Shortland Street 12th May 2023-n

  • last year


00:00 Shortland Street.
00:01 Mum, you okay?
00:02 I've lost all the money, the house, the lot.
00:04 Now she's overdrawn and her credit card's maxed out.
00:06 She's low on her pension.
00:08 All of it?
00:09 Oh, Drew?
00:10 No time to channel, girl!
00:11 I won the Ferndale Lottery again!
00:14 What?
00:15 2.8 million dollars!
00:16 You want my advice?
00:17 Don't do anything, don't even have a plan.
00:19 A face transplant.
00:20 You are kidding!
00:21 I'll be assisted by Stella.
00:22 Can you organise a silver dressing?
00:24 Okay, but it's just a little bit outdated.
00:26 I don't like being undermined.
00:27 I'm taking you off the transplant.
00:28 What?
00:29 Chris's team have begun removing the donor face.
00:31 Let's get started.
00:32 Stop!
00:33 I was in Indy's ward and I found an empty packet of a herbal supplement.
00:35 It'll compromise the surgery.
00:36 I don't know what the hell you were doing, but if Mr Grey ends up without a face, that's on you.
00:41 How's our patient?
00:46 BP, 120 over 60.
00:48 Uh, stable.
00:50 But Drew, how much longer is this delay?
00:53 This is a huge stuff-up.
00:55 Mm-hm.
00:56 It could all be for nothing.
00:58 I know.
00:59 The donor face is still being removed and clotting factors are on the way for Mr Grey.
01:05 Dr MacAskill hopes to resume the operation within the hour, so we're standing by.
01:10 A blip.
01:11 A blip?
01:12 A short delay.
01:13 Everyone seems really worried.
01:14 Do they?
01:15 Well, Dr MacAskill just pushed past without saying a word.
01:18 Just a few medical issues that we found early and need to rectify before we proceed.
01:22 What sort of medical issues?
01:23 Nothing major, just making sure that the patient doesn't have a bad reaction, that kind of thing.
01:28 Isn't that what pre-op checks are for?
01:30 Oh, and other news, Dr Harper-Whitley has saved a baby in neonatal intensive care today.
01:35 Isn't that right, Harper?
01:36 Um, yeah, sorry, no time.
01:38 Hey.
01:45 I heard there was a crisis with Kaya's baby.
01:47 Yeah, she stopped breathing, but, um, we were here, me and Maeve, and she's OK now.
01:53 I hear you had to put the brakes on the transplant.
01:55 Chris is blaming me.
01:57 Well, it sounds like the patient didn't disclose everything.
01:59 He didn't, but still, I should have found out anyway.
02:01 How would you know?
02:02 Stella did.
02:04 The severe bruising from the blood draw.
02:06 She was onto it before she even found the supplement.
02:09 I'm falling behind, Harper.
02:11 I'm being called out for prescribing outdated treatments.
02:14 I'm supposed to be this hot-shot surgeon, but if I'd pushed ahead,
02:17 Indy would have bled to death there on the table.
02:19 Well, your team prevented that from happening.
02:20 I've made so many bad calls.
02:22 Hey, hey.
02:23 This baby should still have her mother.
02:25 You couldn't save her.
02:27 You know that.
02:29 Look, sometimes bad things happen, and you can't always fix them.
02:34 I think that you should go and scrub back in, so that you're ready to continue with the transplant.
02:43 Drew!
02:46 No time.
02:47 No time?
02:48 I'm here, Swanson, breathing down my neck, asking what the hell has gone wrong.
02:51 It's just a delay.
02:52 It's not the end of the world.
02:53 Okay, so what's happened to the face?
02:55 Is it just dangling, half on, half off?
02:57 We still have a viable window.
02:58 It's much shorter, but it's still viable.
03:00 Okay, can I correct you on that?
03:02 Don't say a thing.
03:04 Well, I've got to say a thing, considering we've hyped this up to be the first time in Aotearoa.
03:08 A man could end up without his face, Monique.
03:10 I don't give a damn about the optics.
03:12 I don't have time for this.
03:14 I don't understand how you missed the supplements.
03:16 Like, how does that happen?
03:17 It's not Monique.
03:18 Well, whose fault is it, then?
03:19 Because when David calls me, I need to throw someone under the bus.
03:21 Yes, well, I was with Drew for all of the pre-op checks, and he asked about meds and supplements,
03:26 and Mr. Gray just forgot to mention it.
03:28 And it's only by luck that I found that packet.
03:30 Right.
03:31 So, in a nutshell, it's the patient's fault.
03:33 Pretty much.
03:34 Okay, I can work with it.
03:35 David.
03:36 David, hi.
03:37 Yeah, you're not going to believe it.
03:39 It's the patient's fault.
03:41 He lied in the pre-op.
03:42 Thanks.
03:46 You're welcome.
03:47 I'm not really into the blame game.
03:49 You should scrub in for the next stage.
03:51 It's okay.
03:52 You don't owe me anything.
03:53 No, you deserve it.
03:54 If this operation's a success, you'll have been a massive part of it.
03:57 Well, it's only lucky that I recognised the supplement.
04:00 You were right about the patient, and you were right about the marine collagen.
04:03 I read up on that, and then I used it.
04:04 It worked.
04:05 You're good, Stella.
04:06 You should be in that surgery.
04:07 Go scrub in.
04:14 Oh, something smells good.
04:16 What is all this?
04:19 Oh, just a few sale items.
04:21 No biggie.
04:22 Mum.
04:23 Okay, I had a bit of a blowout.
04:25 Whatever, Trevor.
04:26 Are you trolling me on purpose?
04:28 Where did you get the money?
04:29 Did you get another credit card?
04:31 No, I did not, thank you very much.
04:33 Now, back off.
04:34 It's none of your business what I do or who I do it with.
04:37 What do you mean, who you do it with?
04:39 Nothing.
04:40 Nothing?
04:41 Nothing will come of nothing, Nicole.
04:43 Don't Shakespeare me.
04:45 Well, maybe I just got a little luck, that's all.
04:48 Oh my God.
04:50 You haven't been gambling, have you?
04:52 Playing the pokies like Desi used to.
04:54 I do not gamble, I manifest.
04:56 If you believe in miracles, Nicole, money will rain down on you like...
05:01 like...
05:03 rain.
05:05 Can you just tell the truth, Mum, just this once?
05:08 Newsflash.
05:10 I don't have to tell you anything, Nicole.
05:12 So buzz off.
05:14 You can run, but you cannot hide.
05:17 I'm on to you.
05:19 It's about time.
05:24 Thanks for your patience, everyone.
05:26 What's Stella doing in there?
05:28 Where's Harry?
05:30 No idea.
05:31 How's that clotting time now, Chris?
05:34 Much improved.
05:35 Patient's stable, we can proceed.
05:37 Okay, everyone, we have had a substantial delay,
05:40 so our window with the transplant tissue has narrowed.
05:43 Harry?
05:44 What happened?
05:45 Now it's all about concentration and focus.
05:48 I do not have time for this, I need to get back in a hurry.
05:59 Where the hell are they?
06:01 Here you go.
06:02 Oh, so you are an actual angel.
06:04 I don't know why I'd want to let go of you.
06:06 Can we talk about the shower tray?
06:07 What?
06:08 It's all clogged up with your hair.
06:09 Excuse me?
06:10 Your long, straight, black hair.
06:12 Opposed to your short and curly's.
06:13 Sorry, what?
06:14 Best sort it out, eh?
06:15 Oh, get a life, Logan, there's bigger things to worry about.
06:18 But this whole place is a mess.
06:19 Oh, and that's my fault because I'm the only woman.
06:21 Actually, I'm the only one tidying up,
06:23 and you guys are messing it all up.
06:24 Oh, too bad.
06:25 I have a hospital's reputation to save.
06:27 God, Dawn was right to dump you.
06:30 She didn't dump me.
06:31 Yeah, stuff her.
06:32 Okay, bro, calm down, just have a chip.
06:34 No, man, she threw my head in, bro, I'm done.
06:37 How's that alignment now, Chris?
06:39 About a millimeter out.
06:41 And now?
06:45 Looks good from here.
06:46 Sorry.
06:48 No, you're right, Madonna.
06:50 Looks perfect along this margin.
06:53 Still on that side?
06:55 Uh, checking.
06:57 I can't see any imperfections along this margin,
07:00 plus anything will be covered by the hairline.
07:03 Put the heels properly.
07:05 Sorry, sorry.
07:07 Uh, what are they up to now?
07:10 They've prepared the site,
07:12 and now they're just overlaying the face.
07:14 And the delay hasn't made the face go off or anything?
07:17 Apparently not, no.
07:19 It's gross.
07:21 It's absolutely incredible.
07:23 If it works, it's going to work.
07:27 You mean after you pushed for it so strongly?
07:30 Yeah.
07:31 Um, so you know the mistake we made
07:35 with the patient nearly dying?
07:37 Yeah.
07:39 So Mandy Swanson, she smells a cover-up, I can tell.
07:42 She wants a juicy story.
07:44 Well, she's not going to get one.
07:46 Not on my watch.
07:48 Keys, keys, keys, keys.
07:55 What is this?
07:57 Oh, can you imagine?
07:59 Cruising around the Greek islands,
08:01 not a care in the world,
08:03 nibbling on a nice olive or two.
08:06 Okay, right, right.
08:07 So how are you going to afford this,
08:09 this dream cruise when you're stony broke?
08:11 Well, maybe, maybe what?
08:15 You robbed a bank,
08:16 or Eric paid you back the money that you threw at him.
08:19 Or maybe I got lucky and won the lottery again.
08:23 What do you think about that?
08:25 You have got...
08:26 You were delusional!
08:28 Yeah, what do you think?
08:30 See?
08:36 Wait.
08:38 Where did this come from?
08:39 Drew dropped it.
08:41 Two million dollars?
08:42 No, 20.
08:44 I'm not following.
08:45 I won the Ferndale Lottery
08:47 with 20 dollars I found on the ground.
08:49 Drew's 20!
08:50 No one wins the lottery twice!
08:52 Manifest miracles, Nicole!
08:53 No!
08:54 Yeah, lady luck loves me!
08:57 No, um, who are you calling now?
09:00 Uh, travel agent.
09:02 Why are you like this?
09:04 Like what?
09:05 You need to be sensible, okay?
09:06 You can't just go frittering away all your money.
09:08 Oh, right, right, right.
09:09 Having fun and living my life?
09:11 No.
09:12 I have them for fear.
09:13 I'm trying to help you, Mum.
09:14 Well, I'm not having it.
09:17 Chanel.
09:19 Exciting news.
09:21 I want a book.
09:23 A world trip.
09:24 Yep, I want to see the lot.
09:26 No expense spared.
09:29 Yeah.
09:31 Loving your work, Chris.
09:33 Such amazing fine detail.
09:35 Thank you.
09:37 Just as well we have magnification
09:40 that finishes that song.
09:43 There.
09:45 Morning all.
09:46 Cavalry's returned.
09:47 Drew, what's the day like out there?
09:50 It is beautiful.
09:51 How far you got on with those blood vessels?
09:53 About 35%.
09:54 Oh, legend.
09:56 I'll just ease right back in beside you here.
09:59 And I'm taking over from you.
10:00 Thanks, CC.
10:01 We've got all the cover we need.
10:02 Yeah, it's working perfectly.
10:03 And Stella will be joining us again after a break.
10:05 Yeah, she's turned out to be a bit of a star, I hear.
10:07 Head of the pack, I'd say.
10:09 At the moment, anyway.
10:14 Yes, everything is going perfectly.
10:16 It's going perfectly.
10:17 It's going great, isn't it, mate?
10:18 Amazing.
10:19 Yeah, Chris is just handing it back over to Drew.
10:21 You hear that, Mandy?
10:22 One team in, one team out, putting on a happy face.
10:25 We are excited.
10:27 All right, talk soon.
10:28 Bye.
10:29 Oh, my God, nothing else can go wrong.
10:31 I'm sure they have it all under control.
10:33 Yeah, they better, otherwise I'm out.
10:34 Guess what?
10:35 What?
10:36 What?
10:37 What, Billy?
10:38 I'm very busy.
10:39 Too busy to clean up your own mess, yeah.
10:40 And now Logan's moved out, so thanks a lot.
10:41 What, because of the hair and the shower?
10:43 Oh, my God, I can't even deal.
10:44 No, deal.
10:45 Stuff's so expensive, I can't go back to just splitting the ring with you.
10:47 Hey, mate, enough.
10:49 It's OK, Parker.
10:50 I can handle it.
10:51 Thank you.
10:52 Or can I?
10:53 Everything is going to blow up in my face.
10:55 Yeah, well, I'm sure your little friend will help you pick up the pieces.
10:58 OK, bye, Mum.
11:07 Don't go spending your millions by lunchtime.
11:09 Coffee?
11:11 Yeah, thanks.
11:12 So what's going on now?
11:14 Oh, Mum won the lottery.
11:16 Yep, like, years ago, right?
11:19 No, now, this week.
11:20 This week.
11:21 Again?
11:22 Again.
11:23 And now she's going to go blow it all again, so she can pay for the coffees.
11:27 Oh, for fluff's sake, Nicole, get a life.
11:30 You threw all your money at Eric's pyramid scheme.
11:32 Oh, that's what this is all about, your ugly jealousy and your desperate need to control everything.
11:38 No, it is about your stupid choices.
11:40 Oh, well, don't worry, I won't be so stupid as to give you any of my money.
11:43 OK, Rowan, let's just have--
11:44 Fine, you just go and blow your money in fantasy land.
11:47 Just don't come running to me when it all turns to crap.
11:50 Oh.
11:51 Dare I ask?
11:56 I booked a world trip.
11:59 Big deal.
12:00 Why not hit the bucket list while I can?
12:03 Wow, OK.
12:05 Well, don't you start.
12:06 If I want to climb Machu Picchu or dance the tango in Buenos Aires, why the hell not while I've still got the legs to carry me?
12:13 I mean, what is wrong with her?
12:15 Nick loves you.
12:17 Funny way of showing it.
12:19 She worries, Leanne.
12:20 You're off doing all of this on your own.
12:22 I mean, what if something happens?
12:24 Oh, we'll be fine.
12:26 We?
12:28 Me, I will.
12:29 Of course I will.
12:31 Is there something you're not telling me?
12:35 All right.
12:37 I will tell you everything as long as you swear not to tell Nicole until I am long gone.
12:45 Hmm?
12:47 I've watched so much of this FaceTime span already.
12:49 Such a bust to be scrubbing in again.
12:52 Sorry?
12:53 Are you not excited about the op?
12:55 It's already been on TV and it's not even finished yet.
12:58 Yeah, but it's groundbreaking.
13:01 But?
13:04 My mother is driving me crazy, that's all.
13:07 That's nothing new.
13:09 What's she done this time?
13:10 What hasn't she done?
13:11 Oh, where you go? Download.
13:13 No, you don't need that.
13:15 Don't leave it too late to have children, Quenna, or I'll be too old to look after them.
13:18 All right, granny, calm down.
13:21 My mad mother has decided to blow all her money running away to see the world on her own.
13:28 Why's that bad?
13:30 Because this is what she does.
13:31 She gets some crazy idea that always ends in disaster, and I'm left picking out the pieces every time.
13:38 So don't this time.
13:40 Don't what?
13:41 Don't be the rescuer, with your mum as a victim.
13:43 Change the narrative.
13:46 Wow, OK.
13:48 Sorry, I sound like my therapist, but, you know, if you let go of control, you get freedom, right?
13:53 Both of you.
13:56 Can you be my therapist?
13:58 Sure. 200 bucks an hour and I'm all yours.
14:07 Hey, what's up, Luke? What's going on?
14:10 Oh, yeah. Hey, Noah. All good if I move back in here for a bit?
14:14 Of course. I mean, it's your place.
14:16 I mean, it might be a bit crowded with the whole gang here, but we'll work it out.
14:20 That's all good. I'll sleep on the couch if I need to.
14:22 It's just anything to get me away from that place.
14:24 I cannot take that crazy woman's mess anymore, you know?
14:27 Everything is always about her.
14:29 Nag, nag, nag. I mean, stuff that. I'm done.
14:31 I thought you and Dawn were good.
14:33 Not Dawn. It's Monique.
14:35 Oh, so you're with Monique now?
14:38 Nah. Dawn's bugged it overseas, so that's not the problem here.
14:43 Oh, sorry to hear that, bro.
14:45 I'm still with Dawn. I'm just flatting with Monique.
14:48 Was.
14:49 Oh, right. Right.
14:51 I cannot take that crazy woman's mess anymore, you know?
14:54 Constantly saying that she doesn't think Dawn's gonna come back,
14:57 and she ate all my cereal and didn't replace it.
14:59 You know, just left crumbs in the packet. It's unbelievable.
15:02 OK, well, make yourself at home. You know where everything is.
15:06 I've just gotta get ready for work.
15:08 All good. Thanks, man. All good.
15:11 Ah, come on, Dawn. Please answer for once.
15:15 Howdy! This is Dawn's voicemail.
15:20 Leave me a message. Bye!
15:24 Yeah. I know. It is so exciting.
15:29 Uh, yeah, no, that sounds perfect.
15:34 Yep. Thanks for that. Bye.
15:36 Wow. Travel insurance sorted.
15:40 And, uh, what are you doing back home?
15:42 I thought you had that wretched brain transplant.
15:44 A face transplant. I've done my scent.
15:46 Oh, yeah. You've come to have another go.
15:49 So it's really... it's really happening, is it?
15:52 Yep. My flight to Buenos Aires tonight.
15:55 There's nothing you can do to stop me, so save your breath.
15:58 Did Mr Drew know that it was his 20 bucks that led to your good fortune?
16:02 It was karma for what he did. Stealing my ticket the last time.
16:06 You know what? You're probably right.
16:09 You've changed your tune.
16:11 Look, it's your life, Mum. Go on, love it.
16:16 What's brought this on?
16:18 Uh, just someone pointed out that I was clinging to control,
16:21 and I don't need to do that any more.
16:23 So go and travel the world. You have my blessing.
16:27 Good. That's good.
16:30 I'm glad you've come around, because I am going,
16:34 and I haven't got no idea when I'll be back.
16:37 Well, I will miss you.
16:39 And I will worry about you travelling alone.
16:43 Actually, I think it's really brave. I do.
16:46 My mum, the lone adventurer.
16:49 It's good for you.
16:51 Oh, um, urgent message from Chris.
16:54 Tonight, stars will...
16:58 Is it true that she won the lottery twice?
17:00 Can you believe it? Mm-hm.
17:02 Now she's off on a bucket list world tour.
17:04 And may or may not come back.
17:06 You never know. She might decide to open a flower shop in Florence for all we know.
17:10 She will come back, alive, hopefully.
17:13 Wow. Go, Leanne.
17:15 OK, she's not here yet.
17:17 Oh, here she comes.
17:19 Oh, it's so important that I had to come in here all of a sudden.
17:25 I've got a million things to do before my flight, and I can't find my passport.
17:29 Leanne. Mm?
17:31 We couldn't let you go without saying farewell
17:34 to a beloved staff member
17:37 and a dear friend.
17:40 Oh. Oh.
17:42 Oh, you're making me cry already.
17:44 Well, it's funny you should mention crying, because...
17:47 Ta-da!
17:49 Oh, my goodness.
17:51 (LAUGHS)
17:52 My very own grieving bench.
17:54 With your very own plaque.
17:56 Oh.
17:57 And my photo.
17:59 People will read it and weep. And I mean that in a good way.
18:02 I feel like the Queen. (LAUGHS)
18:04 May she rest in peace.
18:06 Oh, you're gonna miss you so much.
18:10 Oh, no, you're all making me want to stay.
18:13 (BOTH LAUGH)
18:15 I feel so loved, and I...
18:17 I love you all too.
18:19 Oh.
18:24 Could you give this to Drew?
18:26 I don't want karma biting me on the butt.
18:29 You'll be very missed.
18:32 Travel safe.
18:35 Yes.
18:37 Don't worry. You'll find someone.
18:40 They could be here right under your nose, and...
18:43 Thank you.
18:45 But I'm sure you understand that at our age, we need to seize these opportunities.
18:51 Mum, let's go find your passport.
18:53 You're gonna miss your hips, yeah?
18:57 Kia ora, TK.
19:01 You take care now.
19:04 You look after so many people, but look after yourselves and...
19:08 look after each other.
19:10 And... may the stars always shine on your path.
19:14 OK, come on.
19:19 Bye, Mum. Bye, guys. Safe travel.
19:24 Oh, what's going on now?
19:27 Why is Drew looking so stressed? How long is this gonna take?
19:30 God, I'm busting.
19:32 Shh.
19:34 And that...
19:36 is the final...
19:38 sutra.
19:40 He did it.
19:42 We did it. It's done.
19:44 (SCREAMS)
19:46 (LAUGHS)
19:47 You can let go now, mate. Oh, sorry. Right.
19:50 Congratulations.
19:52 I mean, success can only be judged by the healing process, but this is a big win for you.
19:57 For the hospital and for the teaching programme.
19:59 Oh, my God. This is amazing.
20:01 (INHALES)
20:03 Oh, I really need to pee.
20:06 Congratulations, Drew. Beautiful work. Right back at you, maestro.
20:11 Hey, Drew, thank you for letting me be a part of this.
20:15 You were great. Really very cool-headed.
20:18 Thanks.
20:20 Big day for Shoreland Street. Groundbreaking surgery. And Leanne's left us.
20:25 Oh, what? Leanne's what? Leaving tonight.
20:27 Off the back of another big lottery win.
20:29 What? You're kidding. How does that even happen?
20:32 Oh, she found 20 bucks and caught a lucky break, I guess.
20:35 Another one? Hmm. Uh, this is from her.
20:38 (LAUGHTER)
20:40 You're way too good.
20:42 (EXHALES)
20:50 I'll just have to play.
20:56 Oh, Mum? Mm? Mum, this weighs a ton. How long are you going for?
21:00 We'll see now. Have I got my passport?
21:03 I don't want you to go, Nanna.
21:05 Oh.
21:08 I don't want to leave you either, darling.
21:11 You'll come back one day. One day.
21:14 I'm really gonna miss you, Leanne. Oh, stop it.
21:18 (BOTH LAUGH)
21:19 Oh, you're really gonna make me blub now.
21:22 Oh, what silly old Nanna doing?
21:24 Stay in Nanna, please.
21:26 It's all right, Billy. Nanna deserves a break.
21:29 She's gonna go off and travel the world all by herself.
21:33 How cool is that?
21:35 She will look after her if something goes wrong.
21:38 She'll be fine. Don't worry.
21:40 That's right.
21:43 Have a great time, Mum. You deserve it.
21:46 Bye, sweetheart.
21:48 (CHUCKLES)
21:51 Oh, don't worry.
21:54 I won't be on my own.
21:56 Ros is coming with me.
21:58 What?
22:00 Are you crazy? Probably.
22:02 But she's still the woman I love, and I want to give her another chance.
22:07 What, so she can rip you to shreds again?
22:09 The heart wants what the heart wants, Nicole.
22:12 Sometimes you just have to give in, follow it.
22:16 Maybe you're right.
22:18 You're definitely crazy.
22:20 Good luck.
22:21 Hey, did you hear that, Maeve? I'm right.
22:23 That's history in the making.
22:25 You are both crazy. Good luck.
22:28 Have a great time, OK?
22:30 Hopefully Ros doesn't run off with the first cruise ship manager she sees.
22:34 Not. (CHUCKLES)
22:36 Come here. Come here, my darling girl.
22:39 I love you.
22:42 I love you.
22:44 Get lost. Go.
22:46 Bye, Nanna.
22:48 Bye, darlings.
22:51 (KISSES)
22:53 Hey. Come here.
22:57 (GROANS)
22:59 Crazy old bat.
23:02 I guess we're gonna have to manifest our own miracles from now on.
23:07 Harry is acting like an entitled woman.
23:10 You can't hold him back forever.
23:12 Let the nepotism begin.
23:14 Whoa! That was going straight to your head.
23:17 They're the problem. They're out of control, all of them.
23:20 Let's hear it for Stella.
23:22 A star is born.
23:24 Where's my son?
23:27 Talia, why aren't you in jail?
23:29 Who will go too far?
23:31 There's no cut out for this.
23:33 What is wrong with you?
23:35 You are way out of line, Shortland Street.