Salt - Bande-Annonce 2 - VOST

  • l’année dernière
Découvrez la bande annonce du film Salt : Evelyn Salt est sans aucun doute l'un des meilleurs agents que la CIA ait jamais comptés dans ses rangs. Pourtant, lorsque la jeune femme est accusée d'être une espionne au service de la Russie, elle doit fuir. Evelyn Salt va faire appel à sa remarquable expertise pour échapper à ceux qui la traquent, y compris dans son propre camp. En cherchant à percer le secret de ceux qui la visent, Salt va brouiller toutes les pistes. Est-elle vraiment ce qu'elle prétend ? Désormais, une seule question se pose : qui est Salt ?
00:00 ♪ ♪ ♪
00:05 ♪ ♪ ♪
00:10 ♪ ♪ ♪
00:12 ♪ ♪ ♪
00:14 (crissement de pneus)
00:18 (explosion)
00:23 - You think everyone is who they say they are?
00:25 (explosion)
00:28 (bip bip bip)
00:30 - We got a walk-in. A defective.
00:32 - No one can sort out a nut job from a real thing faster than you.
00:35 - Today, a Russian agent will travel to New York City
00:39 to kill the president.
00:40 - This guy is selling smoke. - Wrap it up, Ev.
00:43 - The name of the agent is Evelyn Salt.
00:46 - My name is Evelyn Salt.
00:48 - Then you are a Russian spy.
00:50 (explosion)
00:53 - We're standing.
00:54 (explosion)
01:00 - Do you have any idea who this woman is?
01:02 What she's done for this country?
01:03 - Protocol is clear. We bring her in or we bring her down.
01:06 - There she is. Salt!
01:08 - I'm innocent! Somebody is setting me up!
01:11 Just let me find my husband.
01:13 - Salt!
01:15 (horn)
01:16 (explosion)
01:21 - Maybe Salt is who she says she is.
01:23 - Maybe it's your department.
01:25 - Mine is catching her so we can find out.
01:29 - You got me?
01:30 - She had the drop on me. Why didn't she shoot?
01:32 - There's something else going on here.
01:34 - She was telling the truth.
01:40 All hell's about to break loose.
01:42 - You think everyone is who they say they are?
01:51 ♪ ♪ ♪
