Girl Instantly Regrets Cutting Her Bangs

  • 3 years ago
This girl regretted cutting her bangs. She sat in front of the mirror with her hair spread across her forehead and began cutting them. As soon as she moved her scissors, she instantly regretted her decision. She panicked for a while and tried to fix her mistake, then decided to style her hair to lift her spirits.

*The underlying music rights are not available for license. For use of the video with the track(s) contained therein, please contact the music publisher(s) or relevant rightsholder(s).
00:00 I'm doing it!
00:02 Oh my gosh
00:09 No, I regret it, I regret it! F*ck!
00:13 Oh, I'm gonna pass out. Oh my gosh
00:28 F*ck! Why did I do this?
00:31 This is so bad
00:36 I don't know
00:38 I'm gonna fix them, cause they look really bad
00:46 I feel crazy
00:48 I hope people like them
00:50 I hope I like them
00:56 Very nice.
