समाज के कुछ अप्रिय सत्य || Some unpleasant facts of the society || Sri Sri Uttam Khyapa ||

  • last year
समाज के कुछ अप्रिय सत्य || Some unpleasant facts of the society || Sri Sri Uttam Khyapa ||

#tarapith #maatara #lifechanging #mantra #tantra #gyan #guruji #yogi

Shri Nirban Dham under the aegis of Ativarnashrami Kaula Avadhut Shri Shri Uttam Khyapa Maharaj seeks to rekindle the flame of Atma Saakshaatkaar within each of us.

The Mahamantra encapsulating the goal of Shri Nirban Dham is "Karma hi Sadhana". This Mahamantra prompts each of us to reach the Divine essence hidden in us through discipline , devotion and unconditional sharanaagati or unconditional surrender.

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