Empire Diaries: ABOUT US

  • 2 years ago
Empire Diaries is an independent digital platform on current affairs.

EmpireDiaries.com is a current affairs monitor created by Ratna and Nadim, two India-based journalists. The website does not cover news as isolated events, but presents them from the larger perspective of corporate power and modern-day imperialism. Empire Diaries believes that seemingly unconnected news events are part of bigger, geopolitical game plans with hidden agenda.

Our Brand Of Journalism: What We Believe

Born during the coronavirus pandemic in 2020, Empire Diaries follows 7 principles:

It is against centralisation of power.
It is against concentration of wealth.
It wants siphoning of national wealth to stop.
It does not interpret daily news as isolated events.
It is against corporate overcontrol and state overreach.
It denounces corporate-led loot of financial resources.
It feels it is obligatory behaviour for people to fight back against imperialism.

So, who are these modern-day empires? We can’t specifically identify them. But clearly they’re a large, widely dispersed bunch of powerful business families that control the following ‘tools’ of control: MNCs, intergovernmental organisations, industry cartels, central governments, state governments, military dictators, monarchs, political parties, religious bodies, lobby groups, multiple-country groupings, terror outfits, NGOs, foundations, established movements, and influential individuals.


