Coronation Street 19th May 2023-N

  • last year


00:00 *Saxophone music plays*
00:22 *Street noise*
00:24 Got anything special on later?
00:26 No. Just work.
00:28 When are you finished?
00:30 I'm only working till 4.
00:32 Look, about yesterday, I do not mind you spending time with Miley and Jackson.
00:36 You should make the most of it while she's still here.
00:38 I can sense a buck coming.
00:40 It's like I have to drag it out of you.
00:42 You'd think you'd been caught robbing a bank.
00:44 I just don't want to make you jealous.
00:46 It's more upsetting being lied to.
00:48 Look, I'm not lying. I just didn't mention something.
00:50 Which you later relied on in court.
00:52 You know, that's like you're interrogating me sometimes.
00:56 You know I want to be with you.
00:58 I'm really proud of you.
01:00 And when you're in Chief Inspector, I'll be even more proud.
01:02 Yeah, well, that is never going to happen.
01:04 You know what?
01:06 Why don't we go for a meal later? Celebrate your succumbment.
01:08 I'm happy with a chippy tea, me.
01:10 Well, I'm not.
01:12 I want to go to the bistro. Spoil you.
01:14 It'll cost an arm and a leg.
01:16 You can at least wait until I'm a sergeant.
01:18 Please, Craig. I really want to do this.
01:20 We haven't been on a date in ages.
01:22 Plus, I've got an Osh to Osh discount code.
01:24 It'll be cheaper than a chippy tea.
01:26 Go on, then.
01:28 I'm sorry if I'm a pain sometimes.
01:30 I'll book it and then I'll text you.
01:32 And I'll see you later on, yeah?
01:34 Yep.
01:36 Bye.
01:38 Ooh, Gary.
01:40 Are you still OK to have me talk to Craig's party later?
01:42 Yeah, yeah, but I'm not.
01:44 And you're not bunting, all right?
01:46 OK, I'll do the bunting. I'll text you on my lunch.
01:48 I've only got an hour.
01:50 Right.
01:52 This case will need to be tried at a high court,
01:54 which means you'll have to hire a specialist barrister.
01:56 And they don't come cheap.
01:58 How am I going to back Amy all the way?
02:00 Well, Eric Sandford has had to pay
02:02 £20,000 to start proceedings.
02:04 Right, well, I'll see he's 20 and I'll raise him 30.
02:06 It's not a card game, Steve.
02:08 What Amy wrote was true.
02:10 Surely a high court judge would see that.
02:12 In a libel case,
02:14 the burden of proof lies with Amy.
02:16 She has to convince the judge
02:18 that she was telling the truth
02:20 when she alleges Aaron raped her.
02:22 He is not on trial.
02:24 Well,
02:26 if there was any justice in the world, it would be?
02:28 From a professional view,
02:30 it would be wise to consider
02:32 what's being asked and talk to Amy
02:34 about writing her a traction letter.
02:36 That is not an option.
02:38 Look, all this doom and gloom,
02:40 it's hypothetical, innit?
02:42 If we win, then they've got to pay our costs.
02:44 We will win, OK?
02:46 But it is my job to remind you that if you lose,
02:48 you could face financial ruin.
02:50 Look, I'll leave you to it.
02:54 You've got a lot to discuss.
02:56 Thanks, Dee Dee.
02:58 Yeah, thanks for popping over.
03:00 See you.
03:02 Financial ruin?
03:04 Maybe we're getting ahead of ourselves.
03:08 I mean, who fights libel cases round here?
03:10 They should be grovelling,
03:12 not asking for a retraction.
03:14 I think we should go ahead.
03:16 They might not even go to court.
03:18 They might blink first.
03:20 I'd rather throw all our money down the drain
03:22 than give it Eric and Aaron.
03:24 I'll do anything to get justice for Amy, you know?
03:26 I know.
03:28 I mean, I might have to sell me business...
03:30 well, half my business.
03:32 In fact, we might have to sell the businesses.
03:34 That shop is my pride and joy.
03:38 I could sell the flat,
03:40 make Paul and Billy homeless.
03:44 Well, let's hope it doesn't get to that, you know?
03:46 If it does, Amy comes first.
03:48 Those pancakes were lovely.
03:52 Thanks, Grandad.
03:54 Ah, well, you have to have a special birthday breakfast, don't you?
03:56 I'm not sure I should be wearing a badge.
03:58 Why not? It looks great.
04:00 It's a bit childish.
04:02 We shouldn't make her wear it.
04:04 Hi, Sam. Hi, Hope.
04:06 Happy birthday.
04:08 Happy birthday.
04:10 We're just off to take Eliza to school.
04:12 What?
04:14 All postcards of the matron.
04:16 She'll look after you all.
04:18 Step in when the girls are having a rag in the dorm.
04:20 It's not Mallory Towers.
04:22 Anyway, I'm gonna go in. It's my last day.
04:24 And then I start Where They Are with you two.
04:26 Fantastic.
04:28 You still on for my birthday party?
04:30 Uh, yeah. And me.
04:32 Have you told the people from Where They Are
04:34 I want as many people from my new school to come?
04:36 Oh, no. I forgot. I'll try today.
04:38 We'll be there. See you later.
04:40 I'm really nervous about meeting all my new school friends.
04:42 I hope they like me.
04:44 Of course they're gonna like you.
04:46 And we're gonna have a great birthday party.
04:48 I'll make sure of it.
04:50 Right, come on.
04:52 Oh.
05:00 Hi.
05:02 How are you?
05:04 I'm OK. You all right, sweetheart?
05:06 Paul.
05:08 Are you any closer to knowing
05:10 when you're coming back to the yard?
05:12 Just easing myself back into full fitness.
05:14 I've had a few shifts at the bistro.
05:16 Got a couple more booked in.
05:18 Yeah, but when are you coming back to work for me?
05:20 Still not been given the all clear.
05:22 I don't know when I will.
05:24 What, is it still the nerve damage playing out?
05:26 Feels like it's been dragging on forever.
05:30 So you waiting to see somebody?
05:32 Yeah.
05:34 Nothing I can do about it.
05:36 I'm desperate to get back in the swing.
05:38 Well, you let me know if there's any news, all right?
05:40 Can't carry on like this, Paul.
05:44 Yeah, Paul!
05:46 Can you do us a favour?
05:48 Can you take Joseph down little big shots?
05:50 He's got this audition.
05:52 And he can't miss any sessions now Linda's stumping for it.
05:54 I can't.
05:56 I'm busy.
05:58 I'm back in court again shortly, so I just wanted a touch base.
06:12 My firm have received the money.
06:14 20,000, down payment.
06:16 How much?
06:18 It'll be worth every penny when we clear your name.
06:20 Thanks, Dad.
06:22 Miss Barlow's accusations are very serious.
06:24 There's no sign of a retraction from her.
06:26 I think we should press ahead as soon as possible.
06:28 She needs teaching a lesson.
06:30 Can't go around shooting your mouth off, spewing lies.
06:32 The police didn't think there was any merit in the accusations,
06:34 or they would have pressed charges.
06:36 I think a High Court judge would be equally sceptical.
06:38 Me too.
06:40 Obviously, the burden of proof is different from in a criminal court.
06:42 The High Court only needs to think there's a 51% chance
06:44 that Miss Barlow is telling the truth
06:46 to find in her favour.
06:48 You're making all this fuss when he's going on secondment.
06:50 What are you going to be like when he becomes Chief Inspector?
06:52 I really think he'll go that far one day.
06:54 Well, I'm just glad that you decided against the homemade bunting.
06:56 It was a nice idea, love.
06:58 I just think that people might have had a bit of trouble
07:00 being convinced that they were truncheons.
07:02 Maria, you've got such a mucky mind.
07:04 Pull out.
07:06 I'm not going to pull out.
07:08 I'm not going to pull out.
07:10 I'm not going to pull out.
07:12 I'm not going to pull out.
07:14 I'm not going to pull out.
07:16 Pull out.
07:18 Excuse me.
07:20 Hey, you.
07:24 What are you doing here?
07:26 Came to see if you needed a hand setting up for the party.
07:28 Who told you about it?
07:30 Well, I took Miley to see Tim and Sally
07:32 and they told me about the party and asked if I wanted to come along.
07:34 Is that OK?
07:36 I thought you'd be busy packing.
07:38 What, a loose end?
07:40 Well, we're almost done. Thanks, Phil.
07:42 Fingers.
07:44 Thanks.
07:46 OK.
07:48 See you later, then.
07:50 Yeah, see you, mate. See you.
07:52 I could kill my dad
07:54 blabbing about the party.
07:56 I don't need the extra hassle.
07:58 Thank you.
08:02 Pot of tea for two, please.
08:04 I'm killing time
08:06 until Isabella lands later today.
08:08 Your Italian cousin?
08:10 She'll want to practice her English.
08:12 But I hope to brush up on my Italian.
08:14 I wonder
08:16 if she'd like to see my boat.
08:18 You don't have a boat.
08:20 I know. He's obsessed.
08:22 She'll think you want to whisk her off to a luxury
08:24 cabin boat moored at Windermere.
08:26 Not a model of the endeavour.
08:28 A trip to Lake Windermere,
08:30 on the other hand, she'd enjoy that.
08:32 You could perhaps visit some of the poets' houses.
08:34 I hope we can
08:36 learn about each other's culture
08:38 and interests.
08:40 Poetry-making is my passion.
08:42 I still think it's odd that you've invited
08:44 a complete stranger into your home.
08:46 I mean, what if she's a serial
08:48 killer? Of course she isn't.
08:50 Well, I think I should come with you and vet her.
08:52 Buongiorno,
08:54 Signora Lecta.
08:56 What a load of nonsense. I'm sure she'll find
08:58 her time here very stimulating.
09:00 Please take a seat. I'll bring your tea over.
09:02 I just need a quick word with Amy.
09:08 Hello, Amy. How are you?
09:10 Okay. Thanks.
09:12 Is everything
09:14 alright with your mum and dad?
09:16 Yeah, they're fine. Why?
09:18 It's just I've had the estate agents on
09:20 and they want to come round and value the florists.
09:22 What?
09:24 Don't forget, come to the salon after work
09:26 and I'll do your hair for you. Thanks, Maria.
09:28 See you in a bit.
09:30 All set?
09:32 Hey.
09:36 You alright?
09:38 Yeah.
09:40 You know, all this
09:42 is a big public
09:44 show of yours and Craig's relationship.
09:46 In case
09:48 anybody had any doubts.
09:50 What are you getting at?
09:52 Look, I'm your brother, alright?
09:54 I want you to be happy with someone that you love.
09:56 I am.
09:58 Why are you saying all this?
10:00 Are you gonna miss having Jackson around?
10:02 He's a nice guy
10:04 and we've all been getting along well
10:06 so now it's gonna change.
10:08 Look, when he...
10:10 When he came in before,
10:14 I saw it, okay?
10:16 There's a mutual attraction there.
10:18 No way. He's Miley's dad.
10:20 We have to get along.
10:22 I can't believe you're even saying this. You've totally got the wrong idea.
10:24 I just want you to make the right choice, okay?
10:26 If you've got feelings for this guy, you can't just ignore him.
10:30 He's the one that wants more,
10:32 not me.
10:34 Look, when he first brought Miley around,
10:36 there wasn't even any hint of any of this.
10:38 Alright, go on then, tell me.
10:40 Tell me that you're not interested.
10:42 There was this one time
10:48 at a hotel.
10:50 We met up to talk about
10:52 Miley and he tried to kiss me.
10:54 Right.
10:56 Then what?
10:58 I was confused, but only for a second.
11:00 I'm happy with Craig.
11:02 Jackson's just
11:04 got caught up in the idea of me, him
11:06 and Miley living happily ever after.
11:08 It's a fantasy.
11:10 Have you set him straight?
11:12 Yes. He knows that nothing's gonna happen.
11:14 I don't want anything to happen.
11:16 Do I need to have a word?
11:20 Maybe.
11:22 Just tell him to leave me alone.
11:24 That's all I want.
11:26 (door opens)
11:28 (sad music)
11:34 Someone's down in the dumps.
11:50 It's a long story.
11:54 Just the man.
11:56 Okay, you need to back off, Faye.
12:00 200 miles not enough?
12:02 Look, she's really glad
12:04 that you've given her a chance to get to know Miley again.
12:06 But that's all she wants from you, mate.
12:08 Has she said that?
12:10 You might want more, I don't know, but it's never gonna happen.
12:12 And don't push your luck, I know what you did.
12:14 Don't. You tried to kiss her at the hotel.
12:18 We kissed?
12:20 And for the record, she'd be much happier with me
12:22 than with Craig.
12:24 Right, well, she's saying that you won't take the hint and it's doing her head in, so...
12:26 I'm sorry. I don't want to cause any trouble.
12:28 I do want more.
12:32 And I think that she does, too.
12:34 Yeah, but she's not interested.
12:36 I'll back off.
12:38 Happy now?
12:40 I'll be happy
12:42 when you tell her that.
12:50 Here.
12:52 What can I get for you?
12:54 Uh, a green tea,
12:56 black coffee and cheese bun, please.
12:58 I'm just gonna say hi to my dad.
13:02 You all right, Dad?
13:06 Yeah, I'm fine.
13:08 I just thought Paul would be back by now.
13:10 Oh, I don't really know about that.
13:12 I don't think he's telling me the whole truth.
13:14 Didn't he seem a bit odd to you this morning?
13:16 Like I said.
13:18 He used to be a crafter,
13:20 reliable, now he's a no-show.
13:22 What exactly is wrong with him?
13:24 And why's it taking so long for him to get it sorted?
13:26 I mean, I'm...
13:28 I'm not just an angry boss.
13:30 I'm concerned about a friend.
13:32 This time a few months ago
13:34 he was my right-hand man.
13:36 Your order's ready, Dee Dee.
13:38 I've got to go.
13:40 Ah, lads,
13:42 there you are.
13:44 Listen, what are you doing later?
13:46 What do you want?
13:48 Well, it's just that I'm throwing a party for Eliza.
13:50 It's her birthday, and it's gonna be absolutely amazing.
13:52 Look, I think we'll give it a miss, no offence.
13:56 Oh, come on, lads.
13:58 Don't be a couple of miseries.
14:00 It's gonna be fantastic.
14:02 And it starts off with a ride
14:04 in a limo to the pitches.
14:06 Yeah, a limo.
14:08 Yeah, and then back here for tea, party tea.
14:10 There's gonna be loads of hot dogs, as much pop as you can drink,
14:12 and there's gonna be a remote-controlled
14:14 racing car in the goodie bag.
14:16 Eh?
14:18 - Go on, then, what time? - Ah, brilliant.
14:20 It's gonna be half past four outside Speed Dial.
14:22 Remember to tell your parents
14:24 and bring a mate along if you like.
14:26 Oh, hiya, Hope.
14:28 - I'll see you later. - You can go to work.
14:30 Yeah, and, Hope, what can I get for you?
14:32 - Can I have a hot chocolate? - Certainly.
14:34 A limo? When was the last time you were in a limo?
14:36 And a film.
14:38 - You going to the party, then? - Yeah.
14:40 We're all going to see a film. In a limo.
14:42 It'll be an appropriate film.
14:44 Not Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3.
14:46 It'll be a little kids' film.
14:48 Hope, that is a little unkind.
14:50 It's Eliza's birthday.
14:52 I just don't think it'll be their scene.
14:54 Sounds babyish.
14:56 - What do you think? - She's got a point.
14:58 Your hair looks great like that.
15:04 Even if I say so myself.
15:06 Oh, thanks, Maria. I love it.
15:08 Isn't it weird seeing Kirk and Beth together?
15:10 You know, when they're not together.
15:12 Yeah, I don't like it. Neither does Grave.
15:14 Hey, this is Mint. How did you throw him off the set?
15:16 Well, he knows he's coming here, but he just thinks it's us two for a meal.
15:18 Oh, genius.
15:20 Well, it's time to tell Greg he's to come.
15:22 Half an hour. I wanted to make sure everyone was here first.
15:24 - Oh. - Hey, Dad.
15:26 - Hiya. - On your own?
15:28 No, Sally's with Miley. She's gonna bring her over when I give her the nod.
15:30 Hi. Come in.
15:32 - Aw, thanks for inviting us. - Where's Robocop?
15:34 He'll be here soon. He's the opposite of a robot.
15:36 - He's a robot. - He's a robot.
15:38 He'll be here soon. He's the opposite of a robot.
15:40 But he is the future of law enforcement.
15:42 Ooh, this is probably him now. I don't want him here yet.
15:44 Hmm.
15:46 It's Gary. He wants me to go to the shop.
15:48 What now? Like I've got nothing better to do.
15:50 He knows about the party. He helped me set it up.
15:52 Well, it's all sorted now,
15:54 so if you need to nip out and help your brother...
15:56 OK, well, make sure that Craig doesn't get here until I get back.
15:58 OK.
16:00 Someone else is down in the dumps. You all right?
16:06 I'm fine.
16:08 Aye, well, happen to let me know if there's anything I can do.
16:10 Hey.
16:14 My dad's been giving me the third degree about you.
16:18 He's worried.
16:22 - You didn't tell him the truth? - Of course not.
16:24 But people are bound to start asking questions.
16:26 I don't care what people think.
16:28 Not even Gemma?
16:30 But I know that I joined earlier.
16:32 Yeah, I didn't mean to do that.
16:34 You were making out you couldn't take Joseph,
16:36 but you're just sat here drinking.
16:38 You're going to push people away.
16:40 Look, I'm hanging back from doing stuff for Gemma
16:42 cos they need to get used to me not being here.
16:44 You might be around for a long time.
16:48 Or I might just vanish if I get sent down.
16:52 Either way,
16:54 the future's not looking great.
16:56 (SIGHS)
16:58 Killer.
17:10 Not a killer.
17:14 - Driller killer. - Stop it!
17:22 You're talking nonsense.
17:24 I'm finally meeting her and you're trying to spoil it.
17:26 It's all about a person's facial spacing.
17:30 I mean, it's the ratio between the eyes to the nose to the mouth.
17:34 If the distance between your nostrils' outer edge
17:37 isn't equal to the distance between your inner and outer corner of your eyes,
17:42 then you are more than likely to be a killer.
17:45 (SIGHS)
17:53 Brian!
17:55 Isabella!
17:57 (KISSING)
17:59 Oh!
18:03 Thought you could get a name engraved on it.
18:10 Mum loves sound of music.
18:14 She put it on when I first moved in.
18:17 We sat and ate a whole tin of celebrations.
18:19 Mm-hm.
18:21 Yeah, she was so scared about getting anything wrong.
18:23 We all were.
18:25 I still am. You know, I've got to look out for you.
18:28 I played Maria in the school production.
18:32 Miley was set to move away
18:34 and I was too interested in the stupid audition
18:36 and spending time with my daughter.
18:38 You were just a kid as well, weren't you?
18:40 I've lost her once, I can't lose her again.
18:43 That's not going to happen.
18:45 You were supposed to tell him to back off!
18:47 Yeah, look, I just...
18:49 I think that you need to talk.
18:51 I mean...
18:54 Look, Gary, wait, I don't want to speak to him!
18:56 I've got nothing to say to you.
19:01 I came here to tell you I'll back off.
19:03 But I can't.
19:06 If you stay with Craig, it'll be the biggest mistake of your life.
19:09 Aw, Faye's gone to a lot of bother, hasn't she?
19:12 Oh, hiya!
19:14 Craigie! Oh, what are you doing here?
19:17 I'm meeting Faye for my tea. What are you doing?
19:20 Oh, hang on a minute.
19:22 There's something fishy going on here.
19:24 And that's why CID think you're destined for great things.
19:27 And Miley? Hiya, Miley.
19:30 What are you all doing here?
19:33 Well, Faye's organised a surprise party for you
19:35 to celebrate your succumbance.
19:37 Oh, no way!
19:39 But now you've blown the surprise.
19:41 Oh, well, shall I go back out and come in again?
19:43 You might as well stay now that you're here.
19:45 I didn't suspect a thing.
19:47 I feel like a right party pooper now.
19:49 No, you're not. You weren't to know.
19:51 Well, what a lovely thing to do, inviting all you lot.
19:55 Right, where is she?
19:57 Oh, she just had to nip and see Gary,
19:59 but she'll be back in a minute. I'll get you a drink.
20:01 If Miley's here, does that mean that Jackson's coming?
20:06 Well, he's invited. He's just not here yet.
20:09 Yeah, he probably got held up a bit.
20:11 - Here you go. - Cheers.
20:14 Meera, then, to hear.
20:16 Do you not think that that's a bit funny?
20:18 A little bit touchy. She's your fiancée.
20:20 Yeah, well, she's been spending an awful lot of time with him.
20:23 Looking after the daughter.
20:25 Yeah, well, she was dead flaky about where she'd been yesterday.
20:28 She was helping Miley with her family tree.
20:31 Then she spent the whole day organising a surprise party for you.
20:34 You've got trust issues, man.
20:36 - Oh, I thought that Faye was with you. - What?
20:43 Yeah, she's just nipped home.
20:45 She'll be here soon.
20:47 I'm just, erm... just gonna pop to the loo.
20:51 OK, love.
20:53 I hate musicals.
21:01 Well, I love them.
21:03 More proof that we're not compatible.
21:05 I hate it when you talk about Craig. So patronising.
21:08 I just can't bear seeing you two together.
21:11 Could be the same about any bloke you're with.
21:14 You should be with me.
21:16 It's a good thing I'm gone away.
21:20 I can't handle being around you.
21:23 You drive me crazy.
21:25 I can't believe anyone would feel like that about me.
21:29 - Have you seen Faye? - No. Sorry.
21:37 (SIGHS)
21:39 Faye?
21:45 - Hide. - No way.
21:47 - Please, Jackson, you can't be here. - Faye!
21:49 There you are.
21:53 What's going on?
22:03 I went to the flat first cos Gary said you was there.
22:18 Er... Yeah. Yeah, I was there, but then I had to come here.
22:23 To pick up your present, I asked Gary to keep it for me.
22:26 He didn't want you to find it at home.
22:28 Right. I was worried for a minute, cos I thought having arranged the party,
22:33 you'd have wanted to be there when I arrived.
22:35 Yeah, well, that was the plan, but then I couldn't find the present where Gary said it was.
22:40 Or maybe I just got the wrong end of the stick.
22:42 Right, well, can I help you look for it?
22:45 And to spoil the surprise? No, you go back to the party. I'll turn up.
22:49 If you can't find it, don't worry, cos I would just soon leave you lost.
22:53 I won't be long. Go on.
22:56 I'm dead grateful to you for putting on the do.
23:00 I really don't deserve you.
23:02 And, yeah, I'll admit it, when you weren't there,
23:05 I was thinking that maybe, you know, you were with Jackson or...
23:08 Don't be daft.
23:10 No, part of me won't blame you because, well, he's in a different league compared to me.
23:15 Will you just stop talking rubbish and get back to the bistro?
23:18 Yeah. Er, don't be long, yeah? I love you.
23:22 Love you too.
23:25 HE SIGHS
23:27 Wow!
23:37 It's amazing. Thank you.
23:42 No worries, Pat.
23:44 You know, I could have hired a real iron Robin at this rate.
23:47 I mean, where are the others? I'm sure they'll be here.
23:50 I know, but the film starts in half an hour.
23:52 There's always loads of travels.
23:54 You don't want to get caught in the shower traffic?
23:56 I'd love it.
23:57 Away from all the losers and the tiny loser cars.
24:00 What time did you tell Liam and Jake?
24:02 Half past.
24:04 You know, I suppose we could wait a little bit longer.
24:08 For a little one?
24:16 It depends.
24:18 On?
24:19 Whether you're going to bend my ear without me telling my family or not.
24:22 Nah.
24:24 You'll only ignore me.
24:26 Besides, I spend most of my working day fighting lost causes.
24:30 I'm a T-break now.
24:32 I'm the biggest lost cause going.
24:35 Look, you are still alive and kicking.
24:40 You're still a free man.
24:42 For now.
24:44 Maybe beyond.
24:46 If it wasn't a violent crime and your medical condition will make a difference.
24:51 You'll be saying it's a blessing next.
24:53 Might escape a custodial.
24:56 What about a death sentence?
25:00 Well, we only honour those the minute we're born.
25:05 Yet we pretend it's not true, it isn't happening.
25:09 Your point being?
25:12 I can be liberated from all that worry and stress about the things that don't matter.
25:18 I don't feel liberated.
25:21 I know.
25:23 I know I'm...
25:25 I'm not saying I would if I were in your shoes, but I'd hope so.
25:29 I hope I'd be able to embrace every day and every opportunity to live that came my way.
25:39 (Sighs)
25:41 What's that?
25:45 Oh, that would be a stuffed artichoke, Gary.
25:48 It's bean stuff that worries me.
25:50 What's wrong with pork pie or a few sausage rolls?
25:52 Nothing if you want arteries like a grenadier's hat.
25:55 Plant-based food's the way forward, mate.
25:57 True that. Better for you, better for the planet.
26:00 Yeah, do you know how much methane the average cow produces?
26:02 Not as much as I will if I eat any more of it.
26:04 Oh, stop complaining. Get an artichoke, don't you?
26:07 That's the flaming word.
26:09 Ricky! Where have you been? And where's Fay?
26:14 Oh, she's with her at the furniture shop.
26:16 The furniture shop? I thought you'd gone to the loo.
26:19 And didn't Gary say she was at the flat?
26:21 Yeah, I was covering for her.
26:23 Covering for what?
26:24 She bought us a present.
26:26 A surprise. Gary was keeping it for her at the furniture shop.
26:29 She's got to get it.
26:30 And what's she doing now? Browsing for footstools?
26:33 She'll be here in a minute. Right.
26:35 I'm gonna mingle.
26:37 There's nothing here. I can't give him a boot scraper.
26:42 Here.
26:44 Look, no, I couldn't.
26:46 It's virtually brand new.
26:48 Look, there's an icebox here.
26:50 I couldn't take your watch.
26:52 It helps you. Job done. Take it.
26:54 Are you sure?
26:55 Sure as I am that you should be with me and Miley.
26:57 We've been through this.
26:59 What kind of future do you see for yourself here?
27:01 One that I did before you came back.
27:03 It'll never be the same. Craig doesn't make you happy.
27:06 He did once. He can again.
27:07 You'll hate him for what he's cost you.
27:09 It's not just Craig.
27:11 My work's here. My friends.
27:14 Then there's my dad.
27:15 He missed out on me growing up.
27:17 It'd break his heart if I walked away.
27:19 But he'd want you to be happy. More than anything.
27:22 Maybe Craig will come round to that way of thinking and all.
27:25 He'll be devastated.
27:26 He's a grown man. A copper.
27:28 He'll get over it.
27:30 You, me and Miley can have an amazing life together.
27:33 I know that.
27:34 So let's do it!
27:36 When you got pregnant, it felt like the end of the world.
27:41 But Miley was the best thing that ever happened to me.
27:44 Now it can be even better.
27:47 You've just got to say yes.
27:49 Yeah, it hurt too many people.
27:53 People who don't deserve it.
27:56 Craig's stuck by me through everything.
27:59 I'm sorry.
28:01 Thanks for the watch.
28:03 You can't do this, Mum.
28:12 It's my business, so it's my decision.
28:14 Hey, if you had to listen to Mary prattling on all day,
28:18 you might have some sympathy.
28:19 This isn't about Mary. This is about defending me.
28:22 You're our daughter. Of course we want to defend you.
28:25 I mean, it'd be nice if we didn't have to sell the businesses
28:28 in the process, but...
28:30 Businesses, plural?
28:31 You're saying you're out for streetcars as well?
28:33 What are you going to live on?
28:35 That is not your worry.
28:36 No, sorry, we didn't want you to know.
28:38 Like I wouldn't have noticed.
28:40 You're going to ruin yourselves all because of my stupid post.
28:43 Hey, listen, it wasn't stupid.
28:45 It was brave, it was brilliant and it was true.
28:49 And we're not going to let anybody think otherwise,
28:51 regardless of what it takes, OK?
28:54 (DOOR OPENS)
28:55 Salute. Salute.
29:02 Cheers.
29:03 Oh, that is very interesting wine.
29:07 Well, it's the only Italian bottle that we had.
29:09 And that means we're very lucky, actually,
29:11 because the brewery sent a mixed bag.
29:12 Very mixed, I'd say.
29:14 Oh, it's from a vineyard near Milan.
29:17 I thought I'd whiff the po' about it.
29:19 You could say that.
29:21 Bella, tell us about your life in Italy.
29:24 What she really wants to know is, um, are you a serial killer?
29:28 (LAUGHS)
29:30 Well, if you are, I'm your fit writing round here.
29:32 I'm sorry.
29:34 Mary was worried that I didn't really know anything about you.
29:37 Oh, I see.
29:39 Don't worry, Mary, I do not kill your boyfriend in the night.
29:43 Oh, boyfriend?
29:45 Oh, good Lord, no.
29:47 There's nothing romantic between me and Brian.
29:49 I've got the very idea.
29:51 (LAUGHS)
29:53 Hi. Can I get you anything?
30:03 No. He's not stopping long.
30:05 Right.
30:07 Well, if I can be of any further assistance, you know where I am.
30:11 Thanks, Roy.
30:13 Well, you've got the mildest man abloke
30:16 in whether he feels wanting to string us up.
30:18 Are you asking me to feel sorry for you?
30:20 I'm asking you what you want.
30:23 To end all this.
30:25 It's you who won't let it go.
30:27 Why do you think that is?
30:29 We'll just... We'll have to agree to disagree on that, won't we?
30:32 Move on.
30:34 So drop the libel case.
30:36 My parents are going to bankrupt themselves defending it.
30:39 We're both going to have to go through so much more aggro and grief,
30:41 and for what?
30:43 You don't even know, do you?
30:47 What are you going to say when a lawyer's coming at you?
30:50 I'll tell the truth.
30:52 We both know what the truth is.
30:55 And just because the police didn't see it doesn't mean a judge won't.
30:58 So take my advice.
31:02 Quit while you still had.
31:04 For everyone's sake.
31:15 It's a shame I never got to go to the basketball with you.
31:17 Well, we will go in the future.
31:19 Not when we've moved.
31:20 Craig and your mum will come visit you.
31:22 Yeah, and you'll be up for the wedding, won't you?
31:25 Hey, you. You'll make the happiest day of our lives even happier
31:28 by just being there.
31:30 Can I just have a quick word?
31:31 Can it wait? Cos I'm just talking to my...
31:33 No, we can't. Sorry. Sorry, I just need to borrow it.
31:36 How much have you had to drink?
31:43 Not enough for what I've got to say.
31:45 And God knows I wish I didn't have to say it.
31:47 But after years of living with your rat, I know what they smell like.
31:51 Daryl didn't smell. I bathed him once or four.
31:53 Never mind Daryl.
31:54 I used talcum powder and everything.
31:56 Will you just shut up and listen?
31:58 I think you were right to suspect Faye and Jackson.
32:01 She's picking up my present.
32:03 It's not what she was picking up when I saw her.
32:05 What are you talking about?
32:07 It was about a month ago.
32:11 I hate to do this.
32:13 Just spit it out, OK?
32:15 I saw Faye and Jackson at a hotel.
32:19 I'm sorry, son, but she's played you for a fool.
32:23 Look, I know all about that.
32:26 She told me.
32:27 Did she?
32:29 Well, Jackson did initially, but she told me that there was nothing to it.
32:33 Or was there?
32:38 (Saxophone music)
32:40 Where's Tim, by the way?
32:52 Oh, I don't know. He had some artichoke.
32:54 Did he eat the artichoke?
32:55 Oh, you're cranky.
32:57 I'm asking you a simple question.
33:00 Why didn't you tell me?
33:02 Well, I thought I was doing the right thing.
33:04 You see your own son's fiancée in a hotel with the father of her child,
33:09 and when she says, "Don't go telling Craig," you say, "All right, then."
33:12 Is that what you're telling me?
33:14 It wasn't quite like that.
33:16 So tell me, how was it?
33:19 I was with Marco.
33:22 I see.
33:23 But it wasn't what you think.
33:25 It couldn't possibly be as bad as that.
33:27 Cos I meet a lot of scumbags in my job.
33:31 Their mother and her own son get cheated on.
33:35 Just to save her own skin.
33:36 That, well, that's a new kind of low.
33:40 Faye said there was no doubt in it.
33:42 The same as she said to you.
33:44 Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe there wasn't anything to it.
33:46 Yeah, well, why would she ask you to keep quiet, then?
33:48 Because she thought...
33:50 she didn't want to worry you, and neither did I.
33:53 Well, don't you give me that.
33:55 You kept quiet cos it suited you.
33:58 Both of you.
34:00 Cos she won't go blabbing to Kirk.
34:02 Cos you can wait to get on your back with your own fancy man.
34:05 Don't you talk to me like that.
34:08 I'm your mother.
34:10 Legally speaking, there's nothing I can do about that.
34:14 But in every other sense, no.
34:17 No, you're not.
34:18 Tiny more.
34:20 You're gonna be the next step.
34:27 Simon Dearest Jr., so Glenda says.
34:30 That's it.
34:31 I thought that was Frank Sinatra.
34:33 No, look next to him.
34:34 He's the world's greatest entertainer, Glenda reckons.
34:36 Oh, right, well, no pressure, then.
34:38 Hiya. Hey, how was your audition?
34:40 I didn't get the part,
34:41 but Glenda reckons the experience will be invaluable.
34:44 He's gonna be the world's greatest entertainer, apparently.
34:46 Get away.
34:48 Listen, um, Sonny was a bit short with you earlier.
34:51 Oh, he's fine.
34:52 But I'm OK to take him to his next little big shots.
34:55 I can pick him up and drop him off most sessions, whatever you need.
34:58 Really? Well, it's not every day you find out
35:00 you've got the world's greatest entertainer in the family.
35:02 Hey, remember Uncle Paul in the future, yeah?
35:04 Yeah, I will. I hope so.
35:07 Oh, Chase, you are a lifesaver.
35:10 Do you know, with planning this wedding, the quads,
35:12 my shifts at the pub, I feel like I'm drowning most days.
35:15 Oh, well, consider me alive, Belle, yeah?
35:17 Cos whatever you need, I'm right here for you.
35:20 Cheers, bro.
35:21 See you, dear. See you.
35:24 What's that piece of place on Tyle Street tonight?
35:27 What's the occasion?
35:28 Untitled to treat ourselves now and again.
35:30 Well, that money won't last forever, you know.
35:32 What's the point of cash if you can't enjoy it?
35:34 Enjoying it's fine, but I don't want you wasting it.
35:36 Especially not on these fancy solicitors.
35:38 I can't think of anything more important to spend it on.
35:41 Thanks, Dad.
35:42 Maybe we should drop this case.
35:44 Amy's taken down the post. It's not worth the aggro.
35:46 It is to me.
35:47 I don't want lawyers twisting my words, OK?
35:50 We should call it quits.
35:51 It doesn't matter what the lawyers say.
35:53 The truth's the truth.
35:55 The police saw it plain enough.
35:57 And what if the judge doesn't?
35:59 I know you're only thinking of me.
36:03 But that inheritance dropped into my lap for a reason,
36:05 and this is it.
36:07 To clear your name.
36:09 Are you sure you told people the right time?
36:13 Yeah. 4.30. Outside Speed Dial.
36:15 On the...
36:17 Oh.
36:18 What I've got to do is tomorrow.
36:21 Sorry.
36:22 I don't understand it.
36:24 I told Liam and Jake the pick-up time quite precisely.
36:27 I'm going to have a word with their parents.
36:29 I wouldn't jump to any hasty conclusions.
36:32 Excuse me?
36:33 Yes, Sam?
36:34 I think I've solved the mystery of why no-one turned up from school.
36:37 I hope to tell people the party was tomorrow.
36:40 Why would you say that?
36:42 Children make mistakes.
36:44 Well, they can, yes.
36:46 I thought maybe we could do something tomorrow.
36:48 You know, to make up.
36:49 It's a bit short notice.
36:51 Surely we can do something at Speed, Dad.
36:53 No offence, but it's not exactly a trip to the cinema in a stretch limo, is it?
36:57 I'm sure I could think of some sort of entertainment.
36:59 I'd be happy to help,
37:01 but I'm sure that Sam and I could devise something appropriate.
37:04 Totally.
37:05 What do you say?
37:07 Speed Daddies.
37:15 Didn't know you liked whisky.
37:17 I don't.
37:19 But it's what people do, isn't it?
37:22 It's the go-to beverage in this situation.
37:25 I'm dead sorry that I'm late.
37:27 I couldn't find your present and then the wrapping got messed up.
37:30 Do you like it?
37:35 It's meant to remember you by, I suppose.
37:38 What?
37:39 Huh.
37:40 I wondered where he got to.
37:42 Craig, you're not making any sense.
37:45 Am I not?
37:47 Really?
37:48 What's going on with them two?
37:50 It's called the past rearing its ugly head.
37:53 I don't even know why people drink this stuff.
37:58 Is it?
38:00 Because it's supposed to be even more horrible
38:03 than being cheated on?
38:05 What?
38:06 Move over, Sherlock.
38:08 Move over, Poirot, cos your boy Tink's,
38:10 he has gone and blown this case wide open.
38:13 I know you've been seeing him behind my back.
38:16 We've been through this. Nothing happened, I told you.
38:19 It's like you told my mum about the hotel.
38:21 I know all about your grubby little arrangement.
38:23 You scratched my back, I bet you scratched yours up in that hotel room.
38:26 - Don't talk to her like that. - Or what?
38:28 Just stop it, Craig.
38:30 We didn't sleep together.
38:32 I admit we had a kiss.
38:34 You went to a hotel for a kiss?
38:38 How very 1950s of you.
38:41 What did you on the second date? Put her hand on your knee.
38:44 We didn't even have a second date. We didn't even have a first date.
38:47 Where have you been tonight?
38:50 Honestly?
38:52 Were you with him?
38:56 Here.
39:03 I'll have as much.
39:05 I'll have as much.
39:07 - Shall I order us another bottle? - Not of that.
39:15 I'm tired. It's been a long day.
39:18 I can't wait to see your apartment.
39:20 If it's the grand tour you're after, it won't take very long.
39:23 It's fairly modest.
39:25 At least it won't be full of dust and workmen like my home.
39:28 If you're lucky, he might unveil his endeavour.
39:31 Oh, there's an offer you don't get every day.
39:33 - I don't quite follow. - O'Brien makes model ships.
39:36 - Oh, thank goodness for that. - So do I.
39:39 In fact, I've just finished the Santa Maria.
39:41 Columbus's flagship? The rigging must have been a nightmare.
39:44 Oh, it was.
39:46 But I will tell you more when I return from the bathroom.
39:50 Second door.
39:52 She hasn't let on much about herself.
39:56 Enough to convince me that blood is definitely thicker than water.
39:59 It's uncanny how much we've got in common.
40:01 Yeah, isn't it?
40:03 Hey, mate, how you doing?
40:05 Yeah, better than I was.
40:07 Oh, I'm glad to hear that.
40:09 Look, I'm sorry if I embarrassed you earlier.
40:12 It's just I miss you.
40:14 Look, I really appreciate you keeping my job open.
40:18 You've gone above and beyond.
40:20 Well, you're not just an employee, you're a friend.
40:23 You too.
40:25 And that's why I can't ask you to wait for us any longer.
40:28 I'm not going to be back any time soon, and...
40:31 you need a full crew.
40:33 Yeah, well, I appreciate your honesty,
40:36 but the minute you are fit again, there's a job for you always.
40:40 I need you on the team.
40:42 So whatever it takes to get you up that waiting list
40:45 and get yourself better, I would crack on and do it.
40:49 Cheers.
40:52 Cheers.
40:54 Hi.
41:05 Aaron's solicitor called just as I was leaving work.
41:08 What did they have to say?
41:10 They've lodged the money to begin proceedings.
41:12 So they're still going ahead, then?
41:14 Looks that way.
41:16 I'm sorry.
41:18 It's not your fault.
41:20 I suggest you come by the office tomorrow,
41:22 and we'll discuss next steps.
41:24 When do you need the money from us?
41:26 We can worry about that tomorrow, OK?
41:28 But I'm duty-bound to remind you that if you lose,
41:32 the financial consequences could be substantial.
41:36 Then we have to win, don't we?
41:38 That means proving that Amy was telling the truth,
41:41 and all that entails, as long as you understand that.
41:44 Yeah, we do, don't we, love?
41:46 Yeah.
41:50 I'm sorry.
42:11 Why go behind my back?
42:14 Couldn't you have just told me that you had feelings for him?
42:18 Didn't I deserve that?
42:20 I was confused, but not after tonight.
42:23 So...
42:25 were with Jackson?
42:27 He asked me to move away with him and Miley again.
42:30 I can't believe I'm hearing this.
42:33 How could you do this to me,
42:36 after all I did to protect you?
42:39 What do you mean?
42:41 You know very well...
42:43 ..I could have gone to prison.
42:45 With all that means for an ex-copper.
42:49 And I still took that chance.
42:51 All to keep you safe.
42:55 Because I love you that much.
42:57 And go and snog your ex at the first chance that you get.
43:03 How stupid am I?
43:06 Are you talking about the hit and run?
43:10 I've got ten years, minimum.
43:13 I feel like going down to the station right now
43:16 and telling them everything.
43:18 And, yeah, I'd go down as well, but...
43:22 ..what does it matter?
43:24 Because if you go off with him,
43:28 my life's already over.
43:30 I'm not going away with him.
43:33 Really?
43:37 Yeah.
43:39 I turned him down, I'm staying here with you.
43:42 Thank you.
43:45 Thank you.
43:48 (SIGHS)
43:51 (SIGHS)
43:54 (SIGHS)
44:00 And if you fancy popping over to see the new precinct,
44:03 you can now visit it yourself.
44:05 Just go to to find out more.
44:08 Next on ITV1, jam-packed with laughter, tears and revelations,
44:13 it's brand-new I'm a Celebrity South Africa Unseen.
44:25 (upbeat music)