
  • 15 years ago
My mission is to promote peace. I am a victim of domestic and emotional violence. My content aims to reach out to victim to wake up. I watch victim who become women. Who have children. And their children become victims.I'm not perfect, but if I can share this messge I will.I posted the video by John Brown's Body. The lyrics are I won't follow into shadow I won't steal from the broken hearted
and if I follow into shadow... the idea is that if we are wrestling with something we need to deal with it before we make more victims or victimizers.
promoting peace..
I've been trying to upload videos. My mission is about peace. I've seen alot of violence in my life. My mission is to put a real face on the victims of violence.
They call it blaming the victim in Sociology.
One of two thngs happens to victims
1. they re-victimize or
2. they live to talk about peace
when times get hard they share the truth
So that people don't loose their focus.
I have found the focus to be
When I loose my focus. I look to see what's true.Love is true. Love has no color. It has no educational background. It just is. It's there when you need it. It lifts you up, when you are weak.
It loves you forver, if you are in fact a champion of it. It love you as if you were whole. Even when you are down. It doesn't steal from the broken(already)hearted.
"it bears all things.
hopes all things...
endurances all things
love never fails"
