• 2 years ago

Hi all, Johana got pregnant at the young age of 14. After constant fighting with her mom, she went and lived with another couple. The guy tried to pimp her out on the streets as a sex worker. Johanna left. Her son is now with her mom. Johana lives in a tent on the side of the 101 Freeway.

The 101 Hollywood Freeway is the 2nd busiest freeway in Los Angeles. It carries more than 125,000 cars daily. As homelessness grows, It is now common to see tents alongside California freeways and often on overpasses. Homeless encampments are everywhere. There are real people in those tents you see as you drive by. All of them need our help to get off the streets into housing.

Johana and her boyfriend have lived in this area for two years. Johana told me she had been homeless for five years. They survive by recycling. In fact, Johana shared they have started an official recycling nonprofit. I asked her to email me more information.

As soon as Johanna emails me back with her Cash App or GoFundMe, I will post it here. I have emailed her a few times, but she has not responded. It could be a lot of things. Mostly, survival comes first, and access to the internet can be challenging

Special thank goes to Tean Invisible People
