• 3 tahun yang lalu
The deadliest sea snake,
the most venomous creature in the world, the most venomous sea snake in the world.
Beautiful but dangerous sea snakes.
Beautiful but deadly creaturs.

This video contains a list of the most venomous sea snakes in the world, even though they seem shy and timid, we should not be careless about it.

The sea snakes here are the most dangerous sea snakes among many other sea snakes.

let's learn to recognize their characteristics and habits so that we know and be more aware of these sea snakes if one day we encounter them.

If one day you come across one of these snakes, don't act rashly, stay alert and stay away from them, even though they look beautiful and seem harmless, they are still a snake that can hurt you.

Always remember, what is beautiful is not necessarily good, but what is good is definitely beautiful.

Thank you for watching this video, I hope you all enjoy it and understand the information I convey about these sea snakes.

Keep doing good to others and to yourself so that life is more meaningful.


