Blue Jean Movie Trailer HD - Plot synopsis: In Georgia Oakley’s stunning directorial debut BLUE JEAN, it’s 1988 England and Margaret Thatcher’s Conservative government is about to pass a law stigmatizing gays and lesbians, forcing Jean (Rosy McEwen, in a powerhouse performance), a gym teacher, to live a double life. As pressure mounts from all sides, the arrival of a new student catalyzes a crisis that will challenge Jean to her core. The BAFTA-nominated film won the Venice Film Festival’s People’s Choice Award, as well as four British Independent Film Awards.
Director Georgia Oakley
Writers Georgia Oakley
Actors Rosy McEwen
Genre Drama
Run Time 1 hour 37 minutes
Director Georgia Oakley
Writers Georgia Oakley
Actors Rosy McEwen
Genre Drama
Run Time 1 hour 37 minutes
Short film