• last year
Primo Season 1 Trailer HD - Plot synopsis: The coming-of-age, single-camera comedy, inspired by Shea Serrano's life growing up in San Antonio, follows Rafa Gonzales, a wide-eyed 16-year-old being raised by his clever mother, Drea, and his five overbearing uncles (Rollie, Mike, Ryan, Jay, and Mondo) as they live their lives on the southside of San Antonio. Rafa is at an inflection point, as three big life moments coincide: he and his friends are nearing the end of high school, he’s pretty sure he just met the girl of his dreams, and he just found out he has a real chance to become the first person in his family to go to college. Over the course of the series, the group -- Rafa, his mom, uncles, friends, and crush—will all affect each other and help one another grow in ways they weren’t expecting, whether they like it or not.

starring Ignacio Diaz-Silverio, Christina Vidal, Carlos Santos, Johnny Rey Diaz, Henri Esteve, Jonathan Medina, Efrain Villa

release date May 19, 2023 (on Amazon Freevee)

