Si tratta dell’intervista a suor Vittorina, francescana dell’Addolorata, che racconta una sua esperienza del 29 aprile 2021 relativa a p. Emidio Alessandrini. Data la sua particolarità, tale esperienza è stata a lungo meditata da sr. Vittorina in modo da poterne meglio cogliere tutte le peculiarità, evitando, al contempo, il rischio di farne un racconto sensazionalistico.
This is the interview with Sr. Vittorina, a Franciscan nun of Our Lady of Sorrows, who recounts her experience dated April 29, 2021, relating to Fr. Emidio Alessandrini. Given its particularity, this experience was meditated on for a long time by Sr. Vittorina, so to be able to better understand all its peculiarities and, at the same time, to avoid the risk of making a sensationalist story out of it.
This is the interview with Sr. Vittorina, a Franciscan nun of Our Lady of Sorrows, who recounts her experience dated April 29, 2021, relating to Fr. Emidio Alessandrini. Given its particularity, this experience was meditated on for a long time by Sr. Vittorina, so to be able to better understand all its peculiarities and, at the same time, to avoid the risk of making a sensationalist story out of it.