Shortland Street 10th May 2023-n

  • last year


00:00 all that money.
00:01 She can't keep crying poor when she's gambling away
00:03 the pittance that she has left.
00:04 - Oh.
00:05 - I was thinking that I could help you with some budgeting.
00:07 - You are trying to control my money,
00:09 that's what you're doing.
00:10 And instead of letting me get back on my feet.
00:12 - Letting you slobber around the house you mean.
00:14 - I'm trying to help.
00:15 - No, you are behaving like children.
00:17 - Absenteeism, frustrated doctors,
00:19 and a woman lost her life.
00:20 - You're on very shaky ground, Monique.
00:22 You earned the teaching program.
00:23 - Look, I'm just trying to think of a way
00:24 to get us out of this hole I've dug with Kenny.
00:26 - You know how we've been waiting months
00:27 for a possible donor for Indie Grey?
00:29 - You think you've found one?
00:30 - A face transplant.
00:31 - You are kidding.
00:32 - This facial transplant's a really big deal
00:34 and I don't even know if a juice
00:35 is gonna pay me for the tea.
00:36 - Well, look--
00:36 - Look, you gonna help me or not?
00:37 - Harry, there's no cheating in the system.
00:38 If that's what you want me to do for you--
00:40 - Why the hell else would I suffer
00:41 through a dinner with you?
00:42 (dramatic music)
00:45 - So spending time with me is suffering.
00:50 - No, that's not what I meant.
00:51 - You call yourself Harry Thompson,
00:53 but you're straight in there trying to squeeze me
00:56 for any favors you can.
00:57 - I'm stressing.
00:58 - You make it worse by denying it.
00:59 - I'm not, okay, I'm apologizing.
01:02 What?
01:04 - Why are you home, really?
01:08 Why do a training program at my hospital?
01:10 - I told you I didn't want to come to Shortland Street.
01:12 - But now you're here, you're more than happy
01:13 to lean on my reputation and my contacts.
01:16 - This is exactly why I didn't want to.
01:17 - You can't have it both ways.
01:18 So we'll have it your way.
01:21 From now on, I'm not your father
01:23 and you're just another registrar.
01:24 - Dad.
01:26 - Try Dr. Warner.
01:27 Now if I get even the slightest hint
01:29 that you are anything less than 100% honest with me at work,
01:32 you will be gone so fast your head will spin.
01:35 I'll pay the bill, shall I?
01:38 At least I'm still good for that.
01:40 - Ooh, what is this?
01:51 - Well, we are on a health kick.
01:53 We just squeezed a little walk over our shift.
01:55 - Wow, I actually meant this situation
01:58 should be left for professional cyclists
02:00 in Bella Hadid only.
02:02 - I hope you're not body shaming me, Monique.
02:04 - As if, I'm short-shaming.
02:06 These are for you.
02:09 Ooh, thank you.
02:10 All right, well, this could start towards our 10,000 steps.
02:13 - 10,000, that's a bit much, don't you think?
02:16 - Hey, we're gonna do something to keep up
02:17 with those little doogie houses.
02:19 - You know, they wouldn't even know who that is.
02:21 - That's true.
02:22 - But I am into it.
02:23 Not the walking, obviously, but the spending time together.
02:27 - Yeah, moving in the same direction.
02:29 - Yeah.
02:30 - Mm, mm, I'm sweaty.
02:32 - Sorry.
02:33 - Mm-mm, don't be.
02:34 - Hey, Whitley, I like your pants.
02:41 - I wish I could say the same.
02:43 - Okay, that should about do it.
02:49 Now, if you can just wait here for a sec,
02:51 I'll be right back.
02:52 - Hey, you mind checking on this before discharge?
02:55 - I've cleaned and finished dressing this wound.
02:57 - That was fast.
02:58 - On to the next, right?
02:59 - Well, yeah.
03:00 You've checked he's up to date
03:01 with his tetanus immunisations?
03:03 - Uh, no.
03:04 I didn't realise that was one of my duties.
03:06 - Yeah, it's standard.
03:08 Let's check, eh?
03:09 Kia ora, John.
03:12 You all good if I check on your dressing?
03:14 Yeah, all looks good.
03:17 And do you know if you're up to date
03:18 with your tetanus jabs?
03:19 - Uh, not since I was a kid.
03:21 - That's all good.
03:21 We can sort that for you now.
03:23 You gotta be on top of that stuff.
03:27 - Sorry, I just thought, you know,
03:28 because we're busy and--
03:28 - Yeah, so we need to work quickly.
03:30 But it's a different kind of quick
03:31 to what the ambers do, okay?
03:32 When they're in between stuff.
03:33 So the T's or the I's,
03:34 you gotta cross them and dot them,
03:35 even when it's boring.
03:37 - Got it.
03:38 - Right.
03:39 - Let me shout you lunch, yeah?
03:44 You can save your homemade stuff for later.
03:46 - Oh, no, no, I don't want to be a burden.
03:48 Or an object of charity.
03:50 - Oh, come on, just let me.
03:52 A coffee, at least.
03:53 A peace offering.
03:54 So we can show Maeve that we can behave ourselves.
03:57 (phone ringing)
04:02 - Eric.
04:10 Eric.
04:12 This is your mother.
04:13 Would you please call me back?
04:16 I've been trying you all week.
04:18 I don't want to put any pressure on you,
04:20 but we need to talk about the loan.
04:23 Just please call me back.
04:25 - The hell kind of food is that?
04:28 - I bought it from home.
04:30 - Heaven help us.
04:31 - Oh, hello.
04:34 - No time to chat, old girl.
04:35 Gotta run.
04:36 - Oh, yeah, yeah, no, off you go to work,
04:39 you busy surgeon, you.
04:41 (laughing)
04:43 - Oh, Maeve, are you on rounds?
04:54 - Yeah, I am.
04:55 - Yeah, I'm just checking because I haven't been seen yet.
04:57 - Sorry, I am here now.
04:58 - So why are you running behind?
05:00 - Because I had to--
05:01 - No, it's fine, just go on.
05:03 Yeah.
05:04 - Everything okay, Cece?
05:05 - Well, actually, I'm just trying to figure out
05:06 where the rounds are lagging.
05:07 - Okay, good luck.
05:08 - So do you, do you know why?
05:10 - I wouldn't want to step on your toes.
05:12 It's a knock-on.
05:13 The HCAs are tied up, cleaning some fake blood bath
05:16 from some stupid balloon exercise
05:18 the surgeons are running.
05:20 The HCAs running behind means the nurses are held up.
05:23 There's your rounds issue.
05:24 Now, if you don't mind, I need to get going.
05:27 - And it's important that the patient is as fit
05:32 and healthy as possible going into this?
05:34 - Exactly.
05:35 We're talking about a surgery that typically lasts between--
05:38 - 12 and 24 hours.
05:40 - It's a slog.
05:41 But the surgery isn't the only thing we're concerned about.
05:44 During the recovery, we'll be needing to look out
05:46 for signs of--
05:47 - Organ rejection.
05:48 Specifically, monitoring for a fever
05:50 is an indication of the transplant's rejection.
05:52 - That would be true of a solid organ.
05:55 Liver, heart.
05:56 - No, but in this case, the signs of rejection
05:58 are more likely to be a blotchy rash
05:59 or perfusion around the facial skin.
06:01 - Yeah, that's right, Stella.
06:03 This is an incredibly complicated operation.
06:05 The signs of rejection are the absolute bare minimum
06:08 I would expect you to know at this stage.
06:11 Some of you need to knuckle down.
06:13 I don't like your chances of continuing in medicine,
06:16 let alone this program.
06:18 - Okay.
06:19 With that in mind, we have prep to do.
06:20 So, if you'd like to follow me?
06:22 - I'll catch you up.
06:23 I just need to finish these notes.
06:24 - You've done hard on the registrars.
06:29 - Well, no more than necessary.
06:31 - Do they need it?
06:32 Apparently they're the best of the best.
06:34 - Yeah, they're a very capable lot.
06:36 Even that son of mine.
06:37 - Well, you'd better get it done now.
06:40 - I'd rather not go into it.
06:41 - What have you done, huh?
06:43 Hovering, smothering, offering him hugs he doesn't want?
06:46 - Hugging is not what I feel like doing to him right now.
06:49 - Well, you know he could be at any hospital,
06:50 but he chose yours.
06:52 - This wasn't his first choice.
06:53 - Well, if he's half the surgeon his father is,
06:55 he's gonna be around for a while, so.
06:57 - So, he's up, you reckon?
06:59 - You know best.
07:01 (laughs)
07:03 - Thanks for the loan, Dr. McCaskill.
07:08 I hope my stars are aligned.
07:13 (phone rings)
07:17 Oh.
07:21 Oh, how do you stop?
07:24 How do you silence this?
07:25 Oh.
07:27 (gasps)
07:27 Oh.
07:29 What, what are you doing?
07:30 You're so jumpy.
07:31 - No, I'm not.
07:33 - What have you done?
07:35 - Nothing.
07:35 - More money?
07:38 - What?
07:39 - Well, has Eric asked for more money?
07:41 - No, no, God no, no.
07:43 And even if he did, I haven't got anything to give.
07:45 Not a penny, not a dime.
07:46 - What are you hiding?
07:49 - Nothing.
07:50 - I know you, Mum.
07:51 - Nicole, you have all the passwords to my accounts.
07:55 My bank statements, pension, bloody NHI number.
07:59 So what could I possibly hide in this digital age?
08:03 - As with all surgery, it's important to monitor
08:07 and complete up-to-date assessment
08:09 of the general health of our patient.
08:11 - Now, our registrars have carried out those assessments.
08:15 The next step will be to talk Mr. Gray
08:17 through the transplant in greater detail.
08:19 - Specifically the muscular aspects.
08:21 - As I'm sure you're all well aware,
08:22 a facial transplant is not just about the skin,
08:25 but also some of the muscles of the face.
08:27 - Yeah, which is what makes it such a rare
08:29 and complicated procedure,
08:31 but one that we're confident we can execute
08:33 with fantastic results for you, Mr. Gray.
08:36 - Okay, team, let's hear those odds.
08:38 - Oh, Mr. Gray, I hear you're a diehard sports fan.
08:41 - I made a career out of it.
08:42 - How's that?
08:43 - Sports marketing.
08:44 - Really? That's mean.
08:47 Got any jobs going?
08:48 - What, is this not challenging enough for you?
08:50 (laughing)
08:51 - So, temperature 37.
08:54 - BP's 120 over 80.
08:56 - Heart rate of 94, so slightly elevated.
08:59 - We'll keep an eye on that.
09:00 - Respiratory rate is 15.
09:02 - So, feel pretty normal then.
09:03 - Thanks, Mr. Gray.
09:05 I'll be in to check on you later.
09:07 - Good work, everyone.
09:21 - I was particularly impressed with your work, Noah.
09:23 - What?
09:24 - Well, Noah did something the rest of you
09:25 didn't think to do.
09:26 He made a connection with the patient,
09:29 making the patient feel comfortable with you
09:30 is the first step to making them feel comfortable
09:33 with the procedure.
09:34 Not only is it the right thing to do on a human level,
09:37 but it leads to better outcomes for the patient.
09:39 - Even if the citrine's all whack?
09:42 - Sorry?
09:42 - Just saying.
09:43 Maybe that's an area that Noah could focus up a little more.
09:45 - Hmm.
09:47 - Bedside manner is an important part of being a surgeon,
09:49 as is collegiality.
09:52 - Drew, what do you think?
09:54 Is it more beneficial to have surgery skills
09:56 or chit-chat in this situation?
09:58 - Well, in your situation,
10:01 I would say that closing your mouth
10:03 and opening your ears would be very beneficial
10:05 when a surgeon is experienced as Chris
10:06 is trying to teach you something.
10:09 Good work, team.
10:10 Take a break and we'll reconvene in an hour.
10:12 What's that all about?
10:17 - How do you say, where do I go to partay?
10:24 (glass shattering)
10:25 - Have a smashing time in Greece.
10:27 - We look incredible.
10:28 - Of course we look incredible.
10:30 - They just look ridiculous.
10:32 - With the travel guides, next on 2, MTV and Z Class.
10:36 - Oh, my favorites.
10:38 - They'll be love.
10:39 - How's it going?
10:41 - Great.
10:41 - Yeah?
10:42 - Going to gory stories?
10:43 - Gory than the stuff we used to see.
10:45 - Yeah, well, I don't know.
10:46 We just drop them in TV.
10:47 Don't really know how messy it gets after that.
10:49 - I just keep my head down, you know.
10:51 - Be modest.
10:52 - Something like that.
10:54 - You gonna go get a copper?
10:55 - Ah, no, I gotta get back to it.
10:57 - Copy that.
10:58 Hey, you know, I was thinking about nursing, actually.
11:00 - What, you?
11:01 - Nah, you and nursing, you know.
11:03 Seems like you're a real good fit.
11:04 And I don't just mean you're scrubs,
11:05 I mean you're calm and conscientious and stuff, you know.
11:09 I reckon you're real natural.
11:10 - Chris.
11:16 - Oh, where'd you come from?
11:17 - Can I speak to you?
11:18 - Go ahead.
11:19 - Your registrars, their training,
11:21 you need to find a way to make that happen
11:23 that doesn't impact my staff.
11:24 - No, sure I follow.
11:25 - Those bloody balloons.
11:27 - Oh, quite a mess, I'm sorry.
11:29 That didn't fall to the nurses to clean up, did it?
11:32 - No, well, the HCA's that are dealing with it,
11:34 we need to help us.
11:35 - Causing trouble with your art classes again,
11:37 are you, Chris?
11:38 We're a training hospital now.
11:40 All of us have to take on more duties.
11:41 - Oh yes, I understand that, Drew.
11:43 But we also have our own trainees
11:44 that we need to deal with.
11:45 - Well, you should see where we're coming from.
11:48 Maybe they could be tasked with that kind of thing.
11:51 - Cleaning.
11:53 - It's just an idea.
11:54 - Those keys taken away from the surgeons?
12:05 - What?
12:06 - It seems as though Chris and Drew
12:07 deserve that more than the keyboard.
12:09 Did they brush you off?
12:11 - Were you listening?
12:12 - Well, yeah.
12:13 Do you want me to have a word?
12:14 - No.
12:15 Okay, this is my battle, and I can fight it.
12:21 - Okay, so is mine the only halfway decent place
12:24 for the youngins around here?
12:25 - What makes you think I'd know?
12:27 - You look like you could bust a move,
12:28 down a couple shots.
12:30 - All you know, I could be an alcoholic
12:31 with a morbid fear of dancing.
12:33 - True, and I'm gonna gamble that you're not.
12:36 - Even so, we're all the kids your age.
12:39 I'm old enough to be your mother.
12:41 - Hot aunt, maybe.
12:42 So, if you wanna come out dancing,
12:48 give me a call.
12:50 - Or don't.
12:51 - Or I'll see you at work.
12:53 - What was all that about?
12:57 - What?
12:58 - That pretty young girl.
12:59 - Sorry?
13:00 - I saw you flirting with that student.
13:03 - They're doctors, Leanne.
13:04 Studying to become surgeons.
13:06 - So that's the excuse, is it?
13:07 - Well, I actually don't need an excuse
13:09 to talk to a doctor in a hospital.
13:10 - And the number she wrote on your arm?
13:14 - Believe it or not, sometimes the nursing staff
13:16 need to be able to contact other medical professionals.
13:18 - All I'm saying is that you and Nicole
13:20 have only just got things--
13:21 - All I'm saying is it's nothing,
13:23 and you should mind your own business.
13:26 Now, I will see you at home,
13:28 my home, where you're living, rent-free,
13:31 and my dad.
13:32 Now, if it's okay with you, I'm gonna get back to work.
13:34 - Secrets made.
13:36 - Secrets are poison.
13:38 - Okay, I'll review Mr. Grey's notes again,
13:42 and then shall we reconvene?
13:43 - Say an hour?
13:44 We can let them know who we've chosen to assist.
13:47 - Right.
13:48 Um, not quite sure how to put this.
13:52 - Spit it out.
13:54 - When you choose a registrar
13:56 who will assist you in surgery--
13:58 - Yes?
14:00 - I would be grateful if that registrar was not Harry.
14:04 - What?
14:04 - I know it sounds bad.
14:05 - Like you're sabotaging your son's career, yeah,
14:08 and trying to get me to do it.
14:09 - I don't think he's ready.
14:10 One day, sure, he could be one of the best.
14:13 - Not if he doesn't get the chance.
14:15 You saw him.
14:17 He's emotional and unprofessional.
14:19 He lets his feelings get in the way of his work.
14:21 - Chris, you know I respect the hell out of you,
14:25 so I'm just gonna say this once.
14:27 Who I pick is my decision.
14:29 And from where I'm sitting,
14:31 the person who's having trouble
14:32 separating the personal from the professional,
14:35 that isn't Harry.
14:35 - I just want what's best for the patient and my son.
14:41 (people chattering)
14:44 - Ward two, please.
14:50 Vital signs and then come straight back here.
14:53 - Busy day.
14:54 - Yes, very.
14:56 What is it?
14:57 Have you come to tell me that Eric has my savings too?
15:00 - Let it go, Nicole.
15:01 I have bigger news.
15:03 - Fine, shoot.
15:05 - Well, I don't mean to alarm you, but--
15:06 - She says right before alarming me.
15:08 - I'm serious, Nicole.
15:11 - What?
15:12 - Well, it's Maeve.
15:15 - What is it, is she okay?
15:16 - Yeah, yeah, no, she's fine.
15:17 She's so fine, she's flirting up a storm
15:19 with one of the baby doctors.
15:20 - What?
15:21 - I saw it with my own eyes.
15:23 One of those registrar girls.
15:25 Right here, in the hospital.
15:28 - Really?
15:29 - They were talking, and then I saw them laugh,
15:33 and she wrote a number on her arm.
15:35 - Okay, so let me get this straight.
15:39 So, my wife, a nurse, was talking to a doctor
15:42 and exchanging contact details in a hospital.
15:45 I'm outraged.
15:46 - I'm serious, Nicole.
15:47 Just because you love someone
15:49 doesn't mean they won't disappoint you.
15:50 - I'm sorry that Eric has disappointed you, okay, Mum?
15:53 But you just need to stop stirring things with Maeve and I.
15:56 - Well, don't be ridiculous.
15:58 That's not what I'm doing.
15:59 - Thank you.
16:01 Could you please hold down the fort?
16:02 I'll find someone while I file these.
16:05 Mum, just ring Eric, okay?
16:07 And give Maeve a break.
16:09 Oh, and Mum?
16:10 - Yeah?
16:11 - Can you pick up some dinner for tonight?
16:13 We're both gonna be home late.
16:15 - What about Maeve?
16:16 - Well, she's veggie, remember, but not fussy.
16:19 - That's not what I meant.
16:22 - First up, I'd like to commend you all
16:25 on some great work this week.
16:27 My own team really lifted their performance.
16:30 But one person stood out for their diligence and drive,
16:34 and that person is Queen.
16:35 - What?
16:37 Is it 'cause I nailed that balloon challenge?
16:38 It is, isn't it?
16:39 - Yes!
16:40 - Now my turn.
16:41 Again, this was a hard decision.
16:42 You all did very, very well.
16:43 But on this occasion, I'll be assisted by Stella.
16:47 This is only one of many exciting opportunities,
16:49 and we look forward to you all working hard
16:51 and making this an even more difficult decision next time.
16:54 - Congratulations!
17:01 - You two did!
17:02 - I mean, what can I say?
17:03 Top of the class.
17:04 - Top here!
17:05 - Mm-hmm.
17:07 - Oh, hey.
17:08 Did you drive the Bentley or the Tesla to work today?
17:10 - The Porsche.
17:11 - Oh, so just the runaround car.
17:13 - Harry.
17:13 You want a gloat?
17:17 - No, not at all.
17:18 This could be a good opportunity for you.
17:21 - A good opportunity for me would be participating
17:23 in cutting-edge surgery?
17:24 - I mean an opportunity to learn how to conduct yourself.
17:28 You have ability.
17:29 If you're able to separate your personal life
17:31 from your professional, things might go differently.
17:34 - Okay.
17:35 In that case, can I ask you something strictly as my father?
17:38 Not a boss, not a doctor?
17:41 - Of course.
17:42 - Back off, old man.
17:43 - Hey there.
17:51 Tonight, taking the sights with travel guides.
17:53 - How's that?
17:55 Is that better for your back?
17:56 - I'm fine, thank you.
17:57 - I can elevate your legs more if you like.
18:00 - No, that's fine.
18:01 - Lily, can you please grab the MSU from us
18:04 to Watson next door?
18:04 I will be there in a minute.
18:06 Is there anything else I can do for you?
18:08 You've got some water there.
18:10 - I'm honestly fine.
18:12 - Okay, well, I'm here if you need.
18:14 Sorry, just making sure Mrs. Hardy was comfortable.
18:22 She hasn't had any fun or-
18:22 - Yeah, that's great, mate.
18:24 But remember, we're not a day spa.
18:25 It's a balance, right?
18:26 Don't tip too far in the other direction
18:28 or waste valuable time.
18:29 (water trickling)
18:32 - Smells good.
18:37 Thai from the cheap and cheerful place, so don't worry.
18:40 - I didn't say anything.
18:42 - Where's Violet?
18:43 - He's playing in his room.
18:44 - Was there wine on special too?
18:47 - Yeah.
18:48 - Would you like one?
18:49 - Yes, please.
18:50 - Here you go.
18:57 - Thank you.
18:59 - Where's Maeve?
19:00 - She had a couple of loose ends to tie up.
19:01 Then she'll be back.
19:02 - Uh-huh, right.
19:04 - What?
19:06 - I don't mean to upset you, Nicole,
19:08 but are you sure there is nothing going on
19:10 with that Quince girl?
19:12 - Quinn?
19:14 Is that who she was talking to?
19:15 - Oh, does she have a reputation already?
19:18 - For heaven's sake, Mum, just butt out.
19:21 People can talk to their colleagues.
19:22 It doesn't mean they're doing anything wrong.
19:23 - Well, to be fair, Nicole, you were-
19:25 - No, just enough, okay?
19:26 I don't want to hear about it again.
19:28 - I just want to-
19:29 - Maeve and I are fine,
19:30 and I don't need you stirring things, okay?
19:32 - I think you should know what-
19:33 - What do you want?
19:34 Do you want me to end up old and lonely
19:36 and broken homeless like you?
19:37 Is that it?
19:38 - What are you still doing here?
19:53 - Just finishing up a couple of things.
19:56 - Keeping up with the babies?
19:57 - Sorry?
19:58 - The registrars.
20:00 They giving you the runaround?
20:01 - I'm coping.
20:02 I'd better get on.
20:05 - Little one still doesn't have a name.
20:07 - Or a mother.
20:09 - It's not your fault.
20:11 - Doesn't make it any easier.
20:13 I messed that surgery up.
20:15 What if I mess up this face transplant?
20:17 - You didn't, and you won't.
20:18 What happened to Kai, I couldn't be avoided, Drew.
20:22 Your baby's doing well.
20:27 And Aunt's on the way, apparently.
20:29 - Great.
20:30 - Right, well, I better get home
20:32 before Nick and Leanne kill each other.
20:34 Night.
20:37 - See ya.
20:38 Hey, little one.
20:45 You'll be okay.
20:50 Easy does it.
20:56 Easy does it.
20:57 - What the hell is going on?
21:02 - I was just trying to practice.
21:03 - Your shift is over.
21:04 Okay, and this room is no longer your playground,
21:07 so pick up your blimmin' toys and get out.
21:09 - I didn't mean--
21:10 - Didn't mean to what?
21:11 What, monopolize our staff and our facilities?
21:14 - I'm sorry, I--
21:15 - Okay, let me tell you something.
21:16 One day you might be a medical god
21:18 and you might have the run of this place,
21:19 but today is not that day, my friend.
21:22 So buck up your ideas, pack your stuff, and get out.
21:25 What?
21:26 What?
21:27 What is it you wanna say to me?
21:29 Come on, I'm listening.
21:31 You could've made my ears a bit smaller.
21:39 Now that's very good.
21:41 - You can have it.
21:42 - Oh, thank you, sweetheart.
21:44 Well, your mother should be back
21:48 from her cooling off walk by now.
21:51 - She said sorry.
21:52 - Yeah, I know, but yeah.
21:54 Anyway, I'll be out of her hair for good soon enough.
21:59 We're mavers, I do not know.
22:01 All right.
22:03 Time for bed, sweetheart.
22:06 - Five more minutes.
22:08 - Okay, just this once.
22:10 Oh, oh, oh, I hope I haven't missed it.
22:17 - I'm not allowed to have scoops before bed, you know?
22:19 - No, no, no, darling, please, just, just, please, just.
22:22 Just, just.
22:23 - We have bonus number seven in tonight's draw.
22:26 Those numbers again are five, 18, 97, six, and 12.
22:31 - How did you know?
22:33 (dramatic music)
22:36 Are you crying, Nana?
22:42 - No.
22:43 - Are you okay?
22:45 - Yes, yes, yes.
22:46 - Okay, team, this face transplant has to go smoothly, Chris.
22:51 The greatest risk.
22:52 - We have these over-eager registrars
22:54 just getting in the way.
22:55 - Oh!
22:56 - Could be themselves.
22:57 - I say we cut them from the surgery.
22:59 - Shortland Street, tomorrow at seven on two.