15 Secret Service Tactics that are Insane

  • 2 years ago
15 Secret Service Tactics that are Insane

When you’re #one of the #most #important people in the #world, the last thing you can #leave the #house without its protection. And in this #case, that house is the #White #House and that #protection is the #Secret Service. #Founded in 1865 to #combat the rise of #counterfeit #currency in the U.S. the Secret Service has #evolved to the first #line of #defense for not just the #President of the #United #States but for the First Family and visiting heads of state as well. With an #annual #budget of #about $2.2 billion a year, there are now more than 7,000 Secret Service members. Some are #pencil #pushers, others are tech #nerds, and some are ready to take a #bullet for the #Commander in Chief without #hesitation. But no #matter their #role, everyone is important. And while their day-to-day tasks may seem #obvious to most, there are those #tasks that #range from #strange to #intriguing. So join us for today’s #video, where we #look at the top 15 #Secret #Service #tactics that are just #incredible!