Coronation Street 24th May 2023-n

  • last year


00:10 [THUD]
00:27 [TV PLAYING]
00:30 [CRYING]
00:34 [COUGHING]
00:37 Oh.
00:52 Decided to haul yourself out of bed, did you?
00:55 Laying there pretending to be asleep,
00:56 knowing that I'd be out there doing all the hunting
00:58 and gathering.
01:00 How'd you sleep?
01:01 Yeah, OK.
01:03 You?
01:04 Mine was turning a little bit.
01:07 Yeah?
01:08 All the talk of kids.
01:10 But I know I'm the same.
01:12 It's just the thought of being parents again is--
01:15 it's huge, isn't it?
01:16 Oh, there he is.
01:30 Heavy hangs the head that last night wore the crown.
01:34 I was just thinking the same thing.
01:36 Do you want a coffee and that?
01:37 Don't mind.
01:38 Call me right up.
01:41 All that alcohol.
01:43 Smoking.
01:45 Why would anyone start smoking ever?
01:47 But at night time, I like the meat.
01:50 Well, perhaps you reason that you look cool and debonair.
01:55 Did I look cool and debonair?
01:57 Look sad and confused.
02:00 One shouldn't really try to change who they
02:03 are just to please somebody else.
02:06 I agree.
02:07 When you say--
02:08 I mean you, yes.
02:09 I'm not trying to change for Isabella's benefit.
02:12 She's simply encouraging me to live life to the full.
02:18 You don't know her like I do.
02:20 She's really quite special, intelligent, educated,
02:23 full of fun, all the family traits.
02:27 If you got to know her, you might be pleasantly surprised.
02:31 She's heading back to Italy tomorrow.
02:34 Oh.
02:35 And she's the only family I'm in touch with.
02:39 Come on.
02:40 Well?
02:55 What?
02:57 What do you think?
02:59 Yeah, you look nice.
03:01 Clearly not, Ben.
03:02 Whoa, whoa, whoa.
03:04 What?
03:05 I said you look nice.
03:07 Yeah, it's the way you said it.
03:09 I can't read between the lines, you know?
03:10 You look lovely.
03:11 You always do.
03:14 Miley's coming round with Jackson.
03:17 She wants to take some pictures before they leave.
03:18 OK, well, shall I clear out or do you
03:20 want me to stay because it's completely up to you?
03:23 Make it sound like I'm in charge.
03:27 Just do whatever you think's best.
03:31 I'll stay.
03:33 OK, great.
03:35 I'll go and get changed.
03:36 Yeah, just into something nice this time.
03:38 [SIGHS]
03:42 [BUZZER]
03:53 Cooey!
03:54 Always all right for someone that lays in around all day.
03:57 Yeah, not by choice, though, is it?
04:00 So go on.
04:00 What do you want?
04:01 Oh, a brew would be great.
04:02 Cheers.
04:03 No, we haven't got time for that.
04:04 Yeah, right.
04:05 You know that I asked you to be my best man?
04:08 You've not asked someone else, have you?
04:09 No, I want you to do it 100%.
04:11 Right.
04:12 Well, there's something else.
04:14 Go on.
04:16 Well, would you give me away at the wedding?
04:18 Seriously?
04:19 Well, would you?
04:20 I'd love to, yeah.
04:22 Amazing.
04:24 It means the world to me to have you there by my side,
04:26 walking down the aisle.
04:28 She's been going on about nothing else.
04:30 Oh, yeah, and there's something else you can do.
04:33 Can you get to the Rolvers?
04:34 Jenny and Glenda are putting up the decorations
04:36 for our stag and hen do tonight.
04:37 Basically, she don't trust them.
04:39 No, I don't want it looking like a daisy do.
04:41 I want it done up proper.
04:44 I'll do it myself, but we've got loads to do.
04:46 Anyway, I'll get you out the house, won't I, you lazy git?
04:48 See you later.
04:49 Jez, come on.
04:52 Sorry, mate.
05:07 Astonishing.
05:09 So is yours.
05:10 Not compared to this.
05:12 I thought I'd do well, maybe get a prize,
05:15 but seeing this, not a chance.
05:18 I've made a selection of sandwiches.
05:20 Cheese and pickle, egg mayo, tuna mayo.
05:23 No ham?
05:24 No.
05:25 Sorry.
05:27 I'm not hungry anyway.
05:28 Well, I will take a couple.
05:30 And if you'll excuse me, I have to be in work five minutes ago.
05:36 Lovely, Mary.
05:37 Thank you.
05:38 I'm sorry.
05:38 I know. All right.
05:39 I'm on my way. - Not you.
05:41 I've invited them round for a spot of lunch.
05:44 Step away with you.
05:46 Oh, oh.
05:47 Yes, sorry.
05:48 A little too absorbed in your detailing of the rear gallery
05:52 there.
05:54 It's really quite marvelous.
05:56 How was the work?
05:57 Cup of tea?
05:59 Coffee?
06:00 Of course.
06:01 I'd like to apologize.
06:06 Well, disagreements we've had and my behavior
06:08 has been a little untoward, so I am sorry.
06:13 Although I'd like to state for the record,
06:21 I didn't take your maidenhead.
06:25 I think you'll easily win first prize for your work here.
06:29 Well, I think I'm in with a good shot.
06:33 Provide that and get her there all in one piece.
06:35 I'm terrified about that.
06:36 Boot up passenger seat.
06:37 Neither.
06:38 Gonna put her in the back of me hearse.
06:39 Perfect.
06:41 Would you like to put yours in too?
06:44 We could travel together if you'd like.
06:49 So extremely kind of you.
06:52 Thank you.
06:53 Oh.
06:54 Oh.
06:55 Oh, so-- egg mayo.
06:56 Sorry.
06:58 Not a problem.
06:59 Sure it'll sponge off.
07:00 No.
07:01 Let me do it.
07:02 I'm so sorry.
07:03 Oh, whatever's to do.
07:05 I've made a mess of it.
07:06 Oh, give over, Brian.
07:07 It's nothing.
07:07 Allow me.
07:08 Do you take sugar, Isabella?
07:10 Do, please.
07:11 It's not going to look good, you turn up to your appointment
07:17 sinking a boot.
07:18 Well, I'm not going for a pint, am I?
07:19 I wish.
07:21 Dema wants us to check the decorations
07:23 are all right for the do.
07:26 My life, eh?
07:28 Errands, hospital visits, oh, and court tomorrow.
07:33 Well, it's absolutely riveting, darling.
07:37 How are you feeling?
07:39 Oh, about court.
07:41 To be honest, not much I can do about it, is there?
07:45 Just have to wait and see what happens.
07:46 As long as you're prepared for all eventualities.
07:50 You were all glass half full about it the other day.
07:52 I know, but--
07:54 They're not going to send me down.
07:56 Not with this.
07:57 There are no guarantees in this life.
08:01 You're telling me.
08:01 One coffee.
08:07 Tell him that's not lunch.
08:09 That is not lunch.
08:10 Look, I'm not saying to get a three course meal at the bistro.
08:13 Just a butty or summer.
08:15 You need to take a break.
08:16 Oh, I've got time, haven't I?
08:18 Well, you need more hands on deck.
08:20 Well, I can't find anyone for loving the money.
08:23 I wish I could help you.
08:24 I just made things worse.
08:26 I've been getting on at you to fix next door's roof.
08:28 Oh, no, that needs doing.
08:31 Ah, just the fella.
08:33 Now, the back door's sticking.
08:34 When can you come and have a look at it?
08:36 What?
08:36 He hasn't got enough to do.
08:38 Oh, excuse me.
08:39 I thought he'd be glad of the work.
08:42 People today.
08:44 You know, no wonder you can't get anything done.
08:47 I'll pop around when I get a chance.
08:50 Come on.
08:50 Come on.
08:52 Oh, who's taking who for a walk?
08:54 I was thinking Freddie.
08:55 Yeah, I know.
08:57 Never mind.
08:58 He's a bit apprehensive, though, aren't you?
09:00 Why's that?
09:01 He's scared in case he sees her.
09:02 You know, C-80.
09:05 Freddie can seem a little aggressive if he sees her.
09:08 C-80.
09:09 Oh, good job he can't spell then, isn't it?
09:12 Yeah, otherwise he'd be out there barking
09:14 while poor Roy is chasing after him like Weatherfield's
09:16 answer to Usain Bolt.
09:18 I'll tell you what.
09:18 Give him to me just this once.
09:20 I'll take you both for a walk.
09:22 Come on.
09:22 Come on.
09:27 Looking forward to the stack day, mate?
09:35 Yeah.
09:36 Oh, you're not going to do that mean to Jez, are you?
09:38 No, I'll just stick him in a box and post him to Peru.
09:40 He'll be fine.
09:41 [LAUGHTER]
09:46 Why do people do this?
09:48 Oh, it's all right.
09:49 Well, it'd be a shame if you scratched it, wouldn't it?
09:51 It's all good.
09:52 [DOOR OPENS]
09:55 Right, everybody.
09:57 Come on, squeeze in.
10:00 Make sure you get me a best side, won't you?
10:02 Have you got one?
10:03 Sure.
10:04 OK, retro style.
10:05 Cheese.
10:06 Cheese.
10:08 Another one.
10:09 Another one.
10:10 Cheese.
10:11 Uncle Gary, you should be in here too.
10:13 Really?
10:14 Yeah, come on.
10:15 Yeah, you know.
10:15 Go on, I'll take it.
10:18 You look nice.
10:18 Oh, thanks.
10:19 That's how you do it.
10:21 What have you done now?
10:22 Nothing.
10:22 Come on.
10:23 Go on, everybody bunch up.
10:28 I'll take a few if that's OK.
10:29 Take as many as you want.
10:31 When I get there, I'm going to make an album
10:32 so I can remember everyone.
10:33 Aw.
10:34 Everybody smile.
10:36 Come on, Vic, it's a smile.
10:39 Yeah, sorry.
10:41 Barbara Woodhouse, remember her?
10:43 A dog trainer prominent in the 1980s.
10:46 She had the right attitude, no nonsense.
10:48 Her training was less about the intelligent dog
10:51 and more about the blithering idiot
10:52 on the other end of the lead.
10:54 Present company accepted.
10:56 Thank you.
10:57 Now, you take that.
10:59 OK, Freddy, come on.
11:01 Come on.
11:02 Now, Freddy.
11:03 Freddy, sit.
11:06 Wait.
11:08 Clear diction.
11:09 Now, that's what's missing these days.
11:11 Wait.
11:13 Because young people, they just throw the consonants away.
11:16 Right, left, and center.
11:18 All right.
11:19 I mean, it's just one long string of vowels with young people.
11:22 And then Americanisms as well.
11:25 Come here.
11:26 Americanisms, you know, like I'm going to go and get a coffee.
11:29 Oh.
11:30 Evelyn.
11:32 My chest.
11:34 My chest.
11:36 Chest.
11:51 So it says to Mark.
11:55 Well, you know it's Mark.
11:57 Mark with the head.
11:58 Oh, yeah.
11:59 So it says to him.
12:00 Since when do we set up tabs?
12:02 We don't.
12:03 I know.
12:04 And so does he.
12:05 What? And so he just left?
12:06 Oh, yeah.
12:07 Took the hump and stormed off, yeah.
12:08 Oh, hi, love. You all right?
12:09 Yeah.
12:10 Yeah.
12:11 Gemma just asked to see how you're getting on with the
12:12 decorations for tonight.
12:13 Oh, I'm sorry, love.
12:14 We just-- we haven't had a chance yet.
12:16 I've been rushed off our feet.
12:17 Oh, I can testify to that.
12:19 Hey, but, um, I mean, we could make a start now if you don't
12:22 mind sorting this lot out.
12:23 Don't I, crack on?
12:24 Oh, brilliant.
12:24 Sorry to add to your load.
12:26 Oh, thank you, Rita.
12:28 Should be a good one tonight, eh?
12:30 Oh, yeah, definitely.
12:31 Well, thanks to your generous, eh?
12:33 Oh, give over.
12:34 It's only money.
12:35 It's a lot of money.
12:36 Well, when I go, I can't take it with me, can I?
12:39 Mm.
12:40 You're a legend.
12:41 Oh.
12:43 Jenny, I'll see you later, love.
12:45 All right, draw, Rita, love.
12:47 See ya.
12:48 Right then.
12:48 Ah.
12:50 Where shall we start?
12:52 Well, we'll put inappropriately arranged
12:54 blings all over the place.
12:56 And I have got some banners in here.
12:59 Right, here we are.
13:00 So if you just grab one of them stools there,
13:03 and we'll put one up here over the bar.
13:07 Well, actually, we might put a few of them up,
13:09 because one of them might get a bit lost.
13:11 What do you think?
13:14 Paul.
13:15 Sorry, I just remembered something.
13:18 Ah.
13:23 There's Patsy.
13:24 Oh, that's good.
13:26 Right, now then, just sit there for a minute.
13:28 And then-- and then when you feel like it,
13:31 we'll walk slowly to the medical center,
13:33 and we'll see if Dr. Gaddis can fit you in.
13:35 She's already seen me.
13:36 It's high blood pressure, that's all.
13:39 Yes, but she needs to chase up on that heart specialist.
13:41 And then they have to do all those tests
13:43 that they talked about.
13:44 It's very urgent, Roy.
13:46 I'm sure it's nothing.
13:47 It's just a little something.
13:50 You short a word suddenly.
13:53 The walk in dictionary.
13:54 I am a qualified first aider, Evelyn.
13:57 But you're not a qualified heart specialist, are you?
14:01 And that is who you need to see right now.
14:05 And then after that, when you're sorted,
14:06 then we need to sort this fellow out,
14:09 because we'll have to get his-- you know, his-- his--
14:11 his boy's bits.
14:12 Yeah.
14:14 His-- his knapsack.
14:19 His-- his undercarriage.
14:20 His brass clankers will have to be, you know--
14:24 otherwise, you know, Weatherfield's
14:26 going to be peppered with little Freddies and Fredericas.
14:30 Right.
14:31 Sure.
14:32 Can you give your price?
14:36 It's slow if you want, mate.
14:37 Oh, we've booked the train.
14:38 Thanks.
14:39 Well, if you're not running, give us a shout.
14:40 I'll come and get you.
14:41 It has been really lovely getting to know you, Miley.
14:44 You too.
14:45 Now promise me, next time you come up,
14:47 you're going to stay with us.
14:49 I will.
14:50 Thank you.
14:51 Your house is so much nicer than where we've been staying.
14:53 Ah, well, everybody says I have a flair for interior design,
14:56 don't they? - Yeah.
14:58 And you'll be back before you know it.
14:59 Yeah.
15:00 But we need to get everything sorted out for school and stuff.
15:03 Yeah.
15:04 Joined every club in a 10 mile radius, haven't you?
15:07 That's how I'm going to make friends.
15:08 I don't want to be on my own.
15:10 You'll have a million friends, I know it.
15:13 Right.
15:14 Yeah.
15:15 Well, come here, kid.
15:17 Aw, take care of yourself, sweetheart.
15:20 It's been really great to get to meet you.
15:22 Have a safe journey.
15:25 Right, come here.
15:27 Oh, I'm going to miss you so much.
15:31 You're amazing.
15:33 You really are.
15:33 Keep being brilliant and doing everything,
15:36 and I'll see you soon.
15:38 Hope so.
15:39 And you've got a great dad there.
15:42 He's one of the best.
15:45 Bye.
15:46 Bye.
15:47 Love you.
15:50 Bye.
15:51 [SIGHS]
15:53 [SIGHS]
15:54 [SIGHS]
15:56 [SIGHS]
15:57 [SIGHS]
15:59 [SIGHS]
16:00 It's OK.
16:03 I'm OK.
16:04 [SIGHS]
16:05 [SIGHS]
16:09 Yeah.
16:10 It's unbelievable.
16:12 Yeah, they'll never make the same mistakes as I did.
16:14 Do you see something I could do to help with the party?
16:16 Oh, stop moaning.
16:17 It's my arm.
16:17 It's killing me, Glenda.
16:19 Oh, bless.
16:19 She'll be back in a moment.
16:21 Thank you.
16:24 Here we go.
16:27 So?
16:28 Well, it's a little bit delicate.
16:31 OK.
16:32 Just I needed to talk to someone in the know about adoption.
16:36 I didn't want to appear insensitive,
16:39 but you were the first person that came to mind.
16:42 Well, I'm glad you asked.
16:44 Really?
16:44 Absolutely.
16:46 So who's thinking of adopting?
16:49 Well, it's very, very early stages, but me and Paul.
16:56 Hello.
16:57 It's early.
16:59 Oh, hey.
17:01 Is your Paul all right now?
17:02 Now?
17:03 What do you mean?
17:04 Don't mind me, guys.
17:05 No, just because he was in here before, limping.
17:08 Limping?
17:09 Yeah, you know, like he dirtied his foot.
17:11 I mean, he's probably something or nothing.
17:14 Hello.
17:15 You know, hello.
17:16 All right, all right, Dev.
17:17 All right.
17:18 Oh, come on, now.
17:19 Be doing it.
17:20 Do it proper.
17:20 Get it straight.
17:23 You've never been in hospital?
17:25 Well, me mum's a nurse.
17:27 So?
17:28 She's not got an X-ray machine under her bed.
17:31 No, I know, but when I was younger, it was always--
17:33 Oh, let me have a look at it.
17:35 Nothing wrong with you.
17:36 Go out and play.
17:38 He was always breaking bones, me.
17:40 Tell me something I don't know.
17:42 How would you know?
17:43 Oh, come on.
17:44 You are exactly the type of lad to jump off a wardrobe
17:48 trying to fly, shimmy up a drainpipe or something.
17:51 Nick him, lad.
17:52 Crash and stolen motorbikes?
17:53 Only once, I think.
17:56 Never me.
17:58 Should have a plaque up here somewhere, me.
18:08 What?
18:12 Nothing.
18:13 I don't want to talk to him.
18:15 Because you'd have to tell him where you are?
18:17 Because you'd have to lie about it?
18:19 I just want to get tomorrow out of the way.
18:21 Then next week, walk our Gemma down the aisle
18:24 without anyone knowing.
18:26 OK.
18:27 Paul Foreman?
18:29 So sorry to keep you waiting.
18:30 Oh, no, no.
18:32 Shall I get you a wheelchair?
18:33 Oh, no.
18:34 I'm all right, thank you.
18:35 What do you fancy for tea tonight?
18:47 Just whatever you like.
18:49 Well, there's some fish in the fridge that needs eating.
18:51 You don't have to do this.
18:59 Do what?
19:01 This.
19:03 Pretending that everything is OK.
19:07 What else can I do?
19:09 If I pretend it's all OK, then one day it will be.
19:15 Or maybe it won't be.
19:19 Maybe this will never be OK.
19:23 Maybe you will never be happy with me.
19:26 And one day, you'll look back and you'll think, whatever.
19:31 But right now, you have a choice.
19:33 If you want to, you can go.
19:41 You can go with Miley and Jackson.
19:43 You can be together.
19:47 I can't eat pizza unless I'm in Napoli.
19:55 No.
19:56 It's not the same.
19:57 Nowhere is as good.
19:59 We'll be eating pizza there again tomorrow.
20:01 OK.
20:02 Brian's majestic ship is safely harbored in the hearse.
20:06 Let's get this beauty strapped in safe and secure.
20:09 Yeah.
20:09 It's heavier than I imagined.
20:11 Not that heavy.
20:12 Do you know, it feels like it's stuck.
20:13 Well, just give it a tug.
20:14 Now, it's like, ah!
20:17 What have you done?
20:19 I mean, it's--
20:21 It's sabotage is what it is.
20:22 Sabotage?
20:23 Yes.
20:24 You've deliberately broken my ship.
20:26 It was glued to the table.
20:27 You glued it.
20:28 It must have happened during the making of it.
20:30 You're accusing me of sloppy glue work.
20:32 There's no other explanation.
20:33 You did it. - No.
20:34 You've been after me all along.
20:35 No. - You stole me maidenhead.
20:36 I never touched your maidenhead.
20:38 And now this.
20:39 You're a snake, Brian Packham.
20:40 You are a snake.
20:41 I don't have to stay here and listen to this.
20:44 Come on.
20:45 Let's go to the model seamen of the earth show without him.
20:47 You can go by all means.
20:49 But you'll be going without your ship.
20:52 Your ship is dry docked in my hearse.
20:58 Well, what about Topherson, this drug they're using for MND?
21:03 It's not a cure, Paul.
21:04 Slows it down, whatever.
21:06 And it's not that simple.
21:07 You'd have to see the specialist.
21:09 And you'd have to test positive for the SOD1 gene.
21:12 Yeah, yeah.
21:13 I'll speak to my consultant.
21:14 They'll tell me what to do.
21:15 And I'll do it.
21:16 There's only a tiny percent of people
21:18 who qualify for the treatment.
21:19 That'll be me.
21:20 I'll qualify.
21:22 But given there's no history of MND in your family--
21:24 That we know of.
21:25 It's highly unlikely that you'll test positive.
21:29 But they can test me.
21:31 Do it, please.
21:32 And in the meantime, is there anything
21:34 you can do from a foot?
21:35 Like give it a steroid injection or something?
21:39 I'm sorry.
21:40 I need it to get better.
21:44 I need to get better.
22:01 It's going to be all right.
22:09 It will be.
22:10 She might know about MND.
22:14 Yeah, but she's not an expert on me.
22:18 Right.
22:19 There have been so many times, yeah,
22:21 where I've woke up rough as toast from an heavy night.
22:24 And I've had a full English, yeah, or a burger,
22:27 or hair of the dog, whatever.
22:30 And it has sorted me out.
22:32 Oh, this is not the same as a hangover.
22:35 I know.
22:38 Sorry.
22:39 I know this isn't the same as that.
22:41 But I'm not going to sit back and watch muscles and parts
22:47 of my body shut down bit by bit and not do anything about it.
22:52 I'm not doing that.
22:54 I'll fight it.
22:55 I just-- I just need to see the specialist.
22:59 The real brains around here, not some nurse.
23:03 The specialist, they'll know what to do.
23:05 They'll get me on this drug and get me sorted.
23:07 But seeing as though they're not here at the moment,
23:13 might as well get going.
23:15 What's that?
23:17 Gemma's ended.
23:19 You're not giving us a lift home, are you?
23:22 Yeah.
23:23 Yeah.
23:24 You can't impound my ship.
23:30 You smash mine up, I'll smash you up.
23:33 You can try, sunshine.
23:34 I can hit you two halfway down the street.
23:36 He sabotaged my ship.
23:37 I did no such thing.
23:38 Glued it to the table.
23:40 He did it himself.
23:40 I did not.
23:41 You put glue on the table again.
23:43 No, somebody glued your boat to the table.
23:46 You're going to lose her ship.
23:48 Ship? Ship?
23:49 Ship?
23:50 Somebody glued your ship to the table.
23:51 And that someone was you.
23:53 Oh, you're accusing my cousin of vandalism.
23:56 Yes.
23:57 We should go.
23:58 It's probably best before mum gets back and sees this.
24:01 Come on.
24:02 I can't until I get my ship back.
24:04 What?
24:05 George has impounded it in the back of his hearse.
24:07 Seriously?
24:08 Seriously.
24:09 Yeah.
24:09 You're worse than kids.
24:11 It was him.
24:11 Brilliant.
24:13 Right, you, give him his toy back.
24:16 Now.
24:17 Go.
24:18 I'm just saying, there's no harm in getting Dr. Gaddafs
24:27 to chase up that appointment.
24:29 You know, if you're feeling anxious.
24:30 I'm not anxious.
24:31 What?
24:32 Poor Fred, he's flat out in his bed.
24:36 Eurageous.
24:37 You know, I thought he might have slipped off his lead
24:39 and started chasing after a cat.
24:41 Well, we certainly wouldn't have been able to chase
24:43 after him, would we?
24:44 Yeah, well, he'd be back here soon enough.
24:46 You know, it's a good thing when he sees it.
24:47 Yeah, well, it wouldn't be a good thing
24:49 if he was fathering puppies as he was wandering home.
24:52 I mean, that's another appointment
24:53 you've got to chase up.
24:54 You know, there's no point in putting off things
24:56 until it's too late, is there?
24:58 You're right.
24:59 You see?
25:00 Even your niece agrees.
25:01 A bit of friendly advice.
25:11 Well, I don't want it.
25:12 Mum, I give it to you anyway.
25:15 You can't pretend this isn't happening.
25:18 I'm not pretending.
25:19 I'm not.
25:21 Right, I've just got to get through this court case
25:23 tomorrow, then be free to get to the wedding on Monday,
25:26 and then when it's all calmed down a bit
25:28 and I've had some good news off the specialist,
25:30 I will tell people, starting with Billy.
25:32 Hey.
25:33 Hiya.
25:34 I've just had a lovely little chat with your Billy.
25:36 Oh, yeah?
25:37 Yeah, so exciting.
25:39 I know.
25:40 See you later.
25:41 Bye.
25:43 What was that about?
25:45 I've no idea.
25:48 Look, don't go out tonight.
25:50 All right?
25:50 Invent an excuse.
25:52 I thought you were against me lying.
25:54 I can come round and we'll have a few drinks or something.
25:56 Oh, yeah.
25:57 We can have a nice cheery chat about how my body's shutting
26:00 down or what length sentence the judge
26:02 is going to give me tomorrow.
26:05 Life's for living, mate.
26:07 Thanks for coming with me today.
26:08 I owe you one.
26:13 I love you.
26:16 Do you?
26:22 Yeah.
26:24 Enough?
26:27 Enough.
26:28 Do you love me as much as you love him?
26:32 Jackson?
26:35 I don't-- I don't love Jackson.
26:36 Faye.
26:38 I don't.
26:41 If you stay with me, Faye, you're
26:45 going to be settling for second best.
26:47 What are you talking about?
26:48 You're not second best.
26:50 I want to be with you.
26:52 I'm proving that by being here right now.
26:55 I want to be with you.
26:58 Look, OK, maybe we've not been the world's greatest
27:03 couple for a bit.
27:03 But you know what?
27:04 Who is?
27:06 Who is actually happy?
27:07 No one that I know.
27:10 Well, don't get me wrong.
27:11 I'm happy.
27:12 We're happy.
27:13 But, well, you know what I'm saying.
27:18 We've had our ups and downs like all couples do.
27:20 But I reckon we've had more good times than bad.
27:25 But now?
27:26 You've had your head turned.
27:31 No.
27:31 You have.
27:32 OK, and maybe I'm to blame, trying to trap you.
27:37 No.
27:38 But I meant what I said.
27:40 Right now, you have a what if moment.
27:45 And you've never had that before in all of our ups and downs.
27:48 But now you have.
27:49 We are bound to have more fallouts and rows.
27:59 And in all those moments, you'll be thinking what if.
28:04 What if I'd have gone with Jackson and Miley?
28:10 And I can't convince you that you'd be better off here
28:14 with me, not with that other life out there, OK?
28:18 I wouldn't be able to compete.
28:19 And maybe if you do go, you'll be
28:27 able to forgive me for everything
28:29 I've ever done wrong, trying to trap you.
28:33 And everything I've ever said that hurt you.
28:37 Because, Faye, I never--
28:39 I never meant to hurt you.
28:40 I didn't want that.
28:43 I just wanted to make you happy.
28:46 And this-- this-- this will make you happy.
28:52 So go on.
28:55 What are you waiting for?
28:56 Get a move on.
28:56 [SIGHS]
28:58 You can't keep a bowl over that mark forever, you know.
29:08 [SIGHS]
29:09 She needed a new table anyway.
29:11 Why don't you order a nice doll's house sized one?
29:14 Like that sofa that you got last Christmas.
29:17 Least you could do is tidy up a bit, clear that junk,
29:20 and get the vac out.
29:21 It's not junk.
29:22 It's me brushes, me plans.
29:24 [SIGHS]
29:25 You know, Brian was adamant he didn't
29:31 know anything about that glue.
29:32 Well, he would say that, wouldn't he?
29:33 He stole my maidenhead.
29:35 But I don't think he's capable of sabotage or theft.
29:38 I mean, he's an honorable man.
29:40 He's pure hearted.
29:42 Isabella, however--
29:43 And are you pure hearted, or is you
29:45 accusing her of something to do with your hatred of her?
29:47 I don't hate her.
29:48 You don't love her.
29:49 Well, there's a middle ground.
29:50 Apathy?
29:52 Or jealousy?
29:52 Jealous?
29:53 Of her taking your friend?
29:55 Oh, don't be so ridiculous.
29:57 Well, whatever the reason, you can't go accusing
29:59 her without some sort of proof.
30:00 Ha.
30:01 Oh, no.
30:05 What?
30:06 George, are you OK?
30:09 Your maidenhead.
30:10 I must have dropped it down there while I was building it.
30:13 Oh, no.
30:14 So Brian didn't take it, after all.
30:17 Looks like you've got some apologizing to do, both of you.
30:24 Ah, where have you been?
30:34 Nowhere.
30:35 I tried calling.
30:38 Oh, my phone must have been on silent.
30:40 Everything all right?
30:41 I told Jenny in the Rover.
30:43 She said that you were limping.
30:44 Oh, no.
30:46 I just went over a loose cobble on the street.
30:48 Went over on my ankle.
30:49 It's nothing serious.
30:50 Good.
30:51 Anyway, what are you doing in the Rovers?
30:53 You on the lash?
30:54 No, no.
30:55 I bet we'll be toya.
30:57 Oh, yeah, she said she'd seen you.
30:58 I was just-- I was picking her brains about the adoption.
31:02 Right.
31:03 She seems to think that we should get the ball rolling,
31:05 because, you know, it used to take a year.
31:06 I don't want to rush into anything.
31:08 No, no, we won't be rushing into anything,
31:09 because it takes so long.
31:12 Billy, please.
31:13 It's just not the right time.
31:16 What do you mean it isn't the right time?
31:18 I've got loads on.
31:19 Like what?
31:20 Like loads.
31:22 It's just not the right time.
31:25 Anyway, shouldn't you be getting ready?
31:26 Yeah.
31:27 Right, I'll head off and see you down there.
31:35 Look, just wait two minutes, Paul.
31:37 We can keep talking.
31:39 Paul.
31:40 Paul, I don't know which shirt to wear.
31:42 Yeah, Paul, which one should I--
31:48 Here you go, love.
31:58 Cheers.
32:02 Ah, keen on you.
32:03 There's money behind the bar, isn't there?
32:05 Well, I'd best get you a beer then, eh?
32:08 Ah, here you go.
32:10 All right.
32:11 When did you get here?
32:12 Just now.
32:13 He's here early to make up for running out on me before.
32:16 Well, I mean, it was more like hobbling, really.
32:18 I went over on my ankle on the way here.
32:20 Could feel it blowing up, so I went home, put some ice on it.
32:24 I've got ice.
32:25 Oh, yeah.
32:27 How is it now?
32:28 A bit sore.
32:30 Oh, you'll live.
32:32 Where's our gem?
32:34 Hiya.
32:35 Might have known you'd be here already.
32:37 Oh, it looks great, Jenny.
32:39 Thank you.
32:40 Yeah, thanks, Jen.
32:41 You are welcome.
32:42 Stick some music on.
32:43 I've got these.
32:45 You thinking about doing with them?
32:47 I'm going to put them on the tables, decorations.
32:49 I'd get reported.
32:51 I told you.
32:52 It's a hen party.
32:53 And I would lose my license.
32:55 It's Blackpool Rock.
32:56 No.
32:58 Oh.
33:00 Miserable cow.
33:01 She's never going to let us play pin the tail on the donkey
33:04 now.
33:05 What we doing, anyway?
33:07 Nothing.
33:12 Oh, have you two had a row?
33:14 No.
33:15 You better not spoil my night.
33:16 Don't know why he's had to come back for.
33:22 I do.
33:25 Is there a spare seat on that train for me?
33:27 No.
33:28 [LAUGHTER]
33:30 You OK?
33:35 Yeah, it's a bit of a shock, but she's got to do
33:37 what she's got to do, hasn't she?
33:38 Yeah, that's what your mum said.
33:40 She rang her earlier.
33:41 Yeah, don't know what I'm going to do with her
33:42 not living next door, though.
33:43 I'll ring you, like, every day.
33:50 And you can come down, and I'll come up,
33:52 and sometimes I'll meet halfway.
33:54 I'll see you.
33:55 Sonny Slough, it's not like it's the end of the world, is it?
33:57 Exactly.
33:58 Just feels a bit like that.
34:00 Dad.
34:01 Oh, Faye, we love you so much.
34:04 We love you.
34:05 Oh.
34:07 Bye.
34:07 Bye-bye, love.
34:11 She got your text.
34:12 You winding me up?
34:13 No.
34:14 Seriously?
34:15 Oh, come here.
34:16 [LAUGHTER]
34:22 The kitchen.
34:25 [LAUGHTER]
34:26 Tristan!
34:27 Four points.
34:27 We're out.
34:28 Everyone was out.
34:29 Right, Elliot and Mum's on the kitchen.
34:31 [DINGING]
34:33 Behind the kebab shop.
34:34 [LAUGHTER]
34:35 Two points.
34:36 In the kebab shop.
34:37 Three points.
34:39 Tristan, you're a nasty man.
34:40 [DINGING]
34:41 James, out!
34:42 [LAUGHTER]
34:43 What?
34:44 Four points.
34:45 Any more.
34:46 I think that's it.
34:47 Where am I?
34:48 [LAUGHTER]
34:50 That's it.
34:54 Sorry.
34:55 Sorry.
34:56 Sorry.
34:58 Who's the best?
35:00 Ah, ah.
35:00 Ring your bell.
35:01 Ring your bell.
35:02 You're the best.
35:03 You're the best.
35:04 Ah.
35:04 Caring for the other one.
35:06 Ah.
35:07 [LAUGHTER]
35:09 Yes, that's definitely you.
35:11 No, it's you.
35:12 Right.
35:12 We'll take a break from this filth,
35:14 and we'll be back real soon.
35:15 [LAUGHTER]
35:21 Oh, sorry, darling.
35:22 It's OK.
35:23 [LAUGHTER]
35:25 How do you stay so happy?
35:27 What do you mean?
35:28 Well, like, you're always smiling, and it's sad, innit?
35:33 What is?
35:34 Like, I saw you earlier on the street,
35:37 trying to get past that van that was blocking the pavement.
35:39 And you were just like, oh, well.
35:42 What else am I supposed to do?
35:44 I don't know.
35:44 I just thought it might be hard being you.
35:50 Is it hard being you?
35:52 Or for Gemma being Gemma?
35:53 Or anyone being anyone?
35:55 We're all who we are, aren't we?
35:57 Yeah.
35:58 Hey, it's all right.
36:01 I'll let you into a little secret.
36:02 The reason why I'm happy all the time
36:04 is because I'm absolutely bloody brilliant.
36:06 [LAUGHTER]
36:09 Not well enough to go to work, but well enough
36:11 to sit in here.
36:12 Oh, he wanted to come back, poor lad,
36:14 but he's not ready yet.
36:15 Well, it's a shame.
36:17 You could really do with someone to help you.
36:19 Well, there's nothing stopping you from a better
36:20 labourer, is there?
36:21 [LAUGHTER]
36:22 Come on, you two.
36:24 Come on.
36:25 Show me the best dance of them.
36:30 [LAUGHTER]
36:33 Have you come for a couple of tips about dancing?
36:36 Because I can remember the wonderful Lionel Blair
36:41 being in the Millionaire's Club and saying, smile and hoo.
36:45 That's all.
36:46 Smile and hoo.
36:47 Smile and hoo.
36:49 And the best kind of dancing is like life.
36:52 You make it look effortless.
36:56 Thanks, Rita.
36:57 Yeah, so kind of you to put some money there in the bar.
37:00 Yeah, not just for that, though.
37:01 Thanks for everything.
37:03 Not at all.
37:04 Not at all.
37:06 You take care of each other.
37:08 Night, Jenny.
37:09 I'm going.
37:10 Oh, well, you are?
37:11 All right, well, I'll see you later, then.
37:12 You will. You will.
37:13 Bye.
37:14 Bye.
37:15 Night, Rita.
37:16 Night.
37:17 Are we all right?
37:22 All right?
37:23 Yeah, me and you.
37:25 Yeah.
37:27 It's just that you keep saying you've got loads on.
37:30 Yeah.
37:33 Are things worrying you because you're not telling me?
37:36 No.
37:39 Am I one of those things?
37:40 No.
37:43 You can talk to me.
37:44 I know.
37:46 So talk.
37:50 It's just...
37:55 It's this.
37:58 The wedding and everything.
37:59 Wanting to get back to work.
38:01 It's a lot, and my head's just battered.
38:04 It's all.
38:09 He's not right.
38:11 Eh?
38:12 Apple, there's something up with him.
38:15 I don't want to cheer him up, though.
38:17 Glenda!
38:19 Stop! I won't be a minute.
38:33 Craig!
38:39 One last goodbye.
38:43 I love you.
38:54 And I always will.
38:56 And me, you.
38:59 Thank you for everything, Craig Tinker.
39:03 Thank you for all that we've been through,
39:05 and for everything that we've done together.
39:08 I wouldn't be the person that I am without you.
39:14 Bye.
39:17 Goodbye, Faye.
39:28 Come on, on your feet!
39:31 Let's get ready to rumble!
39:33 I can't. I can't.
39:36 It's not exactly...
39:37 Come on, Paul!
39:39 Don't leave me hanging!
39:40 I don't want to.
39:41 You're not chickening out, are you?
39:42 No!
39:43 No, I'm not doing it. Turn it off!
39:46 Right.
39:47 Well?
39:49 What is wrong with you?
39:50 Oh, give your head a wobble, will you?
39:55 She's a right nightmare, isn't she?
39:59 I should make a move.
40:00 I've got a busy day tomorrow.
40:02 Fine.
40:06 I'll see you in bed, then, yeah?
40:18 Is it loud?
40:19 Maybe he's just not going to make a spectacle of himself.
40:22 Oh, come on, you!
40:25 Edison Bailey, it's me, Mum.
40:27 Go on, son. Go on, son.
40:29 I looked a tube.
40:31 Didn't it look like a tube?
40:32 Yeah, it did.
40:34 I looked a tube, all because of him.
40:42 The Rovers won't even be that busy.
40:44 Yeah, but with a staggering party happening,
40:45 we wouldn't be able to hear ourselves think.
40:48 On second thoughts?
40:50 Yeah, and we wouldn't want to disappoint
40:51 Gemma and Chesney, would we?
40:54 Or maybe you could make amends, both of you.
40:58 Hi, Brian.
40:58 Evening. Thank you, Jay.
41:00 Come on.
41:08 Did you get to model semen?
41:10 No, thanks to you, yes.
41:13 How did you do?
41:15 Silver.
41:16 Silver?
41:17 Well, that's very admirable.
41:18 No, if you'll excuse us, it's Isabella's last night.
41:22 I return to Napoli tomorrow.
41:24 Unless I can persuade her to stay.
41:27 Good news.
41:28 George found his maidenhead.
41:34 I should have known you wouldn't have taken it, Brian.
41:37 I'm so sorry.
41:38 I really am, truly, so very sorry.
41:43 And Mary?
41:46 Did you have something that you wanted to say to Isabella?
41:53 Pardon?
41:57 I'm sorry I accused you of gluing his boat--
42:00 Ship.
42:01 Ship to the table.
42:03 Sorry.
42:05 And there we are.
42:06 All's well that ends well.
42:10 Get around him, George.
42:12 What is it with you?
42:13 I'm not going to tell you.
42:14 I'm not going to tell you.
42:15 I'm not going to tell you.
42:16 I'm not going to tell you.
42:17 I'm not going to tell you.
42:18 I'm not going to tell you.
42:19 I'm not going to tell you.
42:20 I'm not going to tell you.
42:21 I'm not going to tell you.
42:22 I'm not going to tell you.
42:23 I'm not going to tell you.
42:24 I'm not going to tell you.
42:25 I'm not going to tell you.
42:26 I'm not going to tell you.
42:27 I'm not going to tell you.
42:28 I'm not going to tell you.
42:29 I'm not going to tell you.
42:30 I'm not going to tell you.
42:31 I'm not going to tell you.
42:32 I'm not going to tell you.
42:33 I'm not going to tell you.
42:34 I'm not going to tell you.
42:35 I'm not going to tell you.
42:36 I'm not going to tell you.
42:37 I'm not going to tell you.
42:38 I'm not going to tell you.
42:39 I'm not going to tell you.
42:40 I'm not going to tell you.
42:41 I'm not going to tell you.
42:42 I'm not going to tell you.
42:43 I'm not going to tell you.
42:44 I'm not going to tell you.
42:45 I'm not going to tell you.
42:46 I'm not going to tell you.
42:47 I'm not going to tell you.
42:48 I'm not going to tell you.
42:49 I'm not going to tell you.
42:50 I'm not going to tell you.
42:51 I'm not going to tell you.
42:52 I'm not going to tell you.
42:53 I'm not going to tell you.
42:54 I'm not going to tell you.
42:55 I'm not going to tell you.
42:57 I'm not going to tell you.
42:58 I'm not going to tell you.
42:59 I'm not going to tell you.
43:00 I'm not going to tell you.
43:01 I'm not going to tell you.
43:02 I'm not going to tell you.
43:03 I'm not going to tell you.
43:04 I'm not going to tell you.
43:05 I'm not going to tell you.
43:06 I'm not going to tell you.
43:07 I'm not going to tell you.
43:08 I'm not going to tell you.
43:09 I'm not going to tell you.
43:10 I'm not going to tell you.
43:11 I'm not going to tell you.
43:12 I'm not going to tell you.
43:13 I'm not going to tell you.
43:14 I'm not going to tell you.
43:15 I'm not going to tell you.
43:16 I'm not going to tell you.
43:17 I'm not going to tell you.
43:18 I'm not going to tell you.
43:19 I'm sick of you and this wedding.
43:20 It's all you go on about and I don't care.
43:22 Of course you do.
43:23 I don't.
43:24 I don't want anything more to do with it.
43:26 What?
43:27 It cost me a fortune and a load of hassle.
43:30 Tell you what, find yourself someone else to walk down the aisle, yeah?
43:33 All right, fine. I will.
43:35 Good.
43:36 And if you really couldn't care less,
43:38 then don't even bother coming to the wedding at all.
43:40 Happy days.
43:47 And if you've been affected by issues raised in tonight's episode,
43:50 you can go to for support information.
43:55 Stay with us for the concluding part of Maryland.
43:58 On the way next.
43:59 [Music]