Stay Lucky - The Devil Wept In Leeds (1990)/Jan Francis, Michael Jayston, Dennis Waterman

  • 2 years ago
When Londoner Thomas Gynn escapes from his dodgy associations in the
capital for a new life up north, he needs to 'stay lucky'. He literally
runs in to feisty Yorkshire lass (and damsel-in-distress) Sally
Hardcastle on the A1 - getting her broken down car back on the road.
Sally runs a narrowboat business in Leeds, and it soon seems that this
unlikely couple will be exploring new and uncharted waters together.
Thomas takes Sally on a nocturnal visit to pick up some novelty alarm
clocks - but instead they inadvertently end up rescuing Europe's number
one hitman... in a somewhat unlikely turn of events. He seems rather
pleased to have been relieved of his 'Chicago Overcoat', and is keen to
repay them for their trouble - but could it have deadly consequences?
Starring Jan Francis, Dennis Waterman, Michael Jayston, Dean Harris, Tim
Wylton, Denis Lill, Niall Toibin. Directed by David Reynolds.
Screenplay by Steven Moffat.