Airports Authority of India Chairman Sanjeev Kumar on November 2 in Panaji, said that the number of airports is increasing in the country as every year five to six airports are being inaugurated which means every two months, a new airport is coming.
“The air traffic is getting more and more intense in our skies. The complexity of air space is increasing every day and managing this complexity of air space with enhanced standards of safety is important,” the Airports Authority of India Chairman said.
“Every year we are inaugurating 5 to 6 airports which means every two months, a new airport is coming. The number of airports is increasing. Our aviation industry is growing at a good speed. While we grow, we have to be safe at the same time,” he added.
“The air traffic is getting more and more intense in our skies. The complexity of air space is increasing every day and managing this complexity of air space with enhanced standards of safety is important,” the Airports Authority of India Chairman said.
“Every year we are inaugurating 5 to 6 airports which means every two months, a new airport is coming. The number of airports is increasing. Our aviation industry is growing at a good speed. While we grow, we have to be safe at the same time,” he added.