Per il secondo anniversario della Pasqua di p. Emidio Alessandrini, p. Luca Bianchi, frate cappuccino, vicerettore dell'Università Pontificia Antonianum e preside dell'Istituto Francescano di Spiritualità, ha tenuto, presso la basilica di s. Antonio al Laterano in via Merulana a Roma, una catechesi sul patriarca Giuseppe, tema molto caro a p. Emidio.
At the Basilica of S. Antonio al Laterano (Merulana street, Rome), on the second anniversary of Fr. Emidio Alessandrini’s death, a catechesis on the patriarch Joseph - a very dear theme to Fr. Emidio – was held by Fr. Luca Bianchi, Capuchin friar, vice-rector of the Pontifical Antonianum University and dean of the Franciscan Institute of Spirituality.
At the Basilica of S. Antonio al Laterano (Merulana street, Rome), on the second anniversary of Fr. Emidio Alessandrini’s death, a catechesis on the patriarch Joseph - a very dear theme to Fr. Emidio – was held by Fr. Luca Bianchi, Capuchin friar, vice-rector of the Pontifical Antonianum University and dean of the Franciscan Institute of Spirituality.