Midi infos - 31/05/2023

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MEDI1TV Afrique : Midi infos - 31/05/2023
00:03 We are still together on Media & TV, thanks for remaining faithful to us. Here are the titles of your journal.
00:18 Noura Mohammed Syis inaugurated in Tomsk yesterday, the city of jobs and skills.
00:24 A new generation training establishment that can host more than 3,500 trainees.
00:31 A first in Africa, the work of the JITEX Africa Morocco has started today in Marrakech.
00:38 In Kondawa, chaired by the head of the government Aziz Dahanoush, it is one of the largest high-tech salons in the world.
00:45 The Sudanese army has slammed the door of negotiations under the legitimacy of the United States and Saudi Arabia.
00:53 It accuses paramilitaries of violating the high points of the temporary trade agreement. We speak of it in a moment.
01:01 And we start this journal in Morocco, where the city of jobs and skills of the region of Rabat Salekh El Etra was inaugurated yesterday in Tomsk by Noura Mohammed Syis.
01:14 It is a new generation training establishment that will be able to benefit more than 3,600 trainees in the first place.
01:23 King Mohammed Syis inaugurated this Tuesday in the city of Tomsk a new city of jobs and skills.
01:31 The latter translates the particular interest that the sovereign grants to the sector of professional training as a strategic lever of economic competitiveness.
01:41 It is above all a promising way for the professional insertion of youth.
01:46 It is a city built in the city of Tomsk on 10 hectares. It has six training centers, a center for the service of the person and the community, a tourism center, an agricultural center, an industrial center.
02:04 The city of jobs and skills is the backbone of the road network, as it will allow the production of a manufacturing brand, the construction of skills and human capital necessary for the development of the kingdom.
02:17 On the one hand, and it will allow in a logic of operational excellence, the implementation of the entire training system.
02:25 The training offer provided by the city of jobs and skills of Rabat, Salek and Nitra concerns eight sectors.
02:32 The main families of jobs retained concern the sectors of digital and artificial intelligence, health, agriculture, tourism and hotel management and commerce, industry, food agro and services to the person and the community.
02:49 The space is equipped with all the capacities that are linked to the options of hospitality, namely the option of hotel management through its specialties, such as reception, reservation.
03:05 This educational space is also designed to accommodate these clients of these different categories, namely VIP clients, etc.
03:19 The service center to the person and the community is made up of a pedagogical nursery that represents an immersion space for trainees in the fields of specializing educators in early childhood and preschool educators via learning by action, referring to Montessori pedagogy, active pedagogy and green pedagogy.
03:46 The annual capacity of this city of jobs and skills is 3560 pedagogical places. It will be brought to 4560 places as early as 2024.
03:57 This city is part of a global program that envisages the realization of 12 cities of jobs and skills in the different regions of the kingdom.
04:07 Global forecast investment of 4.4 billion dirhams.
04:14 I want to announce it in the titles. It is one of the largest high-tech fairs in the world. I am talking about the Jaitex Africa Morocco.
04:20 The event is held for the first time in African land and it is Morocco that has been chosen to shelter this threshold of opportunity for African startups.
04:29 The work of Jaitex Africa Morocco has also started today in Marrakech in Côte d'Ivoire, chaired by the head of the government Aziz Akhanouch.
04:39 The event, held under the patronage of the King Mohammed VI, continues until June 2 in the city of Ocre.
04:46 More than 900 exhibitors and startups, as well as delegations from nearly a hundred countries, are taking part.
04:54 The event is held in the city of Ocre, chaired by the head of the government Aziz Akhanouch.
05:03 We are with Alex Seya, president of the Africa FinTech Forum. He is live from Marrakech with us.
05:18 Alex Seya, hello and thank you for accepting our invitation.
05:23 It is a pleasure. I would like to thank you for this opportunity.
05:26 What importance does this first edition of Jaitex Africa Morocco hold for African startups?
05:36 Jaitex is already a very important event. We know Jaitex Global in Dubai.
05:47 We know what it brings as an actor of the ecosystem. Having this event in Africa is a great opportunity.
05:55 I think it is the most important event in Africa in relation to the ecosystem and innovation.
06:02 We are delighted to participate actively in this event.
06:06 We are also delighted to have business opportunities for the actors, for the startups, for the exhibitors and for the startups, for the visibility opportunities.
06:20 Jaitex brings all this together in terms of opportunities for all the actors who participate.
06:25 It is a good framework to be made in a good network.
06:30 What?
06:32 I said it is a good framework to be made in a good network.
06:36 Yes, of course. It is a really plural event.
06:41 There are all nationalities, there are all countries.
06:45 We have a strong presence of the sub-Saharan Africa.
06:47 We have a strong plurality of actors, of the industry ecosystem, of innovation and of the tech that are there.
06:55 It is really a cocktail of meeting, a cocktail of opportunities for all.
07:01 And what are the sectors of activity that are most concerned?
07:06 Yes, of course, in terms of sectors of activity, I would say globally tech.
07:13 And on tech, we have FinTech, digital finance, which is strongly represented, which is strongly present.
07:22 We also have the actors who are in the front line, who are there, who are also in the logistics and education segment.
07:32 But we also have big tech actors who are present at the event.
07:37 Let's say that the African tech ecosystem is well, it is well brought together today in Marrakech,
07:44 particularly with the Jitex Africa Morocco, which is a first, I remind you, in African land.
07:50 And it is in Marrakech.
07:52 How to explain, sorry, the choice made on Morocco to shelter this meeting of innovation and technology?
07:59 Yes, in fact, I think that for the organization K1, for the Jitex organization,
08:09 the choice of Marrakech was to find everything and especially the choice of Morocco.
08:14 Because Morocco has a strong history with the African sub-Saharan,
08:19 it has a history also with Europe and of course with the Arab world.
08:25 So eventually, having an event like this in Morocco,
08:29 immediately, it is a matter of federating the actors, of wanting to destroy the international actors.
08:37 After Marrakech, Marrakech is Marrakech.
08:39 It is really a place of history, a place of meeting, a place of exchange.
08:45 It is really a place of goodwill, of having lived.
08:50 For us, beyond business, beyond having an event,
08:54 it is always a pleasure to renew the Marrakech team and to be in this atmosphere,
08:58 in this African atmosphere and in this international atmosphere.
09:02 A choice that could also be explained by the fact that Morocco has become,
09:07 over the years, a champion of innovation and technology.
09:12 In particular, we have seen it recently in the field of automobiles.
09:17 Yes, in terms of innovation, we have also seen at the entrance of the event,
09:29 the innovations that have been presented to the King recently.
09:35 I will talk about the automotive field.
09:38 But what we notice is that there are really various innovations.
09:42 And we realize that it is not tech for tech,
09:45 but it is tech that helps to support the well-being of the population.
09:50 It is tech for good.
09:54 And we are delighted to be able to discover all these innovations
09:59 by Africans, but also innovations that are presented by actors
10:03 who come from other countries, who come from other continents.
10:06 And I think that the approach of the King,
10:10 the approach of accelerating innovation in Africa,
10:14 can find ideas, can find opportunities in these types of events.
10:20 Alex Seyar, you are, I recall, the president of the Africa FinTech Forum.
10:27 We are going to talk about FinTech.
10:29 What is your view today on the evolution of this ecosystem,
10:34 especially on the continent?
10:37 Yes, already the view that I have,
10:40 to gauge the evolution of this industry,
10:44 we must go to the real tech.
10:46 We have a lot of FinTechs that are present.
10:48 We have a lot of innovations that are present.
10:50 We have, in terms of demand,
10:53 of the sectors that are present on the Gaitel,
10:55 you can meet the FinTech startups.
10:58 You say that in Gaia, there is a boom in the FinTech industry in Africa.
11:03 Already, boom by investments.
11:05 We know the big developments that have taken place on the continent.
11:08 Boom by consumption.
11:12 The populations who are in the framework of mobile money,
11:17 who are simply to create the faces.
11:19 Also, a boom that was promoted by the States.
11:25 States that allow administrative costs,
11:31 that allow scholarships,
11:34 that allow the students,
11:35 the students' boom will be paid by mobile money.
11:38 All this allows to dynamize the sectors.
11:40 And we, the Africa FinTech Forum,
11:41 we are happy to contribute by working with the actors,
11:47 whether it is the FinTechs themselves,
11:49 to be able to have access to opportunities,
11:51 just like the much more institutional actors,
11:55 which allow them to support the implementation of this ecosystem.
12:01 It is an ecosystem of opportunities.
12:03 It is an industry of opportunities.
12:05 It is an industry of development
12:07 that is a big pillar of development for African economies.
12:12 You have seen it.
12:13 You have talked about boom in this sector.
12:15 But the challenges to be met also by FinTech are enormous today.
12:21 Can you come back to these challenges to be met
12:24 to be able to ensure that this sector is truly in flight?
12:29 The challenges are multiple.
12:33 They are macro, they are micro.
12:35 They are public, they are private.
12:37 What we expect most from Africa,
12:40 and particularly from the African-speaking Africa,
12:43 is precisely this regulatory framework
12:46 that will secure everyone,
12:48 that will make everyone aware.
12:50 Unlike countries like Nigeria, Kenya,
12:56 the African-speaking Africa does not yet have its regulatory framework.
12:59 And I think it will be soon.
13:01 For example, for West Africa,
13:03 the Central Bank of West Africa
13:05 will soon release a regulatory framework
13:08 to support the sector.
13:10 Investors need it to be able to invest in FinTech.
13:15 FinTech needs it to be able to protect the solutions it develops,
13:19 the innovations it carries.
13:21 And of course, I was talking a little about investment.
13:24 It is a pillar of development of this industry in Africa.
13:28 And more and more investors are beginning to be aware
13:31 of the African tech, of the innovation carried by African youth.
13:35 We have known FinTech, big players who are not only African,
13:42 who have become icons in Africa.
13:45 But we expect to see through FinTech,
13:48 purely African icons.
13:50 Nigeria, with Tata Wave and other players,
13:53 have shown us the way.
13:56 And we expect other African-centric players
13:59 who will be big players,
14:01 in which investors will have confidence.
14:04 The other challenge is precisely to be able to develop consumption,
14:09 to be able to develop uses.
14:12 And for that, I think that the populations, little by little,
14:15 are beginning to understand, are beginning to appropriate.
14:18 But behind the security issues are to be taken into account,
14:21 the issues of confidence are to be taken into account.
14:24 And we are working with quite a few actors to develop,
14:27 for example, with private and public actors,
14:33 to develop confidence, to develop security in the digital financial service,
14:39 so that the risk population is mitigated.
14:43 Alexey, thank you. Thank you for all these details.
14:46 I remind you that you are the president of the Africa FinTech Forum
14:51 and that you are taking part in the GITECS Africa MoCo,
14:56 which is currently held in Marrakech and will continue until June 2.
15:00 Thank you.
15:01 We remain in the kingdom where the reform of the health system continues.
15:06 Agadir, the Hassan II Regional Hospital will soon be renovated.
15:11 A convention is underway in this direction.
15:13 It was signed by the authorities on Thursday.
15:16 135 million dirhams for the development and equipment
15:23 of the Hassan II Regional Hospital.
15:26 The head of the government, Aziz Hnouch,
15:28 presided over the signing ceremony of a partnership convention
15:32 on the development and equipment of the Hassan II Regional Hospital
15:36 in the municipality of Agadir.
15:38 This project of the development of the hospital and health centers
15:41 is part of the government plan,
15:44 aimed at expanding and improving the quality of the health offer
15:47 in line with the integrated government strategy.
15:52 The reform of the health system in Morocco is taking place on the ground
15:56 in line with a new vision that aims to exceed the various constraints
16:00 that currently affect the health offer at the territorial level.
16:03 The development and equipment of the Hassan II Regional Hospital
16:06 as well as the rehabilitation of the health centers of proximity
16:09 whose two units visited reflect the importance
16:12 that the government provides for the facilitation of the access of citizens
16:15 to quality care services as well as the support
16:19 of the optimal implementation of the generalization of social protection
16:23 that King Mohammed VI envisages for his solicitude.
16:27 The rehabilitation of these health centers
16:33 and the improvement of the quality of the proximity services
16:36 are part of the respect by the government of these commitments.
16:40 Thus, 232 health centers have been rehabilitated
16:43 which have been added to 100 health centers
16:46 that were treated before the end of January 2023
16:49 on the date of the last field visit by the head of the government
16:52 including three re-housing health centers in the provinces of Rabat,
16:55 Mohamedia and Benslimane.
16:57 The rehabilitation operation has included up to now
17:00 332 health centers, with the prospect of bringing this number to 1,400 centers.
17:05 The Zambian Minister of Foreign Affairs
17:09 was yesterday on a business visit in the Kingdom
17:12 and received a message from his President to King Mohammed VI.
17:15 He was received by his Moroccan counterpart, Nasser Bourita,
17:19 an opportunity once again seized by Standley, Kassongo and Kakoubo
17:23 to reiterate the support of Zambia for territorial integrity
17:27 of Morocco and its plan of autonomy.
17:30 Both parties have also agreed to strengthen their relations in several areas.
17:40 How to anticipate the changes and how to better address the emerging questions in the field of audit?
17:45 The question is at the heart of the memorandum of agreement signed between Morocco and Palestine.
17:50 To know a little more, let's follow this story from Noah Bazir.
17:53 We will have the opportunity to go back in more detail in our next editions
18:01 or before the end of this newspaper.
18:04 The Sudanese army has slammed the door of negotiations
18:07 under the US and Saudi Arabian leadership.
18:10 It accuses the paramilitaries of never applying to the key points of the agreement.
18:16 This point provides for the withdrawal of hospitals and homes.
18:33 This is a question that we just asked ourselves.
18:38 The next question is how to anticipate the changes and how to better address the emerging questions in the field of audit?
18:47 The question is at the heart of the memorandum signed between Morocco and Palestine.
18:54 To know a little more, let's follow this story from Noah Bazir.
18:59 A memorandum of agreement signed between the Court of Audit of the Kingdom of Morocco
19:03 and the Office of Audit and Financial and Administrative Control of the State of Palestine.
19:08 This document, based on the exchange of experience and information,
19:12 was approved by the first president of the Court of Audit, Zineb El Adawi,
19:16 and his Palestinian counterpart, Eyad Tamim.
19:19 In our Arab region, we consider that international cooperation
19:27 is an essential tool for common reflection to address the regional challenges we are facing.
19:33 An essential approach to anticipate the changes and emerging questions in the field of audit
19:38 that calls us as an audit and financial control agency to change our work approaches
19:43 and our ways of thinking if we want to present a real added value to Arab citizens.
19:51 On this occasion, the action of the representatives of the Court of Audit and the Office of Audit and Financial and Administrative Control of the State of Palestine has been praised.
19:59 The two parties are committed to encouraging the exchange of experience in various areas of the higher control of public finances.
20:06 This is an additional argument in favor of the excellence of relations between the Office of Audit and Financial and Administrative Control of the State of Palestine and its Moroccan counterpart.
20:17 This is an opportunity to renew and exchange knowledge and develop our practices as an audit and control agency
20:25 in the service of the Palestinian and Moroccan citizens while consolidating national institutions.
20:31 This is one of the dimensions of the Moroccan-Palestinian cooperation,
20:38 the support of Morocco to Palestine under the instructions of His Majesty King Mohammed VI,
20:43 to whom we express our respect and gratitude, and his brother, President Mahmoud Abbas.
20:48 The doors of Morocco and its institutions are open in support of the Palestinian people.
20:54 At the end of this meeting, the renewal of the agreement of cooperation between the Office of Audit and Financial and Administrative Control of the State of Palestine
21:02 and the Court of Audit and Financial and Administrative Control of the State of Palestine has been praised by the two parties.
21:06 A memorandum was signed as proof of the quality of the relationship between the two institutions
21:11 and the effective support of Morocco in favor of the Palestinian cause.
21:15 After the confirmation of the results of the second round of legislative elections in Mauritania,
21:24 in the name of the presidential election, the party in power therefore comforts its majority at the national assembly.
21:32 In Mauritania, the party in power confirms its crushing victory in the second round.
21:36 It is now official, the party in power will have a crushing majority in parliament.
21:41 According to the results of the second round, Al-Ain Saf has again obtained 27 additional seats.
21:46 He will now have 107 seats out of 176 that the parliament counts.
21:51 The opposition, which had obtained only 24 seats in the first round, wins 3 more,
21:57 including again for the Islamist party of Chawassoul, which in total will have 11 deputies in parliament.
22:02 As for the new coalition, it wins one more seat and now counts 7.
22:07 The elections have experienced a participation rate of 64% in the second round of legislative elections held last Saturday.
22:20 13 parties and political coalitions disputed in the second round the 36 parliamentary seats,
22:25 distributed in 22 electoral circumstances, including 4 abroad.
22:29 The 36 seats in the second round and the 140 in the first round give the total of 176 seats in the Mauritanian parliament.
22:44 The particularity of these elections is that several historical parties of the opposition have been hidden from the political landscape.
22:50 Many of these parties have almost had only one seat in the new parliament.
22:54 I am referring here to the Republican Front Party for Unity and Development,
22:58 the Union of Progressive Forces and the Popular Progressive Alliance.
23:02 This year, women get a little less than a quarter of the national assembly, 24.2%, slightly more than in 2018.
23:11 These results must still be validated by other judicial bodies after having examined the possible use.
23:18 The electoral commission, in addition, emphasizes a participation rate of 64.5% in the second round.
23:25 Speaking of fashion at present, yesterday Rabat Fadila El Gadi presented his fashion show at the Chela Garden,
23:33 a fashion show that pays homage to Moroccan malems and their creation.
23:37 He just closed the Rabat Capital African program of the Returning Culture on the strong times of this fashion show with Marie Premonition.
23:44 Splendid, dazzling, beautiful, brilliant, the qualifications are not lacking to describe the Fadila El Gadi fashion show.
23:56 A high-color fashion show that honors Moroccan craftsmanship and the colors of Africa.
24:03 I am very happy and very touched by the return of the public who appreciated a lot and who welcomed my work with a lot of joy.
24:11 I hope I have managed to show the passion of our craftsmen and the Moroccan work and the Moroccan creation.
24:21 I hope that the Moroccans will continue to encourage the Moroccan creators.
24:28 Fadila El Gadi plays with the material, with the colors and the patterns.
24:33 An original assembly that makes the Moroccan embroidery shine and this subtlety that combines traditional art and modern art,
24:41 felt by the public but also by the models.
24:45 I am just happy. I really liked the collection.
24:48 It was unique. When a model wears something that she likes, it makes you want to walk, it gives you a good mood.
24:59 I am very happy and proud of Fadila El Gadi.
25:05 This collection is the consecration of several years of work, discipline and rigor.
25:11 The collection of Fadila El Gadi is wonderful and transports the spectators into a universe beyond reality.
25:19 I loved the first part with the Talienda fabric of Africa. It was great. I loved it a lot.
25:27 It is a very beautiful show. Frankly, I salute the efforts of Fadila El Gadi.
25:33 It was very beautiful, magnificent, very varied. Africa and Morocco in honor.
25:39 It was a very beautiful creation, very beautiful embroidery, there was a choice of colors, it was very diverse.
25:47 More than a show, it is a real show where sounds and light blend with the timeless chic of the creations of Fadila El Gadi.
25:57 A show that closes in apotheosis the program Rabat, African capital of culture.
26:04 This concludes this news. Thank you for following it.
26:07 The news continues on Emedia TV and Emedia TV Africa.
26:10 [Music]