10 HORRIFIC Ways Animals Kill Their Prey #2 Pet Spot

  • last year
00:00 10.
00:09 Komodo Dragon
00:17 Komodo dragons are more than meets the eye.
00:20 They are extremely vicious lizards.
00:23 Komodo dragons mainly attack by biting down hard on the prey they hunt.
00:28 These giant lizards also hunt in groups.
00:31 Normally, a group of two to three Komodo dragons will feast upon an animal such as a deer or
00:37 a water buffalo.
00:38 When they see a Komodo dragon, they may try to escape, but the lizard is quick and fearless,
00:44 enabling it to latch onto its prey wherever possible.
00:48 A Komodo dragon's bite contains a special venom that lowers the blood pressure of the
00:52 prey, while also quickening up blood loss in the process.
00:57 For this reason, a Komodo will often bite, release, and then stalk its weakening prey,
01:03 patiently waiting for the right time to re-attack the already defeated meal.
01:07 This tactic allows the Komodo dragon to gruesomely eat its prey alive, completely undisturbed.
01:14 Talk about a feast.
01:16 9.
01:17 Wolf
01:18 We've all heard about wolves and how they can hunt for food in the wild.
01:22 But do you know just how good of a predator they can be?
01:26 Wolves are pack animals.
01:27 They love to hunt in large groups, and this allows them to kill easily.
01:32 Much like the previous animal discussed on this list, packs of wolves will surround their
01:36 weak prey and taunt and tease them until they can go in for the kill.
01:42 Wolves can easily kill large animals due to pack tactics, their aggressive nature, and
01:47 their extensive endurance.
01:49 Oftentimes they will get into a tough battle, but these animals have the speed and stamina
01:54 to successfully kill even the most cunning animals.
01:58 The force of their bite, paired with the numbers in their pack, assure them that whatever they
02:02 attack, they can kill.
02:04 Unfortunately for large prey, the shorter size of a wolf's teeth often means that they
02:09 end up having to eat their prey alive due to being unable to deliver a killing blow.
02:15 8.
02:16 Hyena
02:17 Hyenas are brave and curious hunters.
02:20 They will stalk animals that are much larger than them and attack them without even thinking
02:25 about it.
02:26 When they find a weakened creature, they will surely go in for the kill.
02:30 Hyenas are also very persistent and patient, which allows them to spend extensive periods
02:36 of time waiting for their prey.
02:39 Some hyenas will linger around an animal for half an hour, just watching it's every move
02:44 as they strategize their kill.
02:47 They sure don't get bored.
02:49 But another thing to note is that they don't often kill alone.
02:53 This is because hyenas work excellently well in packs, leading to them being very successful
02:58 in their hunts.
03:00 Alone a hyena can kill, but it isn't particularly strong.
03:05 Hyenas are often smaller than many of the animals they like to eat, such as buffalo
03:09 and even hippos.
03:11 For this reason, hyenas will gang up on an animal and taunt it until it gives up the
03:16 fight.
03:17 Despite the fact that hyenas are often bullied off their kills, they have absolutely no problem
03:22 horrifically eating their prey alive.
03:25 No time like the present, right?
03:27 Now let's take a look at another aggressive predator with incredible skills.
03:33 Number 7.
03:34 Giant Petrel
03:44 Giant petrels are quite the vicious bird.
03:47 These big birds love to eat penguins and other smaller animals like rabbits.
03:52 But they do so in the most vicious ways.
03:55 They use their beaks to kill, and it sure does work.
03:58 They will peck and peck at their prey until they can no longer take it, eventually succumbing
04:03 to the injuries.
04:05 These beaks are thick and if used right, can tear a hole right through their prey.
04:10 The giant petrel uses strategy to go in for it's kill.
04:13 It looks for the weaker animals, usually the babies of penguins.
04:17 It will attack without hesitation or mercy.
04:20 Giant petrels use intimidation to scare penguins and other small animals.
04:26 It spreads its wings, which scares the prey, making sure they give up the fight before
04:31 it can even start.
04:33 Number 6.
04:34 Baboon
04:35 To the average onlooker, a baboon may seem like a relatively calm animal.
04:40 Unlike other monkeys, they don't normally jump around and screech.
04:44 But hidden beneath that chill demeanor is something far more sinister.
04:48 A baboon is an extremely aggressive yet skilled hunter.
04:52 Some have been seen to grab flamingos mid-flight.
04:55 They've even been seen kidnapping small baby animals such as lion cubs, and taking them
05:02 up trees where their mothers cannot get them.
05:05 Once their prey is in their grasp, they proceed to use their strong hands and sharp teeth
05:10 to rip the prey apart and eat it.
05:13 Speaking of strong hands, baboons are at an advantage since they're able to grip things
05:17 easily.
05:19 This means they can snatch their prey quickly without giving time for an escape plan.
05:23 Such a terrifying yet cunning predator.
05:26 Number 5.
05:27 Brown Bear
05:28 Brown bears are already an established scary animal, so to speak.
05:42 These big and fluffy creatures are known to rip apart just about anything they feel like
05:46 ripping apart at that moment.
05:48 But let's take a closer look at how they do that.
05:52 First of all, their paws are huge.
05:54 They may not look flexible or all that useful, but they are able to use these paws to hold
06:00 down the prey and stop them from squirming.
06:04 These paws have long claws that allow the brown bears to slash their prey to shreds.
06:10 Brown bears have also been known to have a lethal bite.
06:14 The force applied to each bite can shatter bones.
06:18 Bears are naturally violent and will viciously maul anything that gets in its way.
06:23 In addition to their strength, brown bears are also very smart animals.
06:28 They know their prey's weaknesses and how to use it against them.
06:32 They can drag land animals into water to drown or crush weaker animals under their weight.
06:38 Add this to the fact that they even eat prey alive and you've got a horrifying predator
06:43 indeed.
06:44 Number 4.
06:45 Ants
06:46 Ants can be more dangerous than you might think.
06:49 If you look at them closely, you can see just how tough their bite can be.
06:54 This is how they warn their prey of their strength.
06:58 Another way ants can kill their prey is by ganging up on them.
07:02 Ants relentlessly attack bigger prey by gathering together and forming somewhat of a big machine.
07:09 When they see a target, they will swarm it.
07:12 Once their prey is covered with the ants, they will then start to eat the prey alive.
07:17 Ants are also incredibly strong, so in groups they can lift and carry larger bugs and even
07:23 small animals across long distances.
07:27 Using the power of their numbers, ants can become quite a lethal predator, despite their
07:32 tiny size.
07:34 This force and power are the reason they are so successful in their hunts.
07:46 Number 3.
07:47 Python
07:48 Pythons are undoubtedly scary.
07:51 These snakes can grow to be gigantic as well as super thick.
07:55 The main weapon this snake uses is its own body.
07:59 It will constrict its prey until its heart stops beating, slowly breaking all its bones
08:05 in the process.
08:07 And that's when it begins to eat.
08:09 Pythons will go for a variety of animals such as capybaras and large lizards.
08:15 When a python eats, it can unhinge its jaw to take in the entire size of the animal.
08:21 So if the constriction didn't kill it properly, well, swallowing it whole should do the trick.
08:27 Pythons are able to take their time with this because they have the ability to breathe extremely
08:33 well while eating, so nothing will hinder their dinner time.
08:37 Number 2.
08:38 Margay
08:39 You may look at a margay and think, "Oh, what a cute cat."
08:43 While these wild cats are cute, they are also deadly.
08:47 They are incredibly skilled hunters in the wild and are able to jump across large distances
08:53 and even climb up and down trees vertically.
08:57 This agility comes as an advantage to the margay as they can sneak around the jungles,
09:03 hunting for their prey.
09:04 On a more sinister note, margay are also great at mimicking their prey.
09:09 An example of this is how they can copy sounds and calls of baby monkeys in distress, luring
09:15 the adult monkeys to come and check out what's going on.
09:19 But before they know it, the monkeys have become the margay's next meal.
09:23 Cute but deadly.
09:25 Alright, now let's see who's number one on our list, shall we?
09:29 Number 1.
09:30 Shrew
09:31 In our number one spot, we've got the mighty shrew.
09:34 But you might be thinking, "How can a shrew be so mighty?"
09:39 And this is an understandable thought.
09:41 These tiny creatures have tiny eyes, making them nearly blind.
09:45 But luckily for them, they've got an incredible sense of smell.
09:49 They can feel their prey and attack accordingly.
09:52 If you take a look at a shrew's mouth, you'll notice that they aren't so friendly.
09:56 Their teeth are sharp and on top of that, some shrews have a venomous bite.
10:01 The venom from a short-tailed shrew does not kill its prey, but rather paralyzes it instead.
10:06 This cruel defense immobilizes their prey so they can feed on it for prolonged periods
10:12 of time.
10:13 Alive.
10:14 That is why a shrew isn't afraid to attack and eat something as scary as a scorpion or
10:19 an entire snake.
10:21 Shrews are natural fighters, as they are extremely territorial, so they're very well-versed in
10:26 not only offense, but also defense as well.
10:29 All in all, the shrew is an all-powerful fighter and predator, regardless of how they may look.
10:36 You truly cannot judge a book by its cover.
