• 2 years ago
Stepping out of your comfort zone can be difficult, but that’s why it’s important. When travelling, you’re thrown into a new environment, often with where people speaking a different language and living a different way of life. To fully experience your surroundings, it’s important to step out of your comfort zone, whether that’s by doing activities that challenge you, or simply by saying ‘yes’ to things more often. If you stay in your comfort zone throughout your trip, then you won’t get to truly experience the destination that you're so lucky to be visiting, so the trip becomes only a fraction as fulfilling.

‘Wanderlust’ is a wonderful word originating from the German language, meaning a strong desire or urge to travel. A lot of the time, this feeling isn’t about a particular destination - it can just be the intense urge to break away from everyday life and explore somewhere new (we’ve all been there, right?). Nothing compares to that feeling of seeing a new place for the first time, triggering the rush of serotonin to your brain. Unsurprisingly, this feeling can be addictive, which is why so many people love travelling and experience wanderlust even when they're not on the road.


