00:00:00Here we are, kids, in the most marvelous, magical undersea city there ever was.
00:00:29And that most special of all holidays, whether by land or sea, is fast approaching.
00:00:35Mother's Day!
00:00:37And two little fish in particular are very excited.
00:00:40Beefy and Finn are searching high and low for the perfect present for their beloved mom, Marion.
00:00:47Even though she told them they didn't have to, they still want nothing more than to show her how much she means to them.
00:00:54What good little fish they are!
00:00:56Hey, let's join them now and see how they're doing. Come on!
00:01:02What a day we're going to have, Finn! Mother's Day is this Sunday, and I for one can't wait!
00:01:09Wow! The days are going so fast! It is this Sunday, isn't it?
00:01:15Where's the time going? It feels like it was just Christmas!
00:01:20Chalk it up to living in the jet stream, little brother! All part of living in the ocean!
00:01:26I want to make this Mother's Day the best, most memorable one mom's ever had!
00:01:32We have to find the perfect gift for such a perfect mom!
00:01:36I agree, but, Beefy, I don't have any money.
00:01:41We don't need money to do something nice for mom. It's the thought that counts!
00:01:45You think?
00:01:46I know! She told us herself, remember?
00:01:49Now listen, kids, don't go spending any money on me, alright?
00:01:53I already have the best gifts a fish mom could ever ask for. The two of you!
00:02:00I do remember! That makes me feel better!
00:02:04What should we do for her? You have any ideas?
00:02:07Hmm, let's see. They do free arts and crafts up ahead.
00:02:12We could see what they're offering for moms on Mother's Day!
00:02:16Oh, cool! Let's check it out!
00:02:25Hmm. Okay, so we could dress up like a coral, make a seaweed bouquet, or paint a crab shell.
00:02:33Crab shells sound fun, but I don't think I could bring myself to kick a crab out of his home just to make a holiday present for our mom.
00:02:44Yeah, me neither. I guess we'll keep looking. They do singing starfish grams over there.
00:02:50Mom? Mom? Where are you?
00:02:53Hey, look, that Pufferfish is lost!
00:02:56Oh no! And right before Mother's Day! I'll bet she was looking for a gift for her mom too when they got separated!
00:03:04Fishnet drag!
00:03:06Come on, let's help her!
00:03:08Hey, little Puffer, are you lost?
00:03:10I can't find my mom.
00:03:12Don't worry, we'll help you. Where'd you see her last?
00:03:15We were at the playground. She left to get plankton pops and I went looking for her but got all turned around.
00:03:21All the buildings here look the same. I get so confused.
00:03:25I know, right? Key four planning isn't what it used to be.
00:03:30Don't worry, little Puffer. You're young. You'll get the hang of it. What's your name?
00:03:35Well, Kiki, I'm Fifi, and this is my little brother, Finn.
00:03:41Tell you what, I bet your mom's at the playground looking for you right now. Why don't we go back there and see?
00:03:47Okay. I tried to but couldn't find my way back.
00:03:50Don't worry, it's right over there. We'll take you.
00:03:58Well, Kiki, do you see your mom anywhere?
00:04:01No. Mom? Mom? Mom, where are you?
00:04:07Why don't we check with the playground attendant?
00:04:10What playground attendant?
00:04:11Oh, right. What a pickle!
00:04:14A pickle?
00:04:15Don't bite it. It's probably some fisherman's bait.
00:04:19Thanks for the tip, but it was just a figure of speech.
00:04:23Oh, my mom taught me that.
00:04:26Your mom sounds like a very cool puffer fish, Kiki.
00:04:29Oh, she's not a puffer. She's a seal.
00:04:32A seal?
00:04:33Mm-hmm. My real parents got swept up in a fishnet when I was little and never saw them again.
00:04:40So Alba the seal adopted me. She's been like a real mom.
00:04:47Don't worry, Kiki. We're not going anywhere. We'll reunite you with Alba, your mom, in no time.
00:04:55Hi, I'm Benny. Are you guys playing a game? It sounds like hide and seek.
00:05:01I wish.
00:05:03No, Benny, we're looking for Kiki's mom. Did you happen to see where she swam off to?
00:05:08Kiki's mom? You mean that seal, right?
00:05:12I saw her heading for the sunken ship.
00:05:15Whoa! A sunken ship? I didn't know there was a sunken ship around here.
00:05:21Yeah, it's right over there, just past the pink flowers.
00:05:25Mr. Sushi runs it. He has awesome snacks and treats.
00:05:30Oh? Maybe your mom went to get snacks, Kiki. Come on, let's go see. Thanks a bunch, Benny.
00:05:36No problem. If you guys want to play hide and seek later, I'll be here. I live in the reef next door.
00:05:43Cool, Benny. We'll see you again.
00:05:52Wow, it's pretty down here. If the food really is good, maybe we could bring mom to this sunken ship for lunch.
00:06:00Yeah, she loves finding new spots to feed.
00:06:03My mom used to take me to feed in the open sea. I sure hope I see her again.
00:06:08Oh, Kiki, don't worry. You will. We'll make sure of it.
00:06:12Yeah, you watch. I bet she's right up ahead loading up on all kinds of yummy treats for both of you.
00:06:18You think so?
00:06:19I know so.
00:06:21I hope so.
00:06:34Maybe she's paying for snacks.
00:06:36But where? This place looks abandoned.
00:06:39Abandoned? What do you mean abandoned? This is a hot spot.
00:06:44Oh, uh, hello. You must be Mr. Sushi.
00:06:48At your service. Now, I heard you speaking badly of my establishment, young fishy. Don't think I'm just going to gloss over that.
00:06:56I didn't mean anything by it, sir. We were just looking for our friend's mom.
00:07:01The seal?
00:07:02Yeah, is she here by any chance?
00:07:05I see seals all the time. You'll have to be more specific. Why, I seated a table of four seals just this morning.
00:07:11My mom's named Alba. She's a white seal.
00:07:15Oh, Alba. Yes, the white seal. She was here.
00:07:19Great. Where is she now, Mr. Sushi?
00:07:22Don't know. A great white shark showed up and we had to scatter. She never came back.
00:07:28Oh no, a great white shark?
00:07:31Yeah, don't serve those guys. Nothing against sharks, you understand. They just don't behave.
00:07:37And they always eat more than they buy. Too many of them, this place could go out of business.
00:07:43I mean, I sunk my whole life's savings into this joint.
00:07:46Do you, do you think, did the shark?
00:07:50Mr. Sushi, do you know if Alba's okay?
00:07:53Alba? Sure, she's fine.
00:07:56Alba's the slickest seal I know. And like I said, I know seals.
00:08:02She took off for the caves to lay low till that shark passed.
00:08:05She might still be there, although that great white's been gone for a while.
00:08:10Thanks, Mr. Sushi.
00:08:12No worries, kid. Hey, exactly how is Alba your mother anyway?
00:08:17It's a long story, Mr. Sushi.
00:08:20Yeah, maybe we'll tell you about it when we bring our mom back for Mother's Day lunch.
00:08:26Oh, please do. You want to make a reservation now?
00:08:29Do you expect a crowd?
00:08:32We'll play it by ear.
00:08:34How about buying something to take with you?
00:08:36We gotta swim. Thanks again, Mr. Sushi.
00:08:39Yeah, yeah, yeah.
00:08:42It sure was nice of that Mr. Sushi to tell us which way my mom went.
00:08:47Yeah, I wonder if he has some sunken used cars around here, too.
00:08:52Oh, those are dangerous. My mom told me to always steer clear of them.
00:08:57We could get stuck in the trunks.
00:08:59Good advice.
00:09:00My mom's real smart.
00:09:02Hey, I think I see a cave just up ahead.
00:09:05You do?
00:09:06Yay, I think I see a cave just up ahead.
00:09:09You do?
00:09:11Come on, let's go.
00:09:20Mom! Mom!
00:09:22Maybe she went back to the playground already.
00:09:25Oh, no. We might never find her.
00:09:29Nonsense, Kiki. We just keep missing each other.
00:09:32Yeah, we're probably all swimming different routes back and forth is all.
00:09:37You think so?
00:09:38I know so, but let's not leave without exploring this cave first.
00:09:52She's not here.
00:09:54But, Kiki, that doesn't mean she wasn't here. There are more caves to explore.
00:09:59That's true. She could be in another one. Come on, let's check them all out.
00:10:04Whoa! Who are you?
00:10:07I could ask you the same question, pal. And this is my cave, so let's hear it.
00:10:14I'm Kiki, and these are my friends Fifi and Finn. We're looking for my mom, Alba the seal.
00:10:20Yeah, what she said.
00:10:23Well, I'm Trigger, and from this cave I see everything that goes on around here.
00:10:30Did you happen to see Kiki's mom, Mr. Trigger?
00:10:33Mister, please. I'm a kid like you. You can call me Trig.
00:10:37And did you also happen to see a great white shark, Trig?
00:10:42Not you, pal. I don't like your attitude. It's Mister Trigger to you.
00:10:50Okay, Mister Trigger. We'd really like to reunite Kiki and her mom.
00:10:55Especially considering it's almost Mother's Day.
00:10:58And I love my mom more than anyone in the whole wide sea.
00:11:03Well, I can't fault you guys. A baby should be with her mama. You're a funny-looking seal, you know that?
00:11:10It's a long story.
00:11:12I'll bet. Well, I know where Alba went.
00:11:15You do?
00:11:16Yep. You want the good news or the bad news?
00:11:20Um, the good news?
00:11:23The good news is Alba's okay.
00:11:25What's the bad news, Trig?
00:11:27The bad news is she's not here.
00:11:31But she's okay, I think.
00:11:34Do you know where we can find her?
00:11:37Sorta? What kind of answer is that?
00:11:40Hey, I said I don't like your attitude, Finsy. Keep it up, I bounce you right out of my cave.
00:11:47We don't need riddles. We need Alba the seal. That's it. You're gone. Geek slam.
00:11:54Okay, okay. Finn, please swim outside. Let us talk with Trigger.
00:12:00I apologize for my little brother, Trig. He's young and impulsive. We just really want to locate Alba. Kiki needs her.
00:12:08I miss my mom.
00:12:10I hear you, kid. So I'll tell you how it all happened.
00:12:14We hid out here in my cave waiting for that troublemaker shark to pass.
00:12:20Don't you get pushy too now.
00:12:23Ahem. Sorry. Go on.
00:12:25And it did. Once that shark was out of sight, Alba split.
00:12:30Where did she go?
00:12:31See, that's the thing. Once she swam back out, she got caught up in the riptide and carried out to open water.
00:12:39Oh, no.
00:12:41She's a great swimmer, though. I wouldn't worry.
00:12:44Because she's not your mom. Oh, Fifi, what are we going to do?
00:12:51We're just going to keep looking, Kiki. We won't give up. Just like your mom won't give up looking for you.
00:12:57Say, when you find the Squirt's mom, you want to go play in the sunken ship with me sometime? It's real fun.
00:13:06You mean Mr. Sushi's sunken ship?
00:13:08Yeah, you know the one.
00:13:10I think I'll pass.
00:13:13Come on, Kiki. We have work to do.
00:13:15Let me know if you change your mind, yeah?
00:13:22That Triggerfish was a real jerk.
00:13:25It doesn't matter. He told us what we needed to know. Now we're that much closer to finding Kiki's mom.
00:13:31Are we, though? I don't see her anywhere. I've never been away from my mom for this long, like, ever.
00:13:39Well, we're not exactly the Ocean Rangers.
00:13:42But how cool would that be? Finn and Fifi, Ocean Rangers. Got a problem? We'll solve it.
00:13:50We understand the importance of family. We won't forget about your mom. We also understand the importance of friends. And we won't leave you stranded.
00:13:59Until we find your mom, and we will find her, you can count on us.
00:14:04The Ocean Rangers!
00:14:07Oh, boy.
00:14:09Thank you both so much. I don't know what I'd do if you hadn't come along.
00:14:17Hey, you!
00:14:18Huh? Me?
00:14:19Yeah, you!
00:14:20My name's not you. It's Tang.
00:14:23Tang, have you seen a white mama seal around here anywhere?
00:14:27You know, I did. She came through here looking for her baby.
00:14:30That's me!
00:14:31Oh? You don't look like you could be her baby.
00:14:34Long story. Which way did she go?
00:14:38I don't know. We all scattered pretty quick. A great white showed up.
00:14:42So we heard. How long ago did you see her?
00:14:46I have a tough time with time. Maybe last year.
00:14:49Yeesh. He has a tough time, all right.
00:14:52It couldn't have been last year, Tang. About how many fin paddles since you saw her?
00:14:58Oh, uh, I'd say three.
00:15:01Are you asking us or telling us?
00:15:05Thanks for your help, Tang.
00:15:08That fish was no help at all.
00:15:11On the contrary, little brother. Tang saw Kiki's mom.
00:15:14And that's all we need to hear to know she's A. All right.
00:15:18And B. Looking for us while we're looking for her.
00:15:22Wow. I didn't think of it like that.
00:15:25Fifi, you're so smart.
00:15:27You remind me of my mom.
00:15:30Hey, look. Up ahead. I bet they can tell us something here.
00:15:34You might be right. Let's go.
00:15:37This place is dead. Anybody here?
00:15:48Hi. Thanks for coming.
00:15:50Don't mention it. We just had a question.
00:15:53Don't echo me, please. I'm new. My name's Petal, and this is my routine.
00:15:58But we just...
00:15:59Shh. Just let her do her thing. We'll ask her when she's done.
00:16:03Just let her do her thing. We'll ask her when she's done.
00:16:06Afternoon, everybody.
00:16:08So, can anyone tell me exactly why oysters never give to charity?
00:16:13Because they're shellfish.
00:16:16I know, right? Big ears.
00:16:19And here's one for you adults to think about.
00:16:21So, you kitties, cover your gills for this one, okay?
00:16:26Can anyone tell me why the lobster blushed?
00:16:29Because the seaweed.
00:16:31If you know what I mean.
00:16:33Hey, it's gotta go sometime, right? I mean, come on. Come on.
00:16:38No. Just no. I don't get it. You're lucky.
00:16:42Okay, okay. Take a breather, okay?
00:16:45What did the Pacific Ocean say to the Atlantic Ocean?
00:16:49Anyone? Anyone? Nothing? It just waved.
00:16:53On the bright side, we didn't pay admission for this.
00:16:56True that.
00:16:57They charge for this?
00:16:59Ours is a beautiful but imperfect world, Kiki.
00:17:04Okay, one more before I let you go.
00:17:07Thank goodness.
00:17:09What lies at the bottom of the sea and twitches?
00:17:12A nervous wreck.
00:17:15Thank you so much for coming out today, you guys.
00:17:18You've been great. I hope to see you at tomorrow night's show.
00:17:23Um, that was...
00:17:26Great, Petal. Thanks for the sneak peek.
00:17:29Certainly. Would you like me to sign something?
00:17:34We just have a quick question for you.
00:17:36Oh, I don't perform at private parties.
00:17:38I'm under exclusive contract here at the sea stage.
00:17:41Wow, they like you that much, huh?
00:17:43They do? They like me? They really like me.
00:17:47You can catch my act every Saturday night.
00:17:50So, uh, we were wondering if a pretty white seal came by here recently.
00:17:55Maybe in a hurry?
00:17:56Maybe looking for someone?
00:17:58Someone like me.
00:17:59Yes, in fact, a white seal did come through here.
00:18:03She did?
00:18:04Yes. Golly, she swam fast.
00:18:07She can do that.
00:18:08My mom won the 40-meter dash when she was just a baby seal.
00:18:13Do you know where she was headed, Petal?
00:18:17You know, I tried everything I could think of to get her to sit for a minute.
00:18:21Like you guys.
00:18:22But she was adamant.
00:18:24She had something to do.
00:18:25She was going to do it.
00:18:26And that was that.
00:18:27Did you at least see which way she went?
00:18:31I started my sound check, and next thing I know, poof, she was gone.
00:18:37That's no help at all.
00:18:39How about another joke?
00:18:41I left this one out.
00:18:42I think you guys will like it.
00:18:44It's kind of a bonus for those rowdy crowds.
00:18:47We really ought to be going.
00:18:48What's the best way to communicate with a fish?
00:18:52Drop it a line.
00:18:54Get it?
00:18:55Yeah, we got it.
00:18:56Thanks again, Petal.
00:18:57See you around.
00:18:58See you next week.
00:18:59I'll put you on the list.
00:19:06I'm so sad.
00:19:08I don't know what I'm going to do.
00:19:11The ocean is huge.
00:19:13What if we just keep swimming around, talking to sea creatures who've seen my mom, but we never find her?
00:19:20Kiki, don't talk like that.
00:19:22We're absolutely going to find your mom.
00:19:25And soon.
00:19:27Sooner than you think.
00:19:28Yeah, it's not like she's running from us.
00:19:32Remember, she's trying to find you, too.
00:19:34It's only a matter of time before we all run into each other.
00:19:38The ocean's big, but it's not that big.
00:19:42If we want to find someone, sooner or later we'll find them.
00:19:54Sam, our little Finn's not in his room, so I checked with Fifi.
00:19:59What did she say?
00:20:00She's not in her room, either.
00:20:02Sam, the kids are gone.
00:20:04What? Nonsense.
00:20:07Where could they be, Marion?
00:20:09Not here. The house is empty.
00:20:11How long have they been gone?
00:20:13Oh, I don't know. I've searched everywhere.
00:20:16Everywhere except the open sea.
00:20:31Wow, I've never been this close to an underwater volcano before.
00:20:36Me neither. Is it dangerous?
00:20:39Should we stay farther back?
00:20:41We're okay where we are.
00:20:42The ocean water cools down magma much faster than with land volcanoes,
00:20:47transforming it into volcanic glass.
00:20:50Glass? How cool.
00:20:53Yeah, that's totally rad.
00:20:55I wish my mom were here to see it.
00:20:58Oh, Kiki.
00:20:59All right, fish. Stay focused.
00:21:02We're on a mission.
00:21:06Keep your eyes peeled for anyone around here who might have information.
00:21:10Kiki's mom is a very noticeable animal,
00:21:13and the creatures who live in a seabed don't miss a trick.
00:21:16They're always watching.
00:21:19Come on, Kiki. Off we go.
00:21:31Here we are, Marion.
00:21:33I'll bet Fifi and Finn are inside.
00:21:35Now, let's not panic until we find out if they are.
00:21:38Oh, Sam, you really think so?
00:21:41It's not like them to swim out without saying goodbye or telling us where they're going.
00:21:46Our little fish are growing up fast, dear.
00:21:49But don't worry. I'm sure the kids are all right.
00:21:52Come on.
00:21:59I don't see them anywhere, Sam.
00:22:01Either of them.
00:22:02Is that all the classrooms?
00:22:04We haven't checked the gymnasium yet.
00:22:06Professor Shark, have you seen Fifi?
00:22:09Or Finn?
00:22:10Why, no, I haven't.
00:22:12Not since school let out yesterday.
00:22:14Did they forget their textbooks?
00:22:16No, they didn't.
00:22:18They're missing.
00:22:19Missing? Oh, no.
00:22:21I'm afraid so, Professor.
00:22:23We tried not to be alarmed until we checked with the school,
00:22:26but now that we're here...
00:22:28Where are my sweet babies?
00:22:31Try to remain calm, Mama Fish.
00:22:34Fifi and Finn are fine students.
00:22:37We'll locate them, and I'll help you.
00:22:40Thank you, Professor.
00:22:41We were on our way to the gym.
00:22:43Is there any other room in the school where they might be?
00:22:46Have you checked the playground?
00:22:48No. Where is it?
00:22:50Come, I'll show you.
00:22:52I'll check the gym and meet you there.
00:22:54Okay. Hurry, Sam.
00:23:02Fifi! Finn!
00:23:05I don't see them anywhere, Professor.
00:23:08Fifi and Finn left.
00:23:10What do you mean, Fifi and Finn left?
00:23:12Were they here?
00:23:13Yep, they sure were.
00:23:15How long ago did you see them, Benny?
00:23:17I'm not real good with time.
00:23:20They were playing with a little puffer fish, though.
00:23:23A puffer fish?
00:23:24They never mentioned a puffer fish at home.
00:23:27Is there a puffer in this school?
00:23:29Kiki's the only puffer we have here.
00:23:31Benny, where does Kiki live?
00:23:33In a coral reef somewhere. I'm not sure.
00:23:36There are a million coral reefs around here.
00:23:39Find them?
00:23:40No. You?
00:23:43This little boy saw them.
00:23:45They're with a puffer fish named Kiki.
00:23:47Professor, do you know this Kiki?
00:23:50I do. She's a new student, very young.
00:23:53She lives nearby with her mother,
00:23:57but I'm not sure exactly where.
00:23:59That's good news.
00:24:01Sounds like they're safe, at least.
00:24:03How can we be sure?
00:24:05There was a shark alert recently.
00:24:07Lila told me a great white was spotted in the area.
00:24:10We get a bad rap, I can assure you.
00:24:13You're one of the good ones, Professor.
00:24:15We all know that.
00:24:16Why, thank you.
00:24:18I'm not going to just let my children
00:24:21swim around with strange sharks,
00:24:23or anyone else for that matter.
00:24:25We'll take them home with us where they belong.
00:24:28I do, too.
00:24:29I do, three.
00:24:31Let's go find them, shall we?
00:24:34Swim along now, Benny. It's getting late.
00:24:37Okay, Professor Shark.
00:24:39And be careful on your way home.
00:24:41Stay on the algae path.
00:24:43Bye-bye, Benny.
00:24:44Well, Mom and Dad, shall we go fishing?
00:24:48Wow, so this is Mutant Bay? Wild.
00:24:52It sure is, Ben. Stay close.
00:24:55We don't know what's out here.
00:24:57Uh, but I do.
00:24:59Ben, was that you?
00:25:01Tell me that was you.
00:25:03It wasn't me.
00:25:06Hey, you. You don't scare me.
00:25:09Where's my mom?
00:25:13Take it easy, kid.
00:25:15Yeah, take it easy, kid.
00:25:17You don't know who you're talking to.
00:25:19Actually, none of us know who we're talking to.
00:25:22That's true. Who are you?
00:25:24Who am I?
00:25:26You're in my bay.
00:25:28The proper question is, who are you three?
00:25:31I'm Beepy. This is my brother, Finn, and she's our friend, Kiki.
00:25:35And we're on a mission.
00:25:37To find my mom.
00:25:39Well, did you see a sign that read, Lost Mothers Here?
00:25:43That's right. You didn't.
00:25:45No way. Because there are no lost mothers here.
00:25:48Can you at least tell us if you've seen a white seal recently?
00:25:52She would have been looking for someone, too.
00:25:55Listen, Mr. Fish, we don't mean to bother you, but this is an emergency.
00:25:59Kiki needs to get back to her mom, and fast.
00:26:02We always seem to be a few paddles behind, and we just need help finding her.
00:26:08Well, since you put it that way,
00:26:11Chopper's my name, and Control is my game.
00:26:15Okay, so we picked the exact wrong fish to talk to.
00:26:20Not so fast, Finn. Go ahead, Mr. Chopper.
00:26:23What can we do in exchange for any information you might be able to share?
00:26:28Hmm. How would you three feel about trying your fins at a little riddle?
00:26:33I love riddles. Ask away.
00:26:36Oh, great.
00:26:38Wait a second. What?
00:26:39Excellent. Put on your thinking caps, fishies.
00:26:43This one's a real brain teaser.
00:26:46I have a floor, but I'm not a room.
00:26:49I wave, but I have no hands.
00:26:53I'm wet, but I'm not a spill.
00:26:56I have currents, but no electricity.
00:27:00I have fish, but I'm not a tank.
00:27:04And I cover much territory, but am not land.
00:27:08What am I?
00:27:11I'm thinking.
00:27:13Think hard. If you guess incorrectly,
00:27:16there are plenty of crab pots littering the ocean floor,
00:27:20and I know where each and every one of them is.
00:27:23But you won't.
00:27:25Let's hear it for fish camaraderie.
00:27:29I got it. What?
00:27:31Excellent. Let's hear your answer, young one.
00:27:34I have a floor, but am not a room.
00:27:37I wave, but have no hands.
00:27:40I'm wet, but am not a spill.
00:27:43I have currents, but no electricity.
00:27:46I have fish, but am not a tank.
00:27:49And I cover much territory, but am not a land.
00:27:54I'm the ocean.
00:27:56Whoa. Right?
00:27:58Yay. I did it. I did it.
00:28:02Good job, Kiki. Your mom would be so proud of you.
00:28:06Yeah, she would be.
00:28:08There you have it, Chopper. We solved your riddle.
00:28:11Now, Fesup, do you know where we can find Alba the Sheel?
00:28:16Try the nearest coral reef. I saw her go that way.
00:28:19And the crab pots you mentioned?
00:28:22Follow the surface sunlight and stay out of the high grass. You'll be fine.
00:28:26We're putting our trust in you, Chopper. Thank you.
00:28:29Yeah, well, you guys are pretty sharp for wee little fishies.
00:28:33Don't you forget it.
00:28:35Come on, Finn. Time's wasting. Let's get out of here.
00:28:38Thanks, Chopper.
00:28:39Beat it, kid.
00:28:46I always said no children of mine would ever be caught playing in a sunken ship, of all things.
00:28:53And now look. It's more than a mother can bear.
00:28:57Calm down, Marion. It's just a boat, and they're just kids.
00:29:02Besides, it's not teetering on a cliff face. It's on the sea floor, and we don't even know that they're in there.
00:29:09That's right, Sam. We don't know where they are at all. We don't know anything.
00:29:16Ahem. Hello there.
00:29:18Hello, hello. I'm Mr. Sushi. I'll be your host for the evening. Table for three?
00:29:23Um, no. We just have a question, if we may.
00:29:27Sharks ruin everything.
00:29:29Excuse me?
00:29:30Sharks? Those guys kill business, let me tell you.
00:29:33We had a great white sighting a little while ago. Wiped out my lunch crowd like you wouldn't believe it.
00:29:38Well, Mr. Sushi, I'll have you know, I'm a shark.
00:29:42You? But you're well behaved.
00:29:45Indeed. I also teach math at the local school. Professor Shark at your service.
00:29:51Oh. Well, you sure you don't want to buy anything?
00:29:55Quite sure this time. However, I may bring the entire school faculty for lunch next week. Would that be preferred?
00:30:03Um, well, yes. Yes, it would be. Would you like to make a reservation in advance?
00:30:11Don't mind if I do. A table for thirty-three, my good man.
00:30:15Absolutely. Uh, how many sharks, if I might ask?
00:30:20Does it matter?
00:30:21No, no, it doesn't, sir.
00:30:24Splendid. Now then, back to our query.
00:30:28Did you happen to see two, maybe three, small fish today? A boy and a girl, or perhaps a boy and two girls?
00:30:38Yes, I believe I did see them. They came by not too long after that shark did.
00:30:42They looked a lot like you guys. The boy had glasses and a goofy hat. And there was a little puffer fish.
00:30:50Oh, Sam! They were here!
00:30:53Mr. Sushi, that's our son and daughter and their friend. Could you tell us where they might have gone?
00:30:58Sure. They headed for the caves.
00:31:00The caves? Oh, Sam. Fish get lost in the caves all the time, especially little fish. Sometimes they never find their way out.
00:31:12Don't worry, Marion. These are our kids we're talking about. Have you ever known them to do anything careless?
00:31:18Well, no, but I've never known them to swim away either.
00:31:22No, no. They haven't swum away. They're just displaced is all.
00:31:26Oh, octopus, octopus, my babies are still missing!
00:31:31Mr. Sushi, which way is it to the caves?
00:31:34Fair straight. You'll swim right into them.
00:31:37Well, mother, father, shall we?
00:31:42Oh, to think, my little Fifi out here in the unknown ocean.
00:31:48At least she has been.
00:31:50And my little Finn, too. If anything happens to them, I'll never forgive myself.
00:31:56We mustn't lose faith, mother. Adventuring is part of childhood, after all.
00:32:01Yeah, listen to the professor, Marion. Remember when we were kids and we'd explore?
00:32:06No, I explored books. I stayed in the safety of my coral reef and read everything I could get my fins on.
00:32:15I certainly wouldn't begrudge any fish for reading, but it sounds like you let the currents pass you by.
00:32:22The currents should pass us by. They're dangerous. A little fish can be swept away and never seen or heard from again.
00:32:31Until that little fish grows bigger and stronger, then masters those currents and swims back home.
00:32:36You're supposed to be on my side, Sam. They're your kids, too.
00:32:40I know, Marion. That's why I'm choosing to believe.
00:32:44Ah, parenting. It's quite the learning curve.
00:32:50Mom? Mom?
00:32:52She can't be far now. She just can't be.
00:32:55Hey, look. It's that fish, Benny, from the playground.
00:32:58Maybe he's seen Elba. Let's ask him.
00:33:00Hey, bud. Long time no see.
00:33:03Oh, hey. It hasn't been long at all, silly. We just saw each other at the playground.
00:33:09I know. I was being sarcastic.
00:33:12What's that?
00:33:13Never mind.
00:33:15Have you seen my mom?
00:33:17No, but I've seen yours.
00:33:20Yep. They came to the playground looking for you.
00:33:23Oh, no.
00:33:25Oh, I bet we're in trouble.
00:33:28Were they mad?
00:33:29Not really. They seem more worried.
00:33:32But Professor Shark was keeping them calm.
00:33:35Professor Shark?
00:33:37Wait. You mean to tell us that both our parents and our teacher are looking for us?
00:33:44We're definitely docked.
00:33:47We're so docked.
00:33:49We're going to be reef-bound until we're mom and dad's age.
00:33:53Wow. Is that, like, centuries?
00:33:56Centuries? No. What do you think our parents are, megalodons?
00:34:01What's a megalodon?
00:34:03A scary monster.
00:34:07Sounds more like a stupid monster.
00:34:10Kids get in an attitude quick.
00:34:12Benny, did our parents say where they were going next?
00:34:15Hmm. I think so. I can't really remember back that far.
00:34:20But you remembered seeing them.
00:34:22Hey, I don't make the rules. I just follow them.
00:34:25Great. What should we do now?
00:34:27I feel like we should check in at home.
00:34:30But my mom could be here somewhere.
00:34:32As I was about to say, Kiki's mom could be here somewhere.
00:34:36So we'll search these reefs before we head back.
00:34:39Thanks, Fifi.
00:34:44What a mess.
00:34:47Mom? Are you here? Mom?
00:34:50Hey, great white sharks don't answer the calls to mom, do they?
00:34:56If they are a mom.
00:34:58Yikes. We should stay low.
00:35:01Watch out for crab pots.
00:35:03Double yikes.
00:35:07Well, here we are.
00:35:09Oh, it's scary.
00:35:11Since when have you been afraid of caves, Marion?
00:35:14Not scary for me. Scary for Fifi and Finn.
00:35:18They're just kids. They've never even been in an underwater cave by themselves.
00:35:23Oh, and that little baby puffer fish.
00:35:26She must just be terrified.
00:35:32It's me, Kiki.
00:35:35Where are you, mom?
00:35:38Hey, why don't we keep our voices down?
00:35:41Let's not attract sharks if we can help it.
00:35:44Good luck keeping that one under control, Finn.
00:35:47I think she's growing up right before our very eyes.
00:35:56Honey? Sweetie? Are you here?
00:36:00Hey, how you doing?
00:36:02Excuse me.
00:36:03Yeah, excuse you.
00:36:05I'm Sam. This is my wife, Marion.
00:36:10And this is the esteemed Professor Shark.
00:36:12Esteemed, huh?
00:36:15Okay, now I'm interested.
00:36:18I'm afraid this is serious.
00:36:20Sir, we're looking for three children.
00:36:23And we're wondering if you've seen them.
00:36:25Children? I'd do anything for children.
00:36:28As long as they don't come playing around my reef.
00:36:31Too much noise.
00:36:33What? What you got there? Anchovy indigestion?
00:36:38Mister, I'm going to say this one time, and one time only.
00:36:42Our kids are in trouble, and we need your help.
00:36:45Okay, okay. She's Louise.
00:36:48My daughter's name is not Louise. It's Fifi.
00:36:51It was a figure of speech, ma.
00:36:54Well, we don't have time for figures of speech.
00:36:57We just need an answer. Have you seen my babies or not?
00:37:01You know, now that you mention it,
00:37:03you guys look just like these two fish who came through here earlier.
00:37:08We do? Fish have always said Finn favors me.
00:37:12Yeah? Yeah, he look just like you, buddy.
00:37:16That could only be my little boy.
00:37:18Yeah, they did come by looking for somebody.
00:37:21Looking for somebody? Who?
00:37:25Alba? Who in the sea is Alba?
00:37:27She's a seal. White seal. Cool lady.
00:37:31Why in the ocean are my children searching for a seal?
00:37:37She's the mom of the one kid, apparently.
00:37:40And those two don't look anything alike.
00:37:44Ah, yes. I remember now. Alba's Kiki's mother.
00:37:48They make such an odd pair, a seal and a puffer.
00:37:52Yeah, that's weird, huh?
00:37:54I'm Trigger, by the way. You can call me Trig.
00:37:57We'll just stick to Trigger.
00:37:59Gentlemen, gentlemen.
00:38:01No one's ever called me that before.
00:38:04Where did those young fish go, Trigger?
00:38:06We need to find them right away.
00:38:09Dunno. If they were following Alba,
00:38:12they probably went out to open sea.
00:38:14Oh, no. Sam!
00:38:17But you don't know that for sure?
00:38:19No, I didn't see which way they went.
00:38:22Thank you for your time, Mr. Tiger.
00:38:24We'll be on our way now.
00:38:26Mom, Dad, we've got no time to spare.
00:38:31Oh, my babies. My babies.
00:38:34What if they've been swept away?
00:38:37Stay strong, Marion. We must stay strong for them.
00:38:40That was not good news by any means, parents.
00:38:43I cringe to hear anything about such young fish in the open ocean.
00:38:48But all is not lost.
00:38:50Oh, Professor, how can you say that?
00:38:53If Fifi and Finn are out in open water, then everything is lost.
00:38:58Their little fins aren't strong enough to navigate those currents.
00:39:02Marion, I know your kids, Fifi and Finn,
00:39:06are two of our school's absolute best and brightest.
00:39:10And I know beyond a shadow of doubt
00:39:13that they understand the danger of the open sea.
00:39:16You really think so?
00:39:18I do. And I know they don't venture out that far, no matter what.
00:39:24I believe those children are still there, somewhere.
00:39:28We'll continue searching until we find them and return them home safely.
00:39:34Thank you, Professor.
00:39:35It's an honor.
00:39:36Now, come. We must quicken our swim if we are to catch up to them.
00:39:41And we will. I'm sure of it.
00:39:54Mom? Dad?
00:39:56We're home.
00:39:57But I'm not.
00:39:59They're not here. They must be out looking for us.
00:40:02I bet they're worried sick. Like my mom.
00:40:05Okay, we need to sink.
00:40:07Not only do we need to find Kiki's mom, but now we need to find ours.
00:40:12And Dad. Poor Dad. You know how he worries.
00:40:15I bet his blood pressure's through the water's surface.
00:40:19And he's a fish, so that's really saying something.
00:40:22Come on, we can't hang around here. We need to make things happen.
00:40:26I agree. Let's go.
00:40:32You know, I've been waiting until the kids were a little older to bring them to Mutant Bay.
00:40:37If only I'd known. I wonder if they were here.
00:40:40They were. I just know they were. I can feel it. Mother's intuition.
00:40:45Always trust your instincts, Mother.
00:40:48And as marine animals, our instincts are second to none.
00:40:53What was that?
00:40:54What was what?
00:40:55I heard something.
00:40:57Well, well, well. What brings you eager travelers to Mutant Bay?
00:41:03Our children are missing, and we've been searching everywhere. Can you please help us?
00:41:08Ooh, necessity. Now there's a condition I can work with.
00:41:13I don't like him.
00:41:15Nor do I. I'll handle this.
00:41:18Ahem. Young man, if you could just answer a question for us, we'll be on our way, post-haste.
00:41:26Here we go, asking for things again. That's not how we do it here in Mutant Bay.
00:41:32Did you say again? Was someone here asking for help?
00:41:36Was it our kids? Their names are Beepy and Finn.
00:41:40They're with a little friend named Kiki. Have you seen them?
00:41:44I know everything that goes on around here. Solve my riddle, and I'll tell you all I know.
00:41:50Oh, tell us the riddle. Tell us.
00:41:53Very well. Pay attention now, and put on your clever caps, if you have them.
00:42:00What happens when a person throws a green rock into the Red Sea?
00:42:07What happens when a person throws a green rock into the Red Sea?
00:42:12I know this. This is a trick question.
00:42:15What happens when a person throws a green rock into a Red Sea?
00:42:20It is what happens when anyone throws anything into a body of water. It gets wet.
00:42:27Confound it! I should have known not to test a snooty shark. I hate sharks.
00:42:33Yay! That's what you get for quizzing a professor, chum.
00:42:37A professor? I thought you looked familiar. I should have known.
00:42:42Say, your name's Chopper, isn't it? I thought you looked familiar. Yes, you flunked out of my class last semester.
00:42:51Your class was dumb.
00:42:53It sounds like you were dumb, Chopper.
00:42:56And a deal's a deal. Spill the krill. Have you seen Fifi and Finn?
00:43:01I'm right, I'm right. Yes.
00:43:03Oh, where are they now?
00:43:05Try the coral reefs. I sent them that way.
00:43:08But we just came through the reefs and didn't see anybody.
00:43:12Hey, you asked what I know. That's all I know.
00:43:16There are still a couple reefs we haven't checked. Come on!
00:43:20Maybe Professor Shark brought Mom and Dad back to the school, and he's acting as headquarters for an all-points bulletin on us.
00:43:41I feel like a fugitive.
00:43:44You're silly, Finn.
00:43:46Maybe my mom's inside leading the search. She's smart like that. Let's go see.
00:43:59Mom? Mom, are you here?
00:44:02It doesn't look like anyone's here.
00:44:04Well, it is after hours. I wonder why the doors aren't locked.
00:44:13Hey, guys. Did you get stuck with after-school detention, too? I thought everyone else ditched. Like Lily the whale did.
00:44:20No, we've been swimming high and low trying to find Kiki's mom. Have you seen her anywhere?
00:44:26No, but I've seen both your parents.
00:44:29Oh, boy. Are they mad?
00:44:32They look worried.
00:44:33I'll bet they're beside themselves with worry.
00:44:36You haven't seen my mom, have you?
00:44:39I don't know. Who's your mom, little fish?
00:44:41Alba, the white seal.
00:44:43A seal? But how?
00:44:46It's a long story.
00:44:50It's just the craziest thing to even consider. Our kids! Missing! It doesn't seem real.
00:44:56This is the last unchecked reef, and they're nowhere to be found.
00:45:00How could they just wander off like this? How?
00:45:04I love Fifi and Finn so much, Sam. I don't know what I'm going to do.
00:45:09You're going to keep searching, Mother. We're all going to keep searching until those babies come home safe.
00:45:16Look! Up ahead! It's some sort of garden.
00:45:20My sweet little Kiki, I've looked everywhere. Oh, where in the sea have you gone?
00:45:31Oh, my! Alba the white seal! Kiki's mom?
00:45:36Yes. Yes, I am.
00:45:38Alba, have you found Kiki? Do you know where Fifi and Finn are?
00:45:42Fifi and... know who? I don't.
00:45:45Our two little fish are with your Kiki.
00:45:47And if we know our kids, they're trying to help her find you.
00:45:50Oh, my! That's so nice of them. But where are they now?
00:45:54We were hoping you could tell us.
00:45:56So, we're all in the same boat?
00:45:58I'm afraid so.
00:46:00That's no place for sea creatures to be.
00:46:02As long as the kids aren't in a boat, there's still hope.
00:46:06And we'll keep looking. Will you join us, Alba?
00:46:09Will I? I'd love to. I've looked high and low for my baby.
00:46:13I think I've even talked to an eel in one of the coves who thought he'd seen her.
00:46:17But a big shark scared me off.
00:46:19You know, the more I hear about it, the more that shark sounds like my cousin Bruce.
00:46:25Was he a twenty-footer?
00:46:27Twenty-five. Three tons of him.
00:46:30Hmm. Bruce does love to eat.
00:46:33Alba, if we can double our efforts by joining forces, we might find those little rascals twice as fast.
00:46:40Oh, yes. By all means, let's.
00:46:42Wait. I feel something. My shark senses is tingling like mad.
00:46:48What is it, Professor? Is it them?
00:46:50Vibrations. Coming from the school. I must head back and see what is going on.
00:46:56Do you think it's them? Do you?
00:46:58It's possible. It's also possible those kids are turning the place upside down.
00:47:04I forgot all about my after-school detention class.
00:47:07Oh! Go tend to matters, Professor. And thanks for all your help.
00:47:11We couldn't have come this far without you.
00:47:13Now that we've found Alba, we'll keep searching.
00:47:16If you do find them, tell them we love and miss them very much.
00:47:20Yes! And tell them to stay put.
00:47:23Will do. Neptune speed, parents. I'm off.
00:47:26Maybe it's them he senses.
00:47:28Or maybe they're still out here somewhere. Alone. Afraid.
00:47:33My Kiki really isn't afraid of anything. I don't know about yours.
00:47:37Well, I mean, our Finn's a little daredevil.
00:47:40And feefy. Talk about an alpha female.
00:47:44That's right.
00:47:45I've searched all the coves and inlets.
00:47:47And we've searched all the reefs and caves.
00:47:50Where do we go? Where do we go now?
00:47:53I've never seen so many amazing underwater nooks and crannies and caves before.
00:47:58Not to mention pretty and dangerous volcanoes.
00:48:02And exotic vegetation and wild and wooly creatures.
00:48:06Our ocean is a magical place, Kiki.
00:48:09Full of countless species and endless habitats.
00:48:12We really couldn't ask for more.
00:48:14Except finding our moms.
00:48:16And our dad.
00:48:18You're right.
00:48:19As fun as it is to explore and see new sights and meet new creatures.
00:48:24Nothing would be more fun right now than seeing mom and dad's faces.
00:48:28Fifi, do you think we'll ever see them again?
00:48:34Of course we will.
00:48:36It'll be Mother's Day soon.
00:48:37And there's no way we can't be with our moms on Mother's Day.
00:48:41Mother's Day? I forgot all about it.
00:48:44I didn't even get a chance to buy my mom a present.
00:48:47I've been saving my pennies all year just to do something nice for her.
00:48:52I think the nicest thing you could do for her, Kiki, is return home.
00:48:56Yeah, I think it's the nicest thing we could all do.
00:48:59We were going to buy our mom a gift when we met you and got sidetracked.
00:49:03Now here we are.
00:49:05So this is all my fault?
00:49:08What? No, we're in this together.
00:49:10And we all made a new friend in one another.
00:49:14We never would have met otherwise.
00:49:16And we like you, Kiki.
00:49:18We like you a lot.
00:49:19I like you too.
00:49:21I think we should stay in touch after we do find our parents.
00:49:24There's a lot more playing and exploring to do.
00:49:28I like that.
00:49:29Cross our heels.
00:49:31Come on, let's find our way out of this jam and have nice Mother's Days with our moms.
00:49:45Wow, what is this place?
00:49:48This is the world famous Sea Stage Amphitheater.
00:49:51It's where all the talented sea creatures perform.
00:49:54Maybe someone here has seen the kids?
00:49:57Oh, right.
00:49:59Good evening, good evening.
00:50:01I'm glad you all could make it tonight.
00:50:03So nice to see such a sea of smiling faces.
00:50:08I hope you don't mind being a litmus test for some new material.
00:50:12Since we're a little more intimate tonight, I'd like to try out some of my new stuff.
00:50:16You'll be the very first creatures to hear it.
00:50:19Today's matinee crowd wasn't that great, let me tell you.
00:50:23I wonder if it was the kids.
00:50:25Finn hates stand-up.
00:50:26He'd have been miserable.
00:50:28Okay, strap into your fishing seats, everyone.
00:50:31Here we go.
00:50:34Does anyone know where Seaweed looks for a job?
00:50:39The Kelp Wanted ads.
00:50:41Get it? Kelp Wanted.
00:50:43Oh, my, wow.
00:50:46I have more where that came from.
00:50:48You guys heard about the restaurant that caters exclusively to dolphins?
00:50:52You know about this?
00:50:53It only has one customer, but at least it serves a purpose.
00:50:58No, I have got to get out of here.
00:51:00Let's go.
00:51:01Sam, let's stay and ask her if she's seen them.
00:51:04I'm gonna need earplugs.
00:51:06Try a sea sponge, they work great.
00:51:08Okay, okay, here's one for you seafarers out there.
00:51:12Did you hear about the red ship that collided with the blue ship?
00:51:16All the sailors got marooned.
00:51:20We've been here.
00:51:22We're starting to retrace our swim.
00:51:24Is there any place we haven't checked?
00:51:27I don't know, Fifi, I don't think so.
00:51:30I sure hope something bad didn't happen to my mom,
00:51:33like getting cornered by a hungry shark
00:51:36or caught in a fisherman's net or trapped in a crab pot.
00:51:41Kiki, don't talk like that. Stay positive.
00:51:48What's up, fishies? My name's Lily.
00:51:51Are you new to the area? Do you need someone to play with?
00:51:54We need our parents, Lily. We're lost.
00:51:57Lost? Oh, no.
00:51:59Well, Kiki here's lost.
00:52:01My brother and I were trying to help her find her mom,
00:52:04and we ended up losing our parents in the process.
00:52:07Triple trouble.
00:52:09Something like that.
00:52:11You didn't happen to see two worried fish or a white seal recently, did you?
00:52:15Nope, not around here.
00:52:17But you fish need to find your moms, and fast.
00:52:20You can't be separated on Mother's Day.
00:52:23Tell us about it.
00:52:25Okay. The modern holiday of Mother's Day was first celebrated in 1908,
00:52:30when Anna Jarvis held a memorial for her mom at St. Andrew's Methodist Church in Grafton, West Virginia.
00:52:35Uh, I didn't mean literally, Lily.
00:52:38Oh, sorry. I read a lot.
00:52:40It shows.
00:52:42Is there anything I can do to help you guys?
00:52:44Do you need a ride? Hop on. I can carry all three of you.
00:52:48I love being of service.
00:52:50Thanks, Lily. But at this point, we don't even know where we'd go.
00:52:54We've looked everywhere.
00:52:56And we haven't seen my mom anywhere.
00:52:59Bummer. Tell you what.
00:53:01I can wag my tail real hard and put a strong current behind you.
00:53:05When you swim away, you'll swim faster and cover much more ocean.
00:53:09Oh, would you? That sounds awesome.
00:53:13Yeah, turbo-boosted fishes.
00:53:15Thank you so much, Lily.
00:53:17We'd love to come back and play with you sometime, if you still want to.
00:53:21Absolutely. We'd have lots of fun.
00:53:26Okay. Here you go.
00:53:28Wow. Lily wasn't kidding. We're really moving.
00:53:33Yeah. I've never swum this fast in my life.
00:53:37Makes you wish you had an on-call whale every time we wanted to get around fast, huh?
00:53:43We sure had some fun.
00:53:45Until I think about why we're out here like this.
00:53:48I know. I've had such a sad and happy day at the same time.
00:53:53Hey, you know, if we don't find your mom, you should think about coming to live with us.
00:53:59Seriously. We have the room in our reef and our parents would love you.
00:54:05Thanks, guys. That's so sweet of you to say.
00:54:08But finding my mom would make me the happiest little fish in all the sea.
00:54:13I know, Kiki. I know it would.
00:54:15Let's swim Lily's tail current as far as it'll carry us and keep our eyes peeled.
00:54:20Okay. But what if we still don't see her?
00:54:23And if we don't see your mom and dad, what do we do then?
00:54:26Then we'll break to rest for the night and we'll keep looking in the morning.
00:54:30Yeah. In for a seashell. In for a shipwreck.
00:54:33Where will we rest?
00:54:35We'll go to the safest, friendliest, most helpful place we know.
00:54:45I mean, what else would the giant squid say, right?
00:54:48Am I right?
00:54:51I want to thank all of you for coming tonight and wish you a safe swim home.
00:54:55I'll be back next Saturday. Good night.
00:54:58Phew. I'm glad that's over.
00:55:00Let's ask her about the kids.
00:55:02Then swim away fast in case she starts telling more jokes.
00:55:05I agree.
00:55:06Excuse me, Miss Paddle.
00:55:09Yes? Would you like autographs? Photos?
00:55:12I prefer to take all selfies to make sure we capture my good side.
00:55:16Uh, can we not use the term capture? We're fish, you know.
00:55:21And we're looking for my baby, Kiki.
00:55:23And our babies, Fifi and Finn.
00:55:27Have they been here today by any chance?
00:55:29Those three? Oh yeah, I remember them.
00:55:32You do?
00:55:33Uh-huh. They were distracted and not really into my jokes.
00:55:37Go figure.
00:55:39Which is why I revamped my set for tonight. Did you like it?
00:55:42Very much, Paddle. Say, did you happen to see which way the kids swam?
00:55:47I didn't. They did say they'd be back next Saturday, though.
00:55:51At least I think they said that.
00:55:53Hmm. Or was it the plankton couple?
00:55:56Thank you, Paddle. We have to run. Er, swim.
00:56:05Oh hey! What about the photo?
00:56:08I'm at a loss, ladies. It feels like we've done all we can do to locate those three.
00:56:13I don't know where to turn next.
00:56:15I feel the same way, Sam. Part of me knows our kids are out there.
00:56:20Probably closer than we realize. Maybe even enjoying themselves.
00:56:24They may have no idea how worried we've been.
00:56:27And part of me is terrified that they're not out there.
00:56:31I want to thank you two for keeping me strong.
00:56:34Do you think we should return to the school?
00:56:36Well, if their search was as hopeless as our search, where might they go?
00:56:41They might be there.
00:56:43You think so? Let's go see.
00:56:45All right. Come on.
00:56:58Here we are, ladies. Cross your fins.
00:57:01Fins are crossed.
00:57:03Oh, please let them be here. Please let them be here.
00:57:09There's no one here. Everyone's gone for the day.
00:57:12But the doors were unlocked. Someone's got to be here.
00:57:15Besides, the professor wouldn't just go home with this kind of problem.
00:57:19Well, where is he?
00:57:23Hello, parents. Any news?
00:57:25No. How about you?
00:57:27I'm afraid not. Most of my students skipped attention,
00:57:31so I gave the one who did show up credit for time served.
00:57:34No sign of our three adventurers?
00:57:36Oh, Kiki. What happened to my sweet, beautiful Kiki?
00:57:41There, there, Alba. It's going to be all right.
00:57:44I was blessed with a perfect little pufferfish, and I failed her.
00:57:48I don't deserve Mother's Day.
00:57:50Don't be so hard on yourself, Alba. This search isn't over.
00:57:54Sam's right, Alba. We'll look until our last breaths into the open ocean, if we must.
00:58:00And tomorrow, many more will join our search.
00:58:03We have faith, Professor. We won't lose our faith, no matter what.
00:58:08I'm going to send out an email now, so that come the dawn's light,
00:58:13all underwater creatures will be mobilized and ready to assist us.
00:58:17Yes, thank you, Professor.
00:58:20Oh, someone will spot them. I just know they will. They have to.
00:58:28Where in the ocean have you two been all this time?
00:58:32Your father and I have been worried sick.
00:58:35We're so sorry, Mom. Please forgive us.
00:58:39Yeah, we didn't mean to cause so much trouble.
00:58:41Honest, we were only trying to help a friend.
00:58:44And that friend, what happened to her?
00:58:47Look outside!
00:58:51Oh, Mom! I know you're out there somewhere. I just know it.
00:58:58I'll find you, Mommy. No matter how long it takes, I'll never stop looking for you.
00:59:05You don't have to look far, baby. Just turn around.
00:59:08Mommy! Where in the waves were you?
00:59:13I was looking for you, my baby girl. I was looking for you the whole time.
00:59:18And I was looking for you.
00:59:20I know, sweetie, I know. Funny how that works, isn't it?
00:59:24It sure is. What do you want to do now, Mom?
00:59:28Let's go home, Kiki. Let's go home.
00:59:32Okay, okay.
00:59:34Oh, we were so worried. I'm so glad to have you two back safe and sound. I could cry.
00:59:42My babies!
00:59:44We feel the same way, Mom. It can get a little scary out there.
00:59:49Yeah, a lot of it was fun, but we also met some real sharks out there and realized what a little fish we still are.
00:59:58As long as you learned a valuable life lesson, son, it was worth it.
01:00:02Remember, nothing is more important than family. All of us, happy and together.
01:00:11Oh, my goodness. Look who we have here. We've been searching far and wide for you two.
01:00:17We know.
01:00:19Where in the sea have you been? You know what? Forget it. I don't want to know right now. Let me just bask in this wonderful sight.
01:00:29Bask away, Professor. It's so good to be back.
01:00:33Yeah, I never, ever thought I'd say I'm happy to be in school, but it feels great to be here.
01:00:40That's the spirit, my little fish. Bring that to class with you on Monday, and we'll have a blast.
01:00:46You're on, Professor.
01:00:48Oh, um, we're missing someone.
01:00:51No, we're not missing anyone.
01:00:54Utterly splendid. How about telling me all about it over lunch?
01:00:59Mmm, lunch.
01:01:01I'm starving.
01:01:03Yeah, I could eat a whole reef.
01:01:06Ha! I'm not surprised. If you eat any more than you do at home, I can see that happening.
01:01:11And you'll be big fish in no time, Finn.
01:01:14Hey, don't leave me out. I can eat just as much as Finn can.
01:01:18I know, sweetie. We catch your food, and you keep us working hard.
01:01:23You two certainly keep us on our fins.
01:01:26Pretty soon, you'll be catching your own food, and you'll see what we go through.
01:01:32Well, I happen to know a place that serves all algae, if you all are interested.
01:01:37Really? Yeah!
01:01:39Let's go! Can we go, Mom, Dad?
01:01:52Well, here we are, gang.
01:01:54It was so nice of the professor to make reservations for us.
01:01:58It sure was. That shark helped us tremendously. We owe him big.
01:02:03You kids be sure and behave in his class.
01:02:06You won't get many teachers who care the way Professor Shark does.
01:02:10We owe Mom, and we will.
01:02:12There's one thing that I feel bad about, Mom, and I'd like to apologize in advance before we swim down to eat.
01:02:20Oh? What is it, Fifi? What could possibly make any of us feel badly today?
01:02:26I think I know.
01:02:28You do?
01:02:29Today is Mother's Day, and we weren't able to get you anything.
01:02:33Yeah, but it's not because we don't care. I love you so much, Mom!
01:02:39Oh, sweetheart, I love you too, with all my heart.
01:02:44And I love you, Mommy!
01:02:46Me too! Super love!
01:02:49Oh, Fifi! Finn!
01:02:52You kids don't have to buy me things to show your feelings.
01:02:56You just have to be here.
01:02:58Seeing your smiling faces and your happy fins is all a mother needs to feel loved.
01:03:04Knowing that you two are safe and sound is the best gift you could ever give me.
01:03:10And it's all I'll ever want.
01:03:12Hearing that you feel bad about this is touching, but don't feel bad.
01:03:17Dad, I love you unconditionally, forever and ever.
01:03:23That goes for me too, kids. You two are thoughtful, caring, heroic, and sincere.
01:03:29You've made your dad very, very proud.
01:03:32We had good role models, Dad.
01:03:35The best!
01:03:36My goodness, now I'm the one blushing!
01:03:39All right, enough gushing, family. We're all reunited, and we're all going to stick together.
01:03:46Let's eat!
01:03:48I bet Mr. Sushi's going to be happy to see us again.
01:03:52Again? Have you kids been to the sunken ship before?
01:03:56Um, it's a long story.
01:04:02I'll bet!
01:04:04Aw, ha-ha-ha-ha!