• 2 years ago
It’s our smallest ever SUV, but the forthcoming, all-electric Volvo EX30 is big on safety, thanks to our 96 years of leadership and innovation in this area. We’re a leader in safety, always have been and always will be, and we will not lower our own bar for safety in the EX30 – it looks after both you and others in hectic urban environments.

For example, on busy city roads a car door opening inadvertently into the path of a cyclist is responsible for a significant number of cycling crashes. So-called dooring accidents make up as much as a fifth of all reported bike accidents in some cities, and according to Cycling UK, 60 people on average are killed or seriously injured by car doors each year in the UK alone.

To help reduce such incidents, our forthcoming Volvo EX30 is equipped with a door opening alert, which can warn you through visual and audio cues whenever you’re about to open the door in front of a passing cyclist or other traffic user.

