he begins to pray.
21:54 And the agents of the government went back to King Nebuchadnezzar and said, "Did you
21:59 hear what Daniel did?
22:02 We gonna have to give him the death penalty because he's praying in public."
22:07 King Nebuchadnezzar didn't want to do it, but he knew he had to be compliant to the
22:11 law.
22:13 And you're not gonna believe what happened, ladies and gentlemen, is that in the death
22:16 penalty, they did not strap him to an electric chair.
22:21 They did not call for the penitentiary nurse to bring him a lethal injection.
22:28 This is not Old Dixie, so they did not hang him from a sycamore tree.
22:33 The Bible records for us in Daniel chapter 6 that they did something unlikely.
22:38 Y'all ain't gonna believe it.
22:40 They put Daniel in a lion's den.
22:43 God, I think I lost you.
22:46 They put him in the lion's den and the Bible said, as you read today in verse number 17,
22:52 they thought his situation wasn't gonna change.
22:55 God, I can't hear nobody, but I need you to prophesy to the people who are on your row
23:02 and tell them, see how they act, tell them for me, your situation is about to change.
23:08 Now, if they don't respond to it, leave them right where you are.
23:13 But I say your situation is about to change, y'all.
23:18 Circumstance is about to change.
23:25 They put Daniel in the lion's den, and that should have been enough.
23:31 But I need you to see what happens next, because it raises the ante, is that when they put
23:37 him in the lion's den, they then put a tombstone to cover it.
23:43 Y'all, please stay with me.
23:46 They put a tombstone to cover it because they're thinking there is no way out.
23:52 God, help me.
23:54 Maybe you forgot because you were daydreaming while I was preaching.
23:58 They forgot, here it is, that lions can see in the dark.
24:05 So when they closed the tomb, I wonder what y'all think Daniel was doing when he's stuck
24:13 in a situation with something that wants to kill him.
24:18 Y'all ain't still here yet.
24:20 He began to sheba and said, "I will bless the Lord."
24:29 Hey, all right, I got to show you something.
24:33 I got to show you something.
24:34 Would you be seated for just one moment?
24:36 I got to show you something.
24:38 Please be seated for just one, would you please, for just one moment, I got to show you something.
24:44 Now the reason why this is so important, the reason why this is so critical, watch this,
24:50 is Daniel had to begin shebaking the Lord.
24:55 He had to start worshiping him.
24:57 He had to start screaming, had to start hollering, had to have the sound of victory.
25:04 And he had, watch this, to roar.
25:09 Daniel could not afford for the lion to roar in the lion's den because, watch this, it's
25:16 at 114 decibels.
25:20 If a lion roared in a closed space and the sound had nowhere to go, it would have burst
25:28 both of Daniel's eardrums.
25:31 Y'all ain't saying nothing to me.
25:33 So Daniel had to tell the lion, "It's only going to be one worshiper in here.
25:40 God help me."
25:41 And it ain't you, it's me.
25:44 When you open up your mouth, you will let the devil know, "You better not yell at me.
25:52 There's a praise on the inside of me.
25:56 When I open up my mouth, the glory."
26:02 Hey, be seated, I got to show you this.
26:07 Daniel told the lion behind closed doors, "Don't yell in here.
26:16 I'm the designated praiser.
26:20 Don't yell in here.
26:21 Y'all ain't saying nothing.
26:23 I got this assignment.
26:25 I got to go a step further."
26:27 He had to tell the devil, tell the lion, "Don't yell, watch this, because I got three children
26:34 depending on me, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego."
26:42 God said, "When you scream, you are going to silence whatever the enemy been saying
26:50 to your children.
26:51 I need you to open up your mouth like God."
26:56 Hey, come on, open up your mouth.
26:59 Open up your mouth.
27:02 Hallelujah.
27:04 Hallelujah.
27:06 They put Daniel in the lion's den.
27:18 They closed the tomb, put a seal on it, and the Bible says they went away.
27:25 And all he had to do was survive the night.
27:29 If he survived the night, the door was going to open for him.
27:34 Look at the person beside you, tell them last night was the worst night of your life.
27:40 But if you woke up this morning, a door is getting ready to open for you.
27:47 If you open up your mouth, everything that was closed to you is about to open up.
27:55 Let the lion roar.
27:58 I need you to open up your mouth.
28:05 One of my favorite writers, one of my favorite writers, Lucille Clifton.
28:10 Lucille Clifton says this, "Celebrate with me because everything that tried to kill me
28:16 failed."
28:17 You missed what I just said.
28:21 Celebrate with me because everything that tried to kill me failed.
28:27 I'm waiting for y'all to get it.
28:30 Celebrate with me.
28:31 Everything that tried to kill me.
28:35 There's going to be a roar in this room, and I'm sending you on the brunch.
28:44 But when you open up your mouth, you are letting the enemy know you better shut your mouth.
28:50 There is a gift of God on my life.
28:54 It is not for me, but I am roaring for my children.
29:02 That there's got to be a cry in here that everything I don't get, my children will receive.
29:09 When I count to three, I want you to support the Lord.
29:15 One, two, three, shout.
29:18 Hey, come on.
29:21 Open up your mouth.
29:24 Open up your mouth.
29:27 Open up your mouth.
29:30 We got the victory.
29:32 We got the victory.
29:35 We got the victory.
29:38 Come on, cry out loud.
29:41 Scream for your children, for their scholarship, for their opportunity, for their businesses,
29:50 for their idea, for their creativity.
29:55 Roar.
29:57 Lift up that hand, please.
30:15 Tell me, who can, hallelujah, when we call on that great name, Jesus.
30:32 Jesus.
30:34 Listen to me.
30:37 You're getting ready to scream, not just for your victory.
30:44 You are going to scream for whatever you are fighting through right now.
30:50 God said if you scream today, by tomorrow the warfare is over.
30:57 If you don't need this, don't shout with us.
31:00 But open up your mouth.
31:03 Hey.
31:05 Open up.
31:09 You got to win.
31:12 You got to win.
31:14 You got to win.
31:17 Your children got to win.
31:20 Your family got to win.
31:23 Your bloodline got to win.
31:27 I'm going to pray for you.
31:35 I'm going to pray for you.
31:40 I want you to lift up that hand.
31:43 I believe that the lion in the den was actually a lioness.
31:56 Because only a lioness could have had compassion to know what it means to stand in the gap for your children.
32:09 [crowd cheering]
32:17 I want that hand lifted as high as you can.
32:23 A real mother would rather her children be alright than to become a millionaire.
32:30 Y'all ain't saying nothing to me.
32:34 A real mother don't care whether you become famous or popular or rich.
32:39 She want to make sure your hand is in God's hand and you are following his will for your life.
32:48 I speak over every lifted hand that whenever you yell, it will have an impact for five miles.
33:00 And whatever direction trouble is coming, your sound will back it off.
33:07 I'm declaring there's so much oil in your throat that you're going to be able to call your children back into consciousness
33:16 when they acting crazy like they done lost their mind.
33:21 I speak over every lifted hand that whatever situation life has thrown you into,
33:28 here's your shout, you ain't going to die in it.
33:32 But you're going to come out of it stronger and better.
33:36 And those of you who know your throat is anointed,
33:40 I want you for the last time today to give God your best Shabbat like you know you got authority over the environment.
33:52 Come on. Come on.
33:56 You got authority.
33:59 You got authority.
34:02 You got authority.
34:05 Hallelujah.
34:11 I'm going to do something.
34:14 Listen to me.
34:16 I'm going to give tribute unto God today.
34:19 There are a lot of you who are leaving here going past the cemetery.
34:23 There are others of you just going to go drive by your mama's house.
34:28 Others of you who are going to have to make a phone call.
34:30 Others of you got to go pick up some flowers.
34:33 There are those of you who are watching who couldn't even get out of the bed today.
34:37 The weight of it is just too heavy.
34:40 Just too overwhelming.
34:42 But you ought to thank God you've got a mother who never lost her roar.
34:48 Never lost her fight.
34:52 I am thankful every day for Cecilia Williams Bryant to raise two children in Baltimore
35:01 and have both of her children complete doctorate degrees.
35:04 I don't take that lightly.
35:07 That's a praying mother.
35:09 Come on, y'all ain't saying nothing. That's a praying mother.
35:15 You can pick your friends, but you never had the opportunity to pick who your mom was going to be.
35:23 Did y'all hear what I just said?
35:24 You can pick your friends, but you didn't have any say so who your mother was going to be.
35:30 The only person who had that option was Jesus.
35:34 Mary was selected.
35:36 I want all of us here with us to give tribute and thanksgiving unto our God for the mother he gave us.
35:44 [applause]
35:52 And listen to me.
35:54 I don't want to write any Disney narrative.
35:56 I don't want to give any fake harlequin romance narrative.
36:00 Everybody's mother wasn't perfect.
36:03 Everybody's mother wasn't a prayer warrior.
36:05 Y'all ain't saying nothing.
36:07 Everybody's mother wasn't operating in wisdom.
36:10 I'm going to say something that's going to upset three of you.
36:12 Everybody's mother didn't want to be a mother.
36:16 But God chose that vessel for you to be able to come through.
36:21 The Bible says honor your mother.
36:23 It doesn't say honor good mothers.
36:25 It doesn't say honor sober mothers.
36:29 It says honor your mother so that your days might be long.
36:35 And I believe in your day is going to be long.
36:38 I'm going to give a tribute to God.
36:40 I'm going to challenge every person in this room.
36:42 Every person in this room.
36:44 Every person who's watching online.
36:47 I'm going to give God an audible.
36:49 I'm going to give God an expression of thanksgiving for the mother that he gave up for me.
36:55 And so here's what I want you to do.
36:57 Listen to me.
36:58 We're going to give a seed collectively, corporately, an expression of thanksgiving unto God for who our mother is or who our mother was.
37:07 I am challenging, watch this.
37:09 I'm challenging, I'm giving a seed today of 500 on behalf of my mother.
37:13 That's just what I want to do.
37:15 I'm not telling you what to give.
37:17 Some of y'all may want to give 100.
37:18 Some of you may want to give 50.
37:20 Some of y'all want to give 50 cents.
37:22 But whatever that is, amen, that's between you and your God.
37:25 All of our giving apparatuses are on this screen.
37:29 Gibleify, Pushpay, Zelle, Text2Give.
37:31 Do me a favor, please.
37:32 As soon as you have it, would you just come lay it right here on the altar if you feel like it?
37:37 Otherwise, you can do it from your seat.
37:39 But I want every person that's giving a seed of thanksgiving for the God that you're, that God, for the mother that God gave you.
37:47 I want you to come as quickly as you can.
37:49 New Birth, would you clap your hands as they begin coming even right now?
37:53 Come on, clap your hands.
37:55 I thank God for her.
37:57 She made some difficult decisions.
37:59 She had to make some hard choices.
38:02 She had to endorse some things that I didn't even know about until later on in life.
38:07 Hallelujah.
38:08 I didn't even know why my mother was mad all the time.
38:11 Y'all ain't saying, we just driving and she'll reach over and punch me.
38:16 I didn't know what was happening.
38:17 Y'all ain't happy with that kind of mother.
38:19 My mother's from the projects, 245 North Broadway.
38:23 What's up, Ken?
38:24 Bless you, sir.
38:25 Come on, every person, I want you to sow that seed.
38:28 I'm thankful for the mother that God gave me.
38:30 She wasn't perfect, but she was perfect for me.
38:34 Thankful for the mother that God gave me.
38:37 [Screaming]
38:38 [Explosion]
38:40 [Whistling]
38:41 [Crying]
38:42 [Crying]
38:43 [Silence]
38:45 [Silence]
38:47 [Silence]
38:49 [Silence]
38:51 [Silence]
38:53 [Silence]
38:55 [Silence]
38:57 [Silence]
38:58 [Silence]
38:59 [Silence]
39:00 [Silence]