• 2 years ago
British television commercials from 1988

Vauxhall - Once driven, forever smitten

Holstern Export - Less is more

Barclays Bank - You're better off talking to Barclays

Fosters - The Amber Nectar. With Paul Hogan

Chessington World of Adventures

Heineken - Refreshes the pets other beers cannot reach. Susie Blake recreates her television announcer from Victoria Wood as Seen on TV

Hula Hoops - Eat. Don't Hula. Starring Cab Calloway

Morgan Grenfell Unit Trusts

Castrol GTX - Fit it in your engine

Diet Lilt - With the totally tropical taste

Pentax Zoom 70 - Camera of the year

Royal Mail Datapost - Depending on it. Datapost it

Martini Extra Dry - It's there to be discovered


