• 3 years ago
EP: 1 | The 911 Call For Paramedics | The Takoda Collins Story
#TheTakodaCollinsStory #TrueCrime #CrimeChamps

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Takoda Collins, was hospitalized December 13, 2019 after medics were called to a home at 1934 Kensington Drive in Dayton. He was pronounced dead at the hospital.

McLean told the 911 dispatcher that Collins has had medical issues in the past, including "mental behavior," and he hurt himself all the time and slammed his own head. "It never ends," McLean told the dispatcher.

The dispatcher directed McLean to perform CPR on the boy. McLean said Takoda had something coming out of his mouth at the time, which he couldn't identify. The dispatcher said the obstructed needed to be cleared before McLean could perform CPR. McLean said the obstruction was deep in the boy's throat. The dispatcher had McLean turn his son on his side to help keep him from choking on vomit.

After several minutes, medics and police arrived and the 911 call caught the discussion with McLean and first responders.

Women who lived at the home, Amanda Hinze, 28, and Jennifer Ebert, 25, face four counts each of child endangerment. Hinze is identified as McLean's girlfriend. Ebert is Hinze's sister. All three defendants lived in the same home. The women were also arraigned December 31, 2019.

McLean pleaded not guilty to the charges against him on December 31, 2019. The judge ordered bond of $1 million, plus electronic home detention if released. He also was ordered by the judge not to have any contact with anyone under 18 years old.

His next court date was scheduled for 2 p.m. Wednesday, January 15, 2020.


