Network Marketing Success = Attraction Marketing

  • 15 years ago How does Attraction marketing help network marketing? There is one question that most people have about the concept of ATTRACTION MARKETING "How can I be a leader, and an expert and ATTRACT people to me, when I haven't made a lot of money yet in my network marketing company?!" Well here's the thing you need to understand. It is NOT about how much money you've made. MONEY has NOTHING to do with it! The main thing is to get started, sponsor a few people and earn commissions. In the process you have to learn few marketing techniques on the internet. Even a few weeks of internet marketing training will put you ahead of 95% of all the network marketers out there! That is powerful. That makes YOU incredibly VALUABLE! It is now your task to communicate your VALUE to the marketplace! Let me explain. One of my marketing mentors he makes over 50,000 monthly from his home computer. Incredible right? But it's because he "gets" ATTRACTION MARKETING and he's a great marketing coach. Now I hear you saying "yeah of course he is... he's making 50,000 per month because he can coach because he's there already but what about me? I have no "story" like that yet. I don't have any success at all?!" See here's the funny thing. Not that long ago he wasn't making close to that kind of money. NOT even close. Maybe he was making a couple hundred dollars a month at most and that was only about a year and a half ago! He's only like 24 or something...
