"Troll Bridge" is a fantasy film that follows the journey of a young man named Cohen as he sets out to confront a troll that has been terrorizing his village. Along the way, Cohen meets a cast of colorful characters, including a group of misfit adventurers, a beautiful sorceress, and a mysterious troll hunter. As they journey closer to the troll bridge, Cohen must confront his fears and discover his true destiny.
With stunning visuals and epic battle scenes, "Troll Bridge" is an action-packed adventure that will transport you to a world of magic and myth. Filled with humor, heart, and unforgettable characters, this film is a must-see for fantasy fans of all ages.
With stunning visuals and epic battle scenes, "Troll Bridge" is an action-packed adventure that will transport you to a world of magic and myth. Filled with humor, heart, and unforgettable characters, this film is a must-see for fantasy fans of all ages.
Short film