• 2 years ago
This girl decided to get a haircut from a salon for the first time as her mom had been cutting her hair her whole life. The stylist chopped her hair too short and left them damaged, making her regret her decision.
00:00 So my whole life my mom has cut my hair. She's a licensed hairstylist. So she's always cut and dyed my hair, whatever
00:06 Today is the first time I'm ever getting my hair cut by someone else
00:10 I just want to trim because it's like at an awkward length
00:13 I just want to trim it
00:14 but I'm really nervous and I'm gonna take you along with because my mom is so good at cutting my hair and if they mess
00:19 This up. I swear to God
00:20 I am going to great clips because I don't want to spend a lot of money getting my hair cut because I'm used to free
00:25 Haircuts. Okay. Okay. I'm a college student
00:29 Before and we're gonna go well, she cut it too short
00:32 And now I look stupid and I'm going to a wedding this week and I look so stupid
00:38 And this is the last time I ever get my hair cut
00:41 My mom. Oh my god
00:44 I at least have to-
