• 2 years ago
Two dogs abandoned in a park with just two bowls of food and a note asking for help have been given a new leash of life after being rescued by a passerby. Kayla Berg spotted the terrified pooches – one of which was severely underweight – when driving past a dog park in Tempe, Arizona, at about 2am. She pulled over to investigate with a friend and they were stunned to find a note from the pair’s previous owner, explaining they couldn’t take care of them anymore. It took Kayla and her friend about an hour to convince the dogs to come out of the park and into her car – but once she got them home, they wouldn’t leave her alone and showered her with cuddles. Their affection for Kayla and most importantly each other convinced Kayla she couldn’t risk the potential of them getting split up at a shelter, so she decided to keep them herself. She took them to her local vets for a check-up where they were also vaccinated and neutered, and over time the two dogs – which she’s named Storm and Summit – have got to a healthy weight and happily living their new lives.
