10 Most HORRIFIC Ways to Die in the Wild Pet Spot

  • last year
00:00 10. Eagle While there's no doubt about the eagle's
00:04 capability as predators, they do not exactly have the upper hand on solid ground.
00:09 Usually, they settle for smaller prey, as they're easier to subdue with their talons
00:13 and beak.
00:15 When wrestling with larger game, there's always the risk of being overpowered.
00:19 So to make things less of a hassle, they rely on the laws of physics, carrying or dragging
00:25 their victims off the cliffs.
00:31 The impact of smashing into the ground would certainly be enough to break one's bones.
00:36 If the prey doesn't die from the impact, it would certainly succumb to its injuries
00:41 unless the eagle tears it down first.
00:44 Ouch.
00:45 9. Snake Snakes have a myriad of ways to kill.
00:49 Non-venomous snakes, such as anacondas, resort to constriction.
00:54 They wrap themselves around the prey, cutting off blood flow and inducing cardiac arrest.
00:59 And to make sure the victim is dead, they monitor its heartbeat.
01:03 Although venomous snakes occasionally use constriction as well, they prefer to use their
01:07 venom instead.
01:09 They inject venom by sinking their fans into their target.
01:13 Snake venom contains toxins that could induce respiratory paralysis, hemorrhage, cardiac
01:18 arrest and other effects that ultimately lead to the victim's death, sometimes as fast
01:24 as 15 minutes.
01:25 The most venomous snake of them all, the Inland Taipan, can kill 100 men with just a drop
01:31 of its venom.
01:33 Whichever method they use would result in a painful death.
01:36 When it comes to delivering the final blow, an animal with an absurd amount of power does
01:41 wonders.
01:42 And oh, a hefty weight helps too.
01:45 But let's talk about that later on.
01:47 #8 Komodo Dragon While the Komodo Dragon does not shoot fire
01:52 from its mouth, it's no slouch when it comes to delivering a brutal death.
01:57 Like the snake, it is venomous, but it also has 60 serrated teeth, which comes in handy.
02:03 It uses a combination of biting and pulling actions, tearing flesh and oozing the venom
02:08 into the wound.
02:09 The venom prevents blood clotting, causing the prey to bleed continuously.
02:14 Also, its saliva contains enough bacteria to induce blood poisoning.
02:19 While it could make the killing on the spot, it only needs one bite.
02:23 After a few hours, it could resume hunting down the target, which would either be dead
02:28 or still succumbing to its injury.
02:30 What a slow, agonizing ending.
02:33 #7 Lion Apart from the long hours of stalking, the
02:38 lion's method of conducting business is pretty much a straightforward affair.
02:42 It loves ambushes.
02:44 Once within range, it charges at the opponent, pouncing at it, trying to pull it to the ground.
02:50 When a lion attacks, it's usually very close to its target, so unless you're ridiculously
02:55 fast, outrunning it would be hard.
02:57 With its robust, razor-sharp claws, it mauls the prey into submission.
03:02 Wrestling with one is a terrible idea.
03:05 After all, it's a 440-pound beast with sharp claws and massive teeth in its arsenal.
03:12 Its death blow comes in the form of a powerful bite, crushing the victim's neck.
03:17 And that's just one lion.
03:19 Imagine a pride of lions hunting you down.
03:21 Good luck.
03:22 But, you know, size isn't always everything.
03:25 One of the animals we'll discuss later on is ridiculously puny.
03:29 However, there is strength in numbers.
03:31 Trust me.
03:33 #6 Chimpanzee Here's the thing.
03:37 We humans are skillful predators.
03:39 However, we also share 98.8% of our DNA with another species in the animal kingdom, the
03:45 chimpanzees.
03:46 At this point, you could probably imagine their capacity for both intelligence and violence.
03:51 While they do not have claws or poison in their arsenal, such as other animals in the
03:55 list, they are 1.5% stronger than humans when it comes to physical strength.
04:01 Once they gang up on a target, they kick, bite, and punch it to death.
04:06 Unfortunately, escaping from these guys could be challenging since they're a highly organized
04:10 team of killers.
04:12 Occasionally, they would even kill a fellow chimp and cannibalize it.
04:16 Rather barbaric, isn't it?
04:19 #5 Army Ant Including ants in this list seems like a lunatic
04:24 idea, but please hear me out.
04:27 A colony of army ants, which could range from thousands to millions, are formidable predators.
04:34 Every single army ant is equipped with jaws called mandibles, which are capable of slicing
04:40 prey apart.
04:41 If that's not scary enough, they also spray dissolving acid that turns flesh and muscle
04:46 into liquid.
04:47 Thanks to the cutting and spraying action, the army ants can quickly consume their prey
04:52 and move on.
04:53 Yup, you can stomp them out, but if I were you, I'd stay away.
04:58 A colony would wipe out 100,000 insects, small mammals, and spiders all in one day.
05:04 Further up the list are, well, sadists, sort of.
05:08 I know we've already seen many painful deaths, but things are about to get bloodier.
05:13 #4 Crocodile We could not leave crocodiles off this list.
05:23 After all, these guys have the strongest bite among living animals.
05:27 It can slam its jaws shut with 3,700 pounds per square inch of bite force.
05:33 That's like having the weight of a car sitting on top of your chest.
05:36 Experts believe that a crocodile's bite might even rival that of the T-Rex.
05:41 And that's not even the worst part.
05:43 That honor, or horror, belongs to the crocodile's death roll.
05:48 Since it can't chew, it clamps its jaws onto the target and uses its hind legs to
05:53 roll over and over.
05:55 The resulting forces are enough to dislocate limbs and break victims into pieces, making
06:00 them easier to ingest.
06:02 So much for staying in one piece, right?
06:05 #3 Hyena Unlike other animals in the wild, hyenas
06:10 do not kill their prey, not immediately at least.
06:14 But that's the disturbing thing.
06:16 They send their victim into an undignified, painful death.
06:20 First, they tire their target, chasing it to exhaustion, and then they bite it and drag
06:25 it to the ground.
06:27 Now the carnage begins.
06:29 A hyena's bite, which exerts as much as 800 pounds per square inch, is nowhere as
06:34 powerful as a crocodile's, but can still crush bone easily.
06:43 In other words, hyenas wouldn't have problems tearing chunks off their victim, which eventually
06:48 ends up disemboweled.
06:50 And the worst part is that at this point, it's pretty much helpless.
06:54 The only thing it can do is stay put and wait for death.
06:58 On top of our list are savage baby assassins.
07:01 Seriously.
07:02 Moreover, they are capable of delivering a gruesome ending, but not in the way hyenas
07:08 do.
07:09 So stay tuned.
07:10 #2 African Wild Dog African wild dogs aren't exactly related
07:15 to hyenas, which are more cat-like.
07:18 However, they do employ similar killing tactics as their fellow apex predators.
07:24 While they are smaller, they're no slouch when it comes to wrecking havoc.
07:28 They chase potential prey until it gets tired, then immobilize it by biting down on its legs
07:33 and even genitalia.
07:35 And then they proceed to tear the victim apart from the inside out.
07:39 And boy, a pack of African wild dogs are fast eaters, capable of obliterating a gazelle
07:45 in 15 minutes.
07:47 Like hyenas, which could either hunt or scavenge, African wild dogs prefer hunting.
07:53 And while we're at it, let me just throw out one chilling statistic.
07:57 60-90% of their hunts end in a kill.
08:02 Yikes.
08:03 #1 Parasitic Wasp So far, we've tackled killings from outside
08:08 attackers, but what about from the inside?
08:11 As bizarre as it sounds, it's possible.
08:14 The tactics of parasitic wasps are similar to the principle of the Trojan horse.
08:19 The infiltration begins when these guys inject eggs into the bodies of their targets, like
08:24 caterpillars and amphibs.
08:27 At this point, it's game over for the victim.
08:30 The bodies basically become the incubators for the wasps' eggs.
08:34 Once the larvae hatch from the eggs, they feed on their host's blood.
08:38 However, they're careful not to touch vital organs.
08:41 Hey, at least they're decent tenants, right?
08:44 When the larvae are fully mature, their host body loses its purpose, so they break out
08:49 of the poor victim.
08:51 Although the scenario is gruesome, at least fewer pests would devour plants.
08:56 Let's face it, death is an inescapable fate for everyone.
09:00 It would be nice to have a happy and quiet ending, right?
09:04 But as you've seen, not everyone has the luxury of dying that way.
09:08 There's no denying their fates are painful, gruesome, and sometimes disturbing.
09:13 But hey, that's nature.
09:15 Thanks for tuning in, and we'll see you next time.
