Tonight, two SBC agents shifted with the other agents. As usual, the routine is keeping an eye on the slogan of the god is watching. However, it accidentally moved away from the sighting from the post, causing the object to escape from the scene, which led to the tremendous night of these two agents that put them in danger.
第5屆金光獎–最佳創意獎(5th Kim Kong Awards–Best Creative Short Film)獲獎Award
第44屆金穗獎–最佳學生劇情片(44th Golden Harvest Awards–Best Student Narrative Short Film)獲獎Award
洛杉磯獨立電影獎–最佳驚悚短片獎(Independent Shorts Awards–Best Mystery Short Platinum Award)獲獎Award
上海國際短片周–最佳學生短片(Shanghai International Short Week–Best Student Short Film)獲獎Award
第3屆金雞海峽兩岸暨港澳青年短片季–新翼推優最佳短片(3th Cross-Strait, Hong Kong and Macao Youth Short Film Season–Best Short Film)獲獎Award
第5屆金光獎–最佳創意獎(5th Kim Kong Awards–Best Creative Short Film)獲獎Award
第44屆金穗獎–最佳學生劇情片(44th Golden Harvest Awards–Best Student Narrative Short Film)獲獎Award
洛杉磯獨立電影獎–最佳驚悚短片獎(Independent Shorts Awards–Best Mystery Short Platinum Award)獲獎Award
上海國際短片周–最佳學生短片(Shanghai International Short Week–Best Student Short Film)獲獎Award
第3屆金雞海峽兩岸暨港澳青年短片季–新翼推優最佳短片(3th Cross-Strait, Hong Kong and Macao Youth Short Film Season–Best Short Film)獲獎Award