'Ukraine War must be a strategic failure for Russia': US Rep. Adam Smith

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When Volodymir Zelenskyy took to the stage at the Munich Security Conference last year, he warned that "the rules the world agreed on decades ago no longer work" and called for a recalibration of the international system. And he asked for support. Support against what back then was a powerful neighbor flexing his muscles. The fact that days later Russia launched a full-scale invasion of his country proved him right. And in the year since, the international order has been widely upended. On Friday, Zelenskyy joined the convention virtually, renewing his plea for support and appealing to all those, who are taking their time to ponder saying that there was not a second to loose.
DW got an opportunity to speak with Representative Adam Smith, Democratic leader of the Armed Service Committee in the US House of Represenatives, who is at the conference.