Pretty Red Dress Movie Trailer HD - Plot synopsis: Set against the backdrop of South London and humming with the energy of iconic Tina Turner hits, Pretty Red Dress follows a family tested to their limit when Travis (Natey Jones), fresh out of jail, is found wearing a dress by his partner Candice (Alexandra Burke) and secretive teenage daughter Kenisha. The family is sent spinning by this startling discovery and the truths that remain.
Release Date: 06/16/2023
Directed by: Dionne Edwards
Starring: Maria Almeida, Nicholas Bishop, Eliot Sumner, Ben Caplan, Edwin De La Renta, Thomas Grant, James McNicholas, Lee Byford, Natey Jones, Maria Crittell, Alexandra Burke, Emeka Sesay, Adé Dee Haastrup
Release Date: 06/16/2023
Directed by: Dionne Edwards
Starring: Maria Almeida, Nicholas Bishop, Eliot Sumner, Ben Caplan, Edwin De La Renta, Thomas Grant, James McNicholas, Lee Byford, Natey Jones, Maria Crittell, Alexandra Burke, Emeka Sesay, Adé Dee Haastrup
Short film