• 2 years ago
Lockwood & Co. Season 1 Trailer HD - Plot synopsis: In London, where the most gifted teenage ghost-hunters venture nightly into perilous combat with deadly spirits, amidst the many corporate, adult-run agencies, one stands alone: independent of any commercial imperative or adult supervision -- a tiny startup, run by two teenage boys and a newly arrived, supremely psychically gifted girl, a renegade trio destined to unravel a mystery that will change the course of history: Lockwood & Co.

directed by Joe Cornish (premiere episode)

starring Ruby Stokes, Cameron Chapman, Ali Hadji-Heshmati, Ivanno Jeremiah, Luke Treadaway, Morven Christie, Jack Bandeira, Ben Crompton, Hayley Konadu, Rhianna Dorris, Paddy Holland, Rico Vina

release date January 27, 2023 (on Netflix)

