• 2 years ago
Restaurant Hj. Anny, Perintis Kemerdekaan is a restaurant located in South Sulawesi Province, precisely in the Makassar area with the address: Jalan Perintis Kemerdekaan 9 No. 74, Tamalanrea, Makassar.

This restaurant provides a variety of delicious dishes and the prices are still within your pocket, such as: Coto Makassar, Sop Saudara Soup, Sop Paru, Pallu Kacci, Fish Head Soup, Konro Soup , Kikil Soup , Baked/fried MilkFish, Milkfish Rica, Grilled/Fried Sea Fish, Flour Fried Shrimp/Squid, Grilled/Fried/Boiled Shrimp/Squid, which are suitable for eating with friends or your friends.

